Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
I think Grizzco is neutral like the amiibo and Cuttlegear brands,but worth the added bonus of getting any main ability with them.

You're pretty much free to do with them whatever you like! A blessing and a curse it seems when you have to use chunks to get it just~right.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
The big problem imo for the tent is the huge delay between shots, it can hinder the brella at times a long with the weird hit box (for me) that makes hard to use.
Quick question what does a pro brella use in terms of abilities, and how does one approach while using a brella

Honestly I really would love to see some other weapons classes fused with the duelies class, for example duelie bambis or Duelie brushes anyone?
:wst_charge_light00:o_O:wst_charge_light00: :wst_roller_brushmini00:;):wst_roller_brushmini00:

I'm glad somebody mentioned the hitbox. I noticed it was REALLY wonky. Like carbon roller level wonky. It's supposed to have the ohko, which sounds ideal for me, but I'd say I got ohko 25% of attempts, while the rest would clearly connect, they'd be covered in my ink, but it hit "just off-center" and managed not to kill them. Since you can't try again right away like carbon roller, and can't move (at all) for quick escape, you're pretty much dead when that happens. Which happens a lot. Maybe in LAN matches this thing is fine but with net lag, I can't see that hitbox not proving disastrous. I ALMOST like the weapon.....(figures I would :P ) But I actually loathe it. The unreliability of hits makes it kind of useless.

Tenta Brella is finally here! The thing spreads ink uber well surprisingly! The max damage range is actually a lot shorter than the ink spread would indicate however. Has about 3 test room lines worth of range, same as the regular Slosher. The damage at max range is pretty poor though, same as the regular Brella, and it's quite a lot slower. It's ohko range is pretty modest at 1.5 lines atleast.

EDIT: So after using it in some matches, yeah this thing is way too slow with how weak it is. Atleast the shield is pretty durable, but I don't think that justifys all the cons. It just isn't fun or satisfying to use for me. I still have faith that the Compact Brella will finally be a Brella I really enjoy!
The kit's not really all that bad. Bubbles pop in 2 hits. I swear I got more bubble kills than ohkos with it. The main gun is the real issue with it :P

Before people get too worked up, it looks like this is a Europe only theme (who would have guessed? Europe NEVER gets bad themes). I see no mention of it on America's Twitter or Tumblr accounts for Splatoon 2 so they'll probably have a Halloween preperation theme the following week or something. There's only one human answer, which will most likely lose to overwhelming popularity. As for a positive, at least the ink colours are nice? (Really clutching straws here).
After mayo and pineapple pizza, it was time to talk about the TP....... ;)

After tackling the Tenta-Brella i fear this is becoming yet another one of the many, many high-risk low-reward weapons in the game. It can readily join the likes of Goo Tuber, E-Liter, every single roller and the regular Brella in that regard. It's a bit too early to say and i hope there will be discoveries that will give it some potential, but so far i have yet to see anyone do well with it.

Somewhat unique to the weapon is that it has both a significant start-up time and a cooldown time with each shot. Not only does this mean you have to lead the target to a ludicrous degree, you are also incredibly vulnerable while you are doing it. You are practically a target-practise dummy while firing, but the slow suffering does not end there either: It's 10% slower speed makes it also much more sluggish to use outside of combat which is pretty bad for a close-ranged weapon. Combined with a terrible set (have fun sniping those bubbles!), a sluggish ttk, a disastrous ink consumption and weak turf coverage and you have a weapon that doesn't look like it'll have a bright future anywhere near soon.

I really think this weapon would've done so much better with burst bombs. Score a direct and suddenly you can get a lethal shot from a much further range. It wouldn't make it an amazing weapon by any means, but it'll help.

After testing it out i think the .96 is way better in just about every regard. Higher mobility, higher firerate (resulting in a much faster ttk), no speed penalty, more range, way better set and i bet it inks better too. It's accuracy is it's the only shortcoming, but when you compare that to the Tenta-Brella it still feels like a better choice to me.

