[North America] NEW SPLATFEST: Team Past Travel vs. Team Future Travel!

Team Past or Team Future?

  • Travel to the past

    Votes: 50 46.7%
  • Travel to the future

    Votes: 40 37.4%
  • Undecided/screw Splatfests I'm salty

    Votes: 17 15.9%

  • Total voters


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
As for the USA vs. the USSR, the USSR is definitely no more, and like most historians, I would put that as the end of the Cold War. What you're describing is a cold war. Now, I'd want to end this discussion because politics is a messy topic and we're getting into modern politics now, which is controversial no matter what you say, but I just want to say that at the very least, the United States and Russia are together in the fight against Islamic State. And pretty much every other country now. (Heck, even China, which usually prefers to mind its own business, has jumped into the fight.)
Obligatory history spoiler tag:

Well, relations in this case are interesting and unique for a variety of reasons. Yes the difference in socio-economic systems and the quest to spread each was the driving cause of the Cold War and that indeed ended. Yet the usual historical definition for the end of a war upon defeat of one side assumes the conquest and dissolution of one side. No side was conquered or dissolved. The political structure of one collapsed under its own weight and restructured. The USSR was a clunky construct no matter how you slice it. The uneasy "union" of Russia and conquered territories held by unwilling force and puppet governments, meanwhile, Russia, the backbone of it, was effectively conquered by the Bolsheviks at the onset, then the Bolsheviks were co-opted (and massacred) by the Stalinists upon Lenin's death. So Russia was, at the time of the USSR, in this weird nowhere-land. They enjoyed a position of power and influence while at the same time being oppressed and, in Stalin's time, systematically killed by their own occupiers from within. So in the unlikely situation that a nation effectively conquers itself along with its neighbors and a ruling party holds it all together by force and intrigue, a similar nowhere-land emerges once that clunky structure inevitably collapses. The question is: What WAS the USSR? Was it Russia? Yes...and no. There's not a right answer, and that defines Russia's position today: It's still trying to determine where exactly they are. They know where they've come from, they know where they'd like to be, but they're still working on figuring out where exactly they are right now. Between WWII and the Soviet years, they lost almost a century of their own history and a vast portion of their population. The 90's were spent digging out of the ruin left behind by the Soviets pillaging, well, everything, wherever they could, so it's only recently they've got to a point where they can look around and say "Ok, that's now done...so...where are we?" Add in the scope of Russian history building the general Russian outlook on everything. Russian history is tragic and fascinating, and it's built this wonderfully wry pessimism in overall Russian thinking. Every friend & ally they've ever had found some way to betray them pretty much always. So the standard Russian attitude to anything policy wise tends to be "well, we're gonna' get screwed anyway, so, whatever" (Imagine Splatoon's ranked points system with real guns....that's pretty much Russian history in a nutshell...Yay, a winning streak! Aaaand back down to C+.)

So in that cloud of pessimism and history, there's this weird balance of things with Russia. Not just with the US but with everyone. They're not very interested in making friends with ANYONE, not just the US, but anyone, as that's never ended well for them. But their relationship with the US is unique. There remains resentment as bitter opponents, and yet there's also this odd respect. They know where they stand with us, which is more than they can say for most of their friends and foes through history, and despite the adversarial approach, they often seem to have a closer relationship with the US than most other countries. I think they're probably more comfortable with a "cooperative adversary' relationship than any other kind because it's one with defined boundaries, and that's something they know they can work with without getting screwed. So did the Cold War end? Yes...and no. It's certainly different in either case. Also note that the "stand-off-ish" Russian attitude applies to the nation, not the individual people. Individual Russians are generally the most outgoing people you'll find, and generally friendly to Americans, and both (mostly) share a severe hatred of all things Soviet which is a common bond. It's the nation as a unit that keeps its distance from everyone.

(Years ago I had a Russian teacher. Soviet trained, defected in the 80's. He spent more time talking about interesting things about Russian & Soviet history than things he was actually supposed to be covering. And he loooved to talk... :p But it was a fascinating window into how things REALLY happened from the other side compared to how it reads in a book. History almost NEVER actually happened the way it looks in a book, because history books are a condensed version of many places, people, and points in time like a Forrest Gump view of history. It makes things look so much larger than life than they looked to anyone at the time and all nuance and complexity gets lost for the glossy sheen of a linear pont of view.)

