

Inkling Cadet
Nov 2, 2015
Free questions this time.
  1. Have you ever played freemium/free-to-play/whatever-you-call-them games (Candy Crush, say, most other mobile games, Pokémon Shuffle...)? How much? Did you ever actually make an in-game transaction?
  2. Have you got a tattoo? Or have you ever had one of those soak-on temporary ones?
  3. When did it last rain where you are?
I played Pokémon Shuffle for a week or two right when it came it, but I never bought anything in it.
I've used the temporary ones before, but not within the last 5 years.
It hasn't rained here since June 12. It very rarely rains here, especially in the Summer.

1. How many different avatars have you used on this forum?
2. What's your favorite movie?
3. From another puzzle site (here) with weekly problems that are easier (the ones on the IBM site are incredibly difficult). I chose to put this here because this puzzle in particular is really easy so I feel like everyone here should be able to solve it regardless of how good you are at math.

You are the CEO of a space transport company in the year 2080, and your chief scientist comes in to tell you that one of your space probes has detected an alien artifact at the Jupiter Solar Lagrangian (L2) point.

You want to be the first to get to it! But you know that the story will leak soon and you only have a short time to make critical decisions. With standard technology available to anyone with a few billion dollars, a manned rocket can be quickly assembled and arrive at the artifact in 1,600 days. But with some nonstandard items you can reduce that time and beat the competition. Your accountants tell you that they can get you an immediate line of credit of $1 billion.

You can buy:

  1. Big Russian engines. There are only three in the world and the Russians want $400 million for each of them. Buying one will reduce the trip time by 200 days. Buying two will allow you to split your payload and will save another 100 days.
  2. NASA ion engines. There are only eight of these $140 million large-scale engines in the world. Each will consume 5,000 kilograms of xenon during the trip. There are 30,000 kg of xenon available worldwide at a price of $2,000/kg, so 5,000 kg costs $10 million. Bottom line: For each $150 million fully fueled xenon engine you buy, you can take 50 days off of the trip.
  3. Light payloads. For $50 million each, you can send one of four return flight fuel tanks out ahead of the mission, using existing technology. Each time you do this, you lighten the main mission and reduce the arrival time by 25 days.
What’s your best strategy to get there first?


Full Squid
Apr 14, 2016
(Common Core is a new way to teach kids math, which is honestly stupid
It goes the roundabout way to get to easy problems and ugh
It's not teaching kids real math)

1. Uh
Jetpack Joyride
Fruit Ninja
Tiny Wings
Rayman Run
4 Pics 1 Word

In no particular order
2. Yeah kinda
I make sure that I have permission first before using
3. Uh
Kirby? (Was the first coherent thought that was also a character)
Aw man, but I like Mario! XD

@⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Quibblingsun86 @TynamoRoller

1. Favorite book?
2. Do you have short hair or long hair?
3. Do you like it like that?
Book series or just book?
Long hair
Okay, okay, I'll show my face :p

1: Either Elements of Style (a dictionary of grammar) or Webster's 21st Century Abridged Dictionary. ...yep. That's me in a nutshell :p
2: Kinda medium-length :)
3: A little longer would be nice :3

1: Meh... decent I guess.
2: SQUID OBVIOUSLY *cuddles squib*
3: I went on a cruise when I was like 18 months old. :p
4: Probably. And yes, I love seeing all the aquatic animals.
5: No. qwq

1: Yep. I watch Uber Senpai when she's on. :3 Sadly, she hasn't been doing them lately qwq
2: Um! Um! No idea!
3: Nope. I was an inkling for Halloween but that doesn't count does it
Cosplaying would be pretty fun :3

Hehe that's all I'ma respond to for now

@Ikaheishi (payback time)

@SyMag @G1ng3rGar1 @Quibblingsun86 @Captain Woomy @Mendax @SgtUBER Senpai @⭐️Latias @Cuttleshock @Cuttlefish Senpai

1: Favorite starter Pokemon?
2: Favorite non-Nintendo game?
3: 3 all-time favorite video games
4: What job do you want to have? Or which job do you currently have?
5: What is 1+1? (Open to silky answers:p)
6: Shooter or roller?
7: Why?
8: Gimme a bad Splatoon pun. Or a good Splatoon pun :p
9: Do you play an instrument? If not, have you ever? And what would you like to play if you had to play an instrument?
10: Why did you choose the username that you did?

