Yes when I first brought the concept it was a sole Squad system just like the groups. But The groups have more divisions like Team of 4 and Squad of more players. It was just made by me the smaller amount to keep things organized but we do have the timezone affecting players globally and also people are not perfect attendees. Everyone has something to do or a situation. Therefore several Squads have branched out for many players to be included. Even my own first one into NA and EU. Best bet is like TheRapture says; make a team of individuals but make a Squad compromising all your teammates and the bigger goal you all pursue. None of the members are restricted to anything in specifics.
I also would like this so I can include it in my thread as a link to each Squad/team's group section. Still have the Squads boards for announcements, info and many other threads Squads based but not necessarily a thread per Squad. The groups should function as the central hub for them all. Advertise your Squad, recruit, make arrangements and post messages, info or make a conversation in the groups. Because they have the banner and logo features it makes up for seamlessly a perfect combination. I can list all the Squads by name for a link and keep things pretty neat that way I get to just provide the link for their easy finding in the groups from the Squad boards. We are all working; both the administration as well as devoted users to make this Squads/teams, as most entertaining, easily accessible, easy to use, organized way possible. Thank you to all who started with me on this thread. My goal was/still is to find a home for the Squads and record them. Until we move to the Squads boards be sure to keep your info here, in Crispy Calamari if you have one or start fastforwarding to the Groups. This section here will still serve as the link and recording of Squads. That won't change ;)