The Bragging Thread


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
@birdiebee So, good to know the GenieShot Jr. is indeed totally OP ;):p
You will not take away from what I've done!!! and I maintain that it is not! Like you pointed out, its spray is so anemic--I always find myself wishing it had more firepower when I lose a confrontation. Its a huge drawback!!!!


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
You will not take away from what I've done!!! and I maintain that it is not! Like you pointed out, its spray is so anemic--I always find myself wishing it had more firepower when I lose a confrontation. Its a huge drawback!!!!
The WeenieHut Jr. is so OP that I splatted two squids with one bomb and bubbled the rest. :U


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
I'm back with more H3 non-sense.

Ancho V Tower Control
my squad: Splatterscope, Krak-On Roller, Tentatek, H3 (me)
vs E Liter, Kelp Splatterscope, Krak-On Roller, 96 Deco

Enemy pushed it to 5, while we were at 43. We start our push and get them in to over time. While we're passing the 30 mark, everyone else gets taken out. It's just me against 3 of them (as the Splatterscope was respawning). Thinking "it's all over" I make one last ditch effort. I toss a suction bomb onto the tower in anticipation for the bum rush. One squid gets on early, so I angle a jump shot and take him out. The other two hop on just as the bomb explodes.

I was so sure that one of the squids I heard dying was me that I was very confused that the tower kept going. Not only was I not dead, but I took out all 3 of them solo and pushed it to 4 for the OT victory.

Thinking I did "okay" the whole round, I am shocked to find I had the best KD of the entire room sitting with 15 - 7. The closest being the enemies 96 Deco with 14 - 7.

Low use weapon heroes! You can do it if you try!


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
You will not take away from what I've done!!! and I maintain that it is not! Like you pointed out, its spray is so anemic--I always find myself wishing it had more firepower when I lose a confrontation. Its a huge drawback!!!!
LOL, yeah, personally I hate using the thing. But it will never erase the dumptruck full of salt it continues to refill. ;)

After your praise of it I decided to give it another chance, compared it to Sploosh and went "nope!" :P I'll keep my sploosh, thankyouverymuch. It's like Jr that can actually kill without a bubbler :P

It's not REALLY OP, but the way the bubbler charges can make it a serious problem that I don't think the devs balanced out so well :)

I'm back with more H3 non-sense.

Ancho V Tower Control
my squad: Splatterscope, Krak-On Roller, Tentatek, H3 (me)
vs E Liter, Kelp Splatterscope, Krak-On Roller, 96 Deco

Enemy pushed it to 5, while we were at 43. We start our push and get them in to over time. While we're passing the 30 mark, everyone else gets taken out. It's just me against 3 of them (as the Splatterscope was respawning). Thinking "it's all over" I make one last ditch effort. I toss a suction bomb onto the tower in anticipation for the bum rush. One squid gets on early, so I angle a jump shot and take him out. The other two hop on just as the bomb explodes.

I was so sure that one of the squids I heard dying was me that I was very confused that the tower kept going. Not only was I not dead, but I took out all 3 of them solo and pushed it to 4 for the OT victory.

Thinking I did "okay" the whole round, I am shocked to find I had the best KD of the entire room sitting with 15 - 7. The closest being the enemies 96 Deco with 14 - 7.

Low use weapon heroes! You can do it if you try!
I love the low use weapons! It's the best part of the game :)

I swear I'll end up taking that thing into ranked after your posts. TW keeps going well. I always feel like I'm not doing well and then I end up with a great k/d. :)

The one HUGE problem it has though is it's NOT lag-friendly. Lots of shots that shouldn't miss end up missing. That's the one big weakness it has. But it is weirdly fun to use, in part because it's never EVER seen :)


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
I love the low use weapons! It's the best part of the game :)

I swear I'll end up taking that thing into ranked after your posts. TW keeps going well. I always feel like I'm not doing well and then I end up with a great k/d. :)

The one HUGE problem it has though is it's NOT lag-friendly. Lots of shots that shouldn't miss end up missing. That's the one big weakness it has. But it is weirdly fun to use, in part because it's never EVER seen :)
I definitely encourage trying it out in ranked! Just practice a ton in TW first lol. I've got max ink turf with this thing I've been using it so long and practicing, but all that practice is finally paying off.