Wow... I actually thought of 10 questions??!!!!!! And answered some? :scared:
Either oshawott or cyndiquil
Kingdom hearts series
Kingdom hearts: birth by sleep, super paper Mario, splatoon, and smash bros
I want to be an artist
Olives, cause this was clearly a trick question XD
Because aerospray
Let's squidaddle
No, but I would like to learn the ocarina
It's my username for everything else


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
1. How many different avatars have you used on this forum?
2. What's your favorite movie?
3. From another puzzle site (here) with weekly problems that are easier (the ones on the IBM site are incredibly difficult). I chose to put this here because this puzzle in particular is really easy so I feel like everyone here should be able to solve it regardless of how good you are at math.
  1. Two, this and flower-crown Reshi. Once this current one turns two weeks old or thenabouts, I'll switch to another Pokémon avatar.
  2. It's kind of unfair to say the Layton movie, isn't it... ? And probably untrue, anyway. I feel like it's some other anime movie which doesn't come to mind right now. But I just checked my myanimelist page and it can't be that, either, unless I'd honestly count one of the Detective Conan films as my favourite. Dunno.
  3. Is it a trick question... ?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
Permutation, clam, umm... I'm stuck. But I can write some permutations of the word clam.
acml, almc, lmca, lacm, amlc, mlca, aclm, macl, lmac, cmla, calm, lcam, mlac, mcal, clma, caml, amcl, mcla, alcm, malc, lcma, lamc, cmal, clam
Yes, I made a small bowl.
Half of the sky is completely clear, and it's impossible to see the sky at all through the other half.
Strawberries. I also really like blueberries and raspberries.

@AlphaOmegaSplatter @Ikaheishi @G1ng3rGar1
1. How easily do you forgive other people?
2. Have you ever attempted to throw a boomerang? Did you throw it properly?
3. What's your favorite kind of cheese?
1. I usually forget about it by the end of the day (not on purpose, it just happens)
2. Uh
I don't think so but if I did it was probably a no
3. Monterey Jack or something similar

And @Quibblingsun86 it can be either or
(You can answer these questions if you want to)

@Anaru @Achamo @SurrealSquid

1. Favorite animal (real or fantasy)
2. Do you like corn
3. Rock Paper Scissors Shoot! What did you choose?


Oct 14, 2015
@Ikaheishi @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Cuttleshock
1. Is there a food you've never eaten before but would like to try?
2. Would you rather have cake or ice cream for your birthday? (sorry, Ginger's question about being hungry is starting to get to me)
3. What fictional universe would you want to live in? (ex. Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pokémon, etc.)
  1. I don't think so.
  2. Ice cream! (A few of my birthday cakes have been ice cream cakes!)
  3. Splatoon!
@AlphaOmegaSplatter @Ikaheishi @G1ng3rGar1
1. How easily do you forgive other people?
2. Have you ever attempted to throw a boomerang? Did you throw it properly?
3. What's your favorite kind of cheese?
  1. Several people have said that I'm unforgiving. That said, several people fail to make amends and correct things. So, if you do something wrong, and are truly sorry about it and make up for it, I'll easily forgive you.
  2. Nope. Never had the chance. Besides… I get yelled at for throwing anything.
  3. Cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Colby.
@Ikaheishi (payback time) @SyMag @G1ng3rGar1 @Quibblingsun86 @Captain Woomy @Mendax @SgtUBER Senpai @⭐️Latias @Cuttleshock @Cuttlefish Senpai @Airi

1: Favorite starter Pokemon?
2: Favorite non-Nintendo game?
3: 3 all-time favorite video games
4: What job do you want to have? Or which job do you currently have?
5: What is 1+1? (Open to silky answers:p)
6: Shooter or roller?
7: Why?
8: Gimme a bad Splatoon pun. Or a good Splatoon pun :p
9: Do you play an instrument? If not, have you ever? And what would you like to play if you had to play an instrument?
10: Why did you choose the username that you did?
  1. Achamo.
  2. CrossCode!
  3. Splatoon, CrossCode, and Transport Tycoon!
  4. Something where I create works of art, be it visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, or video games!
  5. 00000010!
  6. I'm a shooter main, but rollers are fun too!
  7. Why not?
  8. “Oh carp, this question is jelly punbearable.”
  9. I play piano and alto ocarina.
  10. It's actually what I originally named my inkling girl amiibo (May 2015). The name then extended to a comic idea (June/July 2015) and eventually it came to apply to myself because of the main character's basis on myself (September 2015). Finally I registered here with it in October when I saw FairyJinx's request thread. (I so much anxiety about posting back then!)
@Quibblingsun86 @SurrealSquid @Magolor @woomycheri
I'm still looking for the answers to these questions. Anyone else is also welcome to answer them!
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016
1. Nope, and I don't miss it much.
2. Geography
3. I'm getting there, not quite yet though

