Players Sabotage Turf Wars.


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Originally, one person said that you are just as much a "jerk" if you heavily beat weaker teams as if you ruined the match by squidpartying. But now that there's more stating this, I'll address this "argument" as a whole:

First of all, let me tell you that this is literally the first time I hear such lunacy. In fact, it's crazy. And that is because in the first scenario the game is played as it was intended whereas in the second scenario the game is played in a way that it was not intended.

When I referred to the terminus "war" in Turf War, I simply meant that this points to the general direction of how the game is supposed to be played. It's about 2 teams, consisting of 4 players each who rival to cover the most turf in ink. It is simple as that. It is a fun game, but you generally play it to win. If one player crashs - too bad - I will still push the objective and take advantage of the enemy team being outnumbered. Just like I'll accept if one of mine crashs. I will bear the enemy no ill will if he takes advantage of us being just three: I expect him to give his all. Only then it will feel like an accomplishment if you beat them anyway. And if you lose, you know everyone did their best against the bad odds. In the end, it will be 3 minutes of fun eitherway, eh?

It is not fun when people start willingly ruining the battle for others. The notion of squidparties being all friendly and in good fun is BS. I am sorry, but that's what it is. When you squidparty, you'll always accept ruining the game for the players who came to enjoy a normal match of Splatoon. And there's no talking away that.

For easier understanding: Imagine you took a bunch of foul eggs to a crowded mall and start having a throwing-party with your mates. The people who came to use the mall as intended will get hit eventually. You scream "Booyah" and explain to them that it's all supposed to be freindly. That's squidparties in a nutshell.
Insert the obligatory "I hate language barriers" and "I have a name, y'know" here. What I meant when I wrote this is, when you're trying to justify curbstomps (Turf "War", because of the localization terminus), further saying it's not supposed to be casual, let me say this in simpler terms, hopefully this time my point will get across. There is no ranking, no leaderboards*, no power levels* involved in Turf War. Hence, Turf War is not a competitive, but a casual mode. I addressed another issue in my post, it being curbstomping in 3v4 scenarios (caused by voluntary or involuntary DCs, another squissue we're having apart form Squid Parties) by going as highly aggressive, including violent spawncamping and the likes. There is no justifying such behavior contrary to what people want to believe, and everyone being so "in yo face" about an unfair match right off the bat until the timer runs out should really question themselves at times. Sadly, they don't really know where to draw the line. Which is why I addressed this. What I'm saying here is:

It's good on ya if you expect people to give it "their all", the question is "Where does giving your all end and where does being a jerk someone displaying unsportsmanlike behavior begin?" in such scenarios. I don't mind if they're being serious enough not to let my teamies run freely in general, but if things end up in three minute spawncamp scenarios with specials and burst bombs being hurled at the spawn point, that's just overkill, unfun and to be bland, unfair and unneccessarily brutal. If you are on the camp of "this is totally okay", then oof, please, go ahead. That's exactly the kind of mindset that makes Turf War stressful enough for my friends to play it for no more than a handful of matches at best - because the thing is, DCs happen a lot despite regional matchmaking, and it would've certainly helped if people were less over-the-top serious about it, to put in in nicer words. Or I should just make more super serious Turf Warriors friends so I'm less lonely when playing, muhahaha! see, I'm quite lonely at times.

Now, for Squid Parties, again, they're not limited to casual modes. Blaming people for perceiving a mode to be casual to feel squid partying is okay, let me put this into perspective. The ones that do it outside of Private Battles, do it across all modes, including competitive ones, ranked and league. And yes, I say that because I've actually ran into Squid Partiers in league, saaaadly on my team. Needless to say, that wasn't salvageable because we were two squids short and lost a good amount of points too.

