

Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
1: That's a tough one, considering I enjoy them all!... I'd probably go chicken.
2: It means Mario dancing after obtaining a mushroom, Roxy, Duh!
3: The big one. I doubt it would catch up to me if I sprint fast enough.. I'm a runner!

@SleuthMechanism @woomycheri @Zero Meddler

1: Would you rather stomp your feet, or clap your hands?
2: Would you rather sleep in your underwear, or nothing at all on a boiling hot day, and no AC.
3: If you had a pet Pokemon, which would you have?
1. Clap. clapping is most effective in Donkey Kong
2. underwear, i can't stand being naked tbh.
3. Furret =3
Also joke's on you, the big one flies just as fast if not faster

OK, sorry to break the rules, but random questions have always been my absolute favorite! This is open to all:

1) What’s the scariest horror movie you’ve ever seen? (big, big, horror junkie here…)

2) Who has the best fast food in the world?

3) Would you stick your arm/leg in a hole in a wall if there was a 99/100 chance you would get 1 billion dollars, and a 1/100 chance your arm/leg would get chopped off? (yeah, it’s dark, so sue me…)
1. I don't like horror moves
2. Probably japan. Sushi was the og fastfood you know!
3. No. Not unless tech was advanced enough to give me a cool sci-fi style robot limb.

@DualQuelcher @Achamo @Mr. 9
2. What's your favourite animal/what is one of your most liked animals?
3. The ability to fly that you lose immediately if someone sees you or the ability to teleport but an inability to aim where you end up?


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock @Anaru

1. Ocean or dry land?
2. If you had 1 wish what would it NOT be?
3. Your fav ice cream?
I want to say Ocean since I changed my avatar to Lapras earlier today, but it'd probably be dry land, since the Ocean is just a lot of water, and land has trees, plants, a lot more animals (Ocean has dolphins though) and water that you can actually drink.
Being eternally sad
Cookies and Cream
OK, sorry to break the rules, but random questions have always been my absolute favorite! This is open to all:

1) What’s the scariest horror movie you’ve ever seen? (big, big, horror junkie here…)

2) Who has the best fast food in the world?

3) Would you stick your arm/leg in a hole in a wall if there was a 99/100 chance you would get 1 billion dollars, and a 1/100 chance your arm/leg would get chopped off? (yeah, it’s dark, so sue me…)
I've read horror books but never seen any horror movies I can remember currently, so I'll choose a book.
Either the Shining or It (About half of the books I read last year were written by Stephen King, although not all of them were horror books)
In-N-Out, unfortunately, only a few states in the Western part of the USA have them. (There might also be a few in Texas)
No, the odds are greatly in my favor, but it'd be awful if I did somehow lose a limb
  1. Have you ever cross-dressed (if applicable)?
  2. Do you tend to fiddle with your hands, perhaps with little objects?
  3. Humming or whistling?
No, but sometimes people think I'm a girl(Like, thrice, because my hair is sort of long, I think. I don't really look like a girl at all, though)
Yeah, I bite my nails a lot and play with stuff like coins, keys, and pens if they're nearby
I like the sound of whistling a little better, but I'm unable to whistle myself

@Aori @Cuttleshock @Achamo
1.If you could have used a power to tell if somebody was lying/honest only one time, what statement would you have used it on?
2.What's your happiest memory?
3.What's your least favorite question that you've been asked before?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Clap. clapping is most effective in Donkey Kong
2. underwear, i can't stand being naked tbh.
3. Furret =3
Also joke's on you, the big one flies just as fast if not faster

1. I don't like horror moves
2. Probably japan. Sushi was the og fastfood you know!
3. No. Not unless tech was advanced enough to give me a cool sci-fi style robot limb.

