

Oct 14, 2015
@Ikaheishi @SyMag @YOJOEHOJO

1. Gas or electric oven? (I hate electric ovens, but that's just my opinion…)
2. Weird thing you like
3. Have you ever met anyone famous?
  1. I've grown up with a gas stove and I don't know how to use anything but.
  2. Some would say that is Splatoon. I say that it is… Um… Hmm… I don't really have an answer for that.
  3. I once met Alex Debogorski. I also got to go to the VIP meet and greet they had after The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert. (The one in Los Angeles, of course.)
Hmm… Who will I tag this time? Oh, I know!

@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
So you were serious...lol
1. Okay I suppose, though I haven't gone swimming in forever.
2. Hammerhead sharks have been a longtime favorite of mine!
3. I think I was on a boat once.
4. I've only been to an aquarium in Baltimore once, it was pretty fun iirc!
5. Negative.

I'm noticing a trend with these questions...


Feb 10, 2016
  • How well are you able to swim?
  • What is your favorite marine species?
  • Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  • Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  • Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
  1. I'm able to swim pretty well, but I haven't practiced in a while.
  2. Ah...that's really hard. I like lots of marine species but this being a Splatoon forum I suppose squids? But also speaking as someone who loves Psychology I also really like dolphins because they're very intelligent.
  3. I've been on a few boats and ships on field trips. There was one in elementary school that I don't really remember well but we had to basically be sailors and had "night watch" and everything.
  4. I've been to aquariums a lot, and I love going. As I said before, a lot of marine creatures are really interesting.
  5. I've tried learning to scuba dive but I had a very bad experience when learning. I'm going to try again if I have the opportunity.


Inkling Cadet
Dec 30, 2015
The Changeling Hive, Equestria
  1. I've grown up with a gas stove and I don't know how to use anything but.
  2. Some would say that is Splatoon. I say that it is… Um… Hmm… I don't really have an answer for that.
  3. I once met Alex Debogorski. I also got to go to the VIP meet and greet they had after The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert. (The one in Los Angeles, of course.)
Hmm… Who will I tag this time? Oh, I know!

@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
I didn't get my notification, but i'll answer anyways. And no I won't ask questions because i'm laaaaaayyyyyyyzeeeeeeee.

1. I can swim pretty alright i'd say.
2. Kyogre.
3. Do ferries count?
4. Yeah, it was alright.
5. I've been boogie boarding with a snorkel mask. Got a terrible sunburn on my back.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Hopefully this is everyone!

Okay, this is hard XD

1. Whats your favorite drink (Water is Fine too owo)
2. If You had one change you can make in the world what would it be?
3. Sushi or Pizza?
  1. Water, otherwise maybe mango juice.
  2. Safe answer: Increase my ability to make a difference.
  3. Curses! ... pizza, not as expensive.

  1. Do you ever laugh when no-one else is around and you're not watching a funny video/reading something/whatever?
  2. Have you ever intentionally invoked a glitch in a game? If so, do you do so frequently?
  3. What sort of headphones do you prefer (noise-cancelling, smaller but still ear-covering, earbuds or something else)?
  1. Yes.
  2. No, but I'm trying to—unless you want to count the left side climb in Moray Towers Rainmaker a glitch, then yes, very frequently. >.>;
  3. Over ear cans with the open back. There's just something about it I like getting from it.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
  1. Not very well! u.u;
  2. Maybe seahorses?
  3. Yes, boats.
  4. Yes and yes.
  5. Not yet.
1. Is it possible for you to rest your tongue in a comfortable position?
2. Have you ever held a snake?
3. Have you ever found coins used as currency in a country that you've never been in?
4. Have you ever seen a sunset and/or sunrise over the Ocean?
5. What 5 websites do you most often visit?
6. Have you ever actually licked to the center of a tootsie pop? (I did, it took me over 45 minutes and since then I've forgotten the amount of licks I counted...)
7. From 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
8. I think I've asked this before, but what's your favorite smell?
9. What do you get if you put root beer in a square glass?
10. How many days are in a light-year?
  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes.
  4. Not yet.
  5. Squidboards, [redacted], [redacted], [redacted], and [redacted]! =P
  6. Maybe once upon a time when I somehow liked them
  7. Can I say 10+ to feel better about myself, pretty please?
  8. The smell of soil after a fresh, warm rain. Especially when you're gardening.
  9. There are square glasses?! Where?
  10. Not sure how that works if one measures time and the other distance. Is it a leap year or a non-leap year? Are we going by the Gregorian calendar? Uh~ 365 if there's no leap year?

