Arowana Mall Tower Control, Krak-On. I superjumped to one of my Beakons, which was on our right side at the foot of that slightly elevated platform thingie with grates in the center. As I was flying through the air, I noticed an enemy Krak-On was running on the grates to our sniper perch on the right. I swung my roller and boom! Splatted them in midair. I’d been meaning to actually do this for ages, so it felt amazing!
And today… You know that strategy to superjump on a grate as a Kraken, right? On Camp Triggerfish Rainmaker with the Krak-On, I was in Kraken form chasing someone who took refuge on the grates on our side of the map. I splatted them and superjumped out of harm’s way, despite never having done this before and making my decision at the very last second. In another match, I did the same thing again. But immediately after, I picked up the Rainmaker and started heading to the left of the map (relative to our spawn). Unfortunately, the enemy team was well-prepared and used a Killer Wail in the lane I was in. Somehow, someway, I managed to survive for, like, half the duration of the Killer Wail by standing and jumping repeatedly on the very edge of the map while shooting with the Rainmaker. I was taking damage from the Wail every time I landed, and the enemy team was shooting at me on top of everything. I splatted two enemies before taking a dive into the water due to a misstep. That was ultimately pretty pointless, but it looked really cool. Once again, I reaaaaally wish I had a way to record my matches…