Post Your Inksona and Splatoon OCs!


Senior Squid
Aug 29, 2018
here let me just say something really quick:
i wanted to play a dnd game testing the inkling race in dnd and how they would properly work [but no one chose an inkling >:O i am salty now]
so i decided to put the homebrew link here (below i mean)
so im going to put stats if thats ok for this character because i want anyone to use this character (even in game if you want :D)
edit - WHY DID I EVEN PUT THE LINK THERE!?!!??!?!?!!?!!
homebrew race here :,_2nd_Variant_(5e_Race)
NOTE : prepare your behind, this is going to be bad :/

Name : delta (has no other known last name)
Age : 16
Species : octoling/inkling
color : turquoise
gender : male
Appearance : hair : the combed back hair (i can't remember the name :/ ), eyes : turquoise, height : average inkling (i guess it's 5-6 feet 2 inches??? idk...).
flaws : (none that i can think of :/ )
bonds : brings people together with his broad mindset (no, just no)
story : (GET READY FOR CHRINGE FACTOR 9000!!!!) a octoling/inkling from a valley known now as octo valley, he was abused at a young age for not being wanted. at the age of 14, he fed up with being abused and left his home to find something better than his own personal hell. he then stumbles upon the turf wars. he joins and now fights to control himself (NOOOOOOOOOO not another bad post ;-;) because he developed hate at a much younger age than everyone else. he also learned both octoling and inkling and can be used as a interpreter.

NOW THAT THAT IS OVER, i want to start a actual dnd game if the moderators allow it ;-;
AAAAAA i need stats ;-; ill just put them here :/

Delta's stats ( he is a rouge)
STR : 11
DEX : 17
CON : 9
INT : 7
WIS : 10
CHA : 13


Inkster Jr.
Dec 31, 2015
why so many tho? .-.
I didn't think of four as being alot, but ok XD. The reason I have 4 is because that's what it takes to make a team. I initially made these OCs for use in a webcomic or fanfic type story, but never really got around to it. Having a full team of characters seemed like the right way to go for the sake of consistency and a decent story.
Oct 12, 2018
Please do note that I have head-canons for The Squid Sisters, Off the Hook, Agents 3, 4, and 8. If I can, I'll create a thread for my Head-Canons, OCs (Scarlet, Jared, and Angel/Agent 4) , and Inksona! Or should I say... Octosona...
My Octosona
Name: LunaOctoling
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Race: Octoling
Personality: Friendly
Weapon(s) of Choice: Sploosh-O-Matic Neo, Carbon Roller, E-Liter 4K Scope, Dualie Squealchers, Undercover Sorella Brella, Bloblobber, Hydra Splatling, Clash Blaster, Octobrush Nouveau
Eye Colour: Orange
Skin Tone: Light
Hairstyle: Tentacurl
Head Gear: Pilot Goggles
Clothes: Black Layered LS
Shoes: Moto Boots
Legwear: Long Pants
Relations: Angel/Agent 4 (Friend), Jared (Friend), Scarlet (Friend), Agent 3 (Friend), Agent 8 (Friend), Marie (Friend), Callie (Freneny), Marina (Friend), Pearl (Friend), Meggy from SMG4 (Friend), Mario Kart Inkling Boy (Friend), Smash Bros. Inkling Girl (Friend), DJ Octavio (Former Leader)
Backstory: LunaOctoling once worked with the Octarians... Until she met Angel. Angel took her to her friend's home where she made new friends. The next day, LunaOctoling took all 3 of her friends to SplatMart to get new weapons, gear, and fresh haircuts. Today, Luna and her friends live in SplatVille with many YouTubers and awesome Inklings and Octolings! They still share the same house. She still remembers her life with the Octarians. LunaOctoling also has a grudge on a certain X-Rank player... P.S. she hates Flyfish
Special Features: High IQ, Good with battle Tactics and Strategies
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Sep 12, 2018
The Moon
Switch Friend Code
Allow me to introduce my squidsona (cuz i couldnt find a way to make custom octos)
name: Baku
age: 16
gender: male
humanoid: can be seen in my pfp, without the blush
squid: the same eyes, besides from that, completely average squid form
-likes spicy food
-there are few things he takes seriously
-was once a human, yet he was turned into an inkling for unknown reasons
-favourite sport is ssb
-highly lazy, but if he has something to fight for, he will defend it with his life(?
-likes music from both the human age and the world of splatoon
-somehow conserved a functional mp3 player and tons of music
-favourite artist: alan walker
-believes that alan walker isnt a single person, so he tries to make more music in the style of alan walker
-quite emotionally unstable
-highly confused with a girl for his hairstyle
-acts weak when he is strong, and strong when he is weak
-antisocial, yet he tries to keep his few friends as close as possible
-most used phrase: "now what?"
-most serious quote: "with nothing to fight for, we might as well be dead"
-most used word overall: "oof"
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Dec 31, 2018
For me, my OC's are my personal agents that I've played as in Splatoon 1&2. I just felt the need to clarify.

