
Zero Meddler

Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
Holy backlog, Batman! XD
1. Night or Day?
2. How do you feel about bubble wrap?
3. Are you cold
1. Hmmm... I choose Day. o3o
2. Bubble wrap is love- wait, I used that joke already... crap.
3. Not really. I'm quite hot actually. XD

1. What would you do if someone broke into your home? You realized it was a robber, but strange enough had no weapon on him/her.

2. What is the type of genre you enjoy seeing most in shows/movies/cartoons.

3. If you had $100 at this very moment, what exactly would you do with it?[/user]
1. I'd do the only logical thing... get a weapon myself and beat the idiot. XD
2. It has to be action and comedy. While I enjoy other genres, action and comedy are the two I usually gravitate towards.
3. Save it and use it for later. owo

1. What is your favorite pie?
2. What colour underwear are you wearing?
3. Who would win in a fight: A beaver or a platypus?
1. I'm not really a fan of pie soooo... o3o
2. ... White. XD
3. Perry the Platypus. ewe

@Award @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Hero of Lime

1. Have you gone to the beach over the past couple of months?
2. What is your favorite outfit to wear in public?
3. Do you drive?
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
  1. What's your favorite Splatling? (be it by looks, potential or power)
  2. Do you have any pets?
  3. How much is "a little bit"? :confused:
  1. I do not use any; however, I find all of them really cool and couldn't really pick one. Instead, my least favourite: the Zink Mini, because of its fierce rivalry with (and consistent advantage against) my dear Tri-Slosher... but it's a great weapon!
  2. Three Indian Star tortoises, four Three-Striped Mud Turtles (one of whom we hatched; don't know who the mother is, haha) and two... uh, two of a different turtle. Kinda pointy, spotty on the skin and triangular shell when seen from the front or back. The largest is one tortoise, who seems to be as big as her species gets and still not quite done growing, but that's still only around a foot in length. Most of them are similar in size, around 10 cm.
  3. 17.43 ml.
@woomycheri @Cuttlefish @Skoodge
  1. Mushrooms... ?
  2. What's your favourite soup?
  3. When did you learn to touch-type (if you can)?


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2016
1) Besides using a USB drive to store my Splatoon data and an SD card for my 3DS, not really.
2) I'd definitely prefer listening to others talk about themselves. I really don't like talking about myself that much... e_o
3) Um, there's a small thing of chap stick right by me.
@Zero Meddler @JoelTheFreshest @80.
(Sorry if any of these questions have already been asked to any of you. I just made these up without looking at any of the previous posts.)
1) Do you prefer Woomy or Ngyes?
2) What is your favorite food?
3) What is one of your hobbies?
Oh boii alright
1. I think I prefer Ngyes but both are good idk
2. Everything that is german. #truegerman
@Cuttlefish @Tsf-Jinx @nils57
1. What is your opinion on dehydrated water? https://www.amazon.com/Future-Essentials-Organic-Dehydrated-Water/dp/B00BQ1VD6W
2. What is your Splatoon rank?
3. What is your opinion on the number 80?


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Dark Angels or Space Wolves?
2. Have you ever had a terrible teacher?
3. Did Marie plan the first Cats V Dogs Splatfest?
1. Uhhhh... Dark Angels sound cool, I guess.
2. Oh, I've had plenty. Especially my math teachers. Haven't had a halfway competent one in years, and that's one of the reason I hate the subject with every fiber of my body.
3. O_O *illuminati music plays*

Too lazy to come up with questions right now... will do it some other time.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. What kind of TV do you have? A crappy old tube TV for N64 games and the like, and a 23 inch monitor for HD gaming :P
2. Do you primarily use a laptop or a desktop? Desktop! POWEEEEEEEEEEEEER
3. If you draw, what kind of tablet do you use? I do not draw, pardner.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
I'm gonna go ahead and make one to tag people
@Rustic @SurrealSquid @Ansible

1. What is your opinion on themed cafes (specifically video game themed- but any themed cafe can count. i.e. kirby cafe, maid cafe, cat cafe, etc)
2. Do you prefer handheld games or games you can only play from home?
3. Do you have a favorite video game that hardly anyone else knows of (i.e. obscure games and not mainstream / well known ones)


Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
@ThatSquidYouKnow @SleuthMechanism @Trieste Sp

1. It's a storming night, you need shelter. A legit Haunted mansion, or camp out with no sleeping bag?
2. What would you do if you saw a spider beside while in the shower?
3. What is your favorite type of Music?
1. An abandoned mansion seems hella suspicious for potential stabbings and i'd rather not get stabbed so i guess camp out.
2. Scream very loudly and get the hell out! Augh, i hate spiders! @A@
3. Symphonic metal i guess?