It is definitely not lag friendly AT ALL. It's also not frustration friendly. Or anything friendly really. But when you win, it is oh so satisfying


Pro Squid
Mar 21, 2016
I definitely encourage trying it out in ranked! Just practice a ton in TW first lol. I've got max ink turf with this thing I've been using it so long and practicing, but all that practice is finally paying off.
Wow respect to you mate.

Btw guys, you all know the B+ hellhole? The place where every kind of person is just put together in one rank? The place where you get carried ( or rekt) by some S+ smurf, where some lucky dude out of B- gets to, and where no one knows what to do in Tower Control? I just got out of it!!!
And not by a margin, but by a whole lot! I'm A- 60 atm! A hypetrain!

Btw any tips how to beat people who dropped out of S and want to get their S back? They're the worst.

Have a nice day! (I certainly had!)


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
Wow respect to you mate.

Btw guys, you all know the B+ hellhole? The place where every kind of person is just put together in one rank? The place where you get carried ( or rekt) by some S+ smurf, where some lucky dude out of B- gets to, and where no one knows what to do in Tower Control? I just got out of it!!!
And not by a margin, but by a whole lot! I'm A- 60 atm! A hypetrain!

Btw any tips how to beat people who dropped out of S and want to get their S back? They're the worst.

Have a nice day! (I certainly had!)
They'll probably be moving faster than what you're used to, so try to predict where they're going. Take some time in the training room getting used to moving fast and aiming fast. It'll help when you're up against those S's who drop and even more when you get to S (you can do it!).

Congrats on getting out of B+! I know that feeling of being stuck there!


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I need to practice more with chargers. I might do well with one after a billion matches using the jet squelcher. I did a test run today with ye olde splat charger, and I got 8/0. Granted I think my opponents were lousy, but that was still heartening!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016

Guess you can add me to the S rank train.

I leaped out of my chair and went "yes! yes! yes!" when I won this match. All the bs you have to deal with in this game: the dumb teammates who don't get on the tower when you trade for a quad kill (and you're losing), or those who camp near the rainmaker looking like: "you take it!", "no you take it I'm not taking it!", the laggy enemies who kill you when they're not even facing you, the losing 30 hard earned points because "you" disconnected, the game trolling you by putting you at "_ rank 99" and then giving you garbage teammates until you're back at 30...ah man, it makes victory that much sweeter.

Time to squad forever now, jk


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
I made it back. Back to S+ with the H3. The final game of Camp Tower this past rotation and we won by holding off the enemy. For one dramatic moment in one of my games today:

Skate Park Tower
We're making our push and we're at 23. Lots of shots and bombs go off and everyone dies ave me and the enemy E Liter. He's close enough that I can shoot him but he's already aiming at me. One of my team mates is jumping to me. I dodge one shot, and make a decision. "I'll take him out instead of hiding!" This guy could aim, so I had one chance. I stopped moving, aimed and fired. I died as soon as I took the shot but...! I got the trade. My team mate landed safely and everyone else jumped to him. We won.