OC #1:

Marcus [No Last Name Given]

Species/ Race:



Lightly tanned skin, red eyes, Splatoon 1 male hairstyle

Clothing: Red T-Shirt, Dark-Colored Sweatpants, Tennis Shoes (Casual Clothing); Paintball Mask & Uniform (Battle Clothing)

Personality: Marcus is rather quiet and reserved, the blue oni to Callie's red. Rarely does he rush into a situation with no thought, instead preferring to analyze the situation and plan accordingly. Octavio learned the hard way that there is one way to make Marcus angry rather easily, and that's by violating his first rule: Don't. Hurt. His. Callie.

Callie (Girlfriend), Marie (Friend), Ethan (Friend), Alora (Friend), Captain Cuttlefish (Friend/Mentor), Pearl (Friend), Marina (Friend)

Bio (spoiler warning for Octo Expansion): Marcus was your average Inkling, ready to move off on his own in the most happening city of all Ink-kind: Inkopolis. He did not anticipate being dragged into an adventure, though he wasn't complaining. Being named Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon came with a whole slew of responsibilities, and he was only too eager to prove himself capable. As a result of his adventure, he met and bonded with the Squid Sisters, Callie and Marie, and fell in love with the former. The feelings turned out to be mutual, and a romance blossomed between the two. After defeating DJ Octavio, Marcus found himself engaged in a fierce battle with an Octoling. She had him on the ropes, but before she could deal the final blow, someone, or something, caused the Octoling to be sent to Inkopolis's underground metro system. Two years later, Marcus and Captain Cuttlefish set out to investigate reports of strange goings-on in the metro system, however the two somehow got separated from each other. Marcus came into possesion of a CQ-80 and used it to track down Captain Cuttlefish. Unfortunately, a berzerk AI brainwashed him and made him attack the Octoling again. He was defeated, and the brainwashing wore off. When he came to, he found out that the Octoling, whose name was Alora, had defeated the AI and saved Inkopolis from total annihilation. Since then, Marcus has returned to his quiet life. Well, as quiet as it can be, considering his girlfriend is a celebrity. Marcus is considering popping the question, but like everything he does, he's waiting for the right time. Recent rumors say that he supports the notion of changing Inkopolis's name to Cephalopolis.
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Jan 3, 2019
Oh well, I guess I‘ll post my character here, since I‘m actually genuinely interested in finding RP partners, either for 1 on 1 RP or in a group.

Name(s): Raphaël Volaille; Nicknamed Raph, Rave and Raven
Age: 22
Race: Inkling
Appearance: He is usually teal coloured, as his favourite colour is a banned colour. Most of the time he is running around in a cooking garb, as he is working as a chef. He has rather big glasses, mossy-green eyes as well as very pale skin. Other than that, he has no special traits.
Relations: He is working in multiple restaurants all over Inkopolis. Wherever he is needed and who asks first, there he goes. So he knows the store owners and has never had any issues with them so far.
Other than that he has a sister and a brother and both parents are alive. He has no other real contacts, since he has a pretty shy personality, so it‘s hard for him to make friends or even finding a partner.
Backstory: He has just lived his life to this point. He went to school and eventually stopped, so he can follow his passion for food and start an apprenticeship. He never had too much time for battling, so he is more of a turf-war person. Next to working and battling for fun he is finishing his school to maybe go to a university one day, but he is not too sure about it. After all, he is very happy as his life is right now and would not even know if studying would bring him any further in his career.
Back when he was in school he had some issues with bullying for not being interested in ranked battles. Because of that, he became more silent and just does stuff on his own, but he does not dislike it at all. He is still able to forge relationships, it just takes a long time for him to fully trust a person.


(c) me, raphaelvolaille
Inklings belong to Nintendo


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Names: Shizue Miumi and Joy Finwick
Age: 15
Race: Inkling
Genders: Female (both)
Appearance: Shizue is tall and thin, with a pale complexion, droopy violet eyes, and violet ink. Her hair is a short, clean-cut bob, and she often wears pullover sweaters and a cross necklace as an accessory. Joy is shorter and chubbier, with a rosier complexion, almond-shaped teal eyes, and aquamarine ink. Her hair is a bit longer and often worn either straight or in updos or pigtails. She wears brighter colors and tends to go with cooler and more casual clothing.

