

Inkster Jr.
Sep 25, 2014
Freebie since I haven't been tagged in a bit!
1. Do you enjoy instant ramen?
2. Do you own a pet?
3. What is your favorite type of cake?
1. It can be nice but i generally avoid it as it's rather unhealthy
2. Yes, several
3. My mom's black forest cake.

@Aori @Legit-Yite @woomycheri
1. Best smash?(hacks and mods are acceptable as well)
2. Crabs or Lobsters?
3. What did the fish say to the fishman?


A captain of the darkness.
Jul 14, 2016
Piranha Pit.
1. Favorite Splatfest
2. Which state can you spell with only one line on a qwerty keyboard?
3. Favorite pastry
1. Callie VS Marie ! It was the only splatfest i had a squid party with someone while both our team tried to kill each-other off.. It was-- I just love being silly :'D
2. Dunno.. I'm actually pretty dumb and don't know any states what so ever. Stay in school kid-- DOn,t be dumb like ol' me !

@G1ng3rGar1 and anyone wanting to reply to theses question because i'm honestly an anti-social scrub that have no friends on here to tag OTL

1. Have you ever jumped from somewhere quite high and where fine after despite the high you jumped from ?
2. Chocolate, Wipped cream or Fruits ?
3. First thing that come to mind when you read 'easy' ?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
1. Callie VS Marie ! It was the only splatfest i had a squid party with someone while both our team tried to kill each-other off.. It was-- I just love being silly :'D
2. Dunno.. I'm actually pretty dumb and don't know any states what so ever. Stay in school kid-- DOn,t be dumb like ol' me !

@G1ng3rGar1 and anyone wanting to reply to theses question because i'm honestly an anti-social scrub that have no friends on here to tag OTL

1. Have you ever jumped from somewhere quite high and where fine after despite the high you jumped from ?
2. Chocolate, Wipped cream or Fruits ?
3. First thing that come to mind when you read 'easy' ?
1. I don't…think so? Well, nowhere too high. Maybe a yard high?
2. Chocolate
3. Easy peasy lemon squeezy (a math teacher at one of my old schools used to say that :))

@DualQuelcher @SgtUBER @MajesticCheetos @SurrealSquid @Anaru @Achamo

1. Favorite word
2. Favorite cereal
3. Weirdest thing you've done


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Poltergeist or something. I don't really know much about ethereal thingys.
2. Wow! Uh... I don't have any favourites but I would just say the overgrown, giant Great Grey Wolf Sif.

1. Tears--I mean cookies. Lots and lots of cookies of varying types.
2. Game-wise? When I piloted a Liberator gunship into a Galaxy-class dropship, blowing both of them up while bailing the heck out of my Liberator to avoid an explosive, catastrophically-magnificent death. Since I was Light Assault, I just jetpacked 'gently' down to the ground. Breaking both my legs(half health actually) and being lost in Vanu Territory during one of their infamous blitzkrieg zergs. Lots of Vanu Infiltrators were put down that day.
Real-life? Probably when I decided that walking home alone through a creek. Didn't know I could outrun several dogs even while tripping and slipping through roots and mud. I somehow outran them, and the owner who I called several rude things didn't have a leash on them either despite the sign telling you to keep pets on a leash down there.
3. Yes, you didn't ask me this precisely, but someone asked this before you. Ranger's Apprentice finale book.


@Achamo @Zerul @G1ng3rGar1 @woomycheri

1. Do you know your blood type? If so, what is it?
2. Favourite hobby?
3. Favourite villain in games/books/whatever?
1. I have no idea o-o
2. Listening to music {I have no life}
3. Kronk and Yzma owo {do they count? xD}
1. It can be nice but i generally avoid it as it's rather unhealthy
2. Yes, several
3. My mom's black forest cake.

