Okay, some weird stuff has been happening to me and I don't know if it's related to the update or a hack, but I can't explain it.
I was in a match earlier (like half an hour ago) and everything seemed fine at first. About a minute into the match, I get splatted out of nowhere, so I think 'Well the entire lobby is Japanese sans me, so it's just the usual lag'. Then the screen pans to the one who splatted me, and what it showed was really weird.
They were in squid form in the superjumping position, and all I could see around them was light blue, like they were falling through the map. I was really confused, but continued playing. About 30 seconds later, I get splatted from seemingly nowhere again, and I see the same thing: a frozen squid in the SJ position falling through the map. So I go somewhere and just watch the field. I see ink appearing out of nowhere in large splotches (they were a dynamo), and I just start shooting at where they were coming from, and get splatted again. Same thing. I sit at spawn and here comes the invisible roller, rolling around our base. He ended with 12/1, so obviously someone was able to splat him (or he fell in the water).
I assumed this was a hacker, so I blocked the user and continued play. A few matches later, the same thing happened with someone else, but they were a Tentatek. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but they were both at Mahi-Mahi Resort, and both were Japanese players.