Relations: Each other (best friends), seperate unnamed families
Backstory: Shizue grew up in the town of Gakamachi ("gaka" means painter), while Joy was raised in the city of Cuttleton. Let's see...I haven't worked much on backstories far, what I've got is that Shizue left the nest early to pursue education at various colleges, and Joy had been participating in music and art contests since she was small. Joy speaks a somewhat different dialect of Inkling as well, an equivalent to the Estuary dialect of English.
Abilities: Shizue is currently a student focused on her studies, as well as a bookworm, and knows many languages. Joy has always loved music and art, and participated in music contests and dance-offs in her hometown. Her art is cartoony, but colorful, warm, and creative; her music style was cheerful and her vocals warm and cute. Joy has focused on a couple languages only, but that means she knows them better. She has a few fields of knowledge that she pursues, which does mean she knows more about them. She's also a bit more interested in the "fresh" style and Turf Wars than Shizue.
Personality: The left brain of the two, Shizue is introverted, shy, practical and a bit perfectionist. She also has trouble showing feelings and can be blunt, sarcastic or rude without meaning to be. She is fearful and prefers to stay safe. She is also quiet, but comes up with good ideas and is logical. As the right brain, Joy is incredibly cheerful and optimistic, maybe a bit of a spark-plug. Despite being less withdrawn than Shizue, Joy can be timid and naive at times and doesn't do well under pressure; she is also horrible at lying and a bit of a crybaby. Joy is also very sensitive and compassionate, despite her boundless energy.
Turf War weapons: Shizue enjoys Chargers and Squiffers, and likes to snipe from a safe place and surprise people. Because of her hiding, Shizue often lasts long in battle, though it takes her a while to find an opportunity to strike. Joy, on the other hand, loves being out in the open, getting that adrenaline rush, and going fast, so she prefers Shooters, Rollers and Dualies, and is a good sport even if she gets Splatted a lot; even if her team loses, she would generally congratulate the other team.
Favorite foods: Shizue is a fan of both smoked salmon and cod, and she also likes to eat toast with honey or cinnamon. Her favorite drink is mint tea, which she likes plain and strong, and she enjoys eating whole mint leaves. Joy enjoys salmon fillet, shrimp, and fried fish (especially if fries/chips are involved (not because she's supposed to be "British," but because it's one of my real-life favorites)), and is a big fan of all types of sweets, including cakes and ice creams; her favorite drinks are boba, sweetened tea (usually fruit, mint or ginger) with milk and honey, and many types of fruit juices.
Octo Valley?: Shizue gets along with Cap'n Cuttlefish, and Joy thinks she may have nearly bumped into an Octotrooper once. Both are tolerant and forgiving of Octolings and have some Octarian friends.

Agent Bean

Mar 8, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I’ve never RPd before so sorry if it’s a little dry. I’m down for being any of these characters, or all at once maybe.

Team Sugar Rush:

Name: Sundae Semana
Role: Team Captain/Front Line Support/Team Mom
Age: 19
Race: Inkling
Gear: Tenta Brella/Golf Visor/Red Hula Punk with Tie/Black Flip Flops
Appearance: She is a naturally purple Inkling with her tentacles in a bun. She has slightly brown skin with brown eyes. She’s only a bit shorter than the average inkling.
-Family: Her dad and 3 younger brothers
-Friends: Only her team and a few people she met during her solo career
-Rivals: She has a friendly rivalry with Concrete
-Enemies: Sundae is normally very chill and reserved, but nothing flips her switch like being splatted by a certain Bloblobber.
Backstory: Sundae has always had to carry people. From taking care of her three younger brothers while their dad had to work, to outclassing her teammates during her solo career. Perhaps it’s her caregiving tendencies from raising her brothers that pushed her towards the Tenta Brella. After climbing her way to S+ in Solo, she decided that she wanted to join league battles, so she made her own squad.
During a solo turf war match Sundae was paired with a level one newbie to turf war. He was nervous the whole time, so Sundae payed him no mind. However, in the last minute of the match Sundae was the last survivor of her team while the other team was making a big push that would almost ensure victory. As Sundae was getting surrounded the newbie super jumped to one of her Beakons and managed to get a team wipe all on his own. Being impressed by this, Sundae decided to take him, Blizzard, under her tentacles and train him up for the league.
Her next teammate came from a wager she had made. Another S+ inkling looking for a league battle challenged her to a one-on-one Turf War, and whoever won would become the leader of their squad. Beating him only by 2.6% won Sundae two new team members, the S+ (Concrete) and his teammate (Truffle).
Now that Sundae finally has her league team, they are looking forward to entering League tournaments.

