The Dead(er) Sea: Saltiest Catch


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016

The Brella may not be as broken as it was for those few days where it could open and close and shoot in less than a second, but this is just near impossible to beat for any weapon with shorter or even mid range even now. (referring to the second death by the brella player in the clip, the first was totally a standard kill they got) The problem is, any more nerfs and the brella will suck badly again, so I really don't know how to balance it even further at this point.

Earlier in this session I was using an Octobrush against a different brella, and it was even worse. I got the drop on that person and they still managed to kill me easily. At that point I decided to avoid them as best I could.
Yeah, I can definitely see that squissue. Even for Chargers, they're an annoyance to deal with, but I can keep them at bay with my range and kill them in that 0.5 of a second. Good luck trying to out-TTK them in close-combat though. Have you tried chugging a bomb behind them? Luring them into bad position and / or abusing high ground might be a way around them for now.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Yeah, I can definitely see that squissue. Even for Chargers, they're an annoyance to deal with, but I can keep them at bay with my range and kill them in that 0.5 of a second. Good luck trying to out-TTK them in close-combat though. Have you tried chugging a bomb behind them? Luring them into bad position and / or abusing high ground might be a way around them for now.
Funny enough after this clip I recall using a bait splatbomb to take out this brella, mainly since they tried to extend too far into our base and I could mess with them. Even so, they can easily counter that strategy too with enough of their ink around them.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Just a brief critique but not discounting your experience.

She seriously lucked out when you didn't land that last hit! After that, the engagement looked 50/50. Biggest problem is she got off an Ink Storm and kept you there, and you were too close. After that off-center body shot that would've done under -90hp you were close enough to suffer a shield bash for -30hp. Though at the same time your closeness could've cause her to whiff a follow-up shot if she took it to finish you or re-shield or not have the brella fly off, giving you the win. lAll the while you were caught under an Ink Storm that would constantly sap your health.

A tip I probably shouldn't share is that it's around/slightly under three seconds for a brella (splat and tenta) to launch once opened. ¬¬;


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I like how throughout this site's history we gradually went from complaining about bad teammates to stuff related to the game itself.

Seriously though, screw matchmaking. Stop tossing me in rooms with 6+ clanners where my only contributions will be dying a lot and ruining it for me and my team. And no matter how often i lose there the game insists i keep joining these lobbies, why


Inkling Commander
Oct 3, 2016
ur mom
Just got done playing league with some of my friends, we placed at 2233, sounds good right? We were having fun, and it was cool to see us all the way up there.

Then we proceed to lose two matches. Losing us 100+ points. "We can get back up there, we still got an hour and a half for the rotation to end". So the league matchmaker decides to be the usual waiter of our salt, and give us 1700 teams, so we gain roughly 5 points whenever we win. So we finish the rotation with 2204 because we couldn't get a decent gain.

So to sum it all up, we went 14-3 (good looking score), an 82% win rate, but we couldn't beat our score after we lost our flawless streak? Is this game serious? Even after we place, we went 7-3. So, a 70% win rate isn't enough to climb? That's ridiculous. Considering that to get to S+, you can do it with about a 40% win rate. Which is advertised for you much more clearly in game, as opposed to league. If you don't have splatnet 2, you can't even check how good any other team did.

To be fair, a lot of this is responsible due to the regional matchmaking, because I bet there were only scrubs for my team to face so we could get 5 points a game. In Japan though, this isn't much of a problem, since they have a lot more people playing, and they can fill up lobbies much quicker. Which is a shame because if we're ever going to get matchmaking fixed, we're going to need the Japanese complaining as well.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Just got done playing league with some of my friends, we placed at 2233, sounds good right? We were having fun, and it was cool to see us all the way up there.

Then we proceed to lose two matches. Losing us 100+ points. "We can get back up there, we still got an hour and a half for the rotation to end". So the league matchmaker decides to be the usual waiter of our salt, and give us 1700 teams, so we gain roughly 5 points whenever we win. So we finish the rotation with 2204 because we couldn't get a decent gain.

