Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Wow, the reactions are even worse than I expected lol, in brighter news (for Europe anyway) the next Splatfest has been announced!

So no Christmas theme like Splatoon 1, but a cool theme nonetheless. It’s to be expected after all, I believe only the larger countries celebrate Christmas or similar forms in Europe, so they couldn’t do it without making others miss out and whatnot. We’ll have to see what America gets for their theme, and hopefully it doesn’t provoke the weird drawings that Naughty vs Nice did *shudders*


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
The Glooga sucks so hard. It doesn't kill, it doesn't ink, it doesn't work. Dodge rolls are kind of useless anyway.

New Splatfest is pretty cool. But I wonder if the Spaltoon demographic is really the kind where book-fans are represented very well...I'm seeing like 10 times as many Movie splatfest shirts in battle than Books. For me it's at least an easy choice. I've watched about 150 movies this year alone, but the last time I read a book was because I had to in high school.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
no dodge rolls '3'
And don't forget how much praying you have to do to RNGeezus when you play the gals at max range,
52 gal makes glooga look like a dang charger with that single reticle accuracy.
That's pretty much the only thing that it has over the .52 Gal, gotta give it that.
People would rather have a bit or RNG involved than having to learn extra things on the new weapon to get the same results, you know?
And to get that single reticle and the 2 shot, you need to position yourself properly to pull off your roll, and you're stuck to stand completely still while the .52 Gal just has to walk and shoot, but it has a bit of RNG to compensate.

My point is, when I put this into a slightly more competitive perspective, it is pointless to put so much more effort to use the Gloogas effectively, when there is another option that is more reliable and requires much less to do from the player to get very similar results

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
This is the first time in a while that I've tried a weapon for the first time and thought "yeah, this is a strong, solid main weapon that stands on its own"

And so many here are saying the opposite.

And it's different from stuff like bamboozler or H3 from splat 1 where it had great potential but the skill floor was high.
This gun doesn't seem hard to use decently. I picked up a groove for it in a couple games. And I'm far from some kind of squid god, I'm more or less on par with y'all.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Glooga doesn't seem awful but it's also not great. I kind of like them but don't love them.

Otoh they made me play 4k scope which now seems okish.... Which probably isn't a compliment to glooga

The Glooga sucks so hard. It doesn't kill, it doesn't ink, it doesn't work. Dodge rolls are kind of useless anyway.

New Splatfest is pretty cool. But I wonder if the Spaltoon demographic is really the kind where book-fans are represented very well...I'm seeing like 10 times as many Movie splatfest shirts in battle than Books. For me it's at least an easy choice. I've watched about 150 movies this year alone, but the last time I read a book was because I had to in high school.
Wow, negativity from you for once. One of us! One of us!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Okay, this might be a stupid question, but I was swimming around in ink, back to where the action is, and I noticed by special guage was filling automatically? What the hell was going on?
-I'm not using Tenacity
-I didn't use any Tentamissles or anything that were still coming down
-I'm not on drugs
Any idea?

Wow, negativity from you for once. One of us! One of us!
Hey, I've been negative before. I do believe that Splatoon 2 is a great game, and that every weapon can be good in the right hands. But that doesn't stop me from hating certain weapons personally. Hell, the very previous weapon (the Hydra) is a pile of junk to me.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Huh, never knew. Then again, the only Ranked mode I play is Splat Zones, and I haven't actually started paying attention to that too much until recently.

As for the Hydra...hate to say it, but that weapon has disappeared after its initial weekend just like any other weapon of the week people are crapping on. People might've thrown fits over it being late, but nobody actually cared in the end.