As for China's involvement in the ME, it makes perfect sense, despite their usual non-interference outside Asia Pacific policy. The ME has been central to their trade for millennia. Silk Road through modern oil. They don't have much choice but to get involved if their most ancient of trade routes is at stake.

You get 3 Super Sea Snails by picking the losing side and sitting out the Splatfest entirely, by the way. The game classifies you as a (Team) Fanboy/Fangirl with 0 points. So you get at minimum 3 Super Sea Snails simply by voting.
That's pretty cool! Not that you can do much with 3 snails, but it's still a free 90,000 gold for just voting! If was hoarding all my snails but I'm now down to 25 snails or so. I haven't rerolled anything, but I've been adding slots to anything that might be viable for me. (And a few useless things that look sooo fresh! :D)

By the way, if you're referring to the ramen Splatfest in Japan, those are pretty specific types of ramen: Tempura vs. tonkotsu, both of which have to be prepared fresh on the premises (well, you could dehydrate them, but they won't be very good or resemble normal tempura or tonkotsu in the least). Hence, that Splatfest refers not to instant noodles, but ramen prepared in restaurants. Think Ichiraku Ramen from Naruto, if you're familiar with that.
No, it's Maru Chan Red Fox vs Green Tanuki. They're very much dehydrated instant ramen ;) Maybe they ALSO sell them fresh in Japan, but I've certainly only ever seen the instant version, and the Splatfest artwork is of the instant ramen cups. (This is the pair of sponsored Splatfests I'm referring to.) There might have been a different splatfest about fresh ramen, but if so, that's a LOT of Splatfests about noodles. Which might explain why the teams are more balanced :D

Oh wow, is that the case? I wonder why that happens. Is it because most people in the world read from left to right, and so the option on the left is the first one they see?
I really can't think of any reasoned pattern to it. It's probably coincidence (outside the NoA where the snowball effect does tilt things toward those "in the know" going with Callie.) But I also think that will shift, like you said, over time when "everyone does it." But it does SEEM like an odd pattern. Maybe Callie is in charge of team scoring. That would explain the neurotic matchmaking. Or maybe Marie just managed to tick off Judd one too many times. :D

(BTW, have fun at Arcade Expo. I'll miss the stories of your little inkers from the Splatfest! :()

Funny, it was the opposite for me. I thought the Nice Squids did alright, but good Lord were the Pizza Squids the worst moth—erm, I'm-a stop there. Let's just say I was legitimately surprised that the Burgers didn't have a higher win rate.

I'm really not sure why Marie's teams have such an awful record. Karma for lucking out with the first Cats vs. Dogs Splatfest? Although that would make more sense if it was the first Splatfest in Splatoon's lifetime...
LOL, probably just my perception I was Burgers/Nice. I don't think Nice did all that badly, I didn't really get terrible teams (unlike in ranked :mad:) but my opponents were always 3 tiers ahead. It wasn't so much that I was great and my team failed me (unlike in ranked :mad:) so much as we all got stomped. Though my teammates did have a habit of just charging to Team Deathmatch and getting repeatedly splatted . I REALLY hope this one is better. After Custom Hydra comes out tonight I figure my inevitable losing streak before the Fest starts should put me in a better tier of players :p

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Regarding conditions of ending a war, I think we can all definitively say the War of 1812 is over, and neither the United States nor the United Kingdom were conquered or dissolved. After a brief amount of fighting (well, brief for a war), both sides decided to stop and call it quits, and both sides decided they won. (That being said, both countries were also seeking to conquer a third area, Canada, though it was already partially under British control, and the War of 1812 put a stop to them both.)

By the way, I have never re-rolled anything either. I just add slots if I particularly like an item of clothing, or if it's 2 stars or less and rolled at least two of the same thing when leveling up (either main and sub or two subs, or in one case, main and two subs).

