The Bragging Thread


Senior Squid
Nov 14, 2015
... now I feel tempted to try and go for a record of my own! Inkbrush and some mixture of :ability_quickrespawn:, :ability_quicksuperjump: and :ability_runspeed: in order to get into the enemies' faces as quickly as possible.
Don't use Run Speed Up on the Inkbrush; it does not increase your rolling speed. If you want to get out there and die ASAP use Swim Speed Up. :P


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Update: it's much harder than it seems. My achievements playing around with the Inkbrush in the last 40 minutes or so:
  • Moray Towers TW: got splatted 11 times by opponents. They were ignoring me by the end so I couldn't get taken out very quickly...
  • Moray Towers TW: fell off the edge 30 times. That's with three :ability_quickrespawn: Mains and instantly turning left every time I come back.
  • Port Mackerel TW: Super Jumped 40+ times. Seriously annoyed my teammates. With three :ability_quicksuperjump: Mains and four Subs (I have annoyingly good Super Jump gear, given that I never wear it), I get kind of motion sick from the speed of the jumps...
  • Port Mackerel TW: made friends with the enemy E-Litre!
  • Port Mackerel TW: drew a fairly good heart in the enemy base that was visible when results were announced <3
Much as I hate to admit it, I... haven't had this much fun in Splatoon in a while. I'm gonna carry on playing around on TW as more suitable stages come into rotation (ones with enough space to, like, draw smiley faces and such).


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Update: it's much harder than it seems. My achievements playing around with the Inkbrush in the last 40 minutes or so:
  • Moray Towers TW: got splatted 11 times by opponents. They were ignoring me by the end so I couldn't get taken out very quickly...
  • Moray Towers TW: fell off the edge 30 times. That's with three :ability_quickrespawn: Mains and instantly turning left every time I come back.
  • Port Mackerel TW: Super Jumped 40+ times. Seriously annoyed my teammates. With three :ability_quicksuperjump: Mains and four Subs (I have annoyingly good Super Jump gear, given that I never wear it), I get kind of motion sick from the speed of the jumps...
  • Port Mackerel TW: made friends with the enemy E-Litre!
  • Port Mackerel TW: drew a fairly good heart in the enemy base that was visible when results were announced <3
Much as I hate to admit it, I... haven't had this much fun in Splatoon in a while. I'm gonna carry on playing around on TW as more suitable stages come into rotation (ones with enough space to, like, draw smiley faces and such).
Nice job on the Heart drawing, wish I could have seen it.

Also, I've learned a crazy trick on Museum D'alfonsino which can take you straight to the other base. Warning though, it requires a bit of parkouring.


Senior Squid
Sep 16, 2015
Nice job on the Heart drawing, wish I could have seen it.

Also, I've learned a crazy trick on Museum D'alfonsino which can take you straight to the other base. Warning though, it requires a bit of parkouring.
Do tell, do tell.

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
I made a wonderful decision with my alt last night: I decided to pick up my Carbon Roller Deco again, after so many matches spent in other weapons. Not only did it perform just as beautifully as it had when I clung to it like a security blanket, I had gotten better at it with my trying out new weapons. I had gotten the habit of jumping while flicking, for example, and I had some new tricks to pull with Seekers. I started climbing up to A+ 96, almost every match with double-digit splats. (and some with only single-digit splatted-I'm still as scrappy as ever) But just before I could rank up to S, I lost a match.

"Okay," I thought. "Just two matches, then."

A total internet loss partway through the match sent me down to 67.

After that, it all went to heck.

Just about anything that could go wrong seemed to happen whenever it could.
  • Lag that made me miss a lot of easy swings, leaving me with only 5 or so splats
  • A teammate disconnecting through the match, but still losing 12 points
  • Losing in overtime
  • Holding the lead through almost all of the match, then losing it when it couldn't be regained
  • Having a pretty good performance and still losing (some matches had around 15-19 splats)
  • Another disconnect
The entire time, I was ready for a huge post in the Dead Sea thread.