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
Okay, this might be a stupid question, but I was swimming around in ink, back to where the action is, and I noticed by special guage was filling automatically? What the hell was going on?
-I'm not using Tenacity
-I didn't use any Tentamissles or anything that were still coming down
-I'm not on drugs
Any idea?
Yes there's definitely some kind of slow charging to it. I don't know exactly what causes it. It could be splashed/pushed ink from swimming or walking. Youtubers Skul and Fishy tried to tie turfwar at 0% but their footprints added a tiny fraction of a percent to each team. And when you're swimming you tend to push the ink puddle slightly larger than it was originally. I notice this "background" charge when my special is nearly full but I'm out of ink, so I swim around to regen ink and the special fills by itself.

edit: Green Waffles already had the correct answer. I looked it up and Ranked Mode charges your team's special gauge when the enemy is in control.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I have to admit I love the ways dodge roll has been implemented among all the duelies.

The vanilla/ emperry used them as an option to get out of danger and decrease rng increase overall mobility

The dappled duelies basically allows you to mash B as soon as someone appears near you to keep them off balanace and take out enemies from a close range

Dulie squechlers use the roll to gain more accuracy while and continue movement towards or away from an enemy while rolling

However the Google duelies use the roll to increase power and guarantee splats...which sounds great on paper but has a very big gaping hole in it's plan
However it exsists in a meta along side the brella, the trislosher, and the splattershot pro, all who have better accuracy and guarantee kills quicker the Google making it very 1 sided most times.

Personally if the Googla duelies roll has a hitbox I feel it would make it have a useful gimmick (plus it would be hilarious) Though a buff to it's ink efficentcy would be a better toward it sustainability in meta.

Plus @Nintendo if there is any such person who dare watch this thread, for goodness sakes buff the ink mines...when haunt and thermal ink do a better job at vision it indicates a problem with the sub weapon (I love them but I wish they were more useful outside of meme strays and combos)

P.S : I like it's style but again it is really overshadowed by other weapons in the close ranged meta
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Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Not sure how I'm feeling about the Glooga Dualies now that I finally had a chance to try them for a bit. They feel as slow as... well, hot glue!

Even when you have someone in optimum range it feels like it takes ages to splat them. And it can get even worse (for me at least) when they decide to move because not only do you have to deal with the glooga's ink inefficiency whether or not you roll, you have to also take into account shot travel time and health regeneration after one second—but all you need is just one more hit on them. One hit! One itsy bitsy love tap—but nope—they dodge for a moment and regain enough health to where you still need one more hit!

It's like skating uphill! There was even a turf war match with @Award where I wasted more than two full tanks just trying to splat him! A cartoonish moment of hitting him a couple of times, he'd dive and evade, I'd hit him a couple more times, he'd dive and evade, hit him a couple of more times, he'd dive and evade. So~ wish I made a proper recording of it so I can just slap a Benny Hill track to it. :rolleyes:

And private battle rainmaker was just as silly. Even leading my shots and rng wanting to help me the ink was slower than a running rainmaker carrier.

I won't completely toss it under a train after less than three hours with it, but it's not something I'm ready to use outside of cruise control playing.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Rolling just isn't very useful. The player who rolls also has to adjust their aim because theysuddenly move a bit. On the other hand, the person who's battling the dodge-roller is also still moving about, but in a less janky way, so the dualie is still battling a moving target as well, but one that can keep its aim more easily.

Usually if I encounter a Dualie, a dodge roll means an easy KO for me. That doesn't mean that no Dualie players can put them to use well, but if that doesn't indicate a problem...
It's especially hilarious and sad at the same time when you're playing a long-range weapon, a Dualie gets spotted, rolls to be unpredictable, but ends up as a sitting duck. The least they could do is allow people to move after rolling, like the Dualie Squelcher does.

Plus even if rolling was useful, the whole dual-rectangle thing sucks too hard for me anyway. Honestly, I haven't used Dualies since the first two months of Splatoon 2 or so. I just see no reason to put up with them if so many good shooters exist.

Or maybe I'm just still upset about the fact they removed the Dual Squelcher.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Rolling can be useful, just not for the reasons Nintendo probably intended. You can quickly dash towards unaware and isolated targets and pick them off (very helpful for Dapples), or they can flee from a losing confrontation by rolling backwards and prevent themselves getting stuck on small patches of ink. The fact that rolling off a cliff gives your Inkling a high fall speed is also good.
I think Nintendo wants dualies to keep spamming rolls during any confrontation which is a surefire method of losing against any skilled player. The boosts your weapon gets post-roll basically means you have to keep rolling to get the most out of them, but too bad your inkling will become immobile after every roll making them an easy target.