I have been in no way justifying squid parties [1], but again if we put this into perspective, Turf being ultimately a casual mode, I don't groan about the occassional squid flop or blooper (own or teammate) as much as I would have in other modes. By which I meant, occassional. It doesn't include full-blown squid parties, what it included was: "More boo-yahs", "a five second greeting flop", "falling out of position, wellp, squid happens." Lots of things lose their negative impact when you remember it's just Turf. It doesn't mean put fooling around first, but allowing for these mistakes or short bursts of crazy to happen in said mode is where so much good humor stems from.

.What I find equality bad is anybody over a level 10 using any weapon other than a charger or blaster that can’t constantly ink 450 turf
Yo, friendo, don't justify their choice of weapon to turf well below 600. I'm a Charger main who can easily out-turf classic turfing weapons in almost any mode and I've easily pulled 800 on a Blaster. Yes, they'll tend to turf less, but it doesn't give them the free slip. Seeing Chargers who don't turf at all, especially in Sploon 2, breaks my heart just as much as non-turfing in general does. c:

*sighs* Now I need some good beverage.

Second of all, throwing matches by either putting your console in sleep mode (DC) or not participating in the match by either squid partying or goofing around, filling the smallest gaps of ink or somethin' is still a bag of suck for everyone, casual mode or not.

*For those with a sharp mind: Yes, this excludes Splatfest for obvious reasons, where there's actual leaderboards making their return, but I'm talking strictly vanilla Turf War here.


Senior Squid
Aug 8, 2017
Switch Friend Code
To me, Turf war is a joke anyways. You get rewards either way. The match is decided in the last thirty seconds.


Inkster Jr.
Nov 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
If you're really that angry you can use the report feature on the switch app, but frankly, in my opinion, I don't mind that much if there's a squid party. Sometimes it gets annoying but you can always do as many turf wars want with no consequence. However, if somebody's partying in ranked mode, that's when it becomes completely inappropriate.


Pro Squid
Oct 5, 2017
Switch Friend Code
[...] I agree that the type of partying you described is hella annoying. My personal feelings is that it’s not worse than the curb stomp thing that people do to you in a 3v4 although if the other 2 on my team are above about a level 20 and are trying It doesn’t usually come to that..[...]I think it’s possible that people take this game a bit more seriously than I do though and that’s all good too. [...] I do tend to screw off a bit and maybe party a little as i’ve described earlier.. Hope nobody’s mad;) To the original intent of this topic, I don’t experience that type of partying all that often and I don’t think the intent is to help out friends or whatever.. I think people are just screwing around and aren’t worried about how it’s affecting the other players. Jerk move, but there’s no law against it..
I've edited your post for relevance to the discussion and will only comment on that. I hope that is fine.

First, it is perfectly fine that you feel beating teams heavily 4 v 3 is equally annoying. But ignoring feelings and viewing facts, as I did up there, you'll find out that the aforementioned is perfectly intended to happen by the game while squidpartying is not.

Secondly, it has nothing to do with taking a game too seriouskly. It is integral to games that they are not serious. What it is about is that the game becomes pointless for your team mates when you do not play it as intended.

That you go squidpartying yourself and go "Oh, I hope nobody is mad!" while you do it is ignorant as heck and an act of hyprocricy, considering you admitted to squidparties being annoying just a few lines above. Of course people are mad. You are forcing them to stay atleast 3 minutes with you while you jump around and screaming "Booyah", doing bugger all to commit to the actual objective.

I also have honestly no idea how the intent of squidparties is to help out friends, as you said. In fact, it is helping no one. Your friend would probably be more thankful if you were of any use at all to your team, instead of wasting your team's time.

You are completely right with the last bit of your text. A good number of the people doing it are not at all worried about how it is affecting the other players. We learn from this that holding a minute, using your brain and reconsidering what the heck you are doing is a good idea. This isn't limited to Splatoon , it actually applies to the people in general and the world would be a much better place if people did it frequently. Haha.


Либра - Sorry. Saw your post quite late in.

