The Bragging Thread


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
S! S! S! SSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! You cannot comprehend the true form of Giygas' att-errr how hyped I am! A month and a half ago I was content to be at B rank, and I've clawed all the way up here :D Woooooooooooooo!
In related news, I FINALLY got my S back after months of getting screwed by the matchmaker every time I'd get close! :D
Oh, I'll get back my S rank eventually...
Maybe... Someday.
Kinda makes me jelly.

In the meantime getting a Quad kill with the Squiffer got me super pumped when playing not too long ago.
I just picked up the Squiffer, and I REALLY like it.


Brella Aficionado
Jul 31, 2015
Switch Friend Code
As far as bragging goes, I have 2 level 50 accounts, and 3 S+ accounts. That's all, if anyone wants any tips, just ask! I am planning on making a guide for the Splatoon mental game, and strategies, since I think many people are wanting something like that.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Okay not too long ago I got 21 splat not once but twice in tower control as an N-zap
(21-13 and 21-9) and now I am back at S rank once again


Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
(Warning: Long story in spoiler tags)

K, so you know that long "hidden" left side path on Urchin Underpass? The high up area, with two exits.

Right before it is a grate, and right before the grate is a small ramp, and "hiding area". Keep this hiding area in mind.


I'm playing Solo Ranked RM. The score is 60-55. We're in the lead.

The enemy is making a ruthless push though. They take control of our main zone with the ramps and rails.

Oh, and the opponent is holding the RM, not us. And he's ready to advance as soon as he sees an opening.


For information purposes, I'm holding the Tentatek, which has the Inkzooka special.

I had just died, and the enemy team is advancing. RM holder is inching ever so close to <60 and beating us at the last second.

I respawn, and proceed to go to that "hiding area" I mentioned earlier. I plan on hiding there, and "pouncing" on the RM holder right before he hits 55, like a lion hunting an antelope on the Discovery Channel.

I jump down...but damn! An enemy scouts the area I'm at and sees me.

My Inkzooka was charged though, and I activate it quickly. Though the enemy Luna Blaster hits me, I manage to stay alive, and kill him instead.

"I've got this. I''ll just blast him before he gets to 55."

...But wait.

I'm stuck in enemy ink, from the guy I just killed. I try to escape for around 5 seconds.

"This can happen?!"

I know I've got no Ink Resistance shoes...but usually you can just jump over the enemy ink or something. After all, it's just a small puddle under me. It's not like the whole floor is inked. But I can't escape.

I want a clearer shot. I can't even see the RM holder!

And just as I think this, the little devil himself starts advancing.


"****! Why now?! I've got Inkzooka!!!"


From that hidden spot I mentioned at the very beginning of my post, there exists have a small "pocket" or "window" to shoot through. It's only about the width of one Inkzooka blast though. You'd shoot right at the corner of the "white wall" on your side if you pressed the trigger. Anyone who knows the map well should know what I'm talking about.


If I don't kill him here, we lose.

"**** it!" I exclaim to myself.

My ZR trigger gets pressed, seemingly by desperate instinct, and a random Inkzooka shot proceeds through that small pocket/window.

I couldn't even see anyone there.

But as my shot moves forward, the RM holder conveniently starts advancing now!

I see (to my disbelief) the RM holder in squid form, swim right into my shot. Seemingly frame perfectly.

"Splatted (insert random Japanase characters here)!"

No way.

Time is at like 5 seconds left or so. The RM respawns, but since the the shield is neutral color or w/e, the game ends.

Wow, what luck! I wish I recorded it.

TL;DR: It's solo-ranked RM. I get glitch-like stuck in enemy ink, but save the team with a randomly shot, blind Inkzooka blast through a tightly walled area on the RM holder. I shoot him at 56 units, and our score was at 55. We win as time runs out.
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Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
So not only did I get my S back on Friday, but yesterday I managed to get S on my alt account as well. So after months of being cursed by the matchmaker and being shot down every time I get close, and just overwhelming unfair matches and disasters, I get S on two accounts in one weekend. How downright weird is this game sometimes? Now I need a third account so I can continue to increase the problems in the ranking system as I try to figure out WHAT exactly its pattern is! :rolleyes::D


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
Won a 3 - v - 4 Ranked Splatzones match using the H3. I forget the enemy squad, but we had a Tentatek, Tri Slosher, and H3. They ran the countdown to 2. We stopped it and got the KO. The S rank lobbies. Anything is possible!


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
On a Arowana Mall Tower Control match, my entire team gets splatted before either of us could get on the tower. Me, being the only one left took out the enemy team by myself, and got ourselves a good lead.
In S Rank Lobbies, fun is possible!


