Last night and this morning it was super easy on team Past - continuous win streaks with an outlying loss here and there, most games were total shutouts. None of the players seemed awful on either side, but the one was just always better - better enough to end up spawncamping Future.
By afternoon the tables turned and I saw long losing streaks followed by an occasional win. The odd things is the matchups seemed favorable for us on paper. Rooms of mostly lvl 35-ish players against rooms of teens and twenties, yet the teens and 20's were winning - Plaza said they're Cs & Bs - but they didn't move like Cs & Bs I've seen. I'm guessing the upper crust players got their main accounts up to royalty in the AM, then brought their alts in later - alts that are still in lower ranks and lower levels and they get placed in lower room. Other than that, it's the first time in WEEKS that I got to play TW without being crammed against unlimited S/S+ teams.
I was running aero then carbon since they're TW friendly. Reached King by late morning though, coasted my last 15pts 2pts at a time. The losing streak continued for a while, then picked up. Then when I switched to the eliters when I didn't care about turfing as much, the cracks of Team Past showed. I had a few bad rounds, we got overrun, there was an S or 2 on the other team. I broke even or had negative k/d- ok, it happens.
Then rounds I did well. 7/0 kind of well. We're talking lvl30-something players. But the team was painting NOTHING. I'd see one of them at the enemy spawn, alone, I'd see another one or two trying to ink the enemy base. I'd be left alone defending, and the enemy team would gang up 3-4 at a time on me - and my team would STILL not return to ink the base. It would be bare ground, and then by the end the entire map would be solidly the enemy colors. It's kind of hard for an eliter to 1v4. But I switched between all 4 eliter models and the splatterscope/splt charger. I did have a FEW good rounds, but it was becoming clear, if I did not ink the turf myself, the turf was not going to be inked. So I went back to Carbon & Aerospray in the evening, and sure enough, we started winning again.
I also discovered I'm shockingly good with an Aerospray MG. Now I have ANOTHER main.

I liked it back in the early days for me, but "moved past it" since it was mostly a crutch as an inker. Turns out it's a heck of a fighter too - and seekers aren't nearly as awful as I'd remembered.
So Team Past, from my matchmaking experience consisted of some very good killers who wouldn't be able to figure out how to paint in a Sherwin Williams factory.
There were a few oddities. Matchmaker was awful as usual. I had one round of all lvl40 somethings with myself on eliter. Our opponents were all noobs under level 9. One of them was named "mommy". It went about how you'd expect. After two of use were at around 5/0 I noticed all of us just kind of pulled back to within our upper base and just kind of stayed there running the clock out. That was just cruel.
The other was the laaaa
@SupaTim was very very right about that. Splat bombs were my nemesis too. I switched from aero to Carbon after I got to royalty, and I was doing REALLY bad. 3/7 kind of bad. This thing is one of my MAINS and my opponents are lvl20-somethings and I normally take this thing against S's - that should NOT happen. Granted, I've only adopted it as a main in the past month, but it's a main all the same.
And then I realized what was wrong. Burst bombs did NOTHING. I'd through 3, 4, 5, recover some ink 6 - NOTHING. I rely on them in enough situations that not getting the expected kill is a guaranteed splat for me. I'd hit at least one maybe two direct, then the rest still had the AoE sound. And nothing. And these guys were not wearing armor up. And I had 2 main and 3 sub dmg ups. Two should have offed them. Three should have scattered them. Apparently five does nothing at all to them. I was routinely missing splats and getting splatted instead due to running out of ink. Also, the times when I'd go to hit someone with the roller, and I saw them visibly teleport to either side of me 4 times before they finally splatted me after I was just flinging and flinging. Or the eliter I chased down with it that I hit no less than 5 times while nothing happened, only for him to teleport halfway down the hall in Hammerhead. But most of the lag was worst on Piranha and we've discussed some map specific lag issues there in the Piranha thread. What's weird is this is worse lag than I see with Japanese players (which is bad enough.)
Hangs on the stat screen were also common. There was this weird lag before the "Yeah!/Nope" screen displayed where it would hang there for a long time and I'd think "uh oh - other times it would get the "an error has occurred" screen. I presume the host player quit, but I've never seen that type of error at that point in the status or the long stalls before continuing.
I did get, especially near the end of the fest, a wave of "too close to call" matches, where several wins were down to tenths of a percent. I wish every round were like that!
All in all a good Splatfest at least on Team Past. The player base always has its weakness (Seriously Judd needs to sit these squiddos down for a manditory lecture on the meaning of BASE DEFENSE.) Had big wins, big losses, close calls, and even when my team was REEALLY bad, they STILL weren't as bad as my ranked teams!