Splatoon 2: Find Out What's Fresh! (General Discussion)

What are you most excited about for Splatoon 2?

  • New Weapons

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • New Stages

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • New Specials

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • New Character Customization Options

    Votes: 16 15.8%
  • New Modes

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • The Return of Old Stuff (Stages, Weapons, etc.)

    Votes: 5 5.0%

    Votes: 55 54.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
That's exactly why people write off many things as ''bad'' and ''unviable''. You have to learn things in order to be efficient with said weapons, and again, the comp scene is mostly to blame here, since the mentality there is mostly to use the thing that requires the least amount of effort to get the most rewards x.x

And even then in a lot of scenarios, if one sees a person using a different ''non-meta'' weapon, like the Goo Tuber or an E-Liter or the Tenta Brella or any other weapon that is considered as ''trash'' there's way too many people who immediately discredit them and say that they're throwing the match only because they have the weapon equipped, even if they can hold their own pretty well with it. That turns many, many people away from using said weapons because it efficiently ruins the experience.
I totally agree with this. We’ve all had this conversation before, but the most annoying thing is when a popular competitive team starts using a previously declared “trash” weapon, and suddenly that weapon is good... even though many of us said they were good all along.

Again, bubbles is the biggest example here, but a more hilarious example is how much many people loved the blue dapples... yet they didn’t become popular until western competitive players stole blue dapple comps from Japanese players... then western non-competitive players started playing the weapon because of that.

I wish the game were big enough in the West that players had the swag to just do whatever they wanted and maybe learn the idiosyncrasies of some of the weirder weapons. Experimentation seems bigger in Japan than it does here. We kind of make our minds up and then copy cat the most successful among us.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I wish the game were big enough in the West that players had the swag to just do whatever they wanted and maybe learn the idiosyncrasies of some of the weirder weapons. Experimentation seems bigger in Japan than it does here. We kind of make our minds up and then copy cat the most successful among us.
That has nothing to do with the popularity of the game or the size of the community, that's just human nature. Look up the trend known as "netdecking", for example. Nothing will ever stop people from playing follow the leader, on this game or any other.

Oh, and Green Waffles, I haven't written off the tetras or think they're bad. What was that hypocritical comment about knee-jerk reactions again? Don't assume the worst, sheesh.
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Pro Squid
Dec 16, 2017
I am currently hiding under my blanket wearing a turtleneck sweater, cuddling with my Marie plush, listening to insaneintherain on iTunes, all because Splatoon 2 got shut off while loading in a power outage and I have nothing else to do.

Send help and cookies please.


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The answer is obviously egg.



Inkling Cadet
Dec 28, 2016
That Pearl and Marina banter was a joy to read. Nintendo Treehouse absolutely kills it with the writing once again.

Meta-Marina enters the Squid Matrix!


Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
I'm going to choose "das Gelbe vom Ei". Literal translation would be "the yellow of the egg" from "This is not the yellow of the egg" This is a german proverb and means something is not the most advantageous.
And I'm choosing the most advantageous, the egg yolk.



Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
With working most all day, and Gootuber Salmon Run going on while I was off, I didn't really have any time to test the Tetra Dualies. I just gave it a few tries in the target range and watched a streamer use it.

Tetra Dualies seem like an okay weapon, but no better. The slight edge in range compared to other mid-range shooters is nice, but the inaccuracy doesn't exactly make up for it. Sure, it's no longer inaccurate after a dodge roll, which is what Nintendo is trying to get you to do with them, but then it kills slowly after said dodge roll shot. With Splat/Dapple Dualies, if you catch someone off guard with a dodge roll, they are dead, but with these, they still have a chance, because the kill time is rather slow. These weapons almost force you to predictably dodge roll infront of people, which will get you killed against someone who can reliably track and punish dodge rolls.

You can't Splashdown immediately after a dodge roll, which stinks. When I saw Dualies with Splashdown, I thought "Oh boy! Dodge roll in someone's face then SPLASHDOWN!". Sadly it doesn't work out like that :(

If I were to name a use for these, it would be taking advantage of its range, being slightly higher than N-Zap or Splattershot. Use Autobombs to help zone your targets and get them wherever you want, then get 'em at near max range. Thing is......that requires a stupid amount of precision.

Complaining aside, Tetras seem like a really fun weapon. Dodge roll like a madman!

Now for the new stage. It seems like a really really fun Zones stage. Haven't had a chance to play it, but I look forward to doing Zones in it. One huge problem with the new stage though....