Okay... @LupusFreak, @Slushious, and~ @Mr. 9, your turn!
  1. Who's at least one person (real, historical, literary, etc.) you merge/fuse with? What would you two become?
  2. Do you prefer to lead, be led, or meander?
  3. Are you a noob or a boon?


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
  1. Who's at least one person (real, historical, literary, etc.) you merge/fuse with? What would you two become?
  2. Do you prefer to lead, be led, or meander?
  3. Are you a noob or a boon?
I don't watch Steven Universe, but this concept is so widespread I'mma assume that's what you're referring to when you say 'fusion' :'D

1: To be brutally honest, there's nobody on this planet (yet) I trust that much, so...no clue really. Sorry!
2: I can lead when I'm confident in what's going on. Otherwise just let me meander.
3: Even at my noobiest I try to stay optimistic...though sometimes that might involve dark humor. So I guess I'm a boon.

Let's see, tagging...uh... @calamaro, @Babycowland, aaand... @Ika Klaus:

1: What's your best childhood memory?
2: Do you prefer sweet things, salty things, or sour things?
3: Are you a straight man or a funnyman?

Lame questions are lame and I feel lame XD

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
  • How well are you able to swim?
  • What is your favorite marine species?
  • Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  • Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  • Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
1. Pretty well, haven't done it in a while though.
2. Probably Sea Otters, they are very cute.
3. Yes, a few times, but most of them were docked.
4. Haven't been to one in a long time, I would like to go back to one.
5. Nope, it would be cool to do so, but I have a fear of large bodies of water, so I doubt I would ever do it.


Inkling Cadet
Dec 30, 2015
The Changeling Hive, Equestria
Okay... @LupusFreak, @Slushious, and~ @Mr. 9, your turn!
  1. Who's at least one person (real, historical, literary, etc.) you merge/fuse with? What would you two become?
  2. Do you prefer to lead, be led, or meander?
  3. Are you a noob or a boon?
;-; foin, another. Pero, no mas.

1. Someone I would want to merge with? Idk, a writer that isn't lazy. We'd become a musician/writer/artist that actually bothers to do things.
2. I prefer to graphite.
3. I would consider myself a boon, which probably makes me a noob.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 5, 2016
  1. I've grown up with a gas stove and I don't know how to use anything but.
  2. Some would say that is Splatoon. I say that it is… Um… Hmm… I don't really have an answer for that.
  3. I once met Alex Debogorski. I also got to go to the VIP meet and greet they had after The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert. (The one in Los Angeles, of course.)
Hmm… Who will I tag this time? Oh, I know!

@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?

1. I'm able to stay afloat and that's about it. I literally haven't went to a pool this entire summer now that you mention it.
2. I would say a Humpback Whale. I wasn't sure what to pick since I haven't really considered a favorite marine animal before, but I pick it because they are the only other fish I know that can sing, other than dolphins of course.
3. Yes I have. I've been on a ferry when I visited New York. I've been on a raft in a near by lake. And I've been on a tour ship in another country, as well as a battleship since I had a relative who was once in the Navy.
4. I did, and I liked it, I guess. I really don't know since it's been a while since I've been to one.
5. I really wish that I have. The only "experience" is just putting on goggles and putting my head underwater in a swimming pool. So no, not really.


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
1. Cowboy Bebop...still the only anime I've ever watched. I'll be cliché and say Spike is probably my favorite character.
2. My luck is garbage. At least I could pay off my student loans with 50 Gs.
3. Enjoy:

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Hero of Lime @woomycheri
1. If you have a collection of something, what has been your white whale (i.e. the one elusive thing you can never seem to get)?
2. Android or iOS?
3. Favorite season? (I might have asked this before so sorry in advance if this is the case!)
1. I used to collect rocks but I never needed a certain type.
2. Android.
3. Spring owo

Headache sorry not gonna tag or ask questions ;w;