@Ikaheishi @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @Cuttleshock
1. Is there a food you've never eaten before but would like to try?
2. Would you rather have cake or ice cream for your birthday? (sorry, Ginger's question about being hungry is starting to get to me)
3. What fictional universe would you want to live in? (ex. Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pokémon, etc.)

1: Probably and I can't remember it :p
2: Depends owo
3: ... Idk XD

@Ika Klaus @BlackWolf//WhiteAngel @Splatoon❤️
1: Least favorite color?
2: What do you do when bored?
3: stripes or spots?

Oh here we go, I had this in a quote XD
Last edited:


Full Squid
Apr 14, 2016
  1. I don't think so.
  2. Ice cream! (A few of my birthday cakes have been ice cream cakes!)
  3. Splatoon!
  1. Several people have said that I'm unforgiving. That said, several people fail to make amends and correct things. So, if you do something wrong, and are truly sorry about it and make up for it, I'll easily forgive you.
  2. Nope. Never had the chance. Besides… I get yelled at for throwing anything.
  3. Cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Colby.

  1. Achamo.
  2. CrossCode!
  3. Splatoon, CrossCode, and Transport Tycoon!
  4. Something where I create works of art, be it visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, or video games!
  5. 00000010!
  6. I'm a shooter main, but rollers are fun too!
  7. Why not?
  8. “Oh carp, this question is jelly punbearable.”
  9. I play piano and alto ocarina.
  10. It's actually what I originally named my inkling girl amiibo (May 2015). The name then extended to a comic idea (June/July 2015) and eventually it came to apply to myself because of the main character's basis on myself (September 2015). Finally I registered here with it in October when I saw FairyJinx's request thread. (I so much anxiety about posting back then!)
@Quibblingsun86 @SurrealSquid @Magolor @woomycheri
I'm still looking for the answers to these questions. Anyone else is also welcome to answer them!
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
I can't at all
Either otters or squids
I've been on a ferry once
I have been to and love the aquarium
The first question answers this


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
  1. Think of a word, quick (first one that comes into your head)! Now another! Now think of a word that starts with the two letters of your first two words! (So if I thought of 'giraffe' and then 'traffic', I'd... be kind of stuck. But 'giraffe' and then 'light' could give me 'glint'.) This was not a question!
  2. Do you ever get very buzzed on sugar? How about caffeine?
  3. Have you ever made something out of clay?
  4. How cloudy is it right now where you are?
  5. What's your favourite berry?
1. Dance, Immolation (I have no clue why those came to my mind first), and for the last part, you get... Dinosaur. Okay, I guess.
2. Nope and nope.
3. Nope again.
4. Not at all, IT'S SO FREAKING HOT.
1. How many different avatars have you used on this forum?
2. What's your favorite movie?
3. From another puzzle site (here) with weekly problems that are easier (the ones on the IBM site are incredibly difficult). I chose to put this here because this puzzle in particular is really easy so I feel like everyone here should be able to solve it regardless of how good you are at math.

You are the CEO of a space transport company in the year 2080, and your chief scientist comes in to tell you that one of your space probes has detected an alien artifact at the Jupiter Solar Lagrangian (L2) point.

You want to be the first to get to it! But you know that the story will leak soon and you only have a short time to make critical decisions. With standard technology available to anyone with a few billion dollars, a manned rocket can be quickly assembled and arrive at the artifact in 1,600 days. But with some nonstandard items you can reduce that time and beat the competition. Your accountants tell you that they can get you an immediate line of credit of $1 billion.

