Thread for going on super long rambles about things that nobody else will care about


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
If you've joined this website, it's probably for two reasons - you like Splatoon and you like talking. I'm sure many of us, me included, have had one thing we've absolutely wanted to chew someone else's ear off over, but not felt like anyone else would really be super invested in for one reason or another. So why not make a thread over it?

Go ramble about something you're passionate over in the replies. No Splatoon or anything you expect any other people to care about before your posting about it. I'm curious to see what you all end up saying.


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
i’m so disconnected from the part of the sims fandom that cares about lore rather than just min/maxing Life and making darling walsh conventionally attractive and even my sims friends either don’t have the context necessary for my ramblings or have their own more wholesome interpretations that i don’t want to kill the vibe of. so i have to talk about nyon specter’s impending tragedy here. i’m not sorry, you’re welcome.

but first i have to back up to 2004. i was four and not playing much besides my leapfrog at the time but that’s when the sims 2 came out. the basegame shipped with strangetown, which has a lot of weird lore and mysteries surrounding it. i am by no means a sims 2 lore expert, but the relevant sims here are the specters and the beakers, so i’ll talk about them

olive specter, in the sims 2, is an elder living in strangetown who is strongly implied to have killed most or all of the people buried in her garden, most notably her late husbands (and the one fiancé, earl e. demise. yes they all have names like that.) she had a child with the grim reaper (yeah yeah strongly implied to be with the grim reaper), and a common theory is that she’s been killing in order to see him. she’s a few days off from death by old age here, and will be survived by her niece, ophelia (whose mother is also buried in the garden).

that child olive had (*sighs* allegedly) with the grim reaper was taken away by social workers for neglect. the exact timeline is weird because he should be the same age as these two but said child was taken in by circe and loki beaker, your friendly neighborhood mad scientists. the child has been rechristened ‘nervous subject’ and at the start of a save in strangetown he is an adult who is very much being experimented on by the beakers. you as the player have the power to get him out of this situation (probably by having him marry—ahem, this was 2004, enter a joined union with—local alien baby daddy pascal curious) but that is the situation from the game’s start.

fast forward 20 years and—well, it’s not the first return of olive and nervous. a younger (?) olive with a toddler-aged nervous showed up in a store-exclusive world for the sims 3, with this version of olive very insistent that she did not kill her late husbands, and several premade families from the sims 2 were remade in the sims 4 by maxis and put up as gallery downloads. but fast forward to this past halloween and the sims 4: life and death releases. olive specter is back, moreso solidly middle-aged than elderly. nervous is back, and for the first time he has a ‘real’ name, nyon specter. (he’s also slightly redesigned and i’m a fan tbh. like they hit the perfect sweet spot between preserving his iconic weirdguy look from his sims 2 appearance and actually reflecting his mother’s genetics a little bit.) here, he’s a teenager, and he was never taken away from his mother.

word of devs is that nyon, this newest version of nervous subject, is a “pre-nervous” nervous—i.e. the reason he’s not nervous subject here is that he’s yet to have met the beakers. but he will, and he’ll end up their guinea pig again. it’s like the evil version of ‘they’ll find each other in any universe’ ❤

anyway, this new pack also introduced a new fiancé for olive. his name is layne coffin. (yeah.)

nyon does not like layne. he is NOT calling him dad. he expresses several times when you have a sim speak to him that he finds layne creepy and actively tries to avoid him.

while nothing is stopping you from just playing as the specter family, layne has a unique event if he’s not in the currently played household. if your sim becomes good friends with him, he’ll eventually call your sim to say he’d like to tell them something about himself, something he’d been hiding from a lot of people. if you accept this, your sim will have a special interaction to follow up on that call when seeing him in person next.

(i don’t think anyone cares about sims lore spoilers here but i’ll spoiler tag the rest of this anyway)

when your sim follows up, layne will reveal that he knows about olive’s history, about her past loves… and that’s why he started seeing olive in the first place. he’s fascinated with the supernatural powers ghosts have. he wants to be a ghost. he wants olive to kill him.

this conversation also changes one of his traits from Good to Evil. and at first i thought this was kind of weird—like, why would the guy’s personal desires for himself make him evil? if anything we should be concerned about him? like, does this count as suicidal ideation???

but some other bits of lore you can get from other characters imply that it’s… not necessarily just for him. he seems to think everyone’s better off dead (ahem, better off becoming/staying a ghost).

for example—another family in the new pack’s world is the gomes family. they’re a married couple—the husband, radwan, is layne’s amicable ex, but that’s beside the point—who each Were dead once and now Aren’t; radwan was reborn as a new sim, and tziporah, his wife, ate ambrosia and came back to life. tziporah has a sibling, esther, who remains a ghost by choice. tziporah wants to revive xem, too, by writing a book of life; xie does not want this, and kind of considers xir sister eating ambrosia to be a betrayal. it’s caused a bit of a rift between them.

that exposition is all to say that zelmira, the death-obsessed child of tziporah and radwan, can give some telling lore regarding layne if your sim speaks to them:
"Not too long ago, I'm out with my mom and we run into Layne. He and mom get to talking, and she mentions this whole thing she's got about writing a Book of Life to get her sibling back. Layne gave her this weird grimace and just said, ‘Why would you spend your time on that?’. Way out of character for him. He's usually supportive of uh, other creative people I guess, but he seemed so put off by my mom even mentioning a Book of Life."

so yeah the guy’s just kinda generally Pro-Death. which, yeah, i can see the Evil trait fitting here.

but to bring it back to nyon, one of the bits of lore you can get from having your sim talk to him is this:
"The other day, the TV was on the fritz and it electrocuted me. Out of nowhere, there's Layne just standing there saying, ‘Watch yourself, kid, you'll die of electrocution if you're not careful’ in this dreamy voice. I wonder if all his little fans know that the eccentric musician act is absolutely not an act."

knowing what i know (and what YOU now know as well, dear readers) about layne… this is very sinister. this reads as layne showing excitement that nyon could’ve died. and i won’t paste a third quote in this ramble, but after your sim learns the truth about layne, nyon also gets a new bit of lore he can drop on playable sims, saying that he knows why layne started seeing his mother, too.

so onto my “pre-nervous” speculation! now, in an actual sims 4 file, nyon will grow up and… probably die young because he has the Chased by Death trait, but generally just do whatever the game’s story progression has him do, which usually involves marrying a randomized townie and adopting 4 dogs and a horse. but shhhh.

what i speculate would happen if the sims was a game with a set storyline rather than, well, the sims, is that… maybe layne, dead or alive, does try something. (i don’t think olive would hurt him, but layne might.) or maybe—and this is what i lean towards—nyon just starts feeling more and more unsafe living at home. but one way or another, he’ll run away. he’ll take a page out of pascal’s book and delete all his socials, make himself as untrackable as possible.