@Aori @Legit-Yite @woomycheri
1. Best smash?(hacks and mods are acceptable as well)
2. Crabs or Lobsters?
3. What did the fish say to the fishman?
1. I don't play smesh anymore.
2. Neither.
3. "Imma splash the heck out of you like the majestic karp I am" {xD Don't ask}

No questions again sorry peeps. ;w ;


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Okay, hopefully this is everyone!

  1. Have you ever gone to see a play before?
  2. What's the longest you've been without sleeping?
  3. What kinds of music do you like and/or dislike the most?
  1. Yes. Musicals too. Sadly it's been a while since I've been to either.
  2. Somewhere in the 48 hour range. Utter madness!
  3. Too long of a list in either direction, but I'm actually willing to give anything
I'm gonna go ahead and make one to tag people
1. What is your opinion on themed cafes (specifically video game themed- but any themed cafe can count. i.e. kirby cafe, maid cafe, cat cafe, etc)
2. Do you prefer handheld games or games you can only play from home?
3. Do you have a favorite video game that hardly anyone else knows of (i.e. obscure games and not mainstream / well known ones)
  1. Never been to one in any country, but willing to try the food at least twice.
  2. Use to be more console, but I'm slowly leaning towards more non-mobile-ish market, handheld and portable capable games.
  3. I play DS/3DS, and now, WiiU games. I think that leans towards the not mainstream/obscure in my area. Otherwise, maybe Chroma Squad?
1) Congratulations, you just won your favorite game show! Pick your prize: yacht or helicopter?
2) What major city are you closest to right now?
3) Quick, there’s only 5 seconds until you transform forever! Choose your destiny: dragon or android?
  1. Yacht! I don't get to see water often.
  2. I'm in one, sorta. It's still a tad small time as far as major cities go.
  3. Android. Just as much a chance to cause trouble, but much easier to get out of trouble.
1. Have you ever earned a trophy or medal for something?
2. What's your favorite amusement park or other happy fun leisure place?
3. Do you like hugs?
  1. Yes! But not since becoming an "adult." Now they just give you pieces of paper if they bother to print it out. And the paper is not even edible. Bleh!
  2. Haven't been to an amusement park in a horribly long spell and it's hard to drag other adults with me. I want to go on the roller coasters!!!
  3. Yes, I would like the hugs.
1. Do you like slippers
2. Have you ever gone to a comic/video game convention
3. Favorite genre of tv shows
  1. Mmm, slippers. Though sometimes bare feet will do. Or even bear feet.
  2. Yes. Plan to go to another one sometime soon.
  3. Animated. =p
Now~ who to pull in to this madness? Ah, @medussa @Jade @SyMag —post for good justice!!
  1. Adorably delicious or deliciously adorable?
  2. Who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?
  3. Care to dance?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
1. If you had to choose between Vaporwave and Nightcore, what would you chose?
2. Do you have any of the amiibos for splatoon?
3. If you have a headache, what kind of medicine do you take?


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
1. Favorite word
2. Favorite cereal
3. Weirdest thing you've done
1. Surreal. As my username implies.
2. Anything with chocolate.
3. I´d rather not talk about it here...

1. If you had to choose between Vaporwave and Nightcore, what would you chose?
2. Do you have any of the amiibos for splatoon?
3. If you have a headache, what kind of medicine do you take?
1. Don´t know either of those, but Nightcore sounds pretty cool.
2. Yes, I own the 3 original ones.
3. Usually none, I wait until the headache goes away by itself. If it´s bad, I sleep. It´ll ususally be gone by the time I wake up.