I must be thinking of another Splatfest then...I remember seeing one with pictures of ramen, where the one for Callie had tempura in it and the one for Marie had tonkotsu in it. Maybe it WAS instant noodles, and they were added in later. They do that in Asia. It's the west that's unusual in that we eat instant ramen without adding anything. Korea is more extreme about it though, where any entree will have like six additional smaller bowls of japchae, kimchi, fried fish, pickled vegetables, etc. around it.


Full Squid
Jun 19, 2015
Is anyone getting tired of the less popular team winning? I would like it if both sides have a chance to win and not a scenario where the less popular team wins so we all have to deal with it.
What's even worse is knowing that the more popular team is always the one that attracts kids in droves. It just feels mean once you realize what's going on (in addition to getting tired of lopsided matches.) PLEASE, please fix it.

On the upside, I think this Splatfest might be good, because it pits the kids' love of spaceships against their love of dinosaurs. Sort of like what Art vs. Science did. And for the record, I'm team future.

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Yeah, I was really into both paleontology and astronomy when I was younger. Still do. I still keep up with recent trends in both, and I definitely enjoyed both Jurassic World and The Force Awakens, as inaccurate as they may be (but Jurassic is making a bigger attempt).

By the way, did you know Olympus Mons is no longer the tallest mountain in the Solar System? In late 2015, the Dawn spacecraft, exploring the Asteroid Belt, discovered the Rheasilvia peak on the asteroid Vesta is two kilometers taller than Olympus Mons. (The equatorial ridge on Saturn's moon Iapetus may be of comparable height, but they haven't measured it accurately yet. It is, however, unquestionably the tallest mountain range in the Solar System.)


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
I guess I'll go team past, because I know in the future I'm just gonna wish I could go back to the days when I was younger. (I'm honestly more a present person but that's not an option)


Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
Every friend & ally they've ever had found some way to betray them pretty much always.
I cannot speak for pre-Cold War Russian history, but both the US and USSR made the mistake of assuming every regional conflict had something to do with this hegemonic power struggle between the two superpowers. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Arab-Israeli conflicts arose from local conflicts. The US and USSR poured money, equipment, and personnel into these conflicts expecting these countries to fall in line with their political ideology. Those insurgencies and governments had no interest whatsoever in whatever political games the two superpowers were playing, but wanted support for their revolutions or counter-revolutions. The USSR wasn't betrayed by anyone. They gave a bunch of people guns and assumed those people would fight for Soviet interests. The US didn't fair much better, because policymakers committed US forces and resources to several regional conflicts with minimal impact on the global balance of power. There are several books about this and I also had to write a term paper on how US policymakers ignored intelligence estimates when making strategic decisions in the Cold War. It really makes you want to rip your hair out.

So did the Cold War end? Yes...and no.
The actual conflict ended. Policymakers keep it alive by making decisions as if the Cold War was still going on. It can't be helped I suppose. That was the era that shaped them, thus they can't shake their Cold War mentality. To be fair, we are still seeing the same type of proxy wars now that went on during the Cold War.

Regarding conditions of ending a war, I think we can all definitively say the War of 1812 is over, and neither the United States nor the United Kingdom were conquered or dissolved. After a brief amount of fighting (well, brief for a war), both sides decided to stop and call it quits, and both sides decided they won.
War is a continuation of policy by other means. It's born of political circumstance and aims to achieve a political goal. The total elimination of the enemy is only the goal in a total war. Wars can have a wide variety of political objectives. When those objectives are either met or deemed too costly, there's no point in investing resources in a conflict that has run its course.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 17, 2015
This is definitely Art vs Science 2.0. Its so split down the middle in terms of popularity, I might as well pick one out of random!

There's a good chance I'll go with past since I'm not as interested in the future as I used to be in terms of time travel (I mean, let's face it: it'll just be better technology, and probably even worse tv). I always wanted to see what the 80's were like, see old trade shows like E3 and CES first hand, and of course relive the 90's. So, if I were to pick one based on personal interests alone, I'll probably go with Team Past. :)
Last edited:


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Regarding conditions of ending a war, I think we can all definitively say the War of 1812 is over, and neither the United States nor the United Kingdom were conquered or dissolved. After a brief amount of fighting (well, brief for a war), both sides decided to stop and call it quits, and both sides decided they won. (That being said, both countries were also seeking to conquer a third area, Canada, though it was already partially under British control, and the War of 1812 put a stop to them both.)
Oops, I think I wasn't clear in my description, I didn't mean wars are only considered over when one side is conquered. 1812 was a succession of hostilities, that's different. I meant in such cases when a war is considered by historians to have ended as a result of the the destruction/collapse/ceased existence of one side, that traditionally assumes the conquest/collapse of said civilization.