(that references another bit of lore your sim gets from talking to nyon. he tells your sim that he’s been lonely ever since his best friend, pascal—definitely referring to pascal curious, who i’ve mentioned briefly in the s2 recap part of this post above—moved away and deleted his social media.)

and in running away from one bad situation, he’d find himself in another, arguably worse situation—circe and loki beaker, wherever they are in the sims 4’s universe (for those not in the know the first three sims games are meant to be one continuity and ts4 is an alternate universe. anyway), take him in as a roommate, where he becomes their… nervous subject.

my ultimate copium is that this would be part of a strangerville (=/= strangetown) refresh, where they make that world bigger, tweak how elements of that story work, add more sims to the world, and give the strangerville residents lore they can tell the played sim. included here would be, if not all the remaining sims 2 strangetown sims, the beakers and the curious brothers (the former probably separately and all probably with family if they, like nyon/nervous, are aged down to teen at the start here). but that will never ever happen, especially since the scope i want from this would feel more like a full expansion pack than the game pack that strangerville was. god my takes on strangerville could fill another post here but i won’t do that to yall or myself today

im normal


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
About two months ago I put out a 33 minute video essay about how several consecutive bad decisions from Sega have left my favorite game on life support.

I actually watched this video earlier. Between this game and what happened to Them's Fightin' Herds I am so, so sorry LOL


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Ok so I unfortunately don't know of many examples of this exact thing, but I really like documenting places where washing machines exist in video games, very poorly mind you, but it's just about thinking about how does the washing machine look, if it does something, and how cool is it that this game has a washing machine, for the ones I have recorded, I will rank my favorites.

- Sloshing Machine (Splatoon):
No explanations needed, I love this weapon, and it was precisely because of this interest I had on washing machines in games.
- Bubble washing machine (Super Monkey Ball 2):
I really like the bubble angle of this washing machine, bubbles are nice.
- Washing machines in Grizzco's industries (Splatoon 3):
That's right, there are more washing machines in Splatoon than the sloshing machine!!!
- Rotom Wash (Pokemon):
I really like Rotom, being one of my favorite gen 4 pokemon, and pokemon in general, and you're telling me it has a washing machine form? Wow what is there not to love about this pokemon!!
- Washing machines in laundromat (Yume 2kki):
I was unable to play Yume 2kki on my PC due to difficulties installing the game, but now that I know of Yume Nikki Online Project, I'll make sure to get to this laundromat eventually >:]
- Washing Machine where you find Mario's hat (Luigi Mansion):
You're telling me this washing machine has plot relevance? So nice....
- Deluxe washer (Animal Crossing New Horizons):
This is a really, really great decorative item, even if it's used in such specific type of room, I just think being able to place a washing machine, and one that looks this good is nice, you can even paint it!!!! I like the pink deluxe washer :]

I must admit I still haven't found many cool washing machines in games, despite having kept an eye out, it's not often I find one that I find particularly neat, I'm still searching for one that I can call perfect...
There's also honorable mentions like the washing machine transformation in Banjo Kazooie, which I haven't played so I don't know how it looks, or the persona 5 laundromat which was mentioned to me by Hokuto on this forum.

At the end of the day, washing machines in games only became interesting to me because I really like washing machines in real life, or at least, how they look, and looking inside while they wash clothes, I'm have to admit I'm not particularly too informed on them or have watched a lot of clothes being washed, especially since all washing machines I've had since I was a kid are the ones that don't have the clothes visible while washing, but the times I had the chance it was a good time, especially that Laundromat I went to that one time, I really like them, and wish to visit more.

Also also, I have talked a lot about washing machines, but in reality, my favorite thing to look at in video games is... WATER!!!
I'll rank cool looking water next, but like washing machines, I don't actually have much knowledge on the matter, so I'm sorry if I'm not actually that well versed on the matter...


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
About two months ago I put out a 33 minute video essay about how several consecutive bad decisions from Sega have left my favorite game on life support.

Wait I watched this video when it came out!!!! I didn't make the connection you were the same person!!!
It is a pretty nice video and made me think a little bit more about puyo puyo, even if I don't own a single game...
I think I like those kind of puzzle games on a casual level, with panel de pon being my favorite...


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
Switch Friend Code
Ok so I unfortunately don't know of many examples of this exact thing, but I really like documenting places where washing machines exist in video games, very poorly mind you, but it's just about thinking about how does the washing machine look, if it does something, and how cool is it that this game has a washing machine, for the ones I have recorded, I will rank my favorites.

- Sloshing Machine (Splatoon):
No explanations needed, I love this weapon, and it was precisely because of this interest I had on washing machines in games.
- Bubble washing machine (Super Monkey Ball 2):
I really like the bubble angle of this washing machine, bubbles are nice.
- Washing machines in Grizzco's industries (Splatoon 3):
That's right, there are more washing machines in Splatoon than the sloshing machine!!!
- Rotom Wash (Pokemon):
I really like Rotom, being one of my favorite gen 4 pokemon, and pokemon in general, and you're telling me it has a washing machine form? Wow what is there not to love about this pokemon!!
- Washing machines in laundromat (Yume 2kki):
I was unable to play Yume 2kki on my PC due to difficulties installing the game, but now that I know of Yume Nikki Online Project, I'll make sure to get to this laundromat eventually >:]
- Washing Machine where you find Mario's hat (Luigi Mansion):
You're telling me this washing machine has plot relevance? So nice....
- Deluxe washer (Animal Crossing New Horizons):
This is a really, really great decorative item, even if it's used in such specific type of room, I just think being able to place a washing machine, and one that looks this good is nice, you can even paint it!!!! I like the pink deluxe washer :]

I must admit I still haven't found many cool washing machines in games, despite having kept an eye out, it's not often I find one that I find particularly neat, I'm still searching for one that I can call perfect...
There's also honorable mentions like the washing machine transformation in Banjo Kazooie, which I haven't played so I don't know how it looks, or the persona 5 laundromat which was mentioned to me by Hokuto on this forum.