So to sum it all up, we went 14-3 (good looking score), an 82% win rate, but we couldn't beat our score after we lost our flawless streak? Is this game serious? Even after we place, we went 7-3. So, a 70% win rate isn't enough to climb? That's ridiculous. Considering that to get to S+, you can do it with about a 40% win rate. Which is advertised for you much more clearly in game, as opposed to league. If you don't have splatnet 2, you can't even check how good any other team did.

To be fair, a lot of this is responsible due to the regional matchmaking, because I bet there were only scrubs for my team to face so we could get 5 points a game. In Japan though, this isn't much of a problem, since they have a lot more people playing, and they can fill up lobbies much quicker. Which is a shame because if we're ever going to get matchmaking fixed, we're going to need the Japanese complaining as well.
Oof. Yeah, I feel you, I've had the same grievance about League. Placement matches are inexplicably far more important than the matches that come after, for anyone that cares about league score. All it takes is one bad match to undo an entire session's progress.

Also, minor nitpick, you can check the league leaderboards in the results by hitting -.


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I know the roller weapons were nerfed, but I still dislike good roller players as much as I disliked them in Splatoon.
I dislike them because I can't make rollers work in this game, and seeing others do so well makes me upset. >:(


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
I dislike them because I can't make rollers work in this game, and seeing others do so well makes me upset. :mad:
Sounds like a serious case of "git gud" to me.
Jk, I know the feeling. I once tried to use the Splat Roller in S2 and failed so miserably I'd rather not want to talk about it lol. And nothing is as disheartening as getting swatted by a good roller over and over again until you start avoiding ledges, and I'm saying that as a Charger. Brrrr.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
I dislike them because I can't make rollers work in this game, and seeing others do so well makes me upset. :mad:
I am quite bad with rollers, too, but it doesn't bother me as I have no intention of maining them weapons. I am inclined to believe it is a matter of practice, though. Conscious practice, not just playing rollers over and over again.


Token Party Squid
Jul 17, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Nice to see the meta's back on point in one respect. Week before Spawnfest is right back to being absolutely brutal. :rolleyes:

First match, I'm dumped in a lobby of mostly bloodthirsty 50's. It went about as well as you'd expect, and nary a booyah among the entire crowd. By the time Troublesome Friend joined in we'd managed to narrow things down to a solid lobby with a good level spread. The matches were tough but quite fair. Stage rotation put the kibosh on that, naturally.

Rollers. So many rollers. So many incompetent rollers. I should not have the pleasure of being able to mow through three of you, in a row, as you all charge up the ramp in mid at me in a straight line. And y'all shouldn't have been so salty that I managed to accomplish this that you hounded me for three matches after that, either.

Competent squaddies? In my Turf lobby?? It finally happened!

Personal best for this week: Missile-assisted team-wipe by yours truly...somehow...on Sturgeon, no less. I'd targeted all four of them, but one of my teamos splatted one right as I launched. Imagine my delight when seconds later I'd managed to wipe out all three of the rest of them at once.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
I dislike them because I can't make rollers work in this game, and seeing others do so well makes me upset. :mad:
I don't mean to add to your salt, but I am one of those people that happen to be rather good with the Splat Rollers. I can't really explain why, but it feels good to get those clutch swings off in a pinch and get on of my teammates out if dire straits so we can continue to take mid. I like the Krak-On thanks to the beacons. Thanks to those I can see when I have good teammates and when I don't.

Teammates don't use beacons - This is common, but I am still sad.

Teammates use beacons - The world is my oyster! I am filled with the joy of a thousand luscious, warm seasons!

Maybe a bit hyperbolic, but tell me that don't see someone using your well thought out and craftily placed beacons and smile just a little.