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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Evolution occurs in utero, so egg is the only answer. The splatfest choice isn't philosophical, and it isn't something you can have an opinion on. If you're taking a test, and you pick the wrong factual answer, you're not going to get the question correct just because it's how YOU feel.

Egg is the answer because science, and if you pick anything different, I wonder if you also don't believe in gravity or that we breathe oxygen to stay alive or that the Earth circles the Sun and not the other way around.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Someone summed it up pretty well in the plaza: It's cool ink color VS correct choice. Even if the question is talking specifically about the first chicken egg, not just any egg, the correct answer is egg. No two ways about it.

So far, I've seen one chicken supporter in a match, and tons and tons of egg players so this is going to be plenty of mirror matches for me as I'm on the Egg team. The shirt's cute though.
Nerfed HOW exactly? You're ignoring that it has Aerospray accuracy without the fire rate at any time you're not rolling, and the dodge rolls (slides, really) are even slower than the gloogas, ensuring that you're an immobile target the second you run out of rolls. So you're either hideously inaccurate and slow-firing but mobile, or accurate but doomed to come to a complete stop. That's not a fun choice.

I and other friends have had vastly different experiences than you it seems, I've seen plenty of terrible Tetra players since launch. They're not as bad as the Gloogas because they can paint, but these weapons are teetering on the edge of the "unviable" category. They're far more likely to get buffed.
You can dash four times while still shooting with pretty damn great accuracy. So, you're kind of all over the place, and if you as much as kinda can manage to keep your aim, you'll probably kill the opponent. And if not, you can always use the last one or two dashes to get away from the enemy. It's a very low-effort kill weapon. I feel like I'm sucking at it, and I still manage to beat pretty much everyone I engage with. The inaccuracy when shooting with two guns doesn't matter since you'll never be engaging in a duel when shooting with two guns, and it's not even that inaccurate IMO. Since it's got decent range and doesn't shoot to slowly.

I mean, we'll see what happens in the following days, but I've seen a lot of people do really well with it already. In the worst case scenario you got a one-gun stream coming at you constantly while the opponent scoots all over the place.

One thing I've noticed, and it's a big "no duh" thing, is that we, as a community, write off a lot of stuff before we figure out how we're actually supposed to use it. Case in point is bubbles and quick respawn..
Quick respawn does suck though.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 6, 2018
Ontario, Canada
Switch Friend Code
Evolution occurs in utero, so egg is the only answer. The splatfest choice isn't philosophical, and it isn't something you can have an opinion on. If you're taking a test, and you pick the wrong factual answer, you're not going to get the question correct just because it's how YOU feel.

Egg is the answer because science, and if you pick anything different, I wonder if you also don't believe in gravity or that we breathe oxygen to stay alive or that the Earth circles the Sun and not the other way around.
Well, if you take it metaphorically, the first life-form does seem to have spontaneously formed by something like a lightning strike, so Team Chicken is technically correct as well. The first egg, however, was laid by something that does not normally lays eggs, you’re right.


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
So here come my knee-jerk reactions, focusing on Goby Arena, Dark Tetra Dualies and a quick analysis on the L3 Nozzlenose post-buff.

Goby Arena:

What a fantastic map. At first I was rather sceptical at the sight because it looked to be one another Starfish Mainstage with all the corridors but it’s so much better than that. Nice and spacious mid, works wonders on Splat Zones, being in control gives you good vantage points, but there are still plenty of routes to get back and take control, works really nicely together. Rainmaker is phenomenal, about 4 different ways to push (they lead to 2 main options anyway), and matches are hotly contested throughout with some pretty exciting pushes and tactics. Clam Blitz is... disappointing to say the least. As with a number of maps (Shellendorf is a huge one), this mode is bad, the barrier/goal is in a stupid position, clam spawning is ridiculous on all maps, and as is the norm the match is either no-one scores for ages, one time destroys the other or there's an occasional back and forth scoring going on with plenty of stalemates in between. Mode has a good concept, but ultimately let down by many issues and just isn't fun. Tower Control is the one mode I haven't played, but the route looks good and 3 checkpoints is nice, so that should be just as good. All in all, another solid addition to the map lineup, most of the new maps that have been unlocked are great and more interesting than the launch selection.

Dark Tetra Dualies:

Too early to give a true viability rating (much like Bubble Blower), but I'm not impressed with this weapon. The mess around in recon and the testing range gives off the impression of a weapon with much better ink efficiency than it actually has. Trying to use the dodge slides and fight simultaneously led to too many circumstances where I ran out of ink and died. Obviously time and experience will eradicate those problems but the camera jolts during slides throw your aim off so that gimmick is a huge waste. As much as everyone loves Autobombs I only use them regularly on weapons that are close range or aren't shooters otherwise they waste ink for nothing, and there are far better Splashdown weapons out there already. I'm not feeling this weapon at all, but I did get cheese-killed a few times when I switched to L3 because their constant sliding meant my burst shots weren't lining up with their end lag.