At the end of the day, washing machines in games only became interesting to me because I really like washing machines in real life, or at least, how they look, and looking inside while they wash clothes, I'm have to admit I'm not particularly too informed on them or have watched a lot of clothes being washed, especially since all washing machines I've had since I was a kid are the ones that don't have the clothes visible while washing, but the times I had the chance it was a good time, especially that Laundromat I went to that one time, I really like them, and wish to visit more.

Also also, I have talked a lot about washing machines, but in reality, my favorite thing to look at in video games is... WATER!!!
I'll rank cool looking water next, but like washing machines, I don't actually have much knowledge on the matter, so I'm sorry if I'm not actually that well versed on the matter...
after all these years we’ve found the legendary miiverse water poster?!?

anyway you might find the sims 4 laundry fiasco interesting/amusing. so, one of the hundred million DLC packs for sims 4 is The Sims 4: Laundry Day Stuff which is, as the name suggests, a stuff pack that adds laundry machines and laundry-related gameplay. the sims had had laundry in the past, as a feature within a sims 3 expansion pack, but the stuff pack for 4 got a little more in-depth with it, adding stuff like lint trays to clean (and the risk of fire if your sims don’t) and not only clotheslines, which were an option in 3, but washboards for manual washing, which were new to the series. also they added some decor branded with a name referencing a certain mod NOBODY expected EA to acknowledge due to, uh, its content, but that’s beside the point

this pack was EXTREMELY controversial when it was in development in 2017.

not because sims players have a vendetta against laundry or something, but because it was the result of a community vote for what the next stuff pack would be. people were upset because it just barely fit the earlier voted-upon theme of eco living, and because it beat out several options broadly considered more interesting—i personally voted to have the pack focus on off-the-grid living, and other options i remember for the main gameplay feature were canning/jam-making and making fresh juice at home. (i don’t remember if there was more to these options.) there were a lot of insults hurled at hypothetical players who voted for laundry, lots of rumor milling about how the vote was rigged and EA had been dropping hints that they’d do a laundry pack all along, general complaining, etc etc. looking back i think “a lot of players who weren’t in my corner of sims fandom were excited about another mundane life feature in the life simulation game” is a lot more likely than “EA gave us the illusion of choice only to rig the poll” but i definitely include myself in the complainers. i really wanted off the grid. lol

i’ve become okay with the pack existing. despite my complaints i picked it up at some point, possibly as part of an expansion-game pack-stuff pack bundle, and it’s a nice extra feature sometimes. i ended up really appreciating the low-tech laundry options when i was playing an off-the-grid household. which brings me to the other reason i’m okay with the pack now—a lot of features that didn’t get picked during these community votes… ended up added later on anyway! off-the-grid gameplay was added later, either as part of an expansion or a free update preceding one, and that canning feature was added as part of the cottage living pack. the whole concept of “eco living,” which was allegedly what the laundry pack was meant to be, was revisited with the eco lifestyle expansion. a later community stuff pack vote had a grim reaper career as an option, and i felt EXTREMELY robbed when that didn’t win, but that just got added as part of the life & death pack!

i do still think laundry could’ve been a feature in a larger pack, though, like it was in the sims 3. when discover university came out i was briefly mourning an alternate version of events where laundry was added as a feature there. the washboard and clothesline would’ve fit well into cottage living. or we could’ve come full circle and added laundry to the larger eco lifestyle pack, with the choice between hand-washing and air-drying clothes, eco-friendly washers and dryers, and not-so-eco friendly machines influencing the footprint of your neighborhood. but here we are


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
When I made this thread I told myself that I'd only ever post if it got responses from 5 different people, and uhh...while technically in my head I specifically meant 5 big ranty posts, we have 3 now and sevenleaf basically asked for me to post something else, so I'll drop this now. I did have a few things I could post here and did have to think about which one but I think this one follows my idea for how this thread should work the most.

Some of you, especially those who talk with me on Discord, might know that I'm a pretty big fan of the Mega Man series. Some of you might also know that my entire involvement with Pokemon over the past several years has boiled down to me finding meta analysis in video games to be super fascinating. When I learned that there was a channel that was basically combines these two things down to a tee, you'd bet that I was interested.


If you don't know anything about Mega Man, then don't worry, I'll try to explain everything necessary as we go along.

This channel's entire deal is that the guy behind it recreated a bunch of Mega Man stuff in Unity, including certain enemies, bosses' attack patterns, and the like. In truth I don't know if it's all perfectly accurate to the games but they've gotten it replicated to close enough of a degree that I can't personally notice any differences from the official games. There's a lot of different stuff that's done on this channel and basically all of it is interesting to me, but I'll just talk about the absolute bread-and-butter of this channel.

The most basic setup for a majority of their videos is something along the lines of this...


Two Robot Masters from the Mega Man series are locked in a room with one another. They have the exact same AI, attacks, and mechanics as they do in their original game. They don't deal damage when touched, but otherwise need to hit the other exactly ten different times to win through the other attacks they have. Bosses in these games will get brief invulnerability after taking damage in these games and in this engine, it's a full second long. Some properties like the different physics you get underwater, attacks that block projectiles, and attacks that push opponents are also implemented properly. Out of twenty fights, which of the two wins more often?

There's a little "meta" that's formed out of this that fascinates me a lot. Every single one of these bosses is only ever meant to fight against a player-controlled Mega Man, who will almost always have way more limited movement than whatever opponent they're put up against. The guy making this has only implemented the 6 Robot Masters from Mega Man 1, the 8 from MM2 / MM6, and since Mega Man 3 is currently being worked on there are only 4 from that game so far. Crystal Man from MM5 and Punk from the GameBoy games are also programmed here.