I am quite sure I understood your post correctly. You did make a few valid points and I tried to break it down to a general opinion that I addressed in my earlier post. It's a pity you felt misunderstood.

Reading your new reply, I found out where our opinions fall apart. It has to do with the word "casual". Casual to me is something that is not in the slightest competitive. And such a scenario can be created in private battles and only there.

Turf - however - is not casual, as there still is something on the line. It's about winning and benefitting from more exp. Also, your weapon has it's own turf score. You may have noticed.
Of course Turf may not be as competitive as Ranked or League for the exact reasons you stated. But it is competitive. After all, there are teams competing, are there not?

Regarding sportmansship: I'm sorry, but this is a game about defeating the other team. If all the enemy team is doing is just being far better than the other team (for whatever reason, be it a dc or a vast skill difference), then they are right to do so. I don't see why a good player should hold back. If somebody is very decent, I infact want him to play good, so people can learn from that. If you get frustrated ONLY because the other team is so good, they pushed you back to your start point, then you should practise more, not blame them.

A whole different thing is "squidbagging" or any other form of "ridiculing" the enemy who's struggling. I completely agree that's unsporty and a stupid move.
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Senior Squid
Apr 25, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Like I said... not here to argue.. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree;) I’m a good player and always do my best to help my team win. I don’t think you’re understanding me correctly and that’s fine, no worries:) You do you. I gots nothing to proove.


Pro Squid
Oct 5, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Like I said... not here to argue.. I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree;) I’m a good player and always do my best to help my team win. I don’t think you’re understanding me correctly and that’s fine, no worries:) You do you. I gots nothing to proove.
Sure, it was never my goal to make you stop doing squidparties. I'm sure you will continue doing them. It was my intent to point out what's wrong with them. And I think I managed to do that, as you condeded that squidparties are annoying.

However, I think I understood you very well. But as you lack interest to discuss further, we'll never find out. Have a good day, sir.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Ultimately, I just want to play the game as intended. I have plenty to rant about just with that alone :P


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Либра - Sorry. Saw your post quite late in.

I am quite sure I understood your post correctly. You did make a few valid points and I tried to break it down to a general opinion that I addressed in my earlier post. It's a pity you felt misunderstood.

1.1) Reading your new reply, I found out where our opinions fall apart. It has to do with the word "casual". Casual to me is something that is not in the slightest competitive. And such a scenario can be created in private battles and only there.

1.2) Turf - however - is not casual, as there still is something on the line. It's about winning and benefitting from more exp. Also, your weapon has it's own turf score. You may have noticed.
Of course Turf may not be as competitive as Ranked or League for the exact reasons you stated. But it is competitive. After all, there are teams competing, are there not?

2) Regarding sportmansship: I'm sorry, but this is a game about defeating the other team. If all the enemy team is doing is just being far better than the other team (for whatever reason, be it a dc or a vast skill difference), then they are right to do so. I don't see why a good player should hold back. If somebody is very decent, I infact want him to play good, so people can learn from that. If you get frustrated ONLY because the other team is so good, they pushed you back to your start point, then you should practise more, not blame them.

2) A whole different thing is "squidbagging" or any other form of "ridiculing" the enemy who's struggling. I completely agree that's unsporty and a stupid move.
Yeah, I felt my post was put out of context to address people who share a vastly different opinion from mine and it doesn't help I sometimes feel my English is too whacky to be understood correctly. I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers with my reply, I have a hard time judging the perceived tone of my writing from the view of a native speaker or English speakers from other countries in general. c: Anyway, moving on.

I'll add some numbers to your paragraphs so I don't lose track, hope you don't mind.