@Aori @Anaru @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Most kills you ever got in a game of Splatoon?
2. Any not so well known game you´d recommend?
3. Favorite color?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
1. If you had to choose between Vaporwave and Nightcore, what would you chose?
2. Do you have any of the amiibos for splatoon?
3. If you have a headache, what kind of medicine do you take?
1. I am 100% ignorant as to what those are! :P
2. Yep! All of them except the re-colors.
3. Habanero! Works every time.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2016
Flounder Heights
Switch Friend Code
@Aori @Anaru @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Most kills you ever got in a game of Splatoon?
2. Any not so well known game you´d recommend?
3. Favorite color?
1. I've had two matches where I got my most kills: 16-1 and 16-7
2. Umm..... I don't play a lot of small games, but I'd recommend NoLimits2, which is a roller coaster designer and simulator.
3. Any shade of dark blue.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@DualQuelcher @SgtUBER @MajesticCheetos @SurrealSquid @Anaru @Achamo

1. Favorite word
2. Favorite cereal
3. Weirdest thing you've done
I'll choose ethereal since that's the first one I thought of, there are lots of words so it'd be difficult to choose from a bunch of them.
Raisin Bran
I honestly can't think of one at the moment but I wouldn't be telling you even if I could.
@Aori @Anaru @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Most kills you ever got in a game of Splatoon?
2. Any not so well known game you´d recommend?
3. Favorite color?
20, maybe 22. Highest with no deaths is 11.
Undertale, very obscure game but it's one of the best platformers I've ever played.
I'll give a real answer too since you're probably actually looking for new games to play. I can't think of any that I like a lot, but I know some that are ok. Maybe Awesomenauts, it's sort of like LoL but a 2D platformer and has more of a sci-fi theme instead of fantasy. Rocket League and Stardew Valley are really good but are more well known.
1. If you had to choose between Vaporwave and Nightcore, what would you chose?
2. Do you have any of the amiibos for splatoon?
3. If you have a headache, what kind of medicine do you take?
Nightcore because that's the only one I've listened to at all (like 2 songs), the word vaporwave sounds better but I've never heard of it.
The first 3, I beat all the challenges too.
Sleep. Tylenol if it's really bad.

All the 'a' names
@Airi @Aori @Achamo
1. What's the age of the oldest living person you've met?
2. Favorite kind of fish? (You can do an answer for fish as a food or a a living animal)
3. Have you ever painted your nails or dyed your hair?


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@Airi @Aori @Achamo
1. What's the age of the oldest living person you've met?
2. Favorite kind of fish? (You can do an answer for fish as a food or a a living animal)
3. Have you ever painted your nails or dyed your hair?
1. I can't recall.
2. Salmon.
3. I've wanted to, but never got around to it.

@Aori @Anaru @AlphaOmegaSplatter

1. Most kills you ever got in a game of Splatoon?
2. Any not so well known game you´d recommend?
3. Favorite color?
1. I've gotten around 20 in one match, surprisingly. I wasn't even focusing on getting kills, most of them were by mistake because people kept running into me when I was bubbled trying to kill me or when I was a kraken depending on my weapon at the time.
2. Too many. Timesplitters is a really good one that I like a lot.
3. Any shade of pink.

Mm I don't know if I want to tag anyone. I just got up because my cat kept messing with things and being loud.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
@Aori @Legit-Yite @woomycheri
1. Best smash?(hacks and mods are acceptable as well)
2. Crabs or Lobsters?
3. What did the fish say to the fishman?
1. Brawl. (I like 4 but brawl is best smash because of SUBSPACE EMISSARY and they didn't nerf the hell out of meta knight. I also liked the brawl final smashes more)
2. Crab
3. I don't know a good thing to say to this?

Sorry, I can't think of any questions right now.


Aug 1, 2016
oh boy i've been tagged

1.What video games are your favourite?
I'm really all across the board in terms of games! My favorite game of all time is probably Project M; it and its community hold a special place in my heart. Melee is somewhere up there. Both of those are technically fighting games (competitive free-for-all platformer beat-em-ups?), but I don't really get into any fighting games other than that. I love the MOTHER series to death (Project M's only competition for my favorite game), and those are RPGs. I like Psychonauts and Grim Fandango, which are """adventure games""". I used to really like TF2, which is a shooter. I used to love Portal, which is a weird different shooter. I currently love Splatoon, which is a different kind of weird different shooter. So I 'unno! I play whatever I like.

