Squid Savior From the Future
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Fairly true, though Pokemon doesn't need servers. Heck you could run that with an email client. There's a few old PC turn based strategies that actually could email turns back and forth.... Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri I think could do that. Very 90's dialup but it worked. Pokemon bank carries an annual fee, though, so that gives us an idea of how they'd monetize. I wonder if the results would actually be that much better? Distributed serving is the way of the future in general computing, but gamers keep demanding more central data vaults :pYeah, honestly the disconnects are far too unpredictable and sporadic for me to think it’s (completely) a fault of my own. I know server farms are expensive to maintain, but frankly now that Nintendo is running a good amount of online multiplayer games with growing competitive communities (Splatoon, Smash, Mario Kart, Pokemon), they really should consider it as an investment (which I’m sure they could afford). As for having to make monthly payments, if it were reasonably priced I wouldn’t necessarily mind that, although I’d expect some nice additional / exclusive features in return. I don’t know what the ideal solution is for all parties involved, but as is Nintendo still really needs to work on its online multiplayer in general. At least they've improved from the travesty that was online Brawl.![]()
I'm kind of annoyed by Gal dominance these days. They just seem so cheap in a lot of ways. I'm still not great with them, I've tried them in TW a few times when I get too frustrated with ranked losing streaks, and I still do better with SSPro, but the gals just seem so invincible so much of the time. Still, they're less boring than tentateks, so if I were to go all meta in my weapon choice, it'd still be a gal. Ancho-V, I think I'm learning to hate this map. It's just too claustrophobic for any mode but TW. I love it in TW. But every ranked mode so far leaves me wishing it were any other map. I think the fan lifts are causing lag issues, too. Piranha has that issue sometimes, but seems as I sniper when I'm in ancho-v I miss the majority of my shots. I tend to blame myself for having bad aim and missing too much, but yesterday was ancho-v and piranha, and when it switched to piranha in the same lobby I had no problem hitting anyone. Only in Ancho-V. That's an issue I've sometimes had on Piranha (due to conveyors) but not on other maps. I think I'm NOT missing the shots after all.I’d say loads of stages are Luna/Gal central, nowadays lol. ;) Yeah in Zones Ancho-V presents similar problems to Hammerhead…a ghastly comparison, but it’s true. There’s just too much moving crap and oddly positioned obstacles, so if a Luna or Gal has already claimed the center, it’s ridiculously hard to reclaim unless you can pressure them away with a sub or Special. To be honest, I barely play at all when it’s Zones anymore. I’m just so burnt out on the mode and the obnoxious scenarios that can be created by terrible stage/weapon combinations. Blackbelly, Triggerfish, Urchin and Flounder are the main occasional exceptions.
Ugh. Museum is awful, from my experience, in Zones. That giant contraption in the center of the zone I swear makes for absurdly disproportionate turf coverage. There have been SO many times I SWEAR my team should’ve claimed the zone with the amount I’ve drenched, and yet nanoseconds later it goes to the opposing team instead.![]()
Zones has always been my best mode, or at least used to be, maybe it's TC now. Museum I've generally had good luck with. The rotating wall is an issue, definitely, but I try to stay up on the riser with most ranged weapons, or with rollers, including dynamo, just cover the left side from the ground.