Also wow, so many pie disliking heathens here.
@Cuttleshock @Agadez @Achamo
1. Fish, chicken, beef, pork, or non-fish seafood?
2. MUSHROOM DANCE, MUSHROOM DANCE~ What ever does it mean?
4. Would you rather be chased by a swarm of wasps or just one very big and scary looking wasp?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. Fish, chicken, beef, pork, or non-fish seafood?
2. MUSHROOM DANCE, MUSHROOM DANCE~ What ever does it mean?
3. Would you rather be chased by a swarm of wasps or just one very big and scary looking wasp?
  1. Chicken. I dislike most meats and am still pretty picky about my chicken. Pretty much refuse to eat fish, and I don't like all the legs you find in other seafood (although squid is kinda nice).
  2. Mushrooms are a fruiting body which many perceive to be the main body, when that's really the network of mycelia underneath. By playing a mushroom, one invokes the ultimate unimportance of the individual life to society: it can bear new life but its erasure does little to nothing to halt the machinations of the greater community, even if it feels like a grave loss close to home. The cap of the mushroom shades it from light and they are more likely to grow in dark locations - here, a metaphor for the unwillingness of humans to face up to unpleasant truths of the world and tendency only to look down at their feet, when they would in fact be able to learn more about themselves if they first reached out and understood the suffering of others before engaging in introspection. Mushrooms are apt to be infested by insects burrowing into them, just as humans are easily overwhelmed and consumed both by their own dark thoughts and the whisperings of those around them. Mushrooms are also very fragile, especially their gills, just as even those who appear to have the thickest skins have hidden vulnerable depths. They are parasitic organisms, gaining nutrients from the mycelium's external digestion of plant and animal matter near to it - and even, potentially, other mushrooms. This sheds a dark light on how humanity today only thrives by exploiting its environment irrevocably and how one organisation gets ahead in the world by grinding another beneath its feet. The dance also means that you want mushroom pizza.
  3. Whichever would be slower, so probably the big one?


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
  1. I do not use any; however, I find all of them really cool and couldn't really pick one. Instead, my least favourite: the Zink Mini, because of its fierce rivalry with (and consistent advantage against) my dear Tri-Slosher... but it's a great weapon!
  2. Three Indian Star tortoises, four Three-Striped Mud Turtles (one of whom we hatched; don't know who the mother is, haha) and two... uh, two of a different turtle. Kinda pointy, spotty on the skin and triangular shell when seen from the front or back. The largest is one tortoise, who seems to be as big as her species gets and still not quite done growing, but that's still only around a foot in length. Most of them are similar in size, around 10 cm.
  3. 17.43 ml.
@woomycheri @Cuttlefish @Skoodge
  1. Mushrooms... ?
  2. What's your favourite soup?
  3. When did you learn to touch-type (if you can)?
1. I like mushrooms
2. Chicken noodle because I'm basic like that.
3. I dunno when I learned it o-o *had to google it* probably around middle school


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Also wow, so many pie disliking heathens here.
@Cuttleshock @Agadez @Achamo
1. Fish, chicken, beef, pork, or non-fish seafood?
2. MUSHROOM DANCE, MUSHROOM DANCE~ What ever does it mean?
4. Would you rather be chased by a swarm of wasps or just one very big and scary looking wasp?
1: That's a tough one, considering I enjoy them all!... I'd probably go chicken.
2: It means Mario dancing after obtaining a mushroom, Roxy, Duh!
3: The big one. I doubt it would catch up to me if I sprint fast enough.. I'm a runner!

@SleuthMechanism @woomycheri @Zero Meddler

1: Would you rather stomp your feet, or clap your hands?
2: Would you rather sleep in your underwear, or nothing at all on a boiling hot day, and no AC.
3: If you had a pet Pokemon, which would you have?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1: That's a tough one, considering I enjoy them all!... I'd probably go chicken.
2: It means Mario dancing after obtaining a mushroom, Roxy, Duh!
3: The big one. I doubt it would catch up to me if I sprint fast enough.. I'm a runner!

@SleuthMechanism @woomycheri @Zero Meddler

1: Would you rather stomp your feet, or clap your hands?
2: Would you rather sleep in your underwear, or nothing at all on a boiling hot day, and no AC.
3: If you had a pet Pokemon, which would you have?
I was not chosen, but I do want to answer the 3rd question.
On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me! An Arceus that respects me.


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@SgtUBER @Smashling79 @SyMag

1. Do you like eating meat
2. Do you like game shows?
3. Favorite number under 10
1. If it's done the right way, yes
2. Depends on the game show. Generally I like trivia shows but I can get into other certain game shows.
3. Three is still my lucky number so I'm staying with three!

@DualQuelcher @Babycowland @Award
1. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
2. Favorite amusement park ride?
3. Rate how good I am in Smash from 1 to 10 (be honest--don't kiss up to make me feel like I'm good if I'm not!).