2. What types of music artist (dead or alive) do you admire the most?

Man, this is another tricky one because I don't have a specific favorite genre; I just listen to whatever grabs me. I love pretty much everything 10,000 Maniacs did when Natalie Merchant sang for them, because her voice is incredible and the lyrics were mad cool. Queen is spectacular. I've caught the Hamilton bug, so I'm pleb trash or something, but w/e, it's really cool. I've started to get more into rap, but I embarrassingly don't know enough about it to know what groups I like. I love the the word play and density and phenomenal intensity rap evokes, though, so I'm into it. I'm not really a music person in general, I guess.

3. What is the Youtube that you watch the most?

Damn, all these questions are questions I don't have a great answer to. Nowadays I mostly use Youtube to catch up on VODs from Smash tournaments (usually PM and Melee). In my TF2 days I used to watch a ton of STAR_ and Jerma, they cracked me up. Anyone got any good, accessible Splatoon Youtubers to recommend to me?

Okay, now I need to do my own tag thing. Forgive me if I goof it up, I'm new here and I don't really know anybody. Thanks for the tag @Legit-Yite, this was fun! And I appreciate the invitation into a neato conversation. ^_^

What's your favorite weapon/piece of gear in all of Splatoon and why?
Who's your main in Smash Bros., and why do you like them?
If you could make a pizza right now, what kind of pizza would you make and what would you put on it?

and anybody else!
Last edited:


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
oh boy i've been tagged

1.What video games are your favourite?
I'm really all across the board in terms of games! My favorite game of all time is probably Project M; it and its community hold a special place in my heart. Melee is somewhere up there. Both of those are technically fighting games (competitive free-for-all platformer beat-em-ups?), but I don't really get into any fighting games other than that. I love the MOTHER series to death (Project M's only competition for my favorite game), and those are RPGs. I like Psychonauts and Grim Fandango, which are """adventure games""". I used to really like TF2, which is a shooter. I used to love Portal, which is a weird different shooter. I currently love Splatoon, which is a different kind of weird different shooter. So I 'unno! I play whatever I like.

2. What types of music artist (dead or alive) do you admire the most?

Man, this is another tricky one because I don't have a specific favorite genre; I just listen to whatever grabs me. I love pretty much everything 10,000 Maniacs did when Natalie Merchant sang for them, because her voice is incredible and the lyrics were mad cool. Queen is spectacular. I've caught the Hamilton bug, so I'm pleb trash or something, but w/e, it's really cool. I've started to get more into rap, but I embarrassingly don't know enough about it to know what groups I like. I love the the word play and density and phenomenal intensity rap evokes, though, so I'm into it. I'm not really a music person in general, I guess.

3. What is the Youtube that you watch the most?

Damn, all these questions are questions I don't have a great answer to. Nowadays I mostly use Youtube to catch up on VODs from Smash tournaments (usually PM and Melee). In my TF2 days I used to watch a ton of STAR_ and Jerma, they cracked me up. Anyone got any good, accessible Splatoon Youtubers to recommend to me?

Okay, now I need to do my own tag thing. Forgive me if I goof it up, I'm new here and I don't really know anybody. Thanks for the tag @Legit-Yite, this was fun! And I appreciate the invitation into a neato conversation. ^_^

What's your favorite weapon/piece of hear in all of Splatoon and why?
Who's your main in Smash Bros., and why do you like them?
If you could make a pizza right now, what kind of pizza would you make and what would you put on it?

