Oof, no need to beat yourself up friend. It's not exactly a game anyone can just pick up and play. It takes time, effort and dedication to get up there. If you play a little bit a day, and just practice I'm sure you'll get the hang of it and soon be on your way to supporting your team more than you ever imagined. This game is surprisingly deep, so, it's going to take a little while to get comfortable with your weapon, gear, maps and controls. I'd just suggest knowing what you want to do before you play. I'm more of a defensive player, I stay back and ensure my team mates are safe, if that means killing off the enemy or whatever it may be. Truth is, before I met my handy dandy Heavy Splatling I wasn't really able to do it to the best of my abilities. I'm not huge on being in the front lines. However, the second the Heavy Splatling came out, that all changed, and I realized the best weapon this game could possibly bestow on me had fell right into my hands. So, don't worry, you've just gotta roll with the punches and get up and try harder. I promise you'll get the hang of it. :]