Update 2.8.0 patch notes


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
General changes

Main, sub weapon and gear ability changes

Special reduction changes:
Normal Luna Blaster: 60%-40% (buff)
Zink Mini Splatling: 60%-75% (nerf)
Refurbished Mini Splatling: 60%-40% (buff)

Weapon changes:

Main Weapons:
Aerospray RG and MG:
Reduced weapon's bullet spread when jumping to be the same as when not jumping (buff)
Rapid Blaster (Deco):
Walk speed while firing increased by 12%
Rapid Blaster Pro (Deco):
Walk Speed while firing increased by 15%
Bullet spread while jumping reduced by 50% (buff)
L-3 Nozzlenose (D):
Damage done to Rainmaker shield increased by 20% (buff)
H-3 Nozzlenose (D):
Damage done to rainmaker increased by 40% (yup, that's all it's getting) (buff)
Sloshing Machine (Neo):
Walk speed while firing increased by 11% (buff)
(Permanent) Inkbrush (Nouveau), Octobrush (Nouveau):
Was somewhat hard, but after toying around in google translate, it showed that continously swinging the brush will now also ink your feet (buff)

Sub weapons:
Ink mine:
The sub weapon used to push you back, but now it either doesn't any more or does it far less (buff)
Splash Wall:
Fixed an issue where players coming in contact with opponents shield was sent flying higher than normal (rip out of bounds) (fix)

Stealth Jump:
Player can only fire his weapon (or fling for roller) upon landing instead of being able to do it mid-jump (nerf)

Map changes:
Arowana Mall:
Removed shortcut (doesn't specify)
Camp Triggerfish:
Adjusted the "don't retreat" range.
Piranha Pit:
Removed shortcut
Blue Fin Depot:
Fixed an issue where a player could get into an unintended object

That's about it. Only notable changes i feel are the stealth jump nerf, rapid blaster strafe increase and special loss changes. Honestly the zink doesn't really deserve that nerf :/
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
rip dynamo stealth jump meta
I'm honestly ok with this. Dyanamo rain was annoying, but still somewhat funny. They always spook me, especially if they land a hit on me on landing.

Minato Arisato

Senior Squid
Feb 18, 2014
Will update once the english version comes out.

General changes (link japanese)

Main, sub weapon and gear ability changes (link japanese)

The japanese splatoon twitter has released the patch notes in japanese. Using google translate, i was able to make out what some of the changes are. But keep in mind that i couldn't make out what they all are.

Special reduction changes:
Normal Luna Blaster: 60%-40% (buff)
Zink Mini Splatling: 60%-75% (nerf)
Refurbished Mini Splatling: 60%-40% (buff)

Weapon changes:

Main Weapons:
Aerospray RG and MG:
Reduced weapon's bullet spread when jumping to be the same as when not jumping (buff)
Rapid Blaster (Deco):
Walk speed while firing increased by 12%
Rapid Blaster Pro (Deco):
Walk Speed while firing increased by 15%
Bullet spread while jumping reduced by 50% (buff)
L-3 Nozzlenose (D):
Damage done to Rainmaker shield increased by 20% (buff)
H-3 Nozzlenose (D):
Damage done to rainmaker increased by 40% (yup, that's all it's getting) (buff)
Sloshing Machine (Neo):
Walk speed while firing increased by 11% (buff)
(Permanent) Inkbrush (Nouveau), Octobrush (Nouveau):
Was somewhat hard, but after toying around in google translate, it showed that continously swinging the brush will now also ink your feet (buff)

Sub weapons:
Ink mine:
The sub weapon used to push you back, but now it either doesn't any more or does it far less (buff)
Splash Wall:
Fixed an issue where players coming in contact with opponents shield was sent flying higher than normal (rip out of bounds) (fix)

Stealth Jump:
Player can only fire his weapon (or fling for roller) upon landing instead of being able to do it mid-jump (nerf)

Map changes:
Arowana Mall:
Removed shortcut (doesn't specify)
Camp Triggerfish:
Adjusted the "don't retreat" range.
Piranha Pit:
Removed shortcut
Blue Fin Depot:
Fixed an issue where a player could get into an unintended object

That's about it. Only notable changes i feel are the stealth jump nerf, rapid blaster strafe increase and special loss changes. Honestly the zink doesn't really deserve that nerf :/
*screams in agony*

My beloved Zink Mini! Noooooo!

Oh well. I'll adapt. The day I drop that weapon is the day pigs fly.