You can buy:

  1. Big Russian engines. There are only three in the world and the Russians want $400 million for each of them. Buying one will reduce the trip time by 200 days. Buying two will allow you to split your payload and will save another 100 days.
  2. NASA ion engines. There are only eight of these $140 million large-scale engines in the world. Each will consume 5,000 kilograms of xenon during the trip. There are 30,000 kg of xenon available worldwide at a price of $2,000/kg, so 5,000 kg costs $10 million. Bottom line: For each $150 million fully fueled xenon engine you buy, you can take 50 days off of the trip.
  3. Light payloads. For $50 million each, you can send one of four return flight fuel tanks out ahead of the mission, using existing technology. Each time you do this, you lighten the main mission and reduce the arrival time by 25 days.
What’s your best strategy to get there first?
1. 2, the inkling maker one and this one.
2. Either The Matrix, Back to the Future or Inception.
3. ...I don't get it, but I'll guess 3 just cause.
1. Favorite animal (real or fantasy)
2. Do you like corn
3. Rock Paper Scissors Shoot! What did you choose?
1. Octopuses!
2. Yes
3. Rock! Did I win?

I already answered those questions, Ikaheishi.


Pro Squid
Aug 21, 2015
WA, Australia
@Achamo @Ansible @Cuttleshock @G1ng3rGar1 @Hero of Lime @Ikaheishi @Magolor @Mendax @SurrealSquid @woomycheri @⭐️Zapfish⭐️ @SilverBlue-Neko @DualQuelcher @Meta Knightmare @Marigi174 @AlphaOmegaSplatter
1. Is it possible for you to rest your tongue in a comfortable position?
2. Have you ever held a snake?
3. Have you ever found coins used as currency in a country that you've never been in?
4. Have you ever seen a sunset and/or sunrise over the Ocean?
5. What 5 websites do you most often visit?
6. Have you ever actually licked to the center of a tootsie pop? (I did, it took me over 45 minutes and since then I've forgotten the amount of licks I counted...)
7. From 1-10, how attractive do you think you are?
8. I think I've asked this before, but what's your favorite smell?
9. What do you get if you put root beer in a square glass?
10. How many days are in a light-year?
(sorry for the late reply...I swear I replied to this, but I just can't find the post.)
1. Yes. Simply resting it in the centre of my mouth works.
2. no, and I don't want to. Given Australia's reputation with wildlife, can I really be blamed?
3. Yes: in fact, I once got some Japanese yen as change from the primary school canteen. (they didn't accept it when I later tried to buy something with it...)
4. Yes I have, and it's pretty cool. I plan to do it a lot more often once I get my Driver's Licence.
5. Squidboards, Scratch.mit.edu, TV Tropes, Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia.
6. We don't have them here in Australia, I'm afraid, so I've never had the opportunity.
7. Can I use negative numbers?
8. the smell of pasta being cooked.
9. no clue
10. "Light years isn't time! It measures distance!"
1: Favorite starter Pokemon?
2: Favorite non-Nintendo game?
3: 3 all-time favorite video games
4: What job do you want to have? Or which job do you currently have?
5: What is 1+1? (Open to silky answers:p)
6: Shooter or roller?
7: Why?
8: Gimme a bad Splatoon pun. Or a good Splatoon pun :p
9: Do you play an instrument? If not, have you ever? And what would you like to play if you had to play an instrument?
10: Why did you choose the username that you did?
1. well...Technically Eevee is a starter, since that was what the player was intended to receive in Yellow before the rival stole it.
If we're going off actual starters, though, I'd say Cyndaquil.
2. Project Gotham Racing 2. This thing has the best racing game physics, hands down.
3. Kirby and the Amazing Mirror, Super Smash Bros 64, Banjo-Kazooie.
4. I'm currently unemployed, but I wouldn't mind being a Chemistry Teacher, or something like that.
5. ...2?
6. (no chargers?) Shooter.
7. Because I can't use Rollers.
8. you've gotta be squidding me...I can't think of one this early in the morning!
9. Yes: I play Piano. That said, I haven't practised in a long time...
10. well...it's a long story. Basically, it was a username of an old Computer Hacker, and I adopted it because I was 15 and I couldn't be bothered to create something original. The meaning isn't that great, either...If I could change it, I'd go with Zephyr.