Name: Blizzard
Role: Main Splatter/Designated Power Clam holder/Team Nervous wreck
Age: 15
Race: Inkling
Gear: Goo Tuber/Full Moon Glasses/White Shirt/Red Hi Tops
Appearance: Blizzard is a naturally teal inkling with dark skin and black eyes. He ties his tentacles in the classic style and is the size of an average inkling, although he is in the frailer side.
-Family: The only child of two parents that loved to shelter him
-Friends: He’s only comfortable around his team, he’s very socially awkward so he avoids strangers.
-Rivals: None
-Enemies: Being a Sniper he has a lot of haters.
Backstory: His parents “knew it all.” They knew that every jellyfish was more likely of spreading a disease, that Sea Anenome’s fish always have hateful things to say, and that every inkling he’d try to be friends. Because of these conspiracies, Blizzard was homeschooled all of his life, making no friends.
After finally being physically eligible for a turf war, he snuck off to play in his first ever turf war match. There he managed to get a team wipe and save a cute Tentabrella, who then offered to train him as a part of her team. Once he started training he picked up the goo tuber, and once Concrete and Truffle joined Concrete helped Blizzard escape his crazy parents by letting him move in.
Blizzard’s parents were hardly supportive of this. They kept telling him that his friends would betray him and he would die homeless on the street. Blizzard doesn’t talk to his parents anymore.

Name: Concrete Anderson
Role: Offense and Defense/Designated Rain Maker cattier/Team Serious Stoic
Age: 18
Race: Inkling
Gear: Kensa Splattershot Pro(Or Kensa .52 Gal)/Black Tennis Headband/Green Zekko Hoodie/Angry Rain Boots
Appearance: Concrete is a naturally like green inkling with green eyes and brown skin that’s in between Sundae and Blizzard. He’s very muscular and tall with very broad sholders, with the spiky tentacles.
-Family: Sea anemone parents and sister that he has an excellent relationship with
-Friends: His team, is social with the anemone community
-Rivals: He has a friendly rivalry with Sundae
-Enemies: He’s a different person in the presence of a certain Hydra Splatling.
Backstory: Concrete was adopted by a loving family of sea anemones at the age of 7. It was awkward getting past the obvious species gap at first, but once their dad turned on the tv they all bonded watching turf war matches. The moment he hit the age requirement Concrete registered for Turf War, and began to dominate the scene. After climbing his way to S+, he and his long term friend Truffle began to enter the scene as a pair, until he decided to challenge Sundae to a one on one that ended up adding them to her team forever.

Name: Truffle Jin
Role: Main Defense/Backline Support/Team Party Animal
Age: 16
Race: Inkling
Gear: Dynamo Roller/Fake Contacts/Green Striped Easy Shirt/LE Lo Tops
Appearance: Truffle is a naturally yellow inkling with pale skin and brown eyes. Her tentacles are up in the frizzy buns and she’s on the taller, chubbier side.
-Family: She lives with her busy Grandma and Mom whom she loves very much.
-Friends: She knows almost every inkling, or atleast she wants to know every inkling.
-Rivals: None
-Enemies: People who hate squid partying hate her
Backstory: Truffle has a very good relationship with her mother and grandmother, the only problem with that is that they’re always at work, so she’s always alone. Because of this, she would venture out in the city and make friends with all of the inklings waiting for their next match. Once she became eligible for Turf War she found that her first ever match, became a giant squid party. This is when she found her true calling.
Despite being an avid squid partier she joined the super serious Concrete in League as a pair, but one day she woke up to text from Concrete saying that they now have a new team.


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Names: Yumena Yuu, Rebekah Sasaki, Lana and Noah Pond, Lian Fen, Rachel Maki, Daniel Wood

Ages: 18, 14

Races: Octolings (Rebekah, Lana, Noah), Inklings (Yumena, Lian, Rachel, Daniel)

Genders: Female, Male (Noah, Daniel)

Body Types:

Tall: Rebekah, Daniel
Average height: Lana, Rachel
Petite: Yumena, Noah, Lian

Thin: Yumena, Lian, Noah
Average: Rachel, Daniel, Rebekah
Slightly chubby/Average-plus: Lana

Slim/straight: Lian, Noah, Daniel
Curvy: Rebekah
Pear-shaped: Yumena, Rachel, Lana


Cyan: Rachel
Magenta: Lana, Noah
Indigo: Lian
Navy: Daniel
Gradient: Yumena (cream to aqua), Rebekah (dark brown to teal)

Long/loose: Rachel
Twist/Updo: Yumena
Tentacle hanging to the side: Rebekah
Hime cut: Lian
Bowl cut: Daniel
Side bun with side tentacle: Lana
Messy/natural bangs: Noah

Pale: Lian, Rachel, Daniel, Noah
Medium-light: Yumena
Dark/warm: Rebekah

Dark blue: Lian, Rachel
Hazel: Lana, Noah, Rebekah
Brown: Daniel
Teal: Yumena



Full Squid
Mar 15, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I made my first splatoon oc! His name is Flynn, and while I don't have a whole lot of information on him, I still really want to share him! I'm also very open to rping him!