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1: That's a tough one, considering I enjoy them all!... I'd probably go chicken.
2: It means Mario dancing after obtaining a mushroom, Roxy, Duh!
3: The big one. I doubt it would catch up to me if I sprint fast enough.. I'm a runner!

@SleuthMechanism @woomycheri @Zero Meddler

1: Would you rather stomp your feet, or clap your hands?
2: Would you rather sleep in your underwear, or nothing at all on a boiling hot day, and no AC.
3: If you had a pet Pokemon, which would you have?
1. Clap my hand.
2. Sleep in my underwear.
3. Why do you hate me ;w; too many to choose but uh..I guess Litten or Eevee or Sui or Growlithe {the list goes on}

@DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock @Anaru

1. Ocean or dry land?
2. If you had 1 wish what would it NOT be?
3. Your fav ice cream?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. If it's done the right way, yes
2. Depends on the game show. Generally I like trivia shows but I can get into other certain game shows.
3. Three is still my lucky number so I'm staying with three!

@DualQuelcher @Babycowland @Award
1. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains?
2. Favorite amusement park ride?
3. Rate how good I am in Smash from 1 to 10 (be honest--don't kiss up to make me feel like I'm good if I'm not!).
1. Beach
2. Spiderman
3. 6 out of everyone in the world, 7 if it's just USA


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Clap my hand.
2. Sleep in my underwear.
3. Why do you hate me ;w; too many to choose but uh..I guess Litten or Eevee or Sui or Growlithe {the list goes on}

@DualQuelcher @Cuttleshock @Anaru

1. Ocean or dry land?
2. If you had 1 wish what would it NOT be?
3. Your fav ice cream?
1. If it has fresh water and there's nothing that can kill me besides people then I'll say ocean. I want a boat too.
2. To turn into crap
3. Mint chocolate chip and oreo

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
OK, sorry to break the rules, but random questions have always been my absolute favorite! This is open to all:

1) What’s the scariest horror movie you’ve ever seen? (big, big, horror junkie here…)

2) Who has the best fast food in the world?

3) Would you stick your arm/leg in a hole in a wall if there was a 99/100 chance you would get 1 billion dollars, and a 1/100 chance your arm/leg would get chopped off? (yeah, it’s dark, so sue me…)


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Oh, I'll take your question 3. No, I don't think that I would! And then I'd spend my entire life (or, like, my life until I become a billionaire, if I somehow manage that) regretting my decision. Now, if it were the case that both would definitely happen, I might do so... but I'm a huge wimp and I doubt that I'd be able to overcome my fear of the pain.
1. Ocean or dry land?
2. If you had 1 wish what would it NOT be?
3. Your fav ice cream?
  1. The ocean is pretty neat, isn't it? But I like small streams and such, so dry land it is.
  2. To find true love. It'd be pretty swell, I'm sure, but I'd honestly be happy in life even if I never got into a long-term relationship like that - platonic friendships are great, too. And I feel like such a wish would kind of be missing the point of 'true love' - I would hope that it's something that can be developed, not necessarily something invisible that exists between two people who might not yet know each other.
  3. Other than the boring answer of mint choc chip (sorry, Dual!), I really like honeycomb ice cream.
I'll also do some open questions.
  1. Have you ever cross-dressed (if applicable)?
  2. Do you tend to fiddle with your hands, perhaps with little objects?
  3. Humming or whistling?


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
OK, sorry to break the rules, but random questions have always been my absolute favorite! This is open to all:

1) What’s the scariest horror movie you’ve ever seen? (big, big, horror junkie here…)

2) Who has the best fast food in the world?

3) Would you stick your arm/leg in a hole in a wall if there was a 99/100 chance you would get 1 billion dollars, and a 1/100 chance your arm/leg would get chopped off? (yeah, it’s dark, so sue me…)
1. The Witch
2. Chic-fil-A
3. Yes, because I now have a billion dollars and can get a new one or have immediate surgery to get it back on with some of said billion dollars. Now who's breaking the rules?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
3. Yes, because I now have a billion dollars and can get a new one or have immediate surgery to get it back on with some of said billion dollars. Now who's breaking the rules?
But the point is that only one of those things will happen - 1% chance that you'll come away with no money at all. But what you could do is, if the hole doesn't close, is put another limb in... then another... then another! Overall, there'd be a chance in a hundred million that you'd be, uh, pretty dead, but in all other cases, you do get the money.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
But the point is that only one of those things will happen - 1% chance that you'll come away with no money at all. But what you could do is, if the hole doesn't close, is put another limb in... then another... then another! Overall, there'd be a chance in a hundred million that you'd be, uh, pretty dead, but in all other cases, you do get the money.
Yeah, that's the idea....;)

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