@DualQuelcher @Achamo @Mr. 9
2. What's your favourite animal/what is one of your most liked animals?
3. The ability to fly that you lose immediately if someone sees you or the ability to teleport but an inability to aim where you end up?
1. Spaghetti
2. Dog
3. Fly. I'm not going to teleport if I don't know where I'm going.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
1. The Witch
2. Chic-fil-A
3. Yes, because I now have a billion dollars and can get a new one or have immediate surgery to get it back on with some of said billion dollars. Now who's breaking the rules?
Chic-fil-A is absolutely amazing! I can see you have good taste!
1. Clap. clapping is most effective in Donkey Kong
2. underwear, i can't stand being naked tbh.
3. Furret =3
Also joke's on you, the big one flies just as fast if not faster

1. I don't like horror moves
2. Probably japan. Sushi was the og fastfood you know!
3. No. Not unless tech was advanced enough to give me a cool sci-fi style robot limb.

@DualQuelcher @Achamo @Mr. 9
2. What's your favourite animal/what is one of your most liked animals?
3. The ability to fly that you lose immediately if someone sees you or the ability to teleport but an inability to aim where you end up?

1) Spaghetti, it’s my duty.

2) I like the octopus. Did you know that “Paul the octopus” picked the games of the Euro Cup accurately a while back? Then there was the octopus who sneaked out of his/her tank one night, into another tank, ate the fish there, and went back to his/her tank like nothing happened? Also, another octopus climbed out of its cage in an aquarium, into a drainage pipe, and back into the ocean? That’s just Shawshank Redemption style for me, and I love it!

3) This is super hard! I might die on the first hand it I’m flying high but someone sees me. On the other hand, where will I end up? The Sahara Dessert? Over the ocean? Hmmm…..

No more questions tonight from me my friends.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@Aori @Cuttleshock @Achamo
1.If you could have used a power to tell if somebody was lying/honest only one time, what statement would you have used it on?
2.What's your happiest memory?
3.What's your least favorite question that you've been asked before?
1. I consider that personal so I wouldn't tell.
2. Being with my friend irl.
3. I don't have one.

@DualQuelcher @Anaru @SleuthMechanism
1. Do you play Kirby, if so what is your favorite game!
2. Do you have anyone you really wish you were with right now?
3. If you had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Oh, I'll take your question 3. No, I don't think that I would! And then I'd spend my entire life (or, like, my life until I become a billionaire, if I somehow manage that) regretting my decision. Now, if it were the case that both would definitely happen, I might do so... but I'm a huge wimp and I doubt that I'd be able to overcome my fear of the pain.

  1. The ocean is pretty neat, isn't it? But I like small streams and such, so dry land it is.
  2. To find true love. It'd be pretty swell, I'm sure, but I'd honestly be happy in life even if I never got into a long-term relationship like that - platonic friendships are great, too. And I feel like such a wish would kind of be missing the point of 'true love' - I would hope that it's something that can be developed, not necessarily something invisible that exists between two people who might not yet know each other.
  3. Other than the boring answer of mint choc chip (sorry, Dual!), I really like honeycomb ice cream.
I'll also do some open questions.
  1. Have you ever cross-dressed (if applicable)?
  2. Do you tend to fiddle with your hands, perhaps with little objects?
  3. Humming or whistling?
1. No. I like to wear plaid tho but they're girl shirts :)
2. Sometimes
3. I suck at whistling. But I do love humming, much to my family's chagrin XD

@kunoichi squid @Dessgeega @Mr. 9

1. Wings or Pizza?
2. Do you like gift cards?
3. Favorite holiday


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. I consider that personal so I wouldn't tell.
2. Being with my friend irl.
3. I don't have one.

@DualQuelcher @Anaru @SleuthMechanism
1. Do you play Kirby, if so what is your favorite game!
2. Do you have anyone you really wish you were with right now?
3. If you had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
3. Probably bannans since seems like the best choice, although I do know that you can survive on potatoes alone, but that's not the life I want to be living.
2. Not really.
1. Probably Kirby Return to Dreamland, or Triple Deluxe. Planet Robobot is good too.

Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
1: Would you rather stomp your feet, or clap your hands?
2: Would you rather sleep in your underwear, or nothing at all on a boiling hot day, and no AC.
3: If you had a pet Pokemon, which would you have?
1. Clap my hands... just so I can do so like a seal. XD
2. Probably my underwear... o3o

@G1ng3rGar1 @LMG @Cuttleshock

1. Sci-fi or fantasy?
2. If you were able to survive on any planet, which would you live on?
3. What's your favorite anime?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Clap my hands... just so I can do so like a seal. XD
2. Probably my underwear... o3o

@G1ng3rGar1 @LMG @Cuttleshock

1. Sci-fi or fantasy?
2. If you were able to survive on any planet, which would you live on?
3. What's your favorite anime?
I'm stealing these:
1. Harry Potter or the New Ghost Busters hmm... I wonder which one I'll watch?
2. Earth.
3. Pokemon Up to the Sinnoh region, which I thought was the best out of the 4 regions.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Now, like trying to get a teammate to jump to a beakon, I summon @Slushious, @TeaBee, & @Leronne
  1. Would you rather be stuck behind a cubicle, a register, or a stove?
  2. Travel through space on a surfboard, spaceship, or space animal of your choice (e.g. space whale)?
  3. What bear can you lift?
I wanted to be 100% sober before answering this :'D
1: A stove, hands down. I've done pizza oven duty before and I remember it being fun XD
2: Spaceship. Better chance of life support and a lot less space junk flying into my face.
3: Err...is Giant Teddy an option, because my big cat weighs around 20lbs and he requires both arms to haul around :'D

Lessee...I'll tag... @JoelTheFreshest @OctoInk20 and @GamerGirl.
1: What's your sign?
2: Tomatoes - sliced or eaten whole?
3: Worst season of the year?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Clap my hands... just so I can do so like a seal. XD
2. Probably my underwear... o3o

@G1ng3rGar1 @LMG @Cuttleshock

1. Sci-fi or fantasy?
2. If you were able to survive on any planet, which would you live on?
3. What's your favorite anime?
Yay I got tagged ^^
1. Sci-Fi. I love it :)
2. I want to say Pluto cause it's cool but I'd be lonely ;-; Uranus for the same reasons
Maybe Mars so I can be reasonably close to Earth without having to suffer its shenanigans
The Mushroom World
*puts on glasses* I picked my final answer
3. I don't really watch Anime, but the Dragon Ball series

1. Are you sleepy
2. Desktop or laptop
3. Do you like the color blue

(This is for anyone, my eyes want to close so I'll be going for now)


Inkster Jr.
Jul 21, 2016
That one place everyone, yet nobody knows
I wanted to be 100% sober before answering this :'D
1: A stove, hands down. I've done pizza oven duty before and I remember it being fun XD
2: Spaceship. Better chance of life support and a lot less space junk flying into my face.
3: Err...is Giant Teddy an option, because my big cat weighs around 20lbs and he requires both arms to haul around :'D

Lessee...I'll tag... @JoelTheFreshest @OctoInk20 and @GamerGirl.
1: What's your sign?
2: Tomatoes - sliced or eaten whole?
3: Worst season of the year?
My sign is aquarius
I don't like tomatoes :/
I hate winter because i always get really sick.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@DualQuelcher @Anaru @SleuthMechanism
1. Do you play Kirby, if so what is your favorite game!
2. Do you have anyone you really wish you were with right now?
3. If you had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
I've played 3 games, superstar ultra, epic yarn, and amazing mirror. My favorite is superstar ultra, the first one I ever played
Chicken, it would be waffles but if it was just one thing, I couldn't top my waffles with stuff like syrup

@G1ng3rGar1 @SyMag @woomycheri

1.What are your 3 favorite things you own?
2.If you could travel back in time, what year/location would you go to?
3.When you or one of your friends is sad, what do you try to do to make yourself/your friend feel better?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I've played 3 games, superstar ultra, epic yarn, and amazing mirror. My favorite is superstar ultra, the first one I ever played
Chicken, it would be waffles but if it was just one thing, I couldn't top my waffles with stuff like syrup

@G1ng3rGar1 @SyMag @woomycheri

1.What are your 3 favorite things you own?
2.If you could travel back in time, what year/location would you go to?
3.When you or one of your friends is sad, what do you try to do to make yourself/your friend feel better?
1. My phone
My Wacom tablet
And possibly my laptop
But it's so slow and not updated so I can't even use my Wacom on it so *shrug*
2. I hate time travel
So I really wouldn't but
I would check out Nintendo in the early video game days
Or go to the future and see if Inklings exist there
3. I casually slide K-Love and Air1 to them XD
But um
I try to be helpful
I dunno if I even am *shrug*
But when I'm sad
I just sit there and move away from the sad thing
Maybe write a sad status
I get over it in a few minutes (cause my memory sucks)