Inkling Commander
Jul 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I don't mean to add to your salt, but I am one of those people that happen to be rather good with the Splat Rollers. I can't really explain why, but it feels good to get those clutch swings off in a pinch and get on of my teammates out if dire straits so we can continue to take mid. I like the Krak-On thanks to the beacons. Thanks to those I can see when I have good teammates and when I don't.

Teammates don't use beacons - This is common, but I am still sad.

Teammates use beacons - The world is my oyster! I am filled with the joy of a thousand luscious, warm seasons!

Maybe a bit hyperbolic, but tell me that don't see someone using your well thought out and craftily placed beacons and smile just a little.
this is the only time I've ever done well with the Splat Roller. Before and after that match, I was a failure with the thing, lol.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
@Danku The performance there looks pretty solid! No game will ever go perfectly, but that one was pretty close! Some advice I can give you for use of the Splat Rollers.

1. Be sneaky! In the midst of combat, you should be the unseen force. In direct combat, your lack of range will make things hard on you. But if you can get in and take a swing unnoticed, then you have the potential to win it all! In this vein, I recommend using Ninja Squid. Without the Echolocator around, the Ninja Squid perk is far more useful than it ever was in S1. From there all you need is some Swim Speed Ups and you are good to go!

2. Keeping others at bay. This is what the vertical swing is for. Sure it looks and feels great to smack someone over the head with a close range vertical melon cracker, but it's real use is for its range. It is meant to keep people at bay, not necessarily for kills. This can discourage an opponent from closing in as easily and either buy you some time or get them to back off which can lead to making some more headway either with painting or pushing the objective. Either way, the vertical swing is for deterrent mostly.

3. Remember those dodging skills! When engaged with an opponent, you need to make sure you can reliably dodge their shots. That OHKO range of yours won't do you any good if you can't get around an enemy's shots. My recommendation about approaching an encounter is to not stand there flicking wildly. Unless you know that the second swing will connect for a splat, it is often better to take a swing and then dodge to one side and swing again. Circle your opponent while still being aggressive! Make yourself hard to hit! This is a strength that the Dynamo doesn't really have. It is too slow to make effective use of this tactic. This can help even the odds against some of your enemies!

Lastly, remember that there is no foolproof plan. Rarely will everything go according to plan. You know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men, right? Be willing to improvise. Be willing to practice. Be willing to get back up when you fall. But most importantly, remember to have fun. That is why we play this game after all. Don't let a bad performance get you down! There will always be a time to show what you're made of!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
I wonder what the hell happened at the start of the clip? Hardcore lag spike? It seems the squid inksploded, but the "splatted squid" text didn't show up.



「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
I wonder what the hell happened at the start of the clip? Hardcore lag spike? It seems the squid inksploded, but the "splatted squid" text didn't show up.

I have this quite often when I get the direct on a squid just as he dies to a teammate a nanosecond before. It's perfectly normal, if confusing when this happens for the first time.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
I have this quite often when I get the direct on a squid just as he dies to a teammate a nanosecond before. It's perfectly normal, if confusing when this happens for the first time.
Makes sense. Thanks for explaining.


Nov 15, 2017
Salmon run is a lot of fun but can get frustrating when everyone on your team is terrible and doesn't even know the mechanics.

Most games run smooth but when boss Salmonid shows up it seems nobody knows to shoot the bomb and it hard to shoot by yourself unless you have the right gun. This is the way I fail 90% of the time.

Is anybody else having this problem.
Would it be possible to allow people like 13+ to play eachother and let the super young kids play in a group with people there age.
It's pretty much luck at this point on who you get on your team if you will win and it's really unfair to the people who actually care about the experience and want a challenge.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 24, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Do you mean the, umm... green thing on top of Steelhead's head (I guess it's supposed to be a bomb x*))? Well, even in the Profreshional rank many people have a hard time finishing him off quickly... You can always join a Splatoon 2 Discord chatroom and find more experienced players from there.

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