I consider myself a member of the Super Elite S+ H-3 Crew. Well, if I have the stuff to stay in S+ this time.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I consider myself a member of the Super Elite S+ H-3 Crew. Well, if I have the stuff to stay in S+ this time.
You seriously have inspiried me to add H3 to my mains. I've always loved going after the weird weapons, and H3 is possibly the weirdest of all :)

Since you main chargers, too, between Eliter, Bamboozler, and Squiffer, and H3 which do you feel has the most difficult learning curve? I like playing the hard stuff :) Since H3 is universally considered "a bad weapon" I assume that's up there. I've been an eliter main but especially post 2.7 will be adding the other 3 to my mains :)


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
You seriously have inspiried me to add H3 to my mains. I've always loved going after the weird weapons, and H3 is possibly the weirdest of all :)

Since you main chargers, too, between Eliter, Bamboozler, and Squiffer, and H3 which do you feel has the most difficult learning curve? I like playing the hard stuff :) Since H3 is universally considered "a bad weapon" I assume that's up there. I've been an eliter main but especially post 2.7 will be adding the other 3 to my mains :)
If I were to rank them in terms of hardest learning curve
1. H3
2. Bamboozler
3. Squiffer
4. E Liter

The Bamboozler is very specialized, so you've gotta really know it well. The Squiffer is pretty great, but if your aim lapses the consequence is usually death if you don't get that second shot off quick enough. E Liter takes an odd mix of patience and quick targeting skills because it takes so long to get a full charge. H3, well, it requires a ton of skills and you can't be lacking in any of them to do well on a consistent basis.

I'm glad I've encouraged you to give the weapon a try! I had been scouring the net trying to find hints, tips, or anything to help me use it properly, but there wasn't much. So I've dedicated myself to figuring out how to use the blasted thing and it pays off. It's just not a weapon you can pick up and instantly do well with. Anyone looking for tips or anything on the H3, message me or something

To see if my Charger skills were still okay, I went custom E Liter (because getting used to no Bomb saves) and squad up with a pal. S+/S room? Alright! End result: victory. 13 - 1. Yeah, I can still do this.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
If I were to rank them in terms of hardest learning curve
1. H3
2. Bamboozler
3. Squiffer
4. E Liter

The Bamboozler is very specialized, so you've gotta really know it well. The Squiffer is pretty great, but if your aim lapses the consequence is usually death if you don't get that second shot off quick enough. E Liter takes an odd mix of patience and quick targeting skills because it takes so long to get a full charge. H3, well, it requires a ton of skills and you can't be lacking in any of them to do well on a consistent basis.

I'm glad I've encouraged you to give the weapon a try! I had been scouring the net trying to find hints, tips, or anything to help me use it properly, but there wasn't much. So I've dedicated myself to figuring out how to use the blasted thing and it pays off. It's just not a weapon you can pick up and instantly do well with. Anyone looking for tips or anything on the H3, message me or something

To see if my Charger skills were still okay, I went custom E Liter (because getting used to no Bomb saves) and squad up with a pal. S+/S room? Alright! End result: victory. 13 - 1. Yeah, I can still do this.
I'm bringing my second alt up the ranks....been doing well with squiffer, haven't unlocked eliter or bambi yet....splatterscope just never seems as fun as these other chargers. I still love my brushes and rollers and hydras and splooshes, but your list above is what I'm focusing on at the moment :) I generally love taking the hardest, least loved weapons. Ok, eliter's not unloved at all. But it's a hard skill floor (and about to get harder), so those 4 are my most fun weps. I haven't taken H3 ranked yet, I'm about to do so. But I've been shocking myself with actually not sucking in some tough TW lobbies :) I actually did like it the first I tried it but people showed me the numerical proof as to why it's objectively bad and I learned to agree. But I'm coming back to loving it. And it's basically charger-like (or kind of charger meets sploosh....which is perfect because I main both :) )

Wouldn't have ever given it another try save for your posts here :)