Glooga is alright once it finishes rolling and becomes more accurate, but you have to roll to get a decent accurate shot at someone. Playing as the .52 just seems like a better choice as it doesn't have to work with an awkward mechanic to get the most out of it.


Pro Squid
Aug 14, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Of course life would find a way to take me away from my switch on the week of the big update.
So may I ask, what's the consensus on the Hydra? Is it bad like I suspected or what?
Wow, the reactions are even worse than I expected lol, in brighter news (for Europe anyway) the next Splatfest has been announced!
So no Christmas theme like Splatoon 1, but a cool theme nonetheless.
We never seem to get holiday Splatfests, but this is probably the best EU exclusive Splatfest we've had yet imo.
Rolling just isn't very useful. Usually if I encounter a Dualie, a dodge roll means an easy KO for me. That doesn't mean that no Dualie players can put them to use well, but if that doesn't indicate a problem...
I'm not sure I agree really. I've missed a lot of splats because of a Dualie user rolling out of my range, Dualie Squelchers are especially bad because the extra range means they can actually be a threat should you choose to pusue them..


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
You can still maintain your aim on a target while rolling. Even if your target is moving.

Though the latter is a bit trickier to learn, so most dualies can be thrown off by you moving when they roll, even jumping in place, because they expect you to just stand still while they roll. And some of them are easy to track as they roll because they do so laterally or in straight lines that instead of angles or circling that forces the target to waste precious moments to readjust their own aim.

So may I ask, what's the consensus on the Hydra? Is it bad like I suspected or what?
I still like it. Far range charger-like weapon with no laser. Can secure or influence an area when drops anchor in a safeish spot. Long range support that can provide turf from afar and help weaken or finish off opponents like an inkstorm. But that's just me.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
I tried playing a bit more with the Glooga Dualies, just give them another chance and me being in denial that another brand new weapon just sucks again, and really, the best way I can describe this weapon is...
a s****y version of the .52 Gal with dodge rolls but when you roll and stand still after it kinda becomes the .52
This weapon gets the gold ''You Tried'' award. :rolleyes:

I'm just really sad and dissapointed at that, don't mind the extra salt x.x;;


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
I think the main problem with any Dualie is the fact that you're wielding two guns at half fire-rate of one. Sure it means you're essentially firing at same rate as that one gun, but you have to keep two reticles on the target, which is oftentimes trickier than just getting one. Just a slight turn too far, and one gun is off target, leading you to shooting at someone with half of a gun.

The Splat Dualies together kill at the same rate as an N-Zap. Dodge roll, and it kills slightly faster due to the absence of RNG. It's just that dodge rolling to attack is not a good idea. I have had many opponents try this, only to make themselves easier to kill. Sure it's useful for surprise attacks, but if you're surprising the opponent, I think you already have the fight won.

I use dodge rolling to get away from fights I'm going to lose, to escape bombs, and to escape the Rainmaker blast. To attack, I just use it to assassinate the Rainmaker and pop the Rainmaker shield. Most of these are very specific scenarios that are often just the result of overextending. So say you don't overextend...N-Zap is more effective. Either that or do overextend and use Splashdown.

I hate admitting this, since I love Dualies. They're so fun to play as, but in a more serious match, they're impractical, and the wonky aim will often get you killed. It's difficult enough getting one reticle on a moving hostile target, but two of them only to get the results of one gun? Not to mention that one of the Dualies will often get obstructed by obstacles. If that's the case, just use the one gun. They have already buffed the Dualies alot, and they still fall behind.

Combining the retciles will take away the novelty of it. Making both guns fire at the same rate of a regular gun will make them overpowered. If I could think of a possible fix to make Dualies more viable, I'd slightly increase the fire rate. That would make it more rewarding to be precise with them.

