After I heard about these new patch notes, I was glad Blasters getting nerf, those weapons honestly deserved it, OHKO without aiming well was honestly frustrating, well I can say same about rollers, even when I main rollers. Blasters and Roller nerfs are fair and understable, I don't mind those nerfs, because I will still keep using Dynamo, no matter how much they nerf it, people who were just braindeads and doesn't know how to use rollers effectively will just drop out using rollers.
And about E-Litres, I can say same, people will just drop it out, nerf was too big I would say, they would have made it less stronger, but not as that you have to fully charge it to get a kill, I talk about a scoped E-Litres.
And finally they noticed and fixed S/S+ rank scoring system, I don't play solo queue anymore, because I got S+99, but it's really satisfying I got there with this bad scoring system (+2/-8), in 2.2.0 patch it will become a bit easier to reach S+99.
There are many many other changes, I'm not into those weapons like Splattershot pro or N-Zaps, but I'm cool with these changes, Splatoon developers really care and want nerf/buff certain weapons to not make them unfair. For example: It's hard to deal with E-Litre when player has amazing aim, so they nerfed it.
I approve these changes.