It figures that among my bad rounds yesterday my very first round was RM in squads. The enemy team had an octobrush as well. A better one than novice me. But worse, a dmg-up stacked octobrush! I had one main, she had 3 mains and 4 or so subs. So I was completely unable to touch their star player at all. Any direct conflict was a guaranteed loss for me. I had to resort to being a grenadier. We lost badly of course.Yup yup, it’s such a reliable weapon in that mode, save for some stages where range rules. It really specializes in multi-kills, hugely exploitable when teams cluster together and can’t see you coming. There have been so many times I’ve Ninja’d towards a freed Rainmaker and literally cleared out every opponent swarming in on it. Range disadvantages suck, but it really makes you realize that if you can close in, it’s usually the gunners that have the huge disadvantage. Because they have to aim, they just can’t react quick enough. K/D ratios can be so insane when I’m running this weapon. I’ve absolutely slaughtered with it lol, but it is because as I said they are absolutely killing weapons. Teammates just have to use those opportunities to advance…which, many times, they don’t. Welcome to the brush club! Lol. ;)
Yeah, I'm definitely not an expert RM carrier, but I've posted the high score with it enough times to feel confident picking it up, too. I'm just not good at fighting with it. And if I have to stop to ink the paths and walls (why are the walls *NEVER* inked when I get there??) i'm guaranteed to lose the RM fast. But one thing I'm good at is platforming. Something I think a lot of Splatoon players used to shooters are not. Been playing playing Mario since it was new :p So I have kind of an instinct for making clean jumps from splotch to splotch and carving good lines to get the RM an extra digit closer :) Those blind runs can be the saving grace some matches. (I disavow Mahi and all my trips to the water while carrying the RM - that level is cursed, :p )Pressure is very important in Rainmaker, but it’s a little frustrating when teammates get caught up in advance-camping into enemy turf as opposed to making any effort to escort the RM. I’ve taken the Rainmaker myself enough times to have a better impression of when it’s time to wait it out, attack or just make a mad solo dash. I don’t always make the right call for sure lol, but it’s interesting what you can do sometimes if you play the Rainmaker attacks correctly. I’ve actually fended opponents off up close by bunny hopping while charging, and sidestepping or swimming up walls in directions they wouldn’t expect. I’ve also noticed it’s hugely important for a Rainmaker holder to know when they should and shouldn’t engage with enemies.
Generally speaking, I don’t worry as much about the tornados “alerting” enemies (although they definitely can), because chances are anyone actually paying attention will know where the Rainmaker is, at least its general vicinity, at any given time. That being said, if a path is cleared in the right direction and the enemies seem preoccupied, there’s absolutely no reason to do anything but beeline for the goal. Usually the only time I wait for backup is if someone’s already in the process of Super Jumping to me and proceeding any further alone is highly likely to be unsafe.
I just wish I were better at fighting with it. It's basically an can I possibly suck with it?
One advantage they have over chargers is they have a firing arc. Chargers need line of sight. That can be used with obstacles.Splatlings are a lot of fun, but like chargers they seem to be really crippled by awkward obstacles and walls. I wouldn’t mind trying them again more often, but wouldn’t dare run them on certain stages.
The plain sight dashes and daring escapes are the one thing I really did latch onto with it. IT's not as fast but I've been applying that with octobrush as well. Especially the daring escape. I don't see too many octobrushes rolling for some reason, but it's given me safe escape countless times. Sometimes given me the attack too. I liken it to Assassin's Creed 1 - after you make the kill you had to escape the now alerted compound back to your hideout. IMO that was the best of the series - the only one that really lived up to it's "you're an assassin" namesake before becoming an HBO cinedrama. Same thing, you sneak in, make your kill, then when everyone knows you're there you dash out in plain sight.Yeah, they aren’t my thing because of that. I had some very successful runs on TC with Inkbrush Nouveau, just because its rapid kills, Bubbler and Ink Mines were a nice pairing for the mode, but gawd its range limitations are really terrible in so many scenarios. Ninja Squid and teammate assistance are literally the only options of approach, and they’re too often unreliable. It has its speed, yes. But you have to be a real expert in both stage layout and your own maneuverability to mad dash in plain sight and expect the same kill potential.
Yeah. Actually on CHydra, it's not the MOST useful sub but it's not bad either. Chydra is used as a map control anchor mostly. The bubbler is purely defensive there, if you're getting overrun, sitting on a full charge, just pop up the bubbler and hold your ground. It's saved me a few times when they moved into awkward positions. More useful than vanilla's echo which takes a million days to charge with the awful turfing on that thing. But it doesn't allow the Jr.s aggression. SJ'ing that one's funny :)Generally speaking, I think Bubblers are mostly useless on very long range weapons. Krakens at least have a more feasible method of approach and speed up your