This is a VERY unbalanced meta. There are a lot of Robot Masters whose strategies translate WAY better than others, but it being balanced isn't exactly the point. The point is that as you watch the channel more, you'll slowly but surely start to understand what might make one of them good or bad in this setting. Some upsets will absolutely still happen and you'll start to get better at predicting when it can. All of this makes it all the more exciting when a new Robot Master does get added to the channel. Guessing which fights they'll end up winning puts your knowledge about both their attack patterns and "the meta" as a whole get put to the test here. Regardless of whether or not you get everything perfectly right it's still cool to see things here play out.

I could go on and on about all of the ones that are currently in the game and tell you what makes them tick, but I'll just explain what some of the absolute strongest are like. There are in my opinion four that are pretty distinctly a step above the rest of the game although you could argue there being more or less than that lower. They're mostly good for different reasons even if there are some similar trends with some of them. Funny enough, three of them are from Mega Man 2. I'll reiterate from before that I'll try my absolute best to explain everything that's necessary to know for the sake of this conversation for those of you that have not played a Mega Man game.

First up is Air Man. His attack pattern isn't one I can really describe because an image does a better job of explaining than I ever will...


He spawns a bunch of projectiles on the screen like this and waits a second before pushing both the opponent and the projectiles in the direction he's facing. When the projectiles all go off screen, he stops pushing and spawns projectiles again. After doing this three times he'll jump to the other side of the stage and turn around. All of his projectiles have the shot-blocking property, so any other projectile that hits them will vanish.

Basically, most Robot Masters can't hit Air Man with a melee attack because they'd have to move and hit him faster than his wind pushes them back to the other side of the screen. Most projectiles don't work super well because they have to get through a minefield of his tornadoes where hitting even a single one means it won't work. Most opponents just do not have the tools to handle him and most fights he's involved in are just a slow, agonizing death for the opponent.

The most interesting thing about him to me is that if one can somehow get past his tornadoes, he's standing perfectly still for most of the fight. He has no way of actually dodging attacks otherwise except for when he jumps to the other side of the stage and usually gets himself directly closer to the enemy, giving them an opportunity to damage him back. The latter of these is a developer-intended weakness that he's supposed to have even when fighting against a player-controlled Mega Man and it's awesome to see it play out like that here too.

It's incredibly funny that his biggest weaknesses come from something developer-intended when his biggest strength arguably comes from something that was meant to have no real bearing on the fight itself. A player would never be able to get hit by some of these tornadoes with basic movement since Mega Man's jump does not go high enough to reach them. Literally all they serve to do is scare the heck out of the player. But when you're fighting against something that can jump twice as high as Mega Man, and most of them do here, then it starts to matter a lot more.

His only best-of-20 losses against other Robot Masters have been with Heat Man, Top Man, and Blizzard Man, although Centaur Man's gotten some adjustments that might make him good into Air Man since they last fought and he's not gone against Punk yet either. Those five all have attacking moves that quickly run them from one side of the stage to the other and four of those are invincible while using them so they aren't effected by the tornadoes. 5 bad matchups out of a game of 27 possible opponents might sound like a bad record for one of the "absolute strongest in the game" and, is. This is the weakest Robot Master I'll be talking about in detail for the rest of this post. Strap in.

Heat Man is the next one to talk about. Whenever he's not doing anything, he'll throw three fireballs at a high arc that will land near or on the opponent if they don't move. When they touch the ground, a pillar of fire will rise up from the floor there before disappearing. He'll only throw more fireballs if there aren't any on screen. If he ever takes damage, he'll give himself full invincibility before waiting a moment and doing a rushing attack forward until he reaches the opponent. From there he loses his invincibility and goes back to normal.

To a human player, Heat Man is one of the absolute easiest boss fights in the entire franchise. Literally all it takes for you to beat him is shooting him, jumping over his rushing attack, then waiting for that to end before immediately shooting him again. Nothing about the rest of his pattern really matters because being a human with basic reaction time can make it impossible to have to deal with his projectiles.

However...these are all AIs meant to deal with other players, not with something that requires such specific timing and reflex. His fire pillars happen to be extremely strong because they last just barely more than a second, meaning they can hit someone twice before disappearing and before Heat Man throws another one. A LOT of Robot Masters have some point in their pattern where they're just staying still on the ground because that's where a player-controlled Mega Man would be able to hit them most easily. Every time there's a still enemy against Heat Man, chances are they're either taking two hits from the fires or they've just hit Heat Man and are probably taking damage soon from his rushing attack. Even if his pillars initially miss they stay on the ground for so incredibly long that any amount of movement often means they'll get run into. He just controls the ground super well in a format where most Robot Masters will touch the ground at some point.

Heat Man has only ever lost ONE best of 20. That's it. He's had a 10-to-10 tie with Metal Man but nobody else has ever beaten him. He is, as it currently stands, by far the strongest Robot Master currently implemented. He has so few weaknesses and they're all so exceptionally specific that it barely ever matters.

Something that may tip the scales a bit down the line is that there are a small handful of Robot Masters that spend large amounts of time in the air like Star Man and Splash Woman that could give him issues, although I doubt it in the former case. These two would notably be matchups I can't see Air Man losing. You see the same general idea between both Heat and Air Man though where in order to not outright lose to them, you need something incredibly specific that most boss fights are not set up to have for one reason or another.

Next is Punk who I have the least to say about. It's cool that someone not from Mega Man 2 is strong enough for me to feel like talking about them but he's otherwise not super unique here. He'll slowly jump a few times, throwing a slow, shot-blocking projectile at the apex of each jump before rolling up into an invincible, damaging ball and moving to the other side of the screen. If you've been paying attention to this post you'll understand just how powerful it is to be invincible and to block shots and this guy has one or both of those at basically all times. The fact that all of his movements are so slow is a negative for him but not by much since he's won against a handful of Robot Masters that normally do a good job of abusing that. Since he's so new he's only been up against five opponents, all of which are pretty strong, and he's only lost to Crash Man. I would expect him to lose to Heat Man as well as possibly Air Man and Top Man but I'm less sure on those.