L3 Nozzlenose:

I fell in love with this weapon near launch, but dropped it a few weeks later due to the never ending N-ZAP/Tri-Slosher Ink Armor meta game, most of the maps back then weren't friendly towards a weapon that needs good spacing to kill and out-manoeuvre enemies. Baller wasn't great either before the 1.3.0 superbuff, and Curlings were nice but not helpful in engaging fights. It had a very good kit, but the maps and meta were working against it the entire time. Fast forward to now and I'm rather impressed with the new buff. The L3 (and its D brother) is very much a sleeper weapon, it has a lot of potential, a lot of reward payoff but yet no-one uses it to the "super easy" weapons currently residing in the meta state. Landing shots is a breeze and getting kills is so much easier and quicker, which is everything in this game's faster paced environment. L3D can step in where the vanilla struggles, taking the burst bombs and lending burst cancel to engage in close ranged fights, a blessing when map rotations are on the short ranged side's favour. The L3 has great range, decent mobility, astounding turfing power (I was consistently in top 4 for turf painted out of all 8 players, and more often top or 2nd) and 2 really decent kits, and is a great choice for support and front-line contributions. I got a couple of cool little triples last night, and I need to push those out to Twitter (all my account is used for, never been a real user :P). Sure it's niche evidence, but I'm rather proud of this game I had last night in League:


So now onto the topic that has happened since starting this post yesterday (stopped due to attempting to write on a tablet): the new Splatfest. Interestingly this is the 4th shared theme between America and Europe, and the 2nd to have cross-play and results shared without Japan's involvement. As for the theme itself, I like the concept, but seriously, of all the philosophical-style questions they could have used, they went for one with the obvious (and proven) answer? And again, another issue lies in the fact that Splatfests were supposed to be debates, "Do you like this thing more than this other thing?", not a "Hey what do you think is correct, and if you pick this people will call you stupid". I've sided with Team Chicken, not for the answer, but for the exclusive ink colour (always a perk to play in a colour not available in normal play), the artwork I prefer, and the fact I'm still heavily scarred from the Front Roll vs Back Roll Splatfest. I picked Back Roll on the day to avoid the slow queue times I'd heard about on Front Roll (despite that being the correct answer), and instead I got rewarded with rapid matchmaking where my teammates never had a clue how to play the game. So yeah, not considering joining Marina for a while unless her team is what I agree with (hasn't happened yet) :P

As a final aside, I think Team Chicken is going to have a huge advantage over Egg. Remember people complaining about Dark Blue in Splatoon 1 Ranked and how you couldn't see swim trail well? Based on the fact Chicken's shirt is pure white (versus Mayo's yellow-tinged white) we'll be seeing bright white ink, which could very well mask all swim trails and give the illusion of Ninja Squid, so just be on the lookout for that. Who knows who'll win, but in the end I chose the colour/artwork rather than the correct answer, because Splatfests are usually forgotten about (the experience anyway) and I think making it more memorable being in different colours is worth it :P


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Well, if you take it metaphorically, the first life-form does seem to have spontaneously formed by something like a lightning strike, so Team Chicken is technically correct as well. The first egg, however, was laid by something that does not normally lays eggs, you’re right.
The animal chickens evolved from definitely laid eggs. Eggs were a thing that existed billions of years down the evolutionary chain, so it's definitely just egg. A non-chicken laid a chicken egg, and that's just how it works. The chicken came from that egg.

Taken metaphorically, it also doesn't work because it's a flawed/incorrect metaphor. Metaphors are meaningless when you're using incorrect information. As a writer, my editor would very fairly blast me if I used a metaphor as flawed as the chicken/egg thing. I refuse to even call it an "argument" because it isn't.


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
As a final aside, I think Team Chicken is going to have a huge advantage over Egg. Remember people complaining about Dark Blue in Splatoon 1 Ranked and how you couldn't see swim trail well? Based on the fact Chicken's shirt is pure white (versus Mayo's yellow-tinged white) we'll be seeing bright white ink, which could very well mask all swim trails and give the illusion of Ninja Squid, so just be on the lookout for that. Who knows who'll win, but in the end I chose the colour/artwork rather than the correct answer, because Splatfests are usually forgotten about (the experience anyway) and I think making it more memorable being in different colours is worth it :p

And that's why Splatoon 2 has the color lock feature :).