Name(s): Flynn, tries so hard to get people to nickname him but it just never happens
Age: Late teens, 17 if I had to put an exact number
Race: Inkling
Appearance: Bowl cut, grey eyes, negative longcuff sweater, "Drawstring cargo pants", Eminence Cuff(fake contacts in game), old timey shoes, two more earrings on his left ear. Skinny little man, 5'7"
Notes: He is just a little creature......... more seriously, he doesn't really have much to him, he's always been big into fashion, he's a huge follower of Off the Hook, and he can't aim for his life so hes a filthy bucket main, trislosher nouveau most commonly. Does salmon run all the time despite the fact that he's terrified of salmonoids
Squiddo 2.png


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
name: zero

age: unknown

species: octoling (sanitized)

gender: f

personality: unknown. shows signs of amnesia and seems to lack most emotion, but strangely not hostile. spends most of time wandering around, writing (possibly taking notes) and drawing. responds little to others. always hyper focused on whatever she is doing. neutral on most issues. seems to have some musical ability, though it is unclear.

appearance: typical green and blue completion of one sanitized. blue eyes. seems to have pale skin and hair. possibly fairly young. wears black ls with regular jeans. short wavy tentacles and fairly large eyes. neutral expression. thin and somewhat petite.

relationships: lana, noah, rebekah, yumena (acquaintances), shizue, joy, daniel (may have seen somewhere). no notable friends, lovers, family, or enemies so far.

gear: uses a scoped charger. hidden and dangerous.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I guess I should update some information on my OCs:

Coral is an Octoling who lost his parents when he was a child. Being an Octoling who has hatched from his mother's egg, he received the love and care from his parents while they were alive, his father was a role model to him and really the only reason why he never gives up when a situation gets dire. Despite years of not receiving parental love, he was never able to toughen up completely, but with the few moments where he grew tougher in emotion, he acquired the ability to be a de facto commander when General Anemone wasn't available. At the beginning of his first war, he wasn't interested in Kelp at first, but after knowing he wanted a motherly girlfriend, he decided that he wanted to date Kelp.

Relations: Clam is his older brother; Kelp is his girlfriend; General Anemone is his commander; Ocean is a friend of his.

Clam is an Octotrooper who lost his parents when he was a child. Unlike his younger brother, Clam is one of the tentacles that was cut off from his father. While his parents never gave him the sacred task of protecting Coral directly, he decided to be his bodyguard because Coral is the only member of the family left who can have guaranteed Octoling children in the future. Clam, despite being an Octotrooper, is actually capable of fighting effectively, this is due to the one fighting move that only single-tentacle Octarians can learn, "Sea Snaking". That move involves swiftly avoiding enemy attacks while also attacking said enemy with great force.

Relations: Coral is his younger brother; Ocean is his girlfriend; General Anemone is his commander; Kelp is a friend of his.

Kelp is an Octoling whose parents left her to go to Inkopolis without the risk of her getting captured. General Anemone is her uncle who cared for her while her parents sought to set the foundations of the eventual peace treaty between Inklings and Octarians. Her sister Ocean wishes to protect her, but she is part of the Octobomber support unit, so she can't see her sister often. Like Coral, Kelp hatched from her mother's egg. When Kelp first saw Coral, she fell in love with him. The moment that Coral asked her to be his girlfriend, she went from nervous to being very happy. Kelp treats her boyfriend much like a mother treats her child, although, Kelp knows her limits when it comes to that. She is a very kind Octoling who never wishes anything bad to happen to anyone unless they try to make the extinction happen to the Octarian species or contribute to it happening.

Relations: Ocean is her older sister; Coral is her boyfriend; General Anemone is her commander and uncle; Clam is a friend of her.

Ocean is an Octobomber whose parents left her in the care of General Anemone, her uncle. Like Clam with his father, Ocean is one of the tentacles that was cut from her mother. She and Clam often hung out together before her name was known to Clam. Much like with Coral and Kelp, Clam and Ocean became a couple after Clam promised her to protect Kelp. Ocean is often being the one leading the charge for other Octobombers when a large amount of Splat Bombs are needed to forcefully disassemble enemy formations.

Relations: Kelp is her sister; Clam is her boyfriend; General Anemone is her commander and uncle; Coral is a friend of her.
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Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I'm back once more! :D

Name: Lana Ikeda
Age: 16
Species: Octoling
Appearance: Long, wavy front tentacles; the back ones are tied into a messy side-bun. Hazel eyes; lightest skin tone. Shirt with Blue Hoodie; Retro Specs; School Shoes; skirt with shorts.
-Since her returning to the surface about a year ago, Lana's Inkling skills have improved considerably, though she still has a notable Octoling accent.
-She mains the Brella; usually uses the Sorella Brella.
-Her favorite brands are Splash Mob and Toni Kensa.
-She was on Team Order; after all, what's a world without it?
-She admires Inklings for their culture, other Octolings for making it to the surface alongside her, the Squid Sisters for saving the Octolings' lives, and Off the Hook for being role models for Octolings who aspire to make it to the surface...honestly, who doesn't she admire?
-Her favorite mode in Ranked is Rainmaker.
-She has a younger brother named Noah with whom she shares an apartment.
-She loves Squid Beatz and its sequel and is among the high scores.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Alright, another one, but be warned, this one's edgy!