USSR was a clunky construct overlaid on top of 1 semi-unwilling and a bunch of fully unwilling member states. It fully failed, but the member states under it did not, and were never occupied, conquered, or dissolved as a result of it's failure.

By the way, I have never re-rolled anything either. I just add slots if I particularly like an item of clothing, or if it's 2 stars or less and rolled at least two of the same thing when leveling up (either main and sub or two subs, or in one case, main and two subs).
Yeah, I don't trust rerolls, there's always that chance that I lose the ONE ability I wanted and get 3 I don't. And trying to get a PERFECT is just insane. I got irritated with an S+ that was just leveling me in TW yesterday. He had all NINE subs with swim speed up. Now, tell me he's not savescumming? Filthy cheaters... (I know not everyone considers scumming to be cheating. I'm pretty sure the devs didn't intend 9 slots to be filled with the same thing to be a genuinely attainable result without massive snail/cash hoarding. )

I must be thinking of another Splatfest then...I remember seeing one with pictures of ramen, where the one for Callie had tempura in it and the one for Marie had tonkotsu in it. Maybe it WAS instant noodles, and they were added in later. They do that in Asia. It's the west that's unusual in that we eat instant ramen without adding anything. Korea is more extreme about it though, where any entree will have like six additional smaller bowls of japchae, kimchi, fried fish, pickled vegetables, etc. around it.
Oh, I think I remember that one. There was a tempura one, but I didn't associate it with ramen in my mind. No the ones I'm talking about was the sponsored one (they actually just duplicated the same sponsored one again.) It was Maru Chan instant Red Fox vs. Green Tanuki. Different from the fresh ramen one. That's quite the noodle obsession in Japan...I'm jealous. :D

Now you're getting me hungry! :p


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I cannot speak for pre-Cold War Russian history, but both the US and USSR made the mistake of assuming every regional conflict had something to do with this hegemonic power struggle between the two superpowers. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and the Arab-Israeli conflicts arose from local conflicts. The US and USSR poured money, equipment, and personnel into these conflicts expecting these countries to fall in line with their political ideology. Those insurgencies and governments had no interest whatsoever in whatever political games the two superpowers were playing, but wanted support for their revolutions or counter-revolutions. The USSR wasn't betrayed by anyone. They gave a bunch of people guns and assumed those people would fight for Soviet interests. The US didn't fair much better, because policymakers committed US forces and resources to several regional conflicts with minimal impact on the global balance of power. There are several books about this and I also had to write a term paper on how US policymakers ignored intelligence estimates when making strategic decisions in the Cold War. It really makes you want to rip your hair out.
No, no, I'm talking Russian history more than Soviet history. Strictly pre-Cold War, pre-Soviet. You're right with all the above, which is it's own interesting history, but it's a different topic. :)


Only an hour to Splatfest. Go Team Callie...er...Past!

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
Man, when I played for the journey to King rank Team Past was simply tearing it up! Aside from some actual skilled groups from Team Future, I've have no trouble breaking people's faces in with my Neo Splash, Fishfry Visor and Tan Work Boots. In fact, I surpassed my max vibe record at one point before being brought down to just below it upon maxing out my Splatfest points. I'd say this was one of the more satisfying Splatfests I've been on and I'm hoping Team Past carries this awesome track record all the way through to the finish!

10 King of the Past.jpg


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
Omg team past is amazing

Entire thing from beginning-King I only lost 3 times. Not kidding or exaggerating. I've never gone a whole splatfest and lost so little, the closest was decepticons i lost a total of 17 times. And my friend is having similar luck with majority being wins for her.