Don't have any questions or people to tag right now
Good night everyone ^^


Senior Squid
Jun 6, 2016
(I'm out of questions too)

@Hero of Lime @SuperLuigi231 @DualQuelcher

1: Do you have Pokèmon GO? (qωq I don't)
2: Favorite non-Nintendo game?
3: Your inkling's eye color?
1. Yep. Only level 8 though. #TeamMystic
2. I am Nintendo all the way, so... Super Mario 63! It's an awesome fan made Mario game.
3. Black

@SurrealSquid @SyMag @Lucca
1: What's your favorite color?
2: Favorite video game boss?
3: In Splatoon, do you prefer short, mid, or long range?


Octobrush Crackerjack
Aug 4, 2015
1. An abandoned mansion seems hella suspicious for potential stabbings and i'd rather not get stabbed so i guess camp out.
2. Scream very loudly and get the hell out! Augh, i hate spiders! @A@
3. Symphonic metal i guess?

Also wow, so many pie disliking heathens here.
@Cuttleshock @Agadez @Achamo
1. Fish, chicken, beef, pork, or non-fish seafood?
2. MUSHROOM DANCE, MUSHROOM DANCE~ What ever does it mean?
4. Would you rather be chased by a swarm of wasps or just one very big and scary looking wasp?
1. Beef :V I like steaks, pork is a close second V:
2. I lived a life of sin. :V
3. ????????
4. A swarm of wasps V: I think a big scary one would instantly kill me.

@SleuthMechanism @Enker @Achamo

1. Favorite soda?
2. What video game series would you like to be resurrected to current gen from the genesis era? :V
3. Pick your weapon: A) Gunblade B) Shotgun Nunchucks C) Lava Supersoaker D) A raygun that makes ppl get brain freeze and tummy aches at the same time.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
I've played 3 games, superstar ultra, epic yarn, and amazing mirror. My favorite is superstar ultra, the first one I ever played
Chicken, it would be waffles but if it was just one thing, I couldn't top my waffles with stuff like syrup

@G1ng3rGar1 @SyMag @woomycheri

1.What are your 3 favorite things you own?
2.If you could travel back in time, what year/location would you go to?
3.When you or one of your friends is sad, what do you try to do to make yourself/your friend feel better?
1. Wii U, Splatoon and Laptop
2. When I used to live in India as little me being happy.
3. I suck at helping but I just try to make stupid jokes and listen to the friend. As for me..uh listen to music to make myself feel better temporarily.

free for all {that's going to get ignored again xD}

1. Favorite mythical creature
2. Fav scary figure or story
3. Buckets


Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
@DualQuelcher @Anaru @SleuthMechanism
1. Do you play Kirby, if so what is your favorite game!
2. Do you have anyone you really wish you were with right now?
3. If you had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
1. Heck yeah! Oh jeez.. um, i really like super star ultra and Kirby 64 but i have to say Triple Deluxe has quickly earned the top spot.
2. My bf in england.
3. Salmon. it's a fish that can be done a great variety of ways and is rather healthy.
1. Beef :V I like steaks, pork is a close second V:
2. I lived a life of sin. :V
3. ????????
4. A swarm of wasps V: I think a big scary one would instantly kill me.

@SleuthMechanism @Enker @Achamo

1. Favorite soda?
2. What video game series would you like to be resurrected to current gen from the genesis era? :V
3. Pick your weapon: A) Gunblade B) Shotgun Nunchucks C) Lava Supersoaker D) A raygun that makes ppl get brain freeze and tummy aches at the same time.
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Uh.. i dunno. Another Dynamite headdy would be pretty cool i guess.
3. GUNBLADE. It's a sword with a gun on it!(just hope it isn't as lame as the ffviii version)

@woomycheri @Aori @Enker
1. Favorite Megaman? if it applies. if not well then.. uh.. favorite blue thing..?
2. An apple flavoured orange or an orange flavoured apple?
3. is it a crocodile-alligator or a alligator-crocodile?

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