For Gloogas, if they killed with two shots, and one-shotted the enemy after a dodge roll, they would be more viable. I don't think this would make them overpowered, since even then they'd just be a .52 Gal with more range at the cost of more difficulty aiming.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Not sure how I'm feeling about the Glooga Dualies now that I finally had a chance to try them for a bit. They feel as slow as... well, hot glue!

Even when you have someone in optimum range it feels like it takes ages to splat them. And it can get even worse (for me at least) when they decide to move because not only do you have to deal with the glooga's ink inefficiency whether or not you roll, you have to also take into account shot travel time and health regeneration after one second—but all you need is just one more hit on them. One hit! One itsy bitsy love tap—but nope—they dodge for a moment and regain enough health to where you still need one more hit!

It's like skating uphill! There was even a turf war match with @Award where I wasted more than two full tanks just trying to splat him! A cartoonish moment of hitting him a couple of times, he'd dive and evade, I'd hit him a couple more times, he'd dive and evade, hit him a couple of more times, he'd dive and evade. So~ wish I made a proper recording of it so I can just slap a Benny Hill track to it. :rolleyes:

And private battle rainmaker was just as silly. Even leading my shots and rng wanting to help me the ink was slower than a running rainmaker carrier.

I won't completely toss it under a train after less than three hours with it, but it's not something I'm ready to use outside of cruise control playing.
And the fun part of this story is that i was rocking 4k scope and playing aggro..... Not exactly a mobile target to miss :p. If i had tuber where i move like an escape artist its understandable, but 4k-i-can't-believe-it's-not-Hydra... Poor slow glooga....

Side note to @Saber, I've finally figured out how to make 4k viable using ink mines as reliable damage to restore the functionality of partial charges and Bambi style double taps! Add a bit of tuber know how to go agro and 4k is back in my mix! Vanilla or all things. Thanks to ink mines of all things..... Wow that's really sad actually.

Scope because charge storing doesn't help much with this style, and if you're going to waste your time with 4k, may as well milk the range.


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
For Gloogas, if they killed with two shots, and one-shotted the enemy after a dodge roll, they would be more viable. I don't think this would make them overpowered, since even then they'd just be a .52 Gal with more range at the cost of more difficulty aiming.
I think that would be pretty broken honestly. And I'm all for one shots. But looking at the weapons that one shot, chargers, rollers and blasters, they all have a standard weakness to go along with that.

Chargers need precise aim and a good amount of time to one shot from their ranges. Rollers don't need that precise aim, but they don't have much range so they can't one shot you from farther ranges. Finally, with blasters, you have a one shot (depending on the blaster) at a respectable range, but if a blaster misses it's going to be a long time before they can attempt to one shot again. And a blaster player doesn't have much mobility to work with since they move at a snails pace when firing and they can't turf ground if they're in enemy ink.

Now looking at the glooga dualies after a roll, that's about mid range after firing. So we can forget about having range as the weakness. And what about the fire rate? It puts any blaster in the dust when it comes to that. So what's the weakness of having this one shot ability? Being unreliable with the rng? Even with that, the fire rate is already really good for a one shot weapon. After you roll you get about 4 chances to one shot after performing a dodge roll (if those changes were to happen), so that means you can theoretically get a quad after a dodge roll. Plus, dodge roll (even if it's kinda slow) will give you a lot of opportunities to evade enemy attacks.

So yes, I think this would be pretty OP. Even though I love one shots, I can't see this ever becoming a thing. Though it is an interesting approach to buff the weapon.

Mr. Squiggly Squid

Inkling Commander
Oct 10, 2017
Seashell Suburbs, North Inkopolis
Not quite sure how I feel about the Gloogas. They at least have an interesting concept, but I can't say I prefer them over any of the other Dualies. It may be that I'm just too used to using the Dapples all the time but I'm not totally sure. Plus, the Gloogas set is just trash.

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