Museum Tower Control.
Team is getting pwned, enemy has 10 to go.
I'm used to this situation and most of the time the only thing you can do is flank if you wanna save the game. So I proceed to do the stealthiest f'ing flank starting with the high right part and ending near the tower near our base. Navigating blind spots is tricky but fun when you successfully pull it off.
I am now near our base and see ALL 4 enemies squid partying on the tower, thinking they've won with 5 to go. They are squidbagging SO HARD. All of them!
My teammates are all dead, they've obviously given up.
BUT...the flank is successful! All 4 enemies get wiped by my blastoise (custom blaster).
BOOYAH! goes one or two teammates. I felt like their hero.
Some of us get on the tower, some proceed to hide and shark once the enemies try and get back to mid.
But the enemies appear to have stopped trying. Did they think they had a guaranteed victory? They begin facerushing us like n00bs, and my teammates unleash their BEAST MODES.
Our Dynamo is flicking all over them and getting doubles, and our shooters have all of a sudden become ninja assassins. Where was this at the beginning??? Lol.
At around 50 to go I actually die while trying to move the tower! I got scared because usually when I die once, my teammates' deaths aren't far away.
But my teammates never stopped moving the tower and kept wiping enemies! I was seriously impressed!
We then get our last wipe, and with 5 to go everyone on my team is on the tower, spamming BOOYAH!
If I were on the opponent team I'd have a tough time cleaning up my salt trucks after a match like that, lol.
To date it's my most favorite match ever, just because the opponents were squidbagging so hard, and then got karma flank'd equally as hard.