Sheldon's Picks Volume 2 Announced


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
Welp I was hilariously wrong with my predictions! That Splash Wall Splat Roller is infact part of Sheldon's Picks, I only got two main weapons correct being Aerospray and H-3 (their kits remain to be seen), and I was wrong to think they'd include every weapon type since they lack a Slosher which is very odd and disappointing. Atleast I was kinda close on weapon types, I mean we did a get a Blaster, just not a Rapid, we got Charger, just not an E-Liter, a Roller that's not a Carbon, a Splatling that's not a Hydra, and the N'Zap and Dual Squelcher have always been very similar weapons.

Ahwells, I'm happy we finally know what the weapons are! I'm most excited for the N'Zap, but I can't think of what kit they could give it that wouldn't infringe on other weapons. For instance giving it a Bubbler would be stepping into the Splattershot Jr., giving it a Kraken would make it a better or worse version of the Neo Sploosh and L-3D, and Inkzooka the Neo Splash, Tentatek, and Forge Pro already have well covered. I would of said Bomb Rush but then I remembered the Forge just got that last update, so with the Splash that's two Suction Bomb Rushes already.

Oh and I'm assuming they want to make this kit really good since like the Dual Squelcher the N'Zap is too fair of a weapon if that makes sense, and they buffed it last update as if they agree, so I feel like it'd have to get one of the aforementioned specials.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
New splatterscope with disruptor and echo pls. I already got the ink brush I wanted in the last volume so this new one didnt have my attention much. I do see some interesting things here though: That Nzap would probably benefit from a disruptor/wail kit. I always felt like the ink brush nouveau would have been perfect had they just given it burst bombs/bubbler instead of mines/bubbler to help mitigate its poor range, but now that i think about it, I wouldnt mind if that new aerospray got the burstbomb/bubbler kit. It could charge bubbler pretty quickly and the burstbombs would help with its range and power. H3 needs disruptors... let it be the first weapon to have the disruptor/kraken kit. I tried to avoid giving anything mines but if any weapon would benefit at all from mines, id have to say the heavy would. Mines and bubbler... just so we can have the whole splatling line have a bubbler variant.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Oct 6, 2015
Oh, okay. You said Splattershot so I got confused.
I can't imagine them naming it anything but like Soy Splat Charger or something *shrugs*
You misread it said splatterscope :p
Anyways this intrigues me black ink confirmed jk no


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I feel the Coro Coro splat rollers would be defensive based, spacing out enemies with splash walls and ink flicks, or will use this as a rushing tools to block elites and splatling attack with splash walls and overwhelming them before they have a chance to attack


May 27, 2016
I might enjoy the Coro Coro Splat Roller mainly for the clutch Splash Wall plays. Plus since many players know some cool tricks with the Splash Wall already, I hope to see some serious covering fire from this kit. Even if players just use it to set themselves up for an Inkzooka combo nearby.

Remember Rollers, you can trap and save lives with your deployable cover.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
I'm not sure if the new Heavy Splatling can change me away from the Heavy Deco but we'll see! The Point Sensor/Kraken is an amazing combination for the Heavy but who knows, Nintendo surprised with some nice sets in the first volume so it'll be interesting to see what the new Splatling will get. c:


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
I wouldnt mind if that new aerospray got the burstbomb/bubbler kit. It could charge bubbler pretty quickly and the burstbombs would help with its range and power.
Actually, if the aerospray got this kit I might actually use it.

It still might not be better than either the neo splash or the jr. but it might be fun in turf wars.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
I think you meant Berry instead of Forge?


I'm not sure if the new Heavy Splatling can change me away from the Heavy Deco but we'll see! The Point Sensor/Kraken is an amazing combination for the Heavy but who knows, Nintendo surprised with some nice sets in the first volume so it'll be interesting to see what the new Splatling will get. c:
Burst Bombs + Inkzooka would pull me away, but that wont happen, hopefully!