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
I can stay above water well, but can't swim fast. But staying above water is much more important.
I answered this on the last page so I'll make a top 5 list now. I visited an aquarium today so it's funny I got asked that.
1. Dolphins
2. Turtles
3. Seals
4. Rays
5. Seahorses
Yes, a few times. I've seen some sea animals from boats (dolphins, a whale), and I've seen jellyfish from a kayak.
Were you the person who asked all these on the last page? I said I like the animals, but get a little sad because they're in small spaces and don't have a large area to move around in, unlike when they're in the Ocean. Today I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, I had a good time, but one of the exhibits contained a large school of fish moving endlessly in a circle (in a circular tank that you can stand in the center of) and that was really depressing. I liked most of the other animals, I like tunas, penguins and sharks are nice, jellyfish look pretty even though it'd be very boring to be one, that aquarium isn't mean enough to keep dolphins in it so I saw none of those, I touched some rays and sea urchins which feels nice but the most of the rays hide in the corner most of the time and it really seems like they'd rather not be touched, and I saw seals outside the aquarium on some rocks on a nearby shore.

Can I say 10+ to feel better about myself, pretty please?
There are square glasses?! Where?

And I can tag better than you, Ikaheishi
(Well, not really better, but more people. Why the heck did I do this last night...)
@Anabaena @Ananaz0 @Anaru @Anastasia @Achamo @acharyashastri @Achoy178 @Agadez @Ansible @birdiebee @CuteVeronica ♥ @Cuttlefish @Cuttlefish's Angels @Cuttleshock @DeSalsa @desdamonna @desertskies @DespisedAura @DesQue_25 @Dessgeega @Destin @DestindOne @G1ng3rGar1 @Gina6631 @Goob121 @Goockel @Goodie @Gooling @Goolloom @Goomys :T @gooεʏ @AlpacaJesus837 @Alpha359 @AlphaLight @AlphaMen @AlphaOmegaSplatter @AlphaSnowman @AlphaStar @AlphaZealot @Alpha_JP @Alprolozan @Here mer @Hermes @hermestalos @hero @Hero of Lime @heroproof @HerpFish @HerrDoktorMidna @herrherr @Ink dweller @Ink Gunner Emily @ink neo @Ink or swim @Ink. Champ @INK/WitHer @InkaPlays @Inkay_Ink @InkBiscuit @InkCorpse @Squallou @Squarewave @squeaks98 @SQUID BRO22 @Squid Kid Gamer @Squid Master @squid-bae @squid.bby @Squid.jpg @Squidalicious @babolat300 @Babycowland @BabyMarioDS @babysp00n @Silence64 @Silentium @SilentPlasma #X71# @silly979 @Silvaro @SilvaShadow1990 @Silver @SilverAir @SilverBlue-Neko @SilverEra @Ika Klaus @Ika Robin @Ikaheishi @Ikaresu @Magolor @Mage_Kid @magicalkat1 @MagicMickey9864 @Magico @magicxmc @Magix @Magmaboy1 @Magnet-Alpha @Magnus0 @men0etius @Mendax @Draayder @DraconicPsycho @Dragolianx @Dragon @Dragonblaze123 @dragonf94 @DragonGuardianAR @DragonRage @DragonSlayer1661 @Dragonuto @Rock2000256 @Rockenberg @rockerchick43 @RocketClauncher @Rockin @Rockman @RocksPatch @SgtUBER @SurrealSquid @Woomy @Woomy1220 @woomycheri @woomyspoonie @woop @Meta @Meta Knightmare @MetaBowser @MeTaGross @Metal King Slime @Metalbro @Metallinatus @Metarai @metroxil @Zappin' Games @Zaptap @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Cleansmitty @Clementinia @cleosplatra @DualHero @DualQuelcher @DualSquelched @DuarteLC @Dùath @Jade @Jaden Yang @Jadii @Scones @Scootch @Scorpio Kiddo @Scorpio1112 @Scott @Scott Slack @Scottso @Scotty @Slurmp @Slushious @LupusFreak @Pixar @pixel squid @pixelatedcody @Pixelatedillusion @pixelizedchell @PixL @TeaBee @teaflower @tealOcto
1. If the locations of usernames are represented by numbers, where anabaena is 1, ananaz0 is 2, Anaru is 3, and they keep going in a pattern like that until they reach tealOcto at the end, what value does your username have?
EDIT: Bonus Challenge: Find the number of your name without actually counting. It's definitely possible. You won't win anything though.
2. Excluding looped music (or anything else looped for an excessive amount of time), what's the longest youtube video you've ever fully watched?
3. What's the longest amount of time you've ever slept without waking up?
Last edited:


Oct 14, 2015
Were you the person who asked all these on the last page?