1.1) It's in fact a tricky question because you gotta know where to draw the line there and it's highly subjective. If I went by "not competitive in the slightest", no game would fit that description! Heck, even chess can be played casually and competitively, it's the same game, but laid out differently depending on context. Now in Splatoon terms, we have three different modes, two of them being geared towards competitive folks. In league, you try to achieve the highest score possible to earn your gold medal and a good spot on the leaderboard. In Ranked, your rank is being affected. It has a much larger impact in what lobbies and against what kind of players you'll end up with. It has its issues obviously, refer to Guy's recent salt post for more on that, but it attempts to put you into tiers. In other words, that's where being competitive really has some notable effect on your results. Which brings me to Turf again, where ...

1.2 ) ... Freshness scores are an indicator of your W/L ratio if you put in in simplest terms, yes. But they're all there is to it. You can achieve a good EXP boost once you hit a certain score but by the time you get there, either due to iffy matchmaking or DCs, you've already earned 1.5-2x the amount anyway.

Now you can argue this freshness score per weapon makes Turf War more competitive than casual. But how does this small incentive to give it your best make it as competitive as things can get? Here's the catch to further lay out my thoughts: The Freshness bonus doesn't affect your placement, your matchmaker, the lobbies you end up in. The matchmaker tries to put you in a lobby of similarly-leveled people. It doesn't look at your ranked-rank in the slightest (big mistake, as the skill discrepancy in the same levels is enormous), and it fails to match levels anyway. You can do the test any day, walk out of each and every lobby you're in and look at the ranks, the gear, the levels... it's all a big mess. And the best way to deal with this big mess is to treat it more casually with a side of competitive. Of course you're competing, but losses don't matter as much.

(And this common-DCs and lopsided matchmaking thing is a real issue and people are affected by it differently. To put it in simple terms, a small anecdote from a friend: "If I wasn't sitting right next to you when this happened, I wouldn't have believed one can have so much bad luck." I may be a rare case of a bad luck magnet and as such, may be more biased to err on the side of a casual view to keep my sanity.)

2) Oof. You don't quite seem to understand what the underlying problem is (because I fail at getting my point across, so I'll try once more). This isn't about me complaining I'm getting spawncamped. This happens once in a blue moon with a concoction of low levels who can't hold their controller straight and a DC on top of that against a full team of clearly good competitive folks. I have no power over the matchmaker, nor do I have the power to overcome physical limitations to best a team of four otherwise equally skilled squibs. It's just not much to ask to show some common decency, and burst bombing and stingraying a spawnpoint is just as disrespectful behavior as squidbagging (which is often accompanied it, btw) at this point and that's where I draw the line, personally. Again, this is not me asking them not to play at their best, but there's a difference between being obnoxious and in-yo-face about an unfortunate match-up and giving it your best regardless. I can tell people just playing well from people being obnoxious about unfortunate match-ups, trust me on that one. At the end of the day, these matches are just so unneccessarily aggravating that I felt I needed to address this in case someone was going overboard without realizing they were going a step too far.


Senior Squid
Apr 25, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Sure, it was never my goal to make you stop doing squidparties. I'm sure you will continue doing them. It was my intent to point out what's wrong with them. And I think I managed to do that, as you condeded that squidparties are annoying.

However, I think I understood you very well. But as you lack interest to discuss further, we'll never find out. Have a good day, sir.
The thing is I don’t really squid party the way you’re describing it. My comment about inking the most turf and my team winning all the wile kind of being a screw off is more my speed,and yes i’ll accept the fact that people might find it annoying;) Ultimately i’m just saying i accept the game and all it’s quirks and habits of other players including the stuff that occasionally makes me salty for what they are and generally have a lot of fun even when i loose. I don’t have an expectation of how it should be played. It’s just played how it’s played in the moment i’m there and I deal with it. If other people see it differently that’s cool too. We’re all different. I’m happyto discuss all of this stuff. I just want it to be a mutual understanding and not me being told how things should be.. I’ve been playing since pretty much the beginning of 1. I love the game and the community around it . I’m just not crazy worried about winning at turf war..