The highlight of this splatfest for me is when my entire team ll had sprinklers. 2 custom hydra splatlings, a dynamo roller, and me as the nzap 89. We never lost from defender-halfway through champion(then I dced for some reason ;A; )

Good luck to all! :D


Jan 10, 2016
Shoutouts to Captain F, Miles, and James on Team Future! We stomped a bunch of groups that should have easily beaten us on paper and got a pretty sick win streak. I wish the rest of my games had gone as smoothly as ours, or that I had at least realized by the time I finished you'd be out of my recently played with list. :(


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
Y'know, it's weird. I had plenty of good teammatess, I had plenty of bad teammatess. Sorta like the last Splatfest, but this time around the bad teammatess were REALLY bad. Still not on Pizza's level, but Jesus... it got very rugged very fast. I should've quit while I was ahead.

But I persevered, and kept fighting—fighting for the glory, fighting for history and prehistory, fighting for the extra 6 Sea Snails. In hindsight, a very risky decision. But I was too entrenched in my mindset. I had to support my fellow Past Squids.

So here I stand, Krak-On Roller in tow, reflecting on the current past. Did my efforts pay off?

By God, it did!

This is actually the first time I've made it to Royal status within the first night of a Splatfest. And it can't be because of my skill—remember what I said about playing late at night? I'm surprised I didn't inadvertently sabotage my teams' efforts! So I think Marie's been screwed in the quality-squid department once again, sadly.

Oddly enough, I found myself doing much worse on Kelp Dome than usual. It's my favorite map for busting out the Krak-On Roller, and yet I think I won, what, four matches there? They must be catching onto me.

Even stranger was my luck with Piranha Pit. I had an even-ish amount of wins & losses there, but most of the wins were pure dominations. I feel kinda bad for those poor Future Squids...

...speaking of which, I couldn't help but notice that Marie's team is composed of Future Kings & Queens. Does this mean democracy will be dead in the future, replace by the monarchies of old?

Ah, screw it. I'm far too tired to be making semi-dramatic quips like these. I'm off to bed; if I'm feeling generous tomorrow (and I don't wake up with a reason to be pissed), I may go back on and help out my fellow Past Squids a bit.

Until then, Flareth out.

(P.S., I thought of the perfect name for the Past Squids. I'll dub us the Ammonites.
Get it? Ammonites? Ancient extinct cephalopods? A clear symbol of the Past?... never mind.)

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Well, I came back from my first day at Arcade Expo. By total coincidence, there were two pairs of pinball machines that represent Past vs. Future.

Jurassic Park vs. Star Wars! Ironically, Star Wars is a franchise set in space that happened in the past, whereas Jurassic Park is a franchise about dinosaurs that uses futuristic technology.
2016-01-16 03.18.24.jpg

The Flintstones vs. Demolition Man! Flintstones goes without saying; if you didn't grow up in the 90's, Demolition Man was a dystopian science fiction action story. Wesley Snipes hammed it up good. (If it was a movie released in the mid-90's, and it wasn't a period drama, Bally, Williams, Gottlieb, Data East, and SEGA would fight over who got to adapt it into a pinball machine. Sometimes, TV shows too--you can see a Star Trek: The Next Generation to the right, and you might have spotted a Rocky & Bullwinkle to the left on the above image.)

Also, I DID manage to get in some Splatfest and am currently at Future Champion, 46/99. So far, I've been seeing a roughly even mix of good Future teams and bad Future teams, whereas the Team Pasts I've been facing are about consistent in skill (which is above what I ordinarily see in Turf War). It is far, far less frustrating than Team Nice. I wasn't able to reach Nice Champion 46/99 by the END of the Splatfest. That was how bad it got.

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat
Yea, this one seems EXTREMELY tilted. My lowest team mate has been level 38.
This was the way the first game looked, and it nearly never ended up with the other team being decked out like Team Past was. I've lost one time so far, and I'm already half way through Defender.

I have had SEVERAL, I'm talking about 85% of my games, 1X/0 games much like this one.

Sorry team Future, if you pull this, you deserve double the Sea Snails.


Full Squid
Jun 19, 2015
Has team past ever had a past vs. past match? Meaning if they haven't, they're less popular.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Koopa Kingdom
Sounds like I made the right decision?

I sort of slept with my Wii U GamePad on in bed being on Miiverse so I need to recharge the thing before I can play today.

Can't wait. :)

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