The last of the top tiers and one of my personal favorites in this setting is Crash Man. If he spends too much time without anything happening or if the opponent tries any attack he'll quickly jump high into the air and throw a fast-moving bomb out straight in the opponent's direction. The bomb itself can damage people, but when it lands it'll explode with a big hitbox that lasts for around two seconds. If he jumps again while another bomb or explosion is active then he won't throw out another bomb at the apex of his jump. He has to wait for the first one to finish.

While most Robot Masters that are this strong have either a shot-blocking property on their projectiles or are invincible at some point, Crash Man has none of that. He instead has an incredibly air-tight game plan that just so happens to completely counter a lot of other strategies. Most boss attacks are designed to hit a slow-moving Mega Man, not something that can jump to the top of the screen in a fraction of a second and not when it happens a frame after their attack is sent out.

For similar reasons to Heat Man's fire pillars, being able to hit something the moment their second of invulnerability runs out is a huge deal. In a vacuum, the winning strategy is having an attack that does this constantly no matter what the opponent does, so anything that gets as close to this as possible is great. The projectile moving so fast makes it very tough for the initial shot to miss too. Combine that with the reactive high jump serving as very good defense and you have a strong boss for this setting.

Crash Man's only ever had three bo20 losses, one of which is to Air Man. Crash Man simply doesn't have the tools to play Air Man's game because of his lack of invincibility or forward-moving attack. One of the other two was because the opponent literally never stops moving and the third was actually most likely from one of his attacks being bugged.

One of the coolest things to me about this whole meta is that across even the strongest ones here, just having a bad matchup is almost more important for deciding whether or not a Robot Master loses as opposed to where they'd place on a tier list. Crash and Air Man have both lost to other high-tiers in addition to one or two upper mid-tiers. And even still, this is to say nothing about the other videos this user makes where different attributes of certain Robot Masters might become more or less important than others.


I'll close out this post by linking to my favorite video of theirs in case you want to see some of the things I've talked about here. It's an elimination-style tournament that ditches the best of 20 format between Mega Man 2's Robot Masters, which of course includes Air Man, Heat Man and Crash Man. They normally don't have any Robot Masters fight others from their respective game just for the sake of leaving it for this kind of video and since Mega Man 2's lineup is almost all high-tiers at worst, this was a very highly-anticipated video for fans of the channel. It was a bit disappointing seeing the thumbnail pop up and learning that the two strongest ones here would be fighting round 1 but it's a great watch regardless.

I guess if you want a brief idea of how each of the others will work on that lineup...
  • Bubble Man has an arena with water physics and basically spams projectiles the whole time, more than anyone else in the engine, but moves very slowly and doesn't always handle jumps the best.
  • Metal Man waits either a few seconds or for the opponent to act before throwing anywhere from one to three basic projectiles in the opponent's direction. If you get too close to him he'll jump behind you and throw another of these projectiles.
  • Quick Man will jump anywhere from one to three times at one of a few different heights before running forward for a moment. At the apex of one or less of these jumps, he will throw three projectiles that move in the opponent's direction, pause, then do it again if they haven't moved off screen by then.
  • Wood Man spawns a projectile-blocking shield around himself, throws a bunch of leaves into the air that basically make a line across the screen while descending, throws the shield and then makes a short jump forward before waiting for a bit.
  • Flash Man takes four seconds to use an attack that often misses anyways. He has never won a single round in this setting.

There's plenty more I could go on about, like how weird Blizzard Man is or the general themings that are shared across other high tiers that I didn't mention, but I'll stop it there. Maybe some other time. This post was plenty for me as is.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Okay so this rant of mine has been a long time coming and I feel like it's best to release it here:

Source Filmmaker is way too primitive of a software, I'm surprised that new material I could work with is still being released in the workshop. Now I get it, it's a free download and usable straight in Steam itself, so why am I ranting about it? That's because the memory limit is way too small, so when I try to use certain models, it keeps crashing, which is a big shame because my main Octoling character is the one that appears in most of my SFM images, which coincidentally, for whatever reason, the combination of models plus making the default Octoling Boy hairstyle invisible causes SFM to crash, which is really annoying. So what is the workaround? Well that's easy, once SFM crashes, you can still save your progress as the dialogue box thing actually doesn't block you from clicking anywhere else, not even in the program itself, so I use that quirk to save my projects whenever the crash happens.

While that is a good solution, it's patchwork at best because it's something I will have to keep doing whenever my main male Octoling OC is put into a project, and there is no way I'm going to remake him just because SFM crashes. I just wish Valve either updated Source Filmmaker to either take more memory or make an improved version of it that's still free like the original. Also, I'm not switching to GMOD, no way, not when I finally got a good idea of how Source Filmmaker works. But for the time being, I will have to deal with the crashing issue, at least until someone creates a fix for it. Also, it's kind of annoying that I'm looking for something specific in the workshop and I don't find it, or I do find it and it turns out it doesn't work properly anymore (looking at you Inkopolis Square and your lack of natural lighting).

Also, I haven't created a single custom texture because I'm too afraid of accidentally replacing a default texture with my custom one, thus messing up my usual workflow in SFM. So instead of creating the custom texture, I simply decided to describe it in the character bios instead and just made that the reason why they can't be seen is because mammalian eyes simply can't see what the sea creatures see in terms of the actual colors for the texture that I'm describing.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
Guess this is my queue to talk about Bomberman and hopefully have at least one person sit and read through the whole thing. This is just going to be me gushing about a franchise that I feel doesn't get much love nowadays, this is not going to be a dissection on every single bomberman game (Someone already did that in an 8 hour video).

Anyway lets talk about the character Bomberman and just really analyze his design. It so simplistic yet incredibly iconic. Right now I can just show you Bomberman silhouette and you will most likely be able to notice who that character is and that is not because I told you. His design also makes it so that you can add anything you want to Bomberman and you can still tell that its bomberman. He had multiple types of clothing over the years from a simple red scarf from generations to outright a full suit of armor like in wars and world and you can still tell that he is bomberman. (This is the main reason why I don't like how they changed bomberman in act zero and bombergirl. but that is besides the point).

