The Bragging Thread


Pro Squid
Jan 21, 2016
Just got a Sprinkler kill on the Rainmaker and squidbagged the hell out of that dude. I think he DCd.

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Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
I took out a whole team with one inkstrike. Then I grabbed the rainmaker and took it across enemy lines. They were rather close to taking over, so I felt pretty good.
*slow clap


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Over the last week or so, I've become stable enough in low S Rank that I've stopped calling myself an S- (ha ha...) and, since then, have been trying to push for one or two victories' profit before stopping per rotation so as to climb higher in the rank. It hadn't been working for a while, but just now in RM, I got a streak of 6 victories - with a somewhat interesting pattern. In every Urchin game (apart from the last), we totally swept the opponents, not even letting them get a point on the counter (although never dunking); and in every Flounder game, we ran an amazing comeback, very unusually for me. Twice, the opponents got their counter to 2 within the first minute and a half, us often just barely taking out their carrier as they climbed up the podium, but, gradually, we displaced the Rainmaker towards the middle and then approached the opposing podium, just about edging out a KO. I do like to think that I contributed a little, too.


Pro Squid
Mar 21, 2016
Are Sundays dangerous days to play? Because is just almost lost my A- when i played on Sunday last week. Saturday I was on a roll and i became A- 84 and I thought: Ayy cool, tomorrow 2 more wins and A. A hype!!! Then I played Splatoon 3 days ago and it was horror. I got crazy bad scores like 3/6 and 5/4 and I was like: How in the actuall cookie? Did that happen? I switched from weapon all the time (Btw I love the Zink Mini Splatling I played 10/1 with a A/A+ lobby) but I couldn't 'git gud' with any of them. The Carbon Roller (one of my fav weapons) was my worst weapon that day. I literally played 1/10.

Does that happen with you all to when you play on Sundays? Please tell me so I will never play Splatoon on Sundays anymore and just play Xenoblade.


Senior Squid
Feb 16, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Are Sundays dangerous days to play? Because is just almost lost my A- when i played on Sunday last week. Saturday I was on a roll and i became A- 84 and I thought: Ayy cool, tomorrow 2 more wins and A. A hype!!! Then I played Splatoon 3 days ago and it was horror. I got crazy bad scores like 3/6 and 5/4 and I was like: How in the actuall cookie? Did that happen? I switched from weapon all the time (Btw I love the Zink Mini Splatling I played 10/1 with a A/A+ lobby) but I couldn't 'git gud' with any of them. The Carbon Roller (one of my fav weapons) was my worst weapon that day. I literally played 1/10.

Does that happen with you all to when you play on Sundays? Please tell me so I will never play Splatoon on Sundays anymore and just play Xenoblade.
That's happened to me before too. I almost reached A+ Rank, in fact I think I reached 99, Saturday night but couldn't stay and it went downhill from there the next day. But I've had times where luck was on my side skipping Sunday so maybe you need to be lucky or just take a break on Sundays. That or just play your best mode(s) on Sunday if you really don't want to risk it. For example, my best mode is Tower Control and I've won plenty of matches with my strategy but I'd be foolish to try and rank up on my worst mode Splatzones. But for me that's only happened with Ranked. Never with Turf War.

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
First time giving Sheldon's Picks a whirl, and I managed to score four victories in a row with four different weapons! Specifically, I used the Berry Pro, Wasabi, FreSquiffer, and Refurbished Mini. I was especially proud of the match where I had the Refurbished because my team came back from the brink in the last 30-ish seconds. The match with the FreSquiffer wasn't too bad either despite me not being much into chargers; I landed a couple direct hits to splat the same guy, one of them while he was trying to Burst Bomb me down!


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Dear Squidboard,

Today was a good day, it was a blast as I used Splat Bomb tech on Arowana Mall. Not only that but I got my S+. "And that's not all" Sheldon was flapping his gums as he introduced some new weapons. I replied with "Shut up and take my cash". I'm gonna be honest, out of all of the weapons, I'm gonna enjoy the Permanent Inkbrush and Wasabi Splattershot. As for the Dynamo and splatling, I know there are gonna be some psycho players with those. I say "You better know how to skim through ink".