Shark is an Elite Octoling of the Ringed Octarian variety. He was once octonapped from his parents by the Crimson Octarians and he was raised like one. He used to be the best defender of the army, but he defected from it after learning about his past and DJ Octavio lying to him all this time. He is part of the male-only elite unit called the Octospartan. As a result, he will never forgive that DJ. Anyone who is loyal to that DJ is considered an enemy to Shark. After escaping to the surface, he holds the sacred duty to guard the two new Octarian leaders, a male Octoling and a female Octoling from opposite Octarian species to ensure the order and stability stay within the walls of the Octarian neighborhood. Despite Shark being a cold-blooded splatter to anyone who even thinks about attacking the neighborhood, he isn't heartless and will forgive anyone who defects from the enemy army so long as they are not double-agents. Silas being the prime example of someone in which Shark buried the hatchet once he knows about defecting from the enemy completely. Shark even has a significant other in which he met while he was underground through a prom, although her name is not known, she was part of the Crimson's female-only unit known as the Octamazon.

Shark is a skilled sniper, arguably the most skilled sniper to have ever walked among the Octarians, the skilled Charger mains from Inkopolis are rookies compared to Shark's skill, nicknaming him "The Supersonic Eye", any fast Brush will get splatted by him 100% of the time. This made his skill in General Anemone's army invaluable to stopping any enemy from getting into an important location. He's used often as a backup for the Octosnipers who couldn't land a hit on dodgy enemies. He's also the designated pseudo-leader of the Octospartans, often giving them orders when General Anemone is busy giving orders to the rest of the army. He along with the other Octospartans are often seen as scary from even the enemy's Elites' point of view (with a good reason). Anyone who is foolish enough to anger the Octospartans is in for a world of hurt, with Shark throwing the first hit so the rest follow. Another of Shark's trait is that he's committed to General Anemone's cause, whether protecting the more common Octolings and other Octarians when they are at a really tight spot (with his fellow Octospartans doing the same) or when he needs to deal with the most harmful of enemies to ensure the safety of Octolings, like splatting every single monster that comes out of OGMO facilities.

For his appearance, he wears a bandana with shark teeth printed on it and has a hairstyle where his tentacles take the place of the top and side fins while the knot of the bandana is reminiscent of a shark's back fins.
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Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Name: Noah Ikeda
Age: 15
Species: Octoling
Appearance: Short tentacle "hair" worn with two forming asymmetrical, side-swept bangs in the front, and two forming back hair. Petite and skinny, only about 5'5". Wears Zink Layered LS, Fake Contacts, Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops, and leggings.
-Learned Inkling from his squid friends. His Inkling is getting better, but he has failed attempts to use casual slang in conversation.
-Mains the Octo Shot Replica.
-Noah was still in the Octarian army for a bit after Lana got to the surface.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Here's one OC that has been important in driving RP plots forward: General Anemone

General Anemone is the proud uncle of Kelp and Ocean, he has been caring for them ever since the girls' parents left them behind so they would not get octonapped by the Crimson Octarians. As a Ringed Octohurler, he was the best Rollonium spitter when he was a Sargeant in the war preceding the first one where he became a commander, he was once best friends with Coral's father and often gave him advice on how to keep the relationship between him and Coral's mother going. He has a scar on his left eye because he attempted to fight DJ Octavio in a melee combat style, to this day, General Anemone looks to permanently imprison the DJ so no Octarians will be brainwashed ever again. During the war in which Coral's parents fought, General Anemone was impressed by the father's skill in combat, being able to take on a big group of Octamazons by himself, all to protect his wife and make sure the Ringed Octarians have a safer future. This level of heroism is what inspired General Anemone to create the Octospartan unit so his army can counter the enemy's army.

Anemone became a General because his Rolloniums steamrolled over enemies easily, with his rank, he became the commander when the original commander died. He wears an eyepatch over his left eye to prevent others from getting sick of looking at him, he does not care about his own appearance, but when a commander needs to give tasks, he needs everybody to pay attention to him. General Anemone has seen his fair share of tragic events though, right before the War to Escape, he saw many Ringed Octarian homes being destroyed by falling debris, causing casualties in the process, this prompted him to become the commander and gather as many survivors as possible to escape, however, he was forced to create an army with them because the Crimson Octarians were not letting them make any progress of being able to escape, which is how the War to Escape has started. It was initially like the Ringed-Crimson War, but he decided that rescuing Inklings would give him the best chance to save the Ringed Octarians from extinction, moreover, this war became less like the Ringed-Crimson War, as many Crimson Octarians defected to his army due to a few of them doing it by choice and more of them being snapped out of their brainwashed state.