Design isn't everything though another important factor is the games. On the surface Bomberman games look to be incredibly simple go around a maze and place bombs. But he actually have a surprising diverse amount of games ranging from tons of different genres some more stranger than the last. He had a couple of 3d platformers, some puzzle games that is just puyo puyo with bombs, Fire emblem (Bomber emblem lol), and even just straight up wario ware. Even the games that does follow the traditional go around a maze and place bombs format usually has some unique gimmicks or gameplay mechanics that makes it interesting. Bomberman is usually more known for its multiplayer and the multiplayer for the vast majority of bomberman games once again has tons of unique modes and ways to play that makes it interesting.

Bomberman music unironically slaps hard and its a shame that more people doesn't know about it. There are some more well known tracks like Redial from bomberman hero. But there are a great amount of bomberman tracks that is not very well known like area 1 and area 4 in Bomberman world. Don't even get me started on the plethora of battle tracks that bomerman had over the years, because holy crap there are a ton. My favorite goes to Bomberman blast battle 1 soundtrack. The point I'm trying to make here is that Bomberman has a lot of soundtracks over the years and it kind of a shame that there isn't more attention brought to the Bomberman soundtracks.

Its pretty crazy to think how this guy is in his 40s and is still kicking. With games still coming out (Although I'm not to big a fan of the Bomberman R games). He has a giant library of games that you can download and play right now with an emulator. Heck I give you one to play right now Super Bomberman 2 is consider by a lot of people to be the best Bomberman game in his entire collection. Side note my persona is unironically inspired by bomberman with the two lines for eyes thing I got going one. This didn't turn out as long as I expected it to be, but it still is pretty lengthy so it still fits in this thread.

Also one last thing even though I don't play smash anymore, I was a mii brawler main only for the Bomberman mii costume and nothing else.


Full Squid
Oct 27, 2024
my bedroom
*ehem* here is my HOW TO SPLATOON GUIDE FOR BOOKWORMS PAGE 1 that I made a while ago

UNIT 1 - Game Mechanics and Online Gameplay
Sites to look at for references on everything Splatoon: Inkipedia

Lesson 1 : Weapons

There are three types of weapons, Main Weapons, Sub Weapons, and Special Weapons. These make up a kit.

For example, this is the Z+F Splattershot Nova, a Shooter Class weapon (Main Weapon), Splat Bomb (Sub Weapon), and Ink Storm (Special Weapon). It also depicts the points for the special.

Special Points & Specials
For the Splattershot Nova, you need 190p. You can get 190p by painting 190p of the map. This way, it charges up your special, then you can use it. You can tell your special is charged by your special meter.

It looks like this. It also depicts the Sub weapon on the top left.

There are many types of specials in Splatoon. We will cover Splatoon 3’s as of Chill Season 2023.

-Zipcaster - Turns you into a zippy, sticky person. You can zip to walls to fast travel.

-Killer Wail 5.1 - Death megaphones. Targets people and tracks them down while
shooting a damaging laserat them. Can travel through walls.

-Big Bubbler - Big protective bubble. Shoot the thing at the top to break the bubble. Also serves as a squid beakon.

-Booyah Bomb - You float, there's a bomb, people booyah, booyah charges bomb, you throw the bomb. Bomb explodes.

-Crab Tank - It's a tank, it looks like a crab, it's a tank you get it. Can go into a ball form where it can resist all damage

-Ink Storm - Rains ink.

-Ink Vac - Vacuum cleaner that sucks up enemy ink that is shot at you. Spits the ink back out in a big explosion, but it’s your color.

-Inkjet - Jetpack with ink canon.

-Kraken Royal - Big, invincible squid or octopus. Can ram into people and splat them.

-Reefslider - Shark floaty that zooms forward then explodes.

-Triple Splashdown - You jump into the air, 2 big fists materialize, you come down with your fists and a large splash of ink comes.

-Splattercolor Screen - If you run through it as an opposing player, you acquire a monochrome filter.

-Tacticooler - Cooler that has 4 stat-boosting drinks. Increases run speed, ect. Say “ DRINKS '' when you get one.

-Tenta Missiles - Missiles that track people. You get it.

-Trizooka - Bazooka cannon. Three shots.

-Ultra Stamp - Big ink stamp. You can chuck it too.

-Wave Breaker - Big log thing that has tracking waves. Also deals very little damage if you step on a wave.

-Super Chump - Launches exploding decoys. They look kinda funny.

Sub Weapons

Sub Weapons are weapons that you can use to track enemy players or to paint turf. Here are the sub weapons as of Chill Season 2023

Splat Bomb - Simple bomb with a timer. Can splat an enemy.

Autobomb - A more deathly type of splat bomb. When you toss it, it searches for an enemy, and will toddle to it, then explode.

Burst Bomb - Bomb that explodes on impact. Basically a water balloon. Not much damage. Good for poking.

Torpedo. - Flying autobomb. Also, it does a tiny, powerful explosion, then spreads tiny ink pellets that explode. Can be shot down by enemies.a larger, less powerful explosion.

Suction bomb - Splat bomb with suction cup on bottom. In cylinder form.

Toxic Mist - Mist that makes you slow. (but not much slower) Also drains your ink tank.

Point Sensor - Toss it to track people.

Ink Mine - Sits on the floor, and when you step on it it explodes and deals little damage. Tracks you if you are nearby when it is detonated.step on it.

Splash Wall - Ink wall

Sprinkler - I think this one explains itself. Ink sprinkler.

Squid Beakon - Can super jump to it. (More on super jumping on lesson 3)

Angle shooter - Lazer. Does minimal damage. If it hits an enemy, they get tracked. Players stepping through it also get tracked, but no damage.

Main Weapons

There are over 100 main weapons in the Splatoon franchise, so we will only cover the classes. Classes are how we classify different types of weapons. Currently, there are the following types of weapons:

Shooters , The most basic but versatile class out there. They shoot ink. Medium range.

Rollers , They roll, you get it. Like paint rollers. Great for painting turf. Varied Range.

Chargers , They charge up ink and shoot it out in very strong strips. Good for long range. (Sniper)

Sloshers , Buckets of ink. You can “slosh” them at people. Short range, (except the explosher)

Blasters , They blast ink. You get it. Medium range.

Brushes , Person-sizedpaint brushes. Short range.

Splatlings , Basically a Gatling Gun that charges up. Medium-Long range.