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I'd love a disruptor with inkstrike on the splatterscope


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
really curious about this sploosh. maybe it's first offensive set? splat bombs and inkzooka could be cool, or possibly awful (i'm not that great with sploosh even though it's my best shooter).

don't play full chargers much but i'm also really intrigued by the upcoming splat charger. what'll they give it... even if i don't play it much, you can bet i'll be directly up against it a lot as a squiffer player.

excited to fight these new splash wall splat rollers, too


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Oct 6, 2015
Nah man, refurb mini splat is good. I actually did get a wipe during a splat zones match with it, and we won with a landslide KO. I led the team going 7-0, it never happened again.
Yeah ok but one weapon that did surprise me and is now occasionally OP is the bamboozle mk 3 the burst bombs are so annoying and I've only just noticed but the range is decent too it is the WORST in blackbelly ugh
I'm going to give up on life if it happens to this nozzlenose

I'm just going to say this now I don't know if their gonna pull off making a new aerospray the kit it has is amazing in turf war unless they give it kraken for ranked


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
really curious about this sploosh. maybe it's first offensive set? splat bombs and inkzooka could be cool, or possibly awful (i'm not that great with sploosh even though it's my best shooter).

don't play full chargers much but i'm also really intrigued by the upcoming splat charger. what'll they give it... even if i don't play it much, you can bet i'll be directly up against it a lot as a squiffer player.

excited to fight these new splash wall splat rollers, too
The Neo Sploosh has an offensive set already, Point Sensors/Kraken allows it to mark opponents and set up flanks more easily. The Kraken is there as the "panic" button for when flanks or ambushes don't go right to save yourself and still possibly get the splat(s). Yes it sucks that Bubbler/Kraken is used like this but it works and is part of the strategy for the special so you have to deal with it. What this Sploosh needs is range, which rules out all but Inkzooka as the special when taken from that approach. Now that I've thought about it, I could honestly see it getting Seekers/Inkstrike (like the .52 Deco).

I'm confident this set of weapons will focus on the unused subs from Vol. 1 (Disruptor, Sprinkler, Splash Wall, Seeker, Point Sensor), and will be severely disappointed if we get more Splat/Suction/Burst Bombs. I only want to see 1 Burst Bomb set, and that is purely for the H3 to help its kill power (I want either that or Disruptor on it). The H3 I would like either Burst/Bubbler, Disruptor/Kraken or Sprinkler/Bubbler/Kraken (either special would do for that). It really needs a close range special, since it struggles in CRC, so I'm leaning more towards giving it Kraken so it can attack at close range where you get 2/3 shots land but can't get another round of shots off in time. Any other special would make it horrible, as none will work with the main weapon effectively.

The only other weapon of interest for me is the NZAP, and I would really love it to get Point Sensor/Bubbler. This set currently only exists on the Classic Squiffer and Custom Blaster, neither are shooter weapons either. It would give the NZAP a more ranked-orientated set and would encourage more people to use it. Overall, I think the potential special for this will be either Bubbler, Kraken or Inkzooka, as the current 2 NZAPs don't have aggressive specials like those mentioned.

I wouldn't get your hopes up of seeing this roller, it's essentially a worse Carbon. Splash Walls won't work well at all on it and the Inkzooka works best with Burst Bombs, where you can ink the ground on demand. Also the traditional Splat Roller died a long time ago, it used to be rare not to see a Krak-On Roller, now it's nowhere to be found. I'll try to pick it up because it has a ridiculous set, but I struggle with the Splat Roller, it is too difficult to land splats consistently because of the centre flick nerf. I don't know how close I need to be to get the splat and too many weapons kill faster than its swing time.


Pro Squid
Apr 30, 2016
The only weapon that I'm really excited about is the splatterscope. My dream kit would be point sensor and Inkstrike, as both really fit the concept of a sniper weapon.

If the Aerospray got burst bombs and a bubbler, I would use that too.

The other weapons I don't really care about, unless they will get a really good kit.

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