One particular Crimson Octoling was Silas, General Anemone was suspicious of him at first, but after he heard reports of Silas helping Coral, Clam, and Kelp during the beginning of the war, he decided to include him in the army, he was the first of many Crimson Octarians who joined General Anemone's army. As progress was being made, the army only grew thanks to rescuing Inklings from many testing facilities and accepting defected Crimson Octarians into the army. In fact, in the final few days of the war, the huge mobile base was becoming crowded, so General Anemone sent Inklings back to Inkopolis, whether calling idols to pick them up or having all Octolings from the army accompany them to the nearest kettle (which only allowed Inklings to get through due to an energy barrier that prevented Octolings from going through).

General Anemone's mission in the War to Escape is to save the Octolings from extinction, he found out that Octolings are the only Octarians who are able to reproduce, so he put greater importance of having them reach the surface, the other Octarians were bodyguards in someway for the Octolings. He also encouraged Octolings to date, as he discovered that Octolings dating provided a number of benefits: The surefire way for Octolings to be born, dating causes Octolings to work together with others in the army thus making the push against the enemy much easier, etc. Although Octolings had other Octarians as bodyguards, they still had weapons from which they can use to accomplish the mission and to defend themselves.

Once his army escaped, General Anemone set a new foundation for Octarian life: There must be a male Octoling and a female Octoling from opposite species of each other so both Octarian species have equal say on the matter. He also decided where the army was going to live and become normal citizens, which was an entire section of Inkopolis that was abandoned, it's in that section that the Octarian neighborhood was built.
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Oct 11, 2020
Name: Morse Walker

Species: Inkling

Gender: Non binary

Appearance: Pale-ish skin, Blue hair in a ponytail (cos why not), School uniform, Special forces beret, roughly 5" tall

Weapon(s) of choice: Customised Splatterscope, Glooga dualies

feel free to use my inksona for role play stuff if you want (I don't mind so long as they aren't evil)
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Nov 23, 2020
I'm new here but I'll put some info about my Octosona in here

Name: Loz

Age: 21

Skin tone: Pale

Height: 4"7

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: They/Them

Eye Colour: Blue

Ink Colour: Cherry Blossom Pink

Tentacle Style: Short

Gear: Lil Devil Horns, Negative Longcuff Sweater and Pearl Punk Crowns

Weapons: Splattershot Jr, Custom Splattershot Jr, Kensa Splattershot Jr and Aerospray PG
Personality: Shy, Kind, Sweet, Caring, Considerate, Puts Others Before Themself

Fears: Everyone not seeing them for the gender they are, People leaving or hating them the ocean, heights, being alone for too long,

Disorders: PTSD, Anxiety, Depression and Bipolar

Edit: The pfp you see on my pfp and in this thread was a piece of artwork my bf commissioned my favourite artist @crybleat on Twitter! He said I can use it as long as I credit him! Also do not steal my Octosona, they belong to me and the artwork was done by @crybleat, also just wanted to add I don't really rp but I wanted to post a thing about my character



Banned (6 points)
Feb 27, 2021
Somewhere out in the vast seas...
Salvansha "Aurum-san" Ferrofin

Age: Around over 4.5 centuries old, but she's getting Elizabeth II elderly at this point!

Race: Salmonid -- Goldie

Appearance: (refsheet below, also details some weapons she uses too)

Relations: Two Ex Cohock Husbands, Third husband isn't even a "husband", and more of a male concubine to her, as well as a Top Military Leader. Over probably THOUSANDS of children, only the highest ranking Officers, Generals, and Ship Captains in her large Navy she commands get notified she is their biological mother. Which EASILY retains their loyalty, cuz you dun wanna make a mother mad. And one Crowned Prince she fleshed out against her latest batch of eggs with her current steelhead husband.

Theme song: A version of Star Fox Assault's "Star Wolf" Theme, but has "Rule Britannia" motifs instead. :p

Backstory: (is a little bit long, hope ya got your snack ready! It's part of my "Salmon Run Revolutions" Lore and canon)
Seeing the world from below the seas is often such a bore. But when it comes time to start searching for a place for spawn to be created and add more to the countless generations of Salmonid? That's an adventure of a lifetime. However with the current world's oceans having swallowed most of the worlds landmass by now and most of the ground-fauna died out, the nuclear radiations may have lead to plenty of evolution being forced upon a lot of the aquatic life. If anything, thousands of years of evolution, plus nuclear radiation, equals new intelligent life to rule over planet Earth. But now, the beginning of such intelligent life, as well as the remainder of human technology, equals more human-like behavior and the repeat of humanity's folly's... such as controlling some percentage of the world's landmass as a colonial empire. But as some of humanity still live malignantly on whatever small islands, they will still be forever a prey item for Salmonids to feast upon and vice versa.