And I can tag better than you, Ikaheishi
Sure… But I tagged people that have tagged already, follow, or am followed by.

1. If the locations of usernames are represented by numbers, where anabaena is 1, ananaz0 is 2, Anaru is 3, and they keep going in a pattern like that until they reach tealOcto at the end, what value does your username have?
2. Excluding looped music (or anything else looped for an excessive amount of time), what's the longest youtube video you've ever fully watched?
3. What's the longest amount of time you've ever slept without waking up?
  1. I know that counting actually starts at zero, and as such, I'm #86 in the list. (#87 for the way you asked it.)
  2. I don't recall the length of it, but I'm pretty sure it's the video from early on in the history of the Chromium browser (And therefore Google Chrome) which was a long semi-technical talk about the motivations behind designing a new web browser from the ground up and the entirely rethought models and design patterns used in the design of the browser.
  3. About 15 hours.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
  1. I've grown up with a gas stove and I don't know how to use anything but.
  2. Some would say that is Splatoon. I say that it is… Um… Hmm… I don't really have an answer for that.
  3. I once met Alex Debogorski. I also got to go to the VIP meet and greet they had after The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert. (The one in Los Angeles, of course.)
Hmm… Who will I tag this time? Oh, I know!

@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
1. Pretty well. I can doggey paddle.
2. Fish
3. Yes
4. Yes and yes
5. Yes


Inkster Jr.
Aug 5, 2016
Alright, this is my first time doing something like this so bear with me here. Also I haven't slept yet.

@Ikaheishi @Babycowland @Ansible @pixelizedchell @Magolor @Posso @LupusFreak @Hero of Lime

Ok, so I've been a Star Wars fan for as long as I can remember, and one of the things I was a big fan of, were the games. In one game in particular
"Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic" there is a little questioner as to what kind of Jedi Class you will be in the game. So I wanted to bring
this to you guys and see what most of you will be, as I'm very interested to know. I'll be sure to give a detailed explanation as to what Jedi you are
in the sections used for spoilers and what roles they mean and, if you'd like, mention their larger counter parts, if you wish. So without further ado, let's get underway.

Question Number 1

"A woman and her small child are beset by a desperate-looking group of thugs. They are menacing her with weapons and she screams to you for help. What do you do?"
A. Help them flee B. Attack the thugs C. Stop the thugs and find out why they are attacking her

Question Number 2

"You are in combat with a Dark Jedi allied with the Sith. There is a pause in the combat. What do you do?"
A. Attack him again B. Find out why he turned to the dark side and try to turn him C. Try to see a weakness in his technique

Question Number 3

"There is a locked door and your goal lies on the other side. What do you do?"
A. Smash the door down B. Try to pick the lock C. Knock

Question Number 4

"You are the head of an Enclave on a contested world. The Dark Jedi have infiltrated and are causing unrest across the planet. What do you do?"
A. Hunt them down B. Try to lure them into a trap C. Coordinate with the planetary government to identify the infiltrators


Alright, so what happens next is I want you to see your answers and pick the one that shows the most of the letters chosen by you.
If you are at an impasse, pick which ever one out of the two closest to your answers you want.

You are now a Jedi Guardian.
This Jedi battles against the forces of evil and the dark side. They focus more on combat training and use of the lightsaber. Their lightsaber color is Blue.

You are now a Jedi Consular.
This Jedi seeks to bring balance to the universe. They mediate between other groups, using their powers to end conflict and preserve peace. Their lightsaber color is Green.

You are now a Jedi Sentinel.
This Jedi ferrets out deceit and injustice, bringing it to light. They focus less on combat and more on other skills and abilities. Their lightsaber color is Yellow.

If you have any further question, by all means ask. I hope you enjoyed it.




Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I'll do the only cartoon/anime I've watched that I've never mentioned here, Gravity Falls, and my favorite character in it is Dipper.
EDIT: Actually, I also watched Pokémon Origins, although that's only 4 episodes long.
50-50 chance for a million, I'll get some friends to do that too and we'll split whatever money we get.
But if I couldn't do that I'd probably choose 50k guaranteed.
I looked through all of my liked videos on youtube and except for a few by pannenkoek2012 (<-- I love this channel), only one of them is under a minute.

@Mr. 9 @SilverBlue-Neko @G1ng3rGar1
1. How often do you eat at restaurants?
2. Do you ever wear jewelry?
3. Do you prefer turtles or tortoises?
1. I'm not sure
We were just at IHOP if that counts XD
Maybe 10 times a year? This might be an exaggeration
2. Yeah, when I wear dresses and stuff
My ears have been pierced since I was a baby but I forget about it a lot XD
3. Turtles :)

  1. I've grown up with a gas stove and I don't know how to use anything but.
  2. Some would say that is Splatoon. I say that it is… Um… Hmm… I don't really have an answer for that.
  3. I once met Alex Debogorski. I also got to go to the VIP meet and greet they had after The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert. (The one in Los Angeles, of course.)
Hmm… Who will I tag this time? Oh, I know!

@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
Dang it Ika

1. Decently
I can go kinda close to the deep end while being within an arms length to the wall
Haven't drowned yet
2. Mimic Octopus, Leaf Sheep, Rabbit Slug, etc
Glass Squid too
And Firefly Squid
3. Yes I have
One ship was a tour of the ship
Another one was a tour in the water
And another one was also a bit of a tour
4. Yes, and yes
5. No, but I want to :)
I can stay above water well, but can't swim fast. But staying above water is much more important.
I answered this on the last page so I'll make a top 5 list now. I visited an aquarium today so it's funny I got asked that.
1. Dolphins
2. Turtles
3. Seals
4. Rays
5. Seahorses
Yes, a few times. I've seen some sea animals from boats (dolphins, a whale), and I've seen jellyfish from a kayak.
Were you the person who asked all these on the last page? I said I like the animals, but get a little sad because they're in small spaces and don't have a large area to move around in, unlike when they're in the Ocean. Today I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, I had a good time, but one of the exhibits contained a large school of fish moving endlessly in a circle (in a circular tank that you can stand in the center of) and that was really depressing. I liked most of the other animals, I like tunas, penguins and sharks are nice, jellyfish look pretty even though it'd be very boring to be one, that aquarium isn't mean enough to keep dolphins in it so I saw none of those, I touched some rays and sea urchins which feels nice but the most of the rays hide in the corner most of the time and it really seems like they'd rather not be touched, and I saw seals outside the aquarium on some rocks on a nearby shore.