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
I'm kinda neutral towards people who squid party. It doesn't especially bother me, but I'll also leave a lobby that has them. In Turf Wars, I try to make a point to not attack a player who isn't hostile. If I see a squid party, I'll flop for a second, maybe paint a smiley face on the wall to show I'm not hostile, then go on my way turfing. Some people squid party in public lobbies to make friends, and I think that's fine.

If two friends start squid partying when they're on the opposite team, that just means the match is 3 vs 3.

Sometimes I will get confused about whether or not a player is hostile. There was one time I faced off against a Splattershot Pro, and he used Ink Storm....except he didn't throw the bomb-thing. He just ran at me with it, so I just stood there thinking the guy was playing around, then after he threw it, he started shooting at me! Freaking trickster!


Senior Squid
Apr 25, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm kinda neutral towards people who squid party. It doesn't especially bother me, but I'll also leave a lobby that has them. In Turf Wars, I try to make a point to not attack a player who isn't hostile. If I see a squid party, I'll flop for a second, maybe paint a smiley face on the wall to show I'm not hostile, then go on my way turfing. Some people squid party in public lobbies to make friends, and I think that's fine.

If two friends start squid partying when they're on the opposite team, that just means the match is 3 vs 3.

Sometimes I will get confused about whether or not a player is hostile. There was one time I faced off against a Splattershot Pro, and he used Ink Storm....except he didn't throw the bomb-thing. He just ran at me with it, so I just stood there thinking the guy was playing around, then after he threw it, he started shooting at me! Freaking trickster!
Those tense moments when you aren’t really sure if you can trust that they won’t splat you:P Can’t buy that kind of fun... I feel like you’re missing a huge part of the game if you’ve never experienced it, and you just run around and splat everybody you see.. Just one persons opinion...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Those tense moments when you aren’t really sure if you can trust that they won’t splat you:p Can’t buy that kind of fun... I feel like you’re missing a huge part of the game if you’ve never experienced it, and you just run around and splat everybody you see.. Just one persons opinion...


Senior Squid
Apr 25, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Am I the only on who’s noticed that I’m always on the good guys team?...and how often Dad is playing????


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Ultimately it doesn't matter what anyone thinks about 4v3 matches. It doesn't change that squidpartying means knowingly ruining matches for others. Just because in your opinion one is worse, doesn't make the other okay. Especially seeing as they have s*** to do with each other in the first place.

And it honestly doesn't matter either if Turf War falls into 'causal' or not or whatever. You can label it any way you want, but at the end of the day, that too is a mode people would like to enjoy their time with.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 13, 2017
And it honestly doesn't matter either if Turf War falls into 'causal' or not or whatever. You can label it any way you want, but at the end of the day, that too is a mode people would like to enjoy their time with.
Exactly the point. Complaining about Squid Partying is like complaining that the people next are letting off fireworks ON THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER (or the 4th of July I guess) - just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to do it.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Exactly the point. Complaining about Squid Partying is like complaining that the people next are letting off fireworks ON THE 5TH OF NOVEMBER (or the 4th of July I guess) - just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to do it.
False analogy. Setting off fireworks in November doesn't really cause a problem for anyone. Squid partying when other people are trying to play Turf Wars is like going to a football game in progress and setting off fireworks there.


May 30, 2018
When I see squid parties I go and kill them repeatedly until they either gang up on me or quit and go to another room. If you want to squid party go to a private room......


Inkling Cadet
Apr 12, 2018
Switch Friend Code
WUT members were notorious for this. I don't see them as often as I used to, but I used to always smh when I'd see their tag in the lobby because I know they're not going to play. Even if you suck, just play the game with effort if you're in a public room. An occasional squid party....whatever, but I don't see how one is amused by squidbagging and booyahing the entire match for multiple games in a row. How is that even fun? I still saw inactive players/throwers in ranked when I was making my climb. Thankfully once you reach a certain rank, WUT members/throwers kinda die out.

Edit.....just realized this thread was kinda old.

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