oh yeah eu splatfest something something gimmie my shirt for chunks and snails plz
Haha, that's quite the scathing review. I kind of giggled along with it because it's so true.....the weapon is better than you give it credit for....but not by much. Though I agree it share's E-Liter and carbon's high risk low reward play, I think the plain rollers are pretty solid, and Goo Tuber is much much lower risk, higher reward than eliter. It has the same charge time, sure, but unlike eliter that you have to charge in public to take the shot (making yourself a useless sitting duck) the tuber should fall back and charge away from everyone, and approach only with one in the chamber, thus giving it the fastest ttk in the game on actual approach, outclassing even luna blaster if you don't miss. And if you do miss it has incredible mobility for houdini escapes. Tuber doesn't deserve the hate it gets. Eliter deserves more hate, however. :P Tuber can actually help push....eliter....not so much. Carbon, not so much. A lot of the new weapons are kind of meh, but tuber and flingza I think are underrated (for now) because they actually CAN be used around their limitations with the right playstyle. Tentabrella, on the other hand...with a wonky hitbox, bad lag interraction, and actual freeze-in-place mechanics, there's just no saving that thing. Great players can no doubt find a great way to use it effectively, but other than the short duration shield, it doesn't really do anything that can't be done with other weapons. Wheres tuber can roam the map with a stored charge and flingza can be both a close range roller and ink/pressure far...something no other weapons do....tuber is just a medium-long range shooter with low damage at range, and really slow firing mechanics, and carbon's hitbox borrowed just to land the final blow.

It's kind of official. I love the "bad" weapons.....if *I* think the bad weapon is bad...it's REALLY bad... :P

Maybe brellas are huge in Japan. Although, I'm pretty sure, based on the Japanese people I've faced, rollers are the big thing over there.

Faced a tenta brella who was almost good yesterday in pairs league. He'd shield for his splattling partner, which was most effective when the partner was using the sting ray.

This wouldn't have worked nearly as well if our partners didn't fall for brella tricks so hard, but at least it shows that, with some moxie and voice chat coordination, a tenta brella can be not useless.
I'd be surprised of breallas weren't popular there given the cultural identity have in japan (even Marie is given a parasol and kimono this time... :P )

But I do think rollers are the big deal in Japan. On the rare (but increasingly less rare) occasions I get Japanese players, I see a lot of rollers....and they tend to be played a lot better than here. I managed to get a friend request from an incredibly amazing splat roller I presume to be Japanese (given the name and the Mii....and roller skill...) while I was playing Flingza one day. That was a proud moment and the only randoms friend request I actually accepted :)

I'm hoping the reason we haven't had our Splatfest announced yet is because it's gonna be held the weekend before Halloween, with a theme matching the holiday. We could also just not have a Splatfest lel.

Also, I always found the Baller fun even back before the buffs when it wasn't very effective, so now that it is strong, it's my new favorite special. Sheesh I've gone from Tentamissles to Inkjet to Baller, I'm so unloyal! I think I'll stick to it this time though, especially once the Slosher Deco arrives in 3 months.
Yeah, I'm sure it's Halloween themed....it was in S1, and that's a bigger holiday here than most places. The toilet paper theme is just.....even Reggie's group can't sink THAT low.

I will never be satisfied until we get Off the Hook vs. Squid Sisters.

There is only one acceptable choice, so 100% popularity should clinch it. ;)


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
So if our Splatfest is a test by Nintendo of Europe then I'm sad to say people have already failed it:

On another note the plaza seems to be sticking to a 50/50 on this, between Marina fanboys and the sane people in the world there seems to be equal proportions of both teams. I may be siding with Pearl and Front if this is how it stays, but if Back is fairly behind in popularity (will snoop on streams to see queue times for both teams) then I'll go that way, as I'd rather take faster matchmaking times over being on the team that is more likely to face itself every match and spend 1-2mins doing so.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
At least you get a splatfest *needless grumbling* So, any thoughts on this week's weapon folks? There hasn't been a solid trend so far, what comes next is hard to guess.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
At least you get a splatfest *needless grumbling* So, any thoughts on this week's weapon folks? There hasn't been a solid trend so far, what comes next is hard to guess.
Bamboozler won't return my texts! Hydra is always up for a woomy call. Blaster tells me their cousin, Range Blaster, is actually kinda cute~.

Sorry, haven't had my morning coffee
tea yet! ^.^:
Meanwhile, curious how Team Toilet Paper vs Team Marina will turn out.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
My bets are on some roller variant (carbon deco / gold dynamo)
OR bamboozler.

It has been awhile since we got a dualy though...
Most likely not one of the new dualie types leaked, but maaaaybe custom squelders or dapple nouveau


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
My bets are on some roller variant (carbon deco / gold dynamo)
OR bamboozler.

It has been awhile since we got a dualy though...
Most likely not one of the new dualie types leaked, but maaaaybe custom squelders or dapple nouveau
I would really like some new duelies they are just so fun to play with, but I would prefer a roller variant or a blaster most along with the NA splatfest theme I hope that it don't be stupid or cliche
(look at EU theme) nervous sweating
Also saw you yesterday trying out the tentabrella in tower control... how did it work out?