And I can tag better than you, Ikaheishi
@Anabaena @Ananaz0 @Anaru @Anastasia @Achamo @acharyashastri @Achoy178 @Agadez @Ansible @birdiebee @CuteVeronica ♥ @Cuttlefish @Cuttlefish's Angels @Cuttleshock @DeSalsa @desdamonna @desertskies @DespisedAura @DesQue_25 @Dessgeega @Destin @DestindOne @G1ng3rGar1 @Gina6631 @Goob121 @Goockel @Goodie @Gooling @Goolloom @Goomys :T @gooεʏ @AlpacaJesus837 @Alpha359 @AlphaLight @AlphaMen @AlphaOmegaSplatter @AlphaSnowman @AlphaStar @AlphaZealot @Alpha_JP @Alprolozan @Here mer @Hermes @hermestalos @hero @Hero of Lime @heroproof @HerpFish @HerrDoktorMidna @herrherr @Ink dweller @Ink Gunner Emily @ink neo @Ink or swim @Ink. Champ @INK/WitHer @InkaPlays @Inkay_Ink @InkBiscuit @InkCorpse @Squallou @Squarewave @squeaks98 @SQUID BRO22 @Squid Kid Gamer @Squid Master @squid-bae @squid.bby @Squid.jpg @Squidalicious @babolat300 @Babycowland @BabyMarioDS @babysp00n @Silence64 @Silentium @SilentPlasma #X71# @silly979 @Silvaro @SilvaShadow1990 @Silver @SilverAir @SilverBlue-Neko @SilverEra @Ika Klaus @Ika Robin @Ikaheishi @Ikaresu @Magolor @Mage_Kid @magicalkat1 @MagicMickey9864 @Magico @magicxmc @Magix @Magmaboy1 @Magnet-Alpha @Magnus0 @men0etius @Mendax @Draayder @DraconicPsycho @Dragolianx @Dragon @Dragonblaze123 @dragonf94 @DragonGuardianAR @DragonRage @DragonSlayer1661 @Dragonuto @Rock2000256 @Rockenberg @rockerchick43 @RocketClauncher @Rockin @Rockman @RocksPatch @SgtUBER @SurrealSquid @Woomy @Woomy1220 @woomycheri @woomyspoonie @woop @Meta @Meta Knightmare @MetaBowser @MeTaGross @Metal King Slime @Metalbro @Metallinatus @Metarai @metroxil @Zappin' Games @Zaptap @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Cleansmitty @Clementinia @cleosplatra @DualHero @DualQuelcher @DualSquelched @DuarteLC @Dùath @Jade @Jaden Yang @Jadii @Scones @Scootch @Scorpio Kiddo @Scorpio1112 @Scott @Scott Slack @Scottso @Scotty @Slurmp @Slushious @LupusFreak @Pixar @pixel squid @pixelatedcody @Pixelatedillusion @pixelizedchell @PixL @TeaBee @teaflower @tealOcto
1. If the locations of usernames are represented by numbers, where anabaena is 1, ananaz0 is 2, Anaru is 3, and they keep going in a pattern like that until they reach tealOcto at the end, what value does your username have?
2. Excluding looped music (or anything else looped for an excessive amount of time), what's the longest youtube video you've ever fully watched?
3. What's the longest amount of time you've ever slept without waking up?
I hate you
(Not really but geez Louise)
1. I should've have taken it back XD
Let's see
Oh that wasn't that bad
I think I'm 23
2. Um
Maybe 20 minutes from VSauce?
3. I dunno
Today it was 13

@KungFu @kunoichi squid @DualQuelcher

1. Do you like game shows?
2. Do you know your personality type?
(I'm ISFP-T)
3. Do you like frozen waffles or frozen pancakes?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
  1. Reasonably. I can stay above water and move and stuff. I'm pretty bad at diving, though - I can't descend in the water without holding my nose, although I can release it once I'm level.
  2. Cuttles! They're all friends, though.
  3. Took a ferry between Dover, England and Calais, France four times (two round trips) several years ago. I've also been on a small... boat... on some lake in the vicinity of Novosibirsk a couple of times. Big lake, it shows up on world maps.
  4. Yes and yes. Creatures! Friends. Touch rays <3
  5. No.
1. If the locations of usernames are represented by numbers, where anabaena is 1, ananaz0 is 2, Anaru is 3, and they keep going in a pattern like that until they reach tealOcto at the end, what value does your username have?
2. Excluding looped music (or anything else looped for an excessive amount of time), what's the longest youtube video you've ever fully watched?
3. What's the longest amount of time you've ever slept without waking up?
  1. Uh, 14, right? Unlucky in China (I think). Fortunate to have a username early in the alphabet. I don't really get Ika's point about counting starting at 0...
  2. Probably some speedrun (ironically, since they're... meant to be fast). Perhaps Trihex's Yoshi's Island run from this year's Smash The Record, around three hours. I'm sure there's some other video I'm forgetting, though.
  3. I think that I achieved 14 hours at some point; might've been after my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award expedition (it's about as British as it sounds).
@KungFu @Anaru @G1ng3rGar1 @Marigi174 @Ikaheishi (joining the trend of tagging more than one's meant to)
  1. Do you tend to wake up very achy after a night's sleep?
  2. Slow-paced music or fast? Or perhaps something inbetween.
  3. Splatoon question: have you collected all gear and weapons?

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
  1. I've grown up with a gas stove and I don't know how to use anything but.
  2. Some would say that is Splatoon. I say that it is… Um… Hmm… I don't really have an answer for that.
  3. I once met Alex Debogorski. I also got to go to the VIP meet and greet they had after The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Concert. (The one in Los Angeles, of course.)
Hmm… Who will I tag this time? Oh, I know!

