Hooo boy. I find it says a lot about how much stuff there is to do in this game that I've only just beaten it last night and there's still a ton of crap left to do/find. (And unlike most other games I've played, I also feel compelled to actually go after that rather than put the game back on the shelf and forget it exists. Whether that's a testament to Nintendo's design or the Switch's game drought, I dunno.)
But yeah, finally beat the game. Everyone says that last battle with Ganon's a bit of a let-down, which is kinda true... doesn't really bother me much, but mostly because I felt that way about the original Zelda and Ocarina of Time also. Plus all of the bosses in the game are kinda weak of you know what you're doing and keep your shield out. Kinda weird how the stronger enemies in the game put up more of a fight (lookin' at you, Lynel with the broken-as-hell Iron Crusher), but it is what it is.
(Also, pro tip: save your Zweihänders for Flurry Rushes. They're a bit too slow to be much use in regular battle unless you're feeling strong.)
It's not a perfect game, mind you: Mipha and Zelda sound far too similar (#ignorantamericanbias), Gerudo Desert gives off a sort of last-minute vibe, the framerate visibly chugs a fair amount for some reason (I think it's all the grass?), the enemy variety is lacking, and Moblins have a rare tendency to make the game hang a little after you beat them. But as I said before, these are all just minor nitpicks than real flaws.
...well, actually, the Moblin thing is kinda bad, but it's infrequent enough to be merely an annoyance.
Now, what to do... probably oughta search for the last of those shrines and buy/max out all the available clothing. After that? Who knows. Maybe go hunt down some more Lynels and beat them to a bloody pulp. They have good stuff.