Dualies , Two shooters. Can perform dodge rolls. Short-Medium range.

Splatanas , Think of a windshield wiper with ink on it. It flings ink at the enemy. Medium range

Stringers , Bow and arrow. But the arrows are ink. Long range.


Watch Splatoon 3’s official “Squid Movement Tutorial” on YouTube. For Movement Info

Inside the mind of Splatoon 3 Crab Tank users (alphastar716) YouTube For Crab Tank Info

Read this article on Inkipedia linked below: for everything about weapons

Lesson 2 : Turf War and Anarchy Battle and Salmon Run (BASICS)

Ok, so you learned about the weaponry. Now what are these used for?

Turf War

A 4 v. 4 battle.The main objective for each team is to cover as much of the stage, as displayed on the overhead Turf Map, as they can. Players may attempt to splat each other as well to temporarily avoid resistance or for defense. Each team has three minutes to spread ink around the stage. After the timer reaches 0, Judd calculates how much of the stage was covered by each team. The team with the highest percentage of turf coverage wins the round.

Anarchy Battle

There are 4 types of anarchy battles. Below are their descriptions.


At the beginning of a match or when you get splatted, you spawn at your spawner.

You can launch yourself onto the turf in specific spots at the beginning of the match. You can use this ability strategically or just aim wherever you want and no one will really care.

Salmon Run
Salmon Run is, in short, a Horde mode for Splatoon. You and three randos/friends team up to tackle three progressively more difficult waves of enemies in an attempt to secure as many Golden Eggs as possible. Oh yeah, and there’s special waves that have difficulter than normal enemies and modifiers. You can also get a Xtrawave in Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run. Xtrawaves are waves of enemies, but there is a King Salmoniod. As of Chill Season 2023, there are 3 King Salmonids. Horoboros, (Or Boris just cause) a booyah bomb spitting maniac, Cohozuha (Better known as the mom), a lunging, splashdown-ing monster, and Megadontia (Better known as Joe Mawman from a translation issue), basically a giant deathly Maws.

Lesson 3 : Battle Mechanics and More

Super Jumping
When an Inkling or Octoling begins to Super Jump, they crouch down in squid or octopus form, pointing upwards (and in the case of an octopus, with their tentacles curled outwards) and start charging up the jump.When the player jumps, they do so quite high into the air towards their destination. This arc is too high for enemy fire to reach. Super jumping is used to “Fast Travel” To a teammate, squid beakon, or big bubbler.


A splat is an event that occurs in the Splatoon series whenever the health points of a player, Octarian, or Salmonid reach zero. You can achieve this by hitting the enemy with your ink.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
*ehem* here is my HOW TO SPLATOON GUIDE FOR BOOKWORMS PAGE 1 that I made a while ago

UNIT 1 - Game Mechanics and Online Gameplay
Sites to look at for references on everything Splatoon: Inkipedia

Lesson 1 : Weapons

There are three types of weapons, Main Weapons, Sub Weapons, and Special Weapons. These make up a kit.

For example, this is the Z+F Splattershot Nova, a Shooter Class weapon (Main Weapon), Splat Bomb (Sub Weapon), and Ink Storm (Special Weapon). It also depicts the points for the special.

Special Points & Specials
For the Splattershot Nova, you need 190p. You can get 190p by painting 190p of the map. This way, it charges up your special, then you can use it. You can tell your special is charged by your special meter.

It looks like this. It also depicts the Sub weapon on the top left.

There are many types of specials in Splatoon. We will cover Splatoon 3’s as of Chill Season 2023.

-Zipcaster - Turns you into a zippy, sticky person. You can zip to walls to fast travel.

-Killer Wail 5.1 - Death megaphones. Targets people and tracks them down while
shooting a damaging laserat them. Can travel through walls.

-Big Bubbler - Big protective bubble. Shoot the thing at the top to break the bubble. Also serves as a squid beakon.

-Booyah Bomb - You float, there's a bomb, people booyah, booyah charges bomb, you throw the bomb. Bomb explodes.

-Crab Tank - It's a tank, it looks like a crab, it's a tank you get it. Can go into a ball form where it can resist all damage

-Ink Storm - Rains ink.

-Ink Vac - Vacuum cleaner that sucks up enemy ink that is shot at you. Spits the ink back out in a big explosion, but it’s your color.

-Inkjet - Jetpack with ink canon.

-Kraken Royal - Big, invincible squid or octopus. Can ram into people and splat them.

-Reefslider - Shark floaty that zooms forward then explodes.

-Triple Splashdown - You jump into the air, 2 big fists materialize, you come down with your fists and a large splash of ink comes.

-Splattercolor Screen - If you run through it as an opposing player, you acquire a monochrome filter.

-Tacticooler - Cooler that has 4 stat-boosting drinks. Increases run speed, ect. Say “ DRINKS '' when you get one.

-Tenta Missiles - Missiles that track people. You get it.

-Trizooka - Bazooka cannon. Three shots.

-Ultra Stamp - Big ink stamp. You can chuck it too.

-Wave Breaker - Big log thing that has tracking waves. Also deals very little damage if you step on a wave.

-Super Chump - Launches exploding decoys. They look kinda funny.

Sub Weapons

Sub Weapons are weapons that you can use to track enemy players or to paint turf. Here are the sub weapons as of Chill Season 2023

Splat Bomb - Simple bomb with a timer. Can splat an enemy.

Autobomb - A more deathly type of splat bomb. When you toss it, it searches for an enemy, and will toddle to it, then explode.

Burst Bomb - Bomb that explodes on impact. Basically a water balloon. Not much damage. Good for poking.

Torpedo. - Flying autobomb. Also, it does a tiny, powerful explosion, then spreads tiny ink pellets that explode. Can be shot down by enemies.a larger, less powerful explosion.

Suction bomb - Splat bomb with suction cup on bottom. In cylinder form.

Toxic Mist - Mist that makes you slow. (but not much slower) Also drains your ink tank.

Point Sensor - Toss it to track people.

Ink Mine - Sits on the floor, and when you step on it it explodes and deals little damage. Tracks you if you are nearby when it is detonated.step on it.