Finally, at A+18 (and around midnight), I resolved to just get to 80 rather than trying for S, and force myself to quit when I did.

I guess between luck and getting more relaxed, things got a lot better for me. It wasn't a total win streak, and there were quite a few close matches, but I still

Some highlights of this journey:
  • Painting a zone and getting two people out in a Seeker Rush
  • Getting three people out in a Seeker Rush (I will never badmouth this special again)
  • Jumped up to try to take out someone coming down in Museum D'alfonsino, flicked twice out of habit, and managed to take out a second person I didn't even see

It was quite an experience.


Pro Squid
Jan 21, 2016
Nice job on the Heart drawing, wish I could have seen it.

Also, I've learned a crazy trick on Museum D'alfonsino which can take you straight to the other base. Warning though, it requires a bit of parkouring.


Senior Squid
Feb 16, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Nice job on the Heart drawing, wish I could have seen it.

Also, I've learned a crazy trick on Museum D'alfonsino which can take you straight to the other base. Warning though, it requires a bit of parkouring.
I think I know what you're talking about, because I use that same trick with the N-Zap and I've gotten as much as 1400+ points (no bonus) that way :wst_shot_quickmiddle01:

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
Sorry to post again so soon, but this is more of a huge stroke of luck-Got disrupted as two bubbled opponents charged up the ramp on Flounder Heights. I jumped off and swung blindly back in hopes of getting something accomplished. I apparently hit just as their bubble popped, got both of them out, and still survived. I ended up with 7/1 (I have no idea how I restrained myself from getting splatted more) and a new S-rank.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I am on fire today for some reason. Going on murder sprees with the Jet usually doesn't happen. Also, one match turned into a game of ye olde Donkey Kong - that roller must've been SO annoyed that I jumped every last one of his seekers for the entire match :P


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
I’m trying to improve my offensive game (being mostly a defensive/support player) and to fill all three slots on all my gear, so I was playing some Turf Wars tonight. Got 12/0 and 1042 points (+300 win bonus points) on Piranha Pit with the Octoshot. It’s not the best I’ve done but it’s worth mentioning given my bad losing streaks from yesterday.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Bragging is this not, but I think, in terms of 'I've got a great victory story', this belongs here.

My heart stopped for a bit in the Rainmaker game on Mahi-Mahi that just transpired. We were generally behind, as, although there wasn't a blatant mismatch in team strength, the opponents got a good run near the beginning that brought them to around 35, while we struggled to get through either of the main 60-point bottlenecks. Right around the end, we had something of an opportunity, and I grabbed the Rainmaker and made my way back to the centre when opponents thinned out enough (as it had been pushed towards our island-type entry-point).

Just then... Connection Unstable. I was stuck standing still on top of the central platform for something between 5 and 10 seconds and saw from the squid icons that some members of each team were disconnecting... and then the message went away. Two members of my team had disconnected and three opponents; I was one of the lucky three to survive. I don't know where the last enemy went, but I proceeded to swim unhindered over to the enemy podium and dunk the Rainmaker.


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
This wasn't an achievement I made personally, but of one of my team mates. A Splatterscope.

Ancho V Splatzones. I rush in to mid to take the zone and notice one of the enemy's is already dead. "Must've DC'ed" I think.

Later in the match, I see them briefly alive, then they die again. It is at this moment that I realize they kept getting sniped so often that I thought they had DC'ed. That is what I call deadly aim.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Just finished a game of TC on Camp Triggerfish and man, was it amazing! I was using the Tempered Dynamo Roller. A teammate was ready with a Kraken to assist a tower push (we didn’t have the lead and the game was going to end in about a minute), but the one who climbed on the tower from its neutral position got immediately ambushed by a Custom Range Blaster.

I managed to splat them by lobbing ink over the wall, and then I got my Killer Wail, so I used it in the straight path leading to the enemy base. It caught three players, and from there me and another teammate climbed on the tower and got that lead. It felt pretty good! Also, I figured out some neat Seeker tricks (you can get Seekers on land from the tower in Camp Triggerfish by jumping), although they’ve yet to give me any splats so far.

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