And as most salmonids didn't acquire such a mindset with their low intelligence, a small portion did that was at the lead of a Goldie that took up the reins of power many centuries ago, and as old as this Goldie is, she is as sharp as she looks young. Having been born with a vastly superior intellect from other salmonid, being originally named Salvansha by her parents, she was hellbent on teaching other salmonids how to be more civilized and proper in her local school. Although being born to with countless siblings as a fish tends to lay many eggs at once, she shone as brightly as her scales does, creating a sort of civilized aura to her, and with that, soon a realm for the people in her local area at the time, it was when she fully matured that a superpower in the ocean she grew up in, gained followship, and went ahead to construct the nation she is a proud leader of. As if hailing from the flooded riverbanks of the island nation of Great Britain wasn't the first clue. As to where she was, her posh British accent will easily give away her ethnicity. Many Human Anglo descendants of past anglo generations during those long arduous fourth and fifth world wars, note of history repeating itself, just now in the hands of the clearly dominant species of the planet, and clearly more cruel than what they have done millennia ago...

After many years of hardscrabble and struggle to organize, live, and thrive, this local Salmonid leader managed to find the mostly flooded ruins of what was London, and there was the great surge of intelligence and unity within a cultural revolution that local schools of salmonid came around to become one with this new nation-state and soon-be empire of Salmannica. Creating such a well-established nation and colonial empire shaped Aurum-san's personality like other than normal, as such, holding onto such power and claim of the remaining world's landmass did altered her mind to be ruthless and unforgiving to any land-dweller, or pretty much ANYBODY she as so much bats a stink-eye to. She is immensely indifferent on how her kind treated locals, and often wouldn't care for if anything amounting to a genocide would have occurred, but she says it's for a good cause, as thinning out this "human resistance problem" is a high priority of things to do. She is full of sinful pride and power, her words of authority carry their weight right to those she talks to. Her words are daggers to those that are close when she's less than pleased, and it hurts the most to the only child she has fleshed out amongst countless batches of eggs over the years of her long long life. Her skills in parenting don't match those of being a large empire's leader, and Sven Ferrofin, her only crowned prince, knows how abusive his mother really is, forcing him to abandon his school and join forces with the Human Foe. But if anything she hates the most, is none other than Inklings and Octarians, as if double-crossing DJ Octavio wasn't enough to show how willingly independent Aurum-San and her kind are wanting to be, it'll be though force and undisputed war over Golden Eggs.

The "run huns", as she calls Salmon Runners, the bane of any salmonid's power to steal said power source they hold near and dear to them the most, Unborn children being the golden eggs Salmonids fawn over as their god's grace of a living source. Such horrible immoral disputation to the Salmonid's current of living has made even the civilized Salmannia have done enough to begin a war on the Run Huns (alongside their much bigger war on Human Resistance) with experiencing similar issues Inkling and Octarian Societies with energy shortages. Grizzco doesn't treat this "war" being fairly formal, and if anything Mr. Grizz wouldn't mind meeting Aurum-San personally to settle things his own way, but if you're willing to negotiate with a tyrannical queen of a large empire that exploits many societal issues and makes living in such a colony absolutely horrible. It wouldn't help very well! She's hell-bent on destroying this one company that immorally takes relics from her country, that and thwarting Human attempts to come back from the brink of extinction. But any rumor that Alot of Salmon-runners go missing after shifts, are actually terrifyingly true; Aurum-san has a bit of an appetite for Raw Calamari and octopus when they aren't gunned down beforehand, and thats her form of "mercy" if they actually do surrender to her overwhelming military force!

Queen/Empress Privateer Aurum-san only needs to find a emotional or moral weakness to you, and she will keep picking on that until you roll over and submit, if she doesn't start attacking you on sight that is. She wields a powerful relic of the old world, that being a golden Frying Pan that has some sort of power to it that turns anything into gold if it has some form of energy to it, the mighty Midas Pan, Salmnir, she wields is the symbol of her authority. You see her holding that thing with a shaky arm high in the air, best not get in her way or your skull will be caved into next week! She has also gained another golden trophy, thats often used as a beating cane, that being a petrified-in-gold statue of Cmd. TarTar himself, after her scuffle with two humans and her own Prince Privateer during the final battle between Agent 8 and NILS. And her trusted Slimelocke Dualie Double-Barrels pack a Grizzco-Blaster-like punch when she's gracefully dodge-rolling left and right. However, ever since building actual warships based on sunken ruins of human design, her personal swimming skills have... slowly diminished over the years. How ironic, living in water for so long, that easily ends up in her low skill to swim. A good weakness in her that can easily be exploited since her kind has been building large human-inspired navel vessels of old to substitute their natural swimming abilities.

But no matter how often she looks evil, she does have a soft side to her cold gold exterior. Caring for the civil aspects of her people, and is often wanting to protect her people and their culture through her fanatical desires, she will always care for those she has given birth to as loyal followers, and outstanding children whom don't question their mother's word. Building a better society that may become Human Race 2.0, although it's in a form of more evil and pain. A way to project her version of peace, through power.

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