Inkling Commander
Aug 9, 2014
I'm honestly ok with this. Dyanamo rain was annoying, but still somewhat funny. They always spook me, especially if they land a hit on me on landing.
Yea. At the very least it's still a bit of an advantage even with the nerf, since a stealth jump is exactly that - a stealthy way of super jumping that could still potentially splat the enemy because they don't expect it.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
So basically, a whole lot of not much for the most part. Okay then.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
squiffer? squiffer?
squiffer? squiffer?

you'd think with the fresh squiffer just released in the first Sheldon's Picks that the developers would remember that the weapon exists.
apparently not.

and to think that the squiffer is nearly relevant compared to things like H3 and the sloshing machine.
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Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Disappointed overall, the H3 hasn't been buffed at all (even if it deals more damage to RM shield, still shoots too slow so is redundant), and the same can be said for the Sloshing Machine, whilst the increased strafe is nice, it's not the right buff (faster shot velocity, less lag with shots, bigger vortex with better inking capabilities would've worked better). Honestly the best balance here is Heavy special loss on the Zimi, it's been a long time coming and is completely justifiable and deserved. It has more range than a Splattershot, a faster strafe and can charge Bubbler way too fast. Now skill is going to be more of a factor on this weapon as less Bubbles will be achieved as getting splatted will wipe out most of the special meter. Clearly they want people to use the other Disrubbler weapon (remember the Tri-Slosher? The green bucket that no-one uses because Zimi?). Other than that, most of these "buffs" are doing nothing at all or something better could have been done. Where's the buff for the Dual? That weapon is nowhere to be found and needed a new kit with Sheldon's Picks and a decent buff to give its viability back. The only announcement that was exciting today was the N-ZAP '83's kit, everything else has been underwhelming for the most part.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2014
Cherry H-3 needs to have an amazing kit in order to justify that it doesn't get a worthwhile buff

Oh, and while NZAP83 is the best thing from today, Bento Charger, Zimi nerfs and Rapid Blaster (Pro) buffs are also nice.
The rest is pretty underwhelming, but so was Picks Volume 1 and that turned out okay.


Pro Squid
Sep 16, 2015
I'm the only one liking this update then? X)

I'll admit dual could have a little something, and I agree for the sloshing machine. I think just more range would do the trick though. Plus, the good thing about it is that it's accurate even while jumping, so strafing isn't that awesome I'd say. For H-3 I know some people who like it but I can't understand how you can choose it when compared to the pro, especially if the subs are the same. If this is the only buff I guess it's too weak to do anything. Maybe an overall 40% would be too good, making it a 2HKO I guess?

Anyway. Yes, the zink deserved it. I mean, I tried it the last week and OMG. The shield build so fast, it's too awesome. I can't even imagine how OP it was before the first special nerf. I played it without special charge up and had it whenever I wanted.

I'm not too sure about the stealth jump thing. I would say it's good, because every dynamo user was just saying "I can't play this weapon but well, who needs to when you can just respawn-stealh jump". But at the same time I was always thinking "it means players have to be aware of it"... So, well, I was looking at the sky and things like that. Plus it's less dangerous if you play at the right distance. But I guess it's still good. Though it means it's now quite bad for a dynamo, as it's way too slow. It's legit for shooters, luna probably.

Nobody cares about the rapid blasters I guess but I'm hyped, especially for the pro. I always had this feeling I should jump, but I can't cause if I do my shots will barely do anything, in a few situations. Should be good.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 4, 2014
Switch Friend Code
SW-6389-5985-3965 Username:「Derk」
Really... that's how you choose to "adjust" the Ink Mine? Instead of fixing the core issues of what is one of the worst subs in the game lets give it a rather pointless adjustment 2 patches in a row. Maybe if we give it 1 extra pixel of explosion radius in 2.9.0 and make the explosion time 1 frame quicker in 2.10.0 it will be fixed! I honestly would have rather seen the Ink Mine not touched at all... The fact that they actually looked at Ink Mines and decided the step backwards needed to be removed instead of actually fixing the sub is incredibly stupid.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
It's not as much as I'd have wished for, but no, I was pessimistic enough to doubt that they'd do anything for my dear SM at all. As it stands, the strafe speed increase is, like... okay! It does suffer from immobility in action, so this'll help it get out of a good few more scrapes. Also happy to see both Rapids get some love. Now I've got that much more of an excuse to try to bring them up to the standard of my other weapons.

What does the second buff on the Rapid Pro mean? I'm pretty confused about it.


Senior Squid
Apr 7, 2016
It's not as much as I'd have wished for, but no, I was pessimistic enough to doubt that they'd do anything for my dear SM at all. As it stands, the strafe speed increase is, like... okay! It does suffer from immobility in action, so this'll help it get out of a good few more scrapes. Also happy to see both Rapids get some love. Now I've got that much more of an excuse to try to bring them up to the standard of my other weapons.

What does the second buff on the Rapid Pro mean? I'm pretty confused about it.
When you jump with a weapon, the ink it spreads increases by a bit.

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