Splash Wall - Ink wall

Sprinkler - I think this one explains itself. Ink sprinkler.

Squid Beakon - Can super jump to it. (More on super jumping on lesson 3)

Angle shooter - Lazer. Does minimal damage. If it hits an enemy, they get tracked. Players stepping through it also get tracked, but no damage.

Main Weapons

There are over 100 main weapons in the Splatoon franchise, so we will only cover the classes. Classes are how we classify different types of weapons. Currently, there are the following types of weapons:

Shooters , The most basic but versatile class out there. They shoot ink. Medium range.

Rollers , They roll, you get it. Like paint rollers. Great for painting turf. Varied Range.

Chargers , They charge up ink and shoot it out in very strong strips. Good for long range. (Sniper)

Sloshers , Buckets of ink. You can “slosh” them at people. Short range, (except the explosher)

Blasters , They blast ink. You get it. Medium range.

Brushes , Person-sizedpaint brushes. Short range.

Splatlings , Basically a Gatling Gun that charges up. Medium-Long range.

Dualies , Two shooters. Can perform dodge rolls. Short-Medium range.

Splatanas , Think of a windshield wiper with ink on it. It flings ink at the enemy. Medium range

Stringers , Bow and arrow. But the arrows are ink. Long range.


Watch Splatoon 3’s official “Squid Movement Tutorial” on YouTube. For Movement Info

Inside the mind of Splatoon 3 Crab Tank users (alphastar716) YouTube For Crab Tank Info

Read this article on Inkipedia linked below: for everything about weapons

Lesson 2 : Turf War and Anarchy Battle and Salmon Run (BASICS)

Ok, so you learned about the weaponry. Now what are these used for?

Turf War

A 4 v. 4 battle.The main objective for each team is to cover as much of the stage, as displayed on the overhead Turf Map, as they can. Players may attempt to splat each other as well to temporarily avoid resistance or for defense. Each team has three minutes to spread ink around the stage. After the timer reaches 0, Judd calculates how much of the stage was covered by each team. The team with the highest percentage of turf coverage wins the round.

Anarchy Battle

There are 4 types of anarchy battles. Below are their descriptions.


At the beginning of a match or when you get splatted, you spawn at your spawner.

You can launch yourself onto the turf in specific spots at the beginning of the match. You can use this ability strategically or just aim wherever you want and no one will really care.

Salmon Run
Salmon Run is, in short, a Horde mode for Splatoon. You and three randos/friends team up to tackle three progressively more difficult waves of enemies in an attempt to secure as many Golden Eggs as possible. Oh yeah, and there’s special waves that have difficulter than normal enemies and modifiers. You can also get a Xtrawave in Splatoon 3’s Salmon Run. Xtrawaves are waves of enemies, but there is a King Salmoniod. As of Chill Season 2023, there are 3 King Salmonids. Horoboros, (Or Boris just cause) a booyah bomb spitting maniac, Cohozuha (Better known as the mom), a lunging, splashdown-ing monster, and Megadontia (Better known as Joe Mawman from a translation issue), basically a giant deathly Maws.

Lesson 3 : Battle Mechanics and More

Super Jumping
When an Inkling or Octoling begins to Super Jump, they crouch down in squid or octopus form, pointing upwards (and in the case of an octopus, with their tentacles curled outwards) and start charging up the jump.When the player jumps, they do so quite high into the air towards their destination. This arc is too high for enemy fire to reach. Super jumping is used to “Fast Travel” To a teammate, squid beakon, or big bubbler.


A splat is an event that occurs in the Splatoon series whenever the health points of a player, Octarian, or Salmonid reach zero. You can achieve this by hitting the enemy with your ink.
No Splatoon or anything you expect any other people to care about
sorry gamer

3rd kit

Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 21, 2024
not Birmingham :D
He / Him
Switch Friend Code
Why isn't Revolutionary Vol. 1 regarded as one of the best hip-hop albums ever???

Why does everyone glaze over stuff like TPAB and Madvillainy but nobody really cares about Revolutionary Vol. 1 by Immortal Technique?


The lyricism is top-notch. Some of the best and most thought-provoking lyrics I've ever heard on a rap album. They also punch hard and Tech uses imagery and lyrics surrounding evolution and creationism, especially on the first track, which is a banger:


The storytelling on Dance With the Devil is insane with it's twist ending at the end, which is kind of based on a true story. Not only does it tell a great story, but it also uses it to send a message to the listener about how peer pressure influences human morality and leads to violence. It's almost guaranteed to leave a huge impact on you, as a listener.

At the end of the track, there's also a verse with some incredible lines. It's verses like this which I think put Tech in the top bracket of lyricists of all time:



The themes of this album prove to be an interesting discussion in politics and philosophy. For example, the track "The Poverty of Philosophy", is real tearjerker, in which Tech talks about issues of race, poverty and exploitation, questioning the values and morals of American society:

"But you see, here in America the attitude that is fed to us is that outside of America there live lesser people
'**** them, let them fend for themselves.'
No, **** you, they are you
No matter how much you want to dye your hair blonde and put fake eyes in, or follow an anorexic standard of beauty, or no matter how many diamonds you buy from people who exploit your own brutally to get them, no matter what kind of car you drive or what kind of fancy clothes you put on, you will never be them
They're always gonna look at you as nothing but a little monkey. I'd rather be proud of what I am, rather than desperately trying to be something I'm really not, just to fit in"

Tech's flow stays consistent enough for there to never be a boring moment on this album. The production isn't groundbreaking, but it's still pretty good, giving the album a raw and gritty atmosphere.

One album I would compare Revolution Vol 1 to is Illmatic by Nas, which is also a masterpiece. I'd say that in Illmatic, Nas demonstrates more capability in terms of lyricism and flow than Immortal Technique does on Revolutionary Vol 1, and his rhyme schemes are unlike anything else, but Tech gives us more depth with more interesting themes and messages than Nas does. Illmatic also has better production, with guys like DJ Premier doing fantastic beats for Nas.

Ok that's my rant about why Revolutionary Vol 1 by Immortal Technique is a masterpiece and should be hailed as one of the best rap albums of all time. Might do another rant about I Am Not a Human Being II and Tha Carter IV next idk
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