*ehem* here is my HOW TO SPLATOON GUIDE FOR BOOKWORMS PAGE 1 that I made a while ago
UNIT 1 - Game Mechanics and Online Gameplay
Sites to look at for references on everything Splatoon: Inkipedia
Lesson 1 : Weapons
There are three types of weapons, Main Weapons, Sub Weapons, and Special Weapons. These make up a kit.
For example, this is the Z+F Splattershot Nova, a Shooter Class weapon (Main Weapon), Splat Bomb (Sub Weapon), and Ink Storm (Special Weapon). It also depicts the points for the special.
Special Points & Specials
For the Splattershot Nova, you need 190p. You can get 190p by painting 190p of the map. This way, it charges up your special, then you can use it. You can tell your special is charged by your special meter.
It looks like this. It also depicts the Sub weapon on the top left.
There are many types of specials in Splatoon. We will cover Splatoon 3’s as of Chill Season 2023.
-Zipcaster - Turns you into a zippy, sticky person. You can zip to walls to fast travel.
-Killer Wail 5.1 - Death megaphones. Targets people and tracks them down while
shooting a damaging laserat them. Can travel through walls.
-Big Bubbler - Big protective bubble. Shoot the thing at the top to break the bubble. Also serves as a squid beakon.
-Booyah Bomb - You float, there's a bomb, people booyah, booyah charges bomb, you throw the bomb. Bomb explodes.
-Crab Tank - It's a tank, it looks like a crab, it's a tank you get it. Can go into a ball form where it can resist all damage
-Ink Storm - Rains ink.
-Ink Vac - Vacuum cleaner that sucks up enemy ink that is shot at you. Spits the ink back out in a big explosion, but it’s your color.
-Inkjet - Jetpack with ink canon.
-Kraken Royal - Big, invincible squid or octopus. Can ram into people and splat them.
-Reefslider - Shark floaty that zooms forward then explodes.
-Triple Splashdown - You jump into the air, 2 big fists materialize, you come down with your fists and a large splash of ink comes.
-Splattercolor Screen - If you run through it as an opposing player, you acquire a monochrome filter.
-Tacticooler - Cooler that has 4 stat-boosting drinks. Increases run speed, ect. Say “ DRINKS '' when you get one.
-Tenta Missiles - Missiles that track people. You get it.
-Trizooka - Bazooka cannon. Three shots.
-Ultra Stamp - Big ink stamp. You can chuck it too.
-Wave Breaker - Big log thing that has tracking waves. Also deals very little damage if you step on a wave.
-Super Chump - Launches exploding decoys. They look kinda funny.
Sub Weapons
Sub Weapons are weapons that you can use to track enemy players or to paint turf. Here are the sub weapons as of Chill Season 2023
Splat Bomb - Simple bomb with a timer. Can splat an enemy.
Autobomb - A more deathly type of splat bomb. When you toss it, it searches for an enemy, and will toddle to it, then explode.
Burst Bomb - Bomb that explodes on impact. Basically a water balloon. Not much damage. Good for poking.
Torpedo. - Flying autobomb. Also, it does a tiny, powerful explosion, then spreads tiny ink pellets that explode. Can be shot down by enemies.a larger, less powerful explosion.
Suction bomb - Splat bomb with suction cup on bottom. In cylinder form.
Toxic Mist - Mist that makes you slow. (but not much slower) Also drains your ink tank.
Point Sensor - Toss it to track people.
Ink Mine - Sits on the floor, and when you step on it it explodes and deals little damage. Tracks you if you are nearby when it is detonated.step on it.
Splash Wall - Ink wall
Sprinkler - I think this one explains itself. Ink sprinkler.
Squid Beakon - Can super jump to it. (More on super jumping on lesson 3)
Angle shooter - Lazer. Does minimal damage. If it hits an enemy, they get tracked. Players stepping through it also get tracked, but no damage.
Main Weapons
There are over 100 main weapons in the Splatoon franchise, so we will only cover the classes. Classes are how we classify different types of weapons. Currently, there are the following types of weapons:
Shooters , The most basic but versatile class out there. They shoot ink. Medium range.
Rollers , They roll, you get it. Like paint rollers. Great for painting turf. Varied Range.
Chargers , They charge up ink and shoot it out in very strong strips. Good for long range. (Sniper)
Sloshers , Buckets of ink. You can “slosh” them at people. Short range, (except the explosher)
Blasters , They blast ink. You get it. Medium range.
Brushes , Person-sizedpaint brushes. Short range.
Splatlings , Basically a Gatling Gun that charges up. Medium-Long range.
Dualies , Two shooters. Can perform dodge rolls. Short-Medium range.
Splatanas , Think of a windshield wiper with ink on it. It flings ink at the enemy. Medium range
Stringers , Bow and arrow. But the arrows are ink. Long range.
Watch Splatoon 3’s official “Squid Movement Tutorial” on YouTube. For Movement Info
Inside the mind of Splatoon 3 Crab Tank users (alphastar716) YouTube For Crab Tank Info
Read this article on Inkipedia linked below:
https://splatoonwiki.org/wiki/Weapon for everything about weapons
Lesson 2 : Turf War and Anarchy Battle and Salmon Run (BASICS)
Ok, so you learned about the weaponry. Now what are these used for?
Turf War
A 4 v. 4 battle.The main objective for each team is to cover as much of the
stage, as displayed on the overhead Turf Map, as they can. Players may attempt to
splat each other as well to temporarily avoid resistance or for defense. Each team has three minutes to spread ink around the stage. After the timer reaches 0,
Judd calculates how much of the stage was
covered by each team. The team with the highest percentage of turf coverage wins the round.
Anarchy Battle
There are 4 types of anarchy battles. Below are their descriptions.
At the beginning of a match or when you get splatted, you spawn at your spawner.
You can launch yourself onto the turf in specific spots at the beginning of the match. You can use this ability strategically or just aim wherever you want and no one will really care.
Salmon Run
Salmon Run is, in short, a Horde mode for Splatoon. You and three randos/friends team up to tackle three progressively more difficult waves of enemies in an attempt to secure as many Golden Eggs as possible. Oh yeah, and there’s special waves that have difficulter than normal enemies and modifiers. You can also get a Xtrawave in Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run. Xtrawaves are waves of enemies, but there is a King Salmoniod. As of Chill Season 2023, there are 3 King Salmonids. Horoboros, (Or Boris just cause) a booyah bomb spitting maniac, Cohozuha (Better known as the mom), a lunging, splashdown-ing monster, and Megadontia (Better known as Joe Mawman from a translation issue), basically a giant deathly Maws.
Lesson 3 : Battle Mechanics and More
Super Jumping
When an Inkling or Octoling begins to Super Jump, they crouch down in squid or octopus form, pointing upwards (and in the case of an octopus, with their tentacles curled outwards) and start charging up the jump.When the player jumps, they do so quite high into the air towards their destination. This arc is too high for enemy fire to reach. Super jumping is used to “Fast Travel” To a teammate, squid beakon, or big bubbler.
A splat is an event that occurs in the
Splatoon series whenever the health points of a player,
Octarian, or
Salmonid reach zero. You can achieve this by hitting the enemy with your ink.