and anybody else!
Where has this thread been all this time! So many likes will be missed because none of you tagged me. Pages have gone by and you have only yourself to blame!
1. The Berry Splattershot Pro
Story Time!:
So back when I was a C, C+ or so Instarted using the Dual Squelcher (hence my name). I used that weapon all the way to A, but then I realized, "By Jove, this weapon is a 5 shot kill and I've been using pretty much the same gear and I have no stregnth up and I can't kill people anymore!". So when I got to A, I started the using the regular BSP, and I used that to get to A+ and I didn't switch it out because I was in a room full of B+'s and I wanted to get to A+, and I did. After that, I moved onto the Forge, and that worked for a while, but I fell from A+ twice and I wasn't getting anywhere, so I switched over to the Octoshot and that got me to S rank (I almost cried and I was yelling and dancing so hard). When I saw the BSP though, I knew I would main that. I mean suction bombs with a bomb rush, and what's that, you're giving it 5% more range so it's now officially the 2nd longest shooter because it now outranges the Dual, the .96, and the H-3 (which it was previously tied with)? So I went back to the BSP and along with adding a few weapons to my mains (I also really enjoy the Custom Jet) and secondaries, I have a lot of weapons under my belt! I mean, I learned how to use snipers (can't do anything with the bamboozler and not that good with the E-Liter though) and I feel pretty proud about that.
2. Smash Bros story time!:
So it's a tie between Meta Knight and Rosalina. I started with Brawl and I was at my friends house and he had the game. I had never played it and I decided to pick Meta Knight since he looked cool (I did not have the understanding of Nintendo's history and characters like I do today), and I won. The second character I picked was Samus, but she wasn't really noteworthy to me but I did main her as my 4th favorite but no longer in Wii U (except I still use Zero Suit sometimes but not that often). I knew nothing about the game back then, so when I first saw a tier list, my reaction was, "Hey, this isn't how the characters are supposed to be organized, but hey MK's on top, so I'm not complaining". I was also the guys who only played on his custom stages with items in most of the time and I usually hid away from the CPU's becuase for some reason they usually wouldn't go in certain areas of the stages that I made. I also used the wii remote so my MK was pretty much trash tier. I also really liked Pit back then, and I still do, but not as much. Fast forward to Wii U and 3ds, and there's Rosalina. Now I knew I was going to main her when I saw her in December of 2014 (she is my favorite Mario character) but playing her was a different story. She was so much fun, and with Luma, I was never in trouble! There's probably more of a reason, but while people have droped these characters after the nerfs, I still use them as my mains, and I have a lot of fun with them. Also, shoutout to Lucario. Also really high up there and I mained him in Brawl right below Pit, but I've found it harder to use him but I still do and he's my favorite Pokemon in game and possibly outside of Smash. Also Corrin, but I don't really care as much about him besides the fact that I like playing with him.
3. A pizza bagel with cream cheese on the inside! Why, Steven Universe reference of course!

Wow this is long.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
Everythings been liked :D! Balance has been restored, also someone had a question way up about what kind of stage you would make for Splatoon, do one with the sponges from story mode! It's the only element that hasn't been put in an actual stage (besides invisible platforms but no).
@SyMag, @Babycowland, @Jaden Yang because I haven't done this in a while and now's probably a good time:
1. Brawl or Melee (Smash)
2. Melee or Project M (Smash) (It's on my mind now)
3. Red Bull or Monster
VS catagories are all I can come up with right now but hey at least I'm doing this. I mean I haven't done this since what, page 15?
Last edited:


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
1.What video games are your favourite?
I'm really all across the board in terms of games! My favorite game of all time is probably Project M; it and its community hold a special place in my heart. Melee is somewhere up there. Both of those are technically fighting games (competitive free-for-all platformer beat-em-ups?), but I don't really get into any fighting games other than that. I love the MOTHER series to death (Project M's only competition for my favorite game)
You, I like you! Tell me you're a fellow Ness main (or Lucas)?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@SyMag, @Babycow, @Jaden Yang because I haven't done this in a while and now's probably a good time:
1. Brawl or Melee (Smash)
2. Melee or Project M (Smash) (It's on my mind now)
3. Red Bull or Monster
VS catagories are all I can come up with right now but hey at least I'm doing this. I mean I haven't done this since what, page 15?
1. Melee. Screw tripping.
2. Must you even ask? Project M of course!
3. I don't drink energy drinks so I have no idea whatsoever

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