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Evolution occurs in utero, so egg is the only answer. The splatfest choice isn't philosophical, and it isn't something you can have an opinion on. If you're taking a test, and you pick the wrong factual answer, you're not going to get the question correct just because it's how YOU feel.

Egg is the answer because science, and if you pick anything different, I wonder if you also don't believe in gravity or that we breathe oxygen to stay alive or that the Earth circles the Sun and not the other way around.
See, this is exactly the sort of comment I was dreading in regards to this splatfest. I have seen some extremely heated chicken vs egg arguments over the years, I'm not too happy to see the topic on the squid game. As silly as the whole thing is, some people take it very seriously! :oops:


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
See, this is exactly the sort of comment I was dreading in regards to this splatfest. I have seen some extremely heated chicken vs egg arguments over the years, I'm not too happy to see the topic on the squid game. As silly as the whole thing is, some people take it very seriously! :oops:
Okay, so I wrote out a response here but it's mad-long and ranty, but it's also not meant to "take down" anyone on this board. I'm only mad at Nintendo here. Anyway, I put it in the spoiler tag so anyone can skip:

I'm as upset as you are... Maybe not for exactly the same reason, but something close to it. We already live in a society where people are openly disregarding facts as "fake," and it bothers me that Nintendo would make a Splatfest that takes fact and turns it into opinion. This is bad, and it's a serious issue, and it has no place in Splatfest or videogames.

I'm not mad at people who want to pick chicken (and if the reason is -- chickens are fun, have at it). I'm mad, and take very seriously, that facts apparently don't matter anymore. Nintendo doesn't need to pile onto that. I know it sounds like I'm overreacting, but every single time someone with a voice as big as Nintendo's takes something where there's a 100% correct answer and frames it as an opinion, the world becomes a worse place. This kind of disintegration of believing truth is what leads to some people denying Sandy Hook ever happened. It has people believing whatever reality is most convenient to them.

And that doesn't happen with one single event. It happens with seemingly innocent situations like this. It's cute when someone is a Flat Earth Truther. It's cute when someone wants to argue chicken versus egg. It's all cute until a bunch of reality deniers start voting in elections and making decisions based on the reality they choose for themselves instead of the actual reality. It's cute until people stop vaccinating their kids based on one bogus study from a disbarred doctor and start putting small children in danger because children aren't fully vaccinated until they're a few years old.

I'm sorry to go all rant here, but facts matter. They just do. The outcome of this Splatfest or how people vote isn't really what's important. What's important, and what sucks, is that Nintendo ever framed a fact as an opinion in the first place. The damage is already done.

There are a near-infinite amount of opinion based Splatfests for them to choose, and it sucks that Nintendo didn't go with something else instead.

This is a problem, and it actually matters.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I agree that it's a problem we're facing these days, but I don't think this Splatfest is that much of a deal. Outside of one person who was argueing they came at the same time because of religious reasons, everybody in the plaza seems to either 1) acknowledge the fact that Egg is the correct answer or 2) have picked Chicken because white ink.
And I think most people who would argue Chicken probably would do so more based on semantics/being anal about stuff. Some people might say that the first egg LAID by a chicken is the first egg. But in that case, an egg laid by a chicken that hatches a dog would still be a chicken egg, so I don't agree of course.

Ultimately, it's supposed to be a philosophical question. Only problem is, it sucks as a philosophical question because the real answer is too obvious. But I doubt anyone's gonna change their mind to chicken and become one of those persons doubtful of science based on this splatfest.
I agree with the sentiment of your post though.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I agree that it's a problem we're facing these days, but I don't think this Splatfest is that much of a deal. Outside of one person who was argueing they came at the same time because of religious reasons, everybody in the plaza seems to either 1) acknowledge the fact that Egg is the correct answer or 2) have picked Chicken because white ink.
And I think most people who would argue Chicken probably would do so more based on semantics/being anal about stuff. Some people might say that the first egg LAID by a chicken is the first egg. But in that case, an egg laid by a chicken that hatches a dog would still be a chicken egg, so I don't agree of course.

Ultimately, it's supposed to be a philosophical question. Only problem is, it sucks as a philosophical question because the real answer is too obvious. But I doubt anyone's gonna change their mind to chicken and become one of those persons doubtful of science based on this splatfest.
I agree with the sentiment of your post though.
This is fair. And it definitely wouldn't bother me if not for the bigger trend, but you make some good...


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