Senior Squid
Feb 16, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Not really a brag, but during Red Blue Splatfest (I know a while back) I got the Connection is Unstable, and I thought it would be over when I saw all over when the entire enemy team and 2 of my teammates DCd. But no, the match kept going, me and my teammate against NO ONE. Score ended up 94.5/0.6 (0.6 was the spawn of the enemy.)
Similarily everyone but a teammate and I disconnected back during the Art vs Science splatfest. Ended up taking all the free points we could while spamming "Booyah!" to each other.
And while i'm already typing, if we're bragging, shall I share the time I nearly won a Rainmaker round single-handed? I'm talking public lobby Rainmaker and (to this day) I'm surprised nobody (or at least from my perspective) knew where I was. So, way back in August i'm in an (New) Urchin Underpass Rainmaker battle right? And the Rainmaker was in the middle of that area connecting your base and the middle section on my side ready to be grabbed and that area is basically a full on war. So, being the idiot I am I ran for it and managed to silently sneak past EVERYONE. I even jumped past an enemy just running into action who could've easily seen me. And for all I know NOBODY knew where the Rainmaker/I was until the "We/They Took The Lead" text popped up. By that point I already had a lead in the enemy base with no one to support me but no one to stop me. (Again, for all I know [I was far more focused on my TV screen and the goal than the mini-map on my gamepad]) Nobody super-jumped to me. Nobody super-jumped to their base. As soon as they realized where I was, it was a mad dash to my position and I never saw any gunfire until I was 30 points away from winning. I forget if I slam dunked it or not. Only that we won. :ability_ninjasquid:


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
If I were to rank them in terms of hardest learning curve
1. H3
2. Bamboozler
3. Squiffer
4. E Liter

The Bamboozler is very specialized, so you've gotta really know it well. The Squiffer is pretty great, but if your aim lapses the consequence is usually death if you don't get that second shot off quick enough. E Liter takes an odd mix of patience and quick targeting skills because it takes so long to get a full charge. H3, well, it requires a ton of skills and you can't be lacking in any of them to do well on a consistent basis.

I'm glad I've encouraged you to give the weapon a try! I had been scouring the net trying to find hints, tips, or anything to help me use it properly, but there wasn't much. So I've dedicated myself to figuring out how to use the blasted thing and it pays off. It's just not a weapon you can pick up and instantly do well with. Anyone looking for tips or anything on the H3, message me or something

To see if my Charger skills were still okay, I went custom E Liter (because getting used to no Bomb saves) and squad up with a pal. S+/S room? Alright! End result: victory. 13 - 1. Yeah, I can still do this.
Ok, so my first run with H3 ranked was Hamerhead RM - probably not a good place to test it out in those didn't end well :P Tomorrow! :)


Senior Squid
Nov 14, 2015
Got the game winning quad on Ancho-V Games with the Octobrush Nouveau. Used Splat Bombs to take out their sniper, Dynamo and another gun (Custom Dual Squelcher I believe) one at a time. Toss, SPLAT. Toss, SPLAT. Toss, SPLAT. Then I traded with their Octobrush, and we rode out the next 10 seconds or so pretty easily. Went 11-4 with it in another game, so I feel like I've reached a point as a player where my fundamentals are letting me switch between weapons much more fluidly. ^_^ I had warmed up with the Rapid Blaster Pro when rotation changed (never played a single game with it today ROFL) and after finishing with ranked I used the CJS in my cooldown Turf War game and dominated as well. I used to have to play two or three games to warm-up when switching weapons, but today I just went between them with only a few seconds in the testing range and I played to the best of my ability with each. I'm very, VERY happy to be able to do that, as I really want to be good at a variety of weapons and playstyles in this game.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
This isn't a recent one, but a couple of weeks back, I'm playing RainMaker one Walleye Warehouse, and the opponent team nearly gets a KO. Me, being pessimistic about the whole thing just thought, "Ugh. Well isn't this such a great start."
So at one point, a team member grabs the RainMaker, and me on those corners where you can climb up on the side indicated the team member carrying the RainMaker with a "Come on!" The team mate follows me, and while heading up that Inkingable surface, we were attacked by the enemy who spotted us coming. So switching on the Bubbler, I took out the two enemy Inklings, and managed to guide my team mate near the podium until we took the lead. Eventually we got the knockout, making a really effective comeback.

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