@13thGalaxy @Achamo @AlphaOmegaSplatter @Anaru @Ansible @Award @Babycowland @Cuttlefish @Cuttleshock @Dragonblaze123 @DualQuelcher @G1ng3rGar1 @GoldWatson @Goolloom @Hero of Lime @Jyn @KungFu @LupusFreak @luna_runes @Magolor @Marigi174 @Meta Knightmare @Mendax @モモコ @Mr. 9 @Msv_Aran. @pixelizedchell @Posso @Quibblingsun86 @RanserSSF4 @sallyeah @SilverBlue-Neko @Silverflame @sonicboomvip @SupaRamen @SurrealSquid @SyMag @username0519 @Wakka @woomycheri @YOJOEHOJO @Zac.RAR @⭐️Zapfish⭐️

Sorry to those who I've already asked some of these questions… I'm going to start keeping a record of who I have asked what.
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?

1. I can move around pretty well, but I don't see myself chasing down Michael Phelps any time soon.
2. The octopus! They are super smart, can solve puzzles, change colors, and they just look cool.
3. Many times, and it’s my favorite place to be. I love being on the water.
4. Yes, several. I always have a good time when I do.
5. No, but I really really want to…

I'll day-dream up some questions later.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
  1. Reasonably. I can stay above water and move and stuff. I'm pretty bad at diving, though - I can't descend in the water without holding my nose, although I can release it once I'm level.
  2. Cuttles! They're all friends, though.
  3. Took a ferry between Dover, England and Calais, France four times (two round trips) several years ago. I've also been on a small... boat... on some lake in the vicinity of Novosibirsk a couple of times. Big lake, it shows up on world maps.
  4. Yes and yes. Creatures! Friends. Touch rays <3
  5. No.
  1. Uh, 14, right? Unlucky in China (I think). Fortunate to have a username early in the alphabet. I don't really get Ika's point about counting starting at 0...
  2. Probably some speedrun (ironically, since they're... meant to be fast). Perhaps Trihex's Yoshi's Island run from this year's Smash The Record, around three hours. I'm sure there's some other video I'm forgetting, though.
  3. I think that I achieved 14 hours at some point; might've been after my Duke of Edinburgh bronze award expedition (it's about as British as it sounds).
@KungFu @Anaru @G1ng3rGar1 @Marigi174 @Ikaheishi (joining the trend of tagging more than one's meant to)
  1. Do you tend to wake up very achy after a night's sleep?
  2. Slow-paced music or fast? Or perhaps something inbetween.
  3. Splatoon question: have you collected all gear and weapons?
Dang it

1. Uh
Not really
2. I don't mind any of them, but I prefer medium paced-fast music
3. Nope :P

I just tagged people, like 2 posts ago, so I'll wait


Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
@KungFu @Anaru @G1ng3rGar1 @Marigi174 @Ikaheishi (joining the trend of tagging more than one's meant to)
  1. Do you tend to wake up very achy after a night's sleep?
  2. Slow-paced music or fast? Or perhaps something inbetween.
  3. Splatoon question: have you collected all gear and weapons?
My arm sometimes hurts a little since I sleep with it under my pillow and so my head's been pressing on it all night. But usually nothing else is achy.
In between but closer to fast. But I'm fine with all paces as long as they sound nice.
No, but I have every scroll and probably have enough to purchase every weapon.

Free since everybody's already tagged.
1. Have you ever lost something and suddenly found it years later?
2. Do you prefer land or sea animals?
3. A mathematician wanted to teach his children the value of cooperation, so he told them the following:

"I chose a secret triangle for which the lengths of its sides are all integers.

To you my dear son Charlie, I am giving the triangle's perimeter. And to you, my beloved daughter Ariella, I am giving its area.

Since you are both such talented mathematicians, I'm sure that together you can find the lengths of the triangle's sides."

Instead of working together, Charlie and Ariella had the following conversation after their father gave each of them the information he promised.

Charlie: "Alas, I cannot deduce the lengths of the sides from my knowledge of the perimeter."

Ariella: "I do not know the perimeter, but I cannot deduce the lengths of the sides from just knowing the area. Maybe our father is right and we should cooperate after all."

Charlie: "Oh no, no need. Now I know the lengths of the sides."

Ariella: "Well, now I know them as well."

What are the lengths of the triangle's sides?

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