Sincerely, "I'm so fresh you can suck my ****"


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I played for hours with a good friend last night, testing out the Berry Splattershot Pro, and well. 12/1. 8/2. 14/3. Lots of matches like this, along with more humble 4/0s. Who knew all I needed to be effective at splatting people is a weapon that's good at splatting? :P

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Finally getting the hang of the Tempered! I got a positive K/D in the last match I played, getting one person at a distance (I usually only got those kinds of splats by luck) and three by sending out a Seeker before I swung.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
This is a very old accomplishment, but I recall a Kelp Dome game of Tower Control where we were losing badly. My entire team had gotten splatted, and I decided to take a huge risk by going in the direction opposite the tower to charge my Inkstrike Special (I was using the Gold Dynamo). I obviously launched the Inkstrike at the tower, and all four enemy players got splatted by it. I wish I actually remembered the outcome of that match, but I think we managed to turn the tables and win from there!

Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
So, I started playing with the Permanent Inkbrush today and the first (and so far only) map I tried it out on was Flounder Heights. You'd think the loadout it had would've led me to an aggressive approach but I found a much better (and funnier) way to play it--I hung back on my team's side of the map and simply chucked Splat Bombs at the enemy sniper perch, making sure to take out any Inkling that tried to penetrate our defenses. Given that my other team members took care of the whole "ink stuff up" part, we easily won the match and I never got splatted. I have to imagine the enemy team was completely salty about the whole thing.


Senior Squid
Nov 14, 2015
Sitting at 719/720 EXP needed to hit level 50, I decided to switch from the CJS that I had been dominating with all night back to my roots (Sort of) with the Permanent Inkbrush. I had played the standard Inkbrush almost exclusively for the entire summer of Splatoon's release and despite having all but dropped it from my regular rotation, it still remains my most-turfed weapon and holds a special place in my heart. The Permanent Inkbrush allows me to play my favorite weapon while actually having a usable kit! What better way to hit level 50 than with a more powerful version of my original weapon?

Immediately, I regretted my decision. We rolled Port Mackerel (I spawn camped every team on there tonight while I was using the CJS... justsayin') and the opposing team had a Custom Range Blaster, a Bamboozler MK I, .52 gal and Fresh Squiffer. Meanwhile, our team was a Fresh Squiffer, myself, a Splash-o-Matic and some kind of slosher. Natually, we were out-zoned right away and the other team pushed us back. Hard. The CJS would've come in REALLY handy then, so that I could actually push back and gain some momentum. Instead, I had to hang back and toss bombs while trying to find a way to get the drop on someone with the brush. The clock ticked. Finally, I sprung my Kraken and took out their Squiffer while also catching someone super jumping. I managed to also nab the Custom Range Blaster right before my special ran out and my entire team surged forward as one. Our Splash-o-Matic hit his Suction Bomb Rush as we reached their open. We ended the game with a huge lead, embodying everything I hate about Turf War haha. I only broke even in K/D (4/4), but I was also the only member of my team to even accomplish that much. What a way to reach level 50.

Also, if I may continue my boasting, I accidentally started a game of ranked with the Berry Splattershot Pro after playing Squads (And getting rolled over by ex-Team Paradise while I was in a tri-squad ROFL) and ended up DOMINATING. We knocked them out in no time flat and I was able to make a huge play by flanking around from the right side of Walleye while my team took the tower. I jumped back to the tower to help get it to their plat, leaped off and hit my Bomb Rush to keep them from approaching, as well as using my actual gun to remove an opposing Splattershot (Tentatek or Wasabi, idr) and a Custom Range Blaster that were trying to swim through my bombs. Only 5/2, but when the game is over that fast you've only got time for that much. :P


Senpai in the sheets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dec 27, 2015
being jello on my chair
Happened today after getting deranked from S+
people say the E-liter/ custom E-liter scope nerf was goona kill the scope, i said "nah"
1 swim speed main and special charge up and special duratioin main/subs, no need for dmg up ;3
hopefully i can keep up these godly numbers in future rank matches


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
Happened today after getting deranked from S+
people say the E-liter/ custom E-liter scope nerf was goona kill the scope, i said "nah"
1 swim speed main and special charge up and special duratioin main/subs, no need for dmg up ;3
hopefully i can keep up these godly numbers in future rank matches
I'm pretty sure it's just the normal version that got people so edgy. lol


Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 21, 2015
I went 10-0 with the vanilla e-liter on moray. Definitely my best e-litering till now. (full-charged shots ftw!)

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