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
1. If the locations of usernames are represented by numbers, where anabaena is 1, ananaz0 is 2, Anaru is 3, and they keep going in a pattern like that until they reach tealOcto at the end, what value does your username have?
EDIT: Bonus Challenge: Find the number of your name without actually counting. It's definitely possible. You won't win anything though.
2. Excluding looped music (or anything else looped for an excessive amount of time), what's the longest youtube video you've ever fully watched?
3. What's the longest amount of time you've ever slept without waking up?
maybe something around 4-5 hours. I watched Mike Matei's Zelda no sword quest full stream, thats the one thing sticking out in recent memory
16 hours maybe with a fever. i guess nothing insane


Inkster Jr.
May 1, 2016
My world
  1. I don't think so.
  2. Ice cream! (A few of my birthday cakes have been ice cream cakes!)
  3. Splatoon!
  1. Several people have said that I'm unforgiving. That said, several people fail to make amends and correct things. So, if you do something wrong, and are truly sorry about it and make up for it, I'll easily forgive you.
  2. Nope. Never had the chance. Besides… I get yelled at for throwing anything.
  3. Cheddar, Monterey Jack, and Colby.

  1. Achamo.
  2. CrossCode!
  3. Splatoon, CrossCode, and Transport Tycoon!
  4. Something where I create works of art, be it visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, or video games!
  5. 00000010!
  6. I'm a shooter main, but rollers are fun too!
  7. Why not?
  8. “Oh carp, this question is jelly punbearable.”
  9. I play piano and alto ocarina.
  10. It's actually what I originally named my inkling girl amiibo (May 2015). The name then extended to a comic idea (June/July 2015) and eventually it came to apply to myself because of the main character's basis on myself (September 2015). Finally I registered here with it in October when I saw FairyJinx's request thread. (I so much anxiety about posting back then!)
@Quibblingsun86 @SurrealSquid @Magolor @woomycheri
I'm still looking for the answers to these questions. Anyone else is also welcome to answer them!
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?
1. I can't swim all that well, I just stay in the water and splash around. A child could swim better than me really.
2. Seals~
3. Twice.
4. Yup and as much as I love seeing the aquatic animals I don't favor going to aquariums.
5. Nope, I would probably die.

Free for all.
1. Obsessed with Overwatch? {I want it after seeing the videos but my laptop is a potato ;w;}
2. Do you like drawing? I think I asked this before o-o
3. Hidden talents?


Full Squid
Nov 12, 2015
Okay, okay, I'll show my face :p

1: Either Elements of Style (a dictionary of grammar) or Webster's 21st Century Abridged Dictionary. ...yep. That's me in a nutshell :p
2: Kinda medium-length :)
3: A little longer would be nice :3

1: Meh... decent I guess.
2: SQUID OBVIOUSLY *cuddles squib*
3: I went on a cruise when I was like 18 months old. :p
4: Probably. And yes, I love seeing all the aquatic animals.
5: No. qwq

1: Yep. I watch Uber Senpai when she's on. :3 Sadly, she hasn't been doing them lately qwq
2: Um! Um! No idea!
3: Nope. I was an inkling for Halloween but that doesn't count does it
Cosplaying would be pretty fun :3

Hehe that's all I'ma respond to for now

@Ikaheishi (payback time)

@SyMag @G1ng3rGar1 @Quibblingsun86 @Captain Woomy @Mendax @SgtUBER Senpai @⭐️Latias @Cuttleshock @Cuttlefish Senpai

1: Favorite starter Pokemon?
2: Favorite non-Nintendo game?
3: 3 all-time favorite video games
4: What job do you want to have? Or which job do you currently have?
5: What is 1+1? (Open to silky answers:p)
6: Shooter or roller?
7: Why?
8: Gimme a bad Splatoon pun. Or a good Splatoon pun :p
9: Do you play an instrument? If not, have you ever? And what would you like to play if you had to play an instrument?
10: Why did you choose the username that you did?

Wow... I actually thought of 10 questions??!!!!!! And answered some? :scared:
1. My favourite starters are Charmander, Piplup and Snivy. I can't really pick an overall favourite out of these three because each of these have different memories associated with them. If that makes sense. And it doesn't make me sound weird.
2. I've never actually played any non-nintendo games to be honest. I've only ever watched playthroughs of undertale and I really enjoyed them so I guess I'm going to say undertale.
3. Pokemon Diamond, Splatoon and Smash Bros. Brawl (the wii u version is infinitely better than brawl but I used to have such a great time playing brawl when I was younger that I have to pick brawl over sm4sh)
4. I want to do something in the biomedical science field. Or nursing. I'm not sure really.
5. 1 + 1 always equals a window. (Im so original xD )
6. Shooter.
7. I main chargers so I have a hard time approaching enemy squids. I find something like the 52 gal, with walls, can help me approach my opponent without being heavily punished when I pick the wrong time to approach whereas with rollers, you have to know when to approach your opponent or get splatted. I just find shooters easier to use.
8. Are you squidding me?!
9. I've never played a musical instrument. My parents bought me a miniature harp when I was little but we couldn't find someone to teach me how to play it.
10. Ive always liked the pokemon. I had just caught a shiny latias in my omega ruby game as well when I started playing splatoon so I don't know. Why not? C:


Inkster Jr.
Jul 21, 2016
That one place everyone, yet nobody knows


Full Squid
Nov 12, 2015
1. Uh
Sylveon? IDK

(Thought it said non-starter so)
2. I was about to say Affordable Space Adventures
It's an Indie game but I dunno if that will count
Maybe Keep Talking and Nobody will Explode or Overwatch
3. Splatoon
Affordable Space Adventures
Mario Kart 8
4. Maybe a Bio, Robotics, or Aero Space Engineeerrrrr
Or a video game developer
5. Silkie, Starfire's pet (you did say silky)
6. Shooter
7. Cause I am too slow with rollers
8.Yer KRAKEN me up!
…yea I know it's bad
9. I played violin and attempted piano.
10. Go look at the thread for that sort of thing! :D :p

@⭐️Latias @SyMag @DualQuelcher

1. Are you still in school, and if so, have you started?
2. Favorite subject?
3. Are you hungry (cause I sure am)
1. I'm still in school yes. I have about three weeks left though before I leave forever xD
2. Maths?
3. Yes. Send help.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 16, 2016
The Great Zapfish. It's really cozy here!
1. Uh
Sylveon? IDK

(Thought it said non-starter so)
2. I was about to say Affordable Space Adventures
It's an Indie game but I dunno if that will count
Maybe Keep Talking and Nobody will Explode or Overwatch
3. Splatoon
Affordable Space Adventures
Mario Kart 8
4. Maybe a Bio, Robotics, or Aero Space Engineeerrrrr
Or a video game developer
5. Silkie, Starfire's pet (you did say silky)
6. Shooter
7. Cause I am too slow with rollers
8.Yer KRAKEN me up!
…yea I know it's bad
9. I played violin and attempted piano.
10. Go look at the thread for that sort of thing! :D :p

@⭐️Latias @SyMag @DualQuelcher

1. Are you still in school, and if so, have you started?
2. Favorite subject?
3. Are you hungry (cause I sure am)
1. Yes and yes.
2. Math
3. Nope.
Aug 26, 2016
Free for all.
1. Obsessed with Overwatch? {I want it after seeing the videos but my laptop is a potato ;w;}
2. Do you like drawing? I think I asked this before o-o
3. Hidden talents?
1. I want to try it out
2. I love drawing. I kind of want to make an art thread
3. I AM A SUPER SAIYAN :P jk I don't know, haven't really thought about it.

@ Whoever wants to answer
1. If you could change one thing about Splatoon, whether it be lore, game mechanics, etc...what would it be?
2. Favorite Mountain Dew flavor?
3. Favorite Doctor Who regeneration (10th Doctor FTW!)


Oct 14, 2015
Free for all.
1. Obsessed with Overwatch? {I want it after seeing the videos but my laptop is a potato ;w;}
2. Do you like drawing? I think I asked this before o-o
3. Hidden talents?
  1. Nope.
  2. Yeah, when I do it well.
  3. I play the ocarina, and I've dome some pixel art.
@ Whoever wants to answer
1. If you could change one thing about Splatoon, whether it be lore, game mechanics, etc...what would it be?
2. Favorite Mountain Dew flavor?
3. Favorite Doctor Who regeneration (10th Doctor FTW!)
  1. More Splatfests! Or a re-balance of the rollers: make them more like launch, but lower the flick damage algorithmically.
  2. I don't drink Mountain Dew.
  3. Matt Smith. (David Tennant is a close second!)
I already answered those questions, Ikaheishi.
You did? :oops: *scours thread* Why did my program put your name up… It's supposed to prevent me from asking you twice. Sorry. :oops:

@Mendax @Meta Knightmare @⭐️Latias @JoelTheFreshest @Goolloom @G1ng3rGar1
I'm still working on these questions. Once again, anyone else is also welcome to answer them!
  1. How well are you able to swim?
  2. What is your favorite marine species?
  3. Have you ever been on any boats or ships?
  4. Have you ever been to an aquarium, and do you like going?
  5. Have you ever been snorkeling, scuba diving, or anything of the like?

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