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
On another note the plaza seems to be sticking to a 50/50 on this, between Marina fanboys and the sane people in the world there seems to be equal proportions of both teams.
I think that's deliberate. The plaza has been 50/50 for me for every splatfest so far. I'm pretty sure Nintendo set things up so that "splatfest posts" coming from both teams are always equally represented in the plazas to hide how imbalanced the votes may be, and the dance parties always show equal numbers of both shirts (plus or minus one or two). I'm not sure if normal posts are sorted the same way (they do know what team everyone has chosen, after all).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
A TP splatfest brings whole new meaning to "splat fest"..... I still blame #teammayo. I'm still guessing team hent....Marina will win. Maybe "Is Pearl ugly or totes adorrbs" is the next theme?" Seems to be split popularity so far.

@Ansible I have this horrifying fear that they'll bring back bamboozler and hydra and they're going to be horribly nerfed like Eliter. It was just a dream, right? ....right..?

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
@Saber I was weirded out by the jumping in match, only realized it was you until afterwards with the FR ^_^;

It went pretty bad; 6 wins, 6 loses.
I mean, it goes without saying, but in case you missed, I carried that match ;000
I've had moderate success in RM / SZ so far. If I can more reliably track my shots, especially withing 1hko range, I imagine this weapon will feel far better. We shall see if I can reach that threshold before the light brella / gloogas come out or I just get dog tired of tenta brella =[


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
A TP splatfest brings whole new meaning to "splat fest"..... I still blame #teammayo. I'm still guessing team hent....Marina will win. Maybe "Is Pearl ugly or totes adorrbs" is the next theme?" Seems to be split popularity so far.

@Ansible I have this horrifying fear that they'll bring back bamboozler and hydra and they're going to be horribly nerfed like Eliter. It was just a dream, right? ....right..?
I was thinking about this too, recently. They might give hydra a small nerf in range or something, but bambi's probably okay

Who knows, though! Maybe hydra will become the equivalent of splat 1's eliter because of the map design :p


Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code

Before people get too worked up, it looks like this is a Europe only theme (who would have guessed? Europe NEVER gets bad themes).
So you're telling me that the guy who created our Splatfest themes in the first game DIDN'T get the sack?
Themes like this were the kind of thing I joked about back when Splatfests were relatively new.

I really have no words right now...
So, any thoughts on this week's weapon folks? There hasn't been a solid trend so far, what comes next is hard to guess.
I can't guess what our new weapon is going to be, but if it ain't something I want (Hydra or Zink Mini Splatling), then this going to be one of my least favourite Splatfest of all time.
I'm hoping that having one next weekend will set Europe up nicely for a Christmas themed Splatfest in December.
Knowing our luck, our Christmas Splatfest will be belly button lint vs dust bunnies or something stupid like that...


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
The door's really been flung open for dumb splatfest themes, hasn't it? Half-and-half versus non-dairy creamer! Left hand versus right hand! up and down versus left and right! That said, they have got to have taken note of the response their toilet paper splatfest has received :P


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The door's really been flung open for dumb splatfest themes, hasn't it? Half-and-half versus non-dairy creamer! Left hand versus right hand! up and down versus left and right! That said, they have got to have taken note of the response their toilet paper splatfest has received :p
Pizza, but somebody will punch you in the mouth after you finish eating it VERSUS Chicago Style "Pizza."

Yes, this was a troll for all you Chicago-types out there. No, Deep Dish is not pizza.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Pizza, but somebody will punch you in the mouth after you finish eating it VERSUS Chicago Style "Pizza."

Yes, this was a troll for all you Chicago-types out there. No, Deep Dish is not pizza.
Thanks, now we know the theme of our next splatfest :( :P


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
As long as they don't make it New England vs. Manhattan clam chowder. Blood would be spilled.
So that's how they make Manhattan Clam Chowder.

I'm team New England Clam, and this is the first time I've sided with New England on anything.

Also, to answer a question from earlier, I think this really is the week they drop the bamboozler.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
As long as they don't make it New England vs. Manhattan clam chowder. Blood would be spilled.
I've heard one of those two is made with clams. :P

Also, to answer a question from earlier, I think this really is the week they drop the bamboozler.
That's just cruelty, you tease. I'm banking on 52 deco because why not? :P


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Actually considering the list I made over in the charter archtypes post I made earlier
Splatlings, and Sloshers are due for one next (both only have 3 weapons each) brushes due but there were only 4 weapons in the original so they are less or a priority.

But we're likely gonna get a tentabrella deco if we are being honest:p

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