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
On a Arowana Mall Tower Control match, my entire team gets splatted before either of us could get on the tower. Me, being the only one left took out the enemy team by myself, and got ourselves a good lead.
In S Rank Lobbies, fun is possible!
Arowana TC was lots of fun last night! That's awesome!

For the first time in my lil squid kid life, I have finally become S+. Be nice to me, guys!
I just wanted to elaborate on my journey just a little bit since it was approaching 2am last night and I had been playing for 8-9 hours.

I really didn't expect to grind all the way through S Rank in one sitting. I came home from work and wanted to play a little Hammerhead/Ancho-V Zones since the former is one of my weakest stages. I ended up doing better than expected on it. I also decided I wanted to focus all of my weapon practice entirely into my main (Splattershot Jr), where before I'd often rotate depending on the scenario for Rainmaker and Splat Zones matches. I wanted to become even more versatile with my one main instead of dividing up my experience among multiple weapons. So it went alright. But ultimately the Splat Zones rotation ended with me in the negative (I started at S 29 and ended at S 14).

I played straight through the next rotation, Walleye/Moray Rainmaker, with no breaks whatsoever. I had a lot of ups and downs, a lot of rough matches with poor team coordination (as is so often the case with Moray RM in Solo). I reached S 56 but ended the rotation at S 30.... back where I started. I'd have more to say on this bit but honestly it was all a blur. I didn't really have any matches that stuck out as memorable or impressive. It was kinda rough.

Along comes Arowana and Bluefin Tower Control. Bluefin TC is one of my top map/mode combos. I believe its the combo that originally got me into S Rank many months ago. But Arowana always makes me nervous. Sometimes the whole stage seems like one giant chokepoint. Certainly my lil short range Jr doesn't help that. But TC is my specialty. So I had confidence. I averaged 8-12 kills per match, and found that many of my teammates had similar scores. Chalk it up to luck, but I had a lot of teams who worked really well together. When I play TC, I am a tower rider (a good one), so I find that it gives my teammates possibly a sense of comfort knowing that there's not going to be a "nose-goes" situation for who has Tower duty. I'm already on it. And with my trusty Stealth Jump shoes I always jump to the tower and try to hold it where it is, if not push even further.

Anyway, from 11pm-2am, I climbed the S Rank. I don't remember how many losses I faced, but they were few. I know that I lost 3 times from S 60~ and up. I ended with a +19.0 on my SO HAWT thing. So it was my biggest win streak ever. Honestly, when I began playing, I said I'd stop when I reached S 60, since I'd never been much higher than that and didn't want to risk a fatal losing streak creeping up. But when I reached S 70 fairly quickly, I decided to just go all in. It was unprecedented. Like I said, I didn't plan a fierce grind. But it was a pleasant surprise.

I know a lot of people can breeze through S Rank with little trouble. But I've been stuck here for 3-4 months. I wasn't sure I'd ever reach S+. But here I am. So take this as a lesson, my squid friends, if you feel stuck, or hopeless, or that your skill has plateaud, MIRACLES DOES HAPPEN. You too can woomy with the best of them.

now i'm terrified to actually enter an S+ lobby....


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
After @Shun_one had that epic H3 post, I decided to take the H3 out for a little practice in some friend TW and was amazed that I'm not actually half bad with the thing, often leading the k/d chart despite feeling like I wasn't doing well with it as I played! I guess I'll have to add another weird main to my list one of these days. :)

@birdiebee So, good to know the GenieShot Jr. is indeed totally OP ;):p


Pro Squid
Jan 21, 2016
Not really a brag, but during Red Blue Splatfest (I know a while back) I got the Connection is Unstable, and I thought it would be over when I saw all over when the entire enemy team and 2 of my teammates DCd. But no, the match kept going, me and my teammate against NO ONE. Score ended up 94.5/0.6 (0.6 was the spawn of the enemy.)


Pro Squid
Mar 21, 2016
I just rolled my first triple!!! I'm so happy!

You know the squash headband right? The one where everyone has :ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage: on right?
Well i tried to get that too. First I got 3 random stuffs that no one likes, then I got 2 :ability_specialduration: and one:ability_specialsaver: (That pure would be cool)
Then i just started sniping for a while. I saw I had just one sea snail left. At first I wanted to add a slot to my :clothes_plo001: but I thought that would be a waste.
So i rerolled my :head_hbd002:...
And i got:ability_quicksuperjump::ability_quicksuperjump::ability_quicksuperjump: baby!!!!
(Btw I don't know if I want to be happy with this roll. I still want those :ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage: but I don't want to reroll my first triple so I'll keep it I guess)

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