Inkling Cadet
However, they added proper mouth-animations for the Octolings losing animation in one update.Not exactly. Bear in mind that game developers are busy people and will always cut corners on things the player won't see when they can. As I said before, Octolings are copies of female Inkling models and animation skeletons with different hair. This means that the devs also copied all the animations female Inklings have. Octolings run, jump, shoot, swim, etc. just like Inklings. Octolings probably have win/lose animations in their data table, but we don't ever see those in story mode because the trigger for those animations (winning or losing an online multiplayer match) are never activated in story mode. You will also notice Inklings lack those same animations in story mode. That's because the conditions that the game code sets for triggering those animations are never met in single player.
They have all the same animations as Inklings because, from a game development perspective, they are Inklings with a different head. The devs just copied the animations/values/game assets from the Inkling data table into the Octoling data table and set it where Octolings could only use their unique shooters. That takes far less time than inputting each animation individually, or copying the full data table and individually deleting all the animations they don't need. It is also a lot easier on a person's eyes and mental health.
When before the update, their mouth wouldn't show up during their losing animations.
Such has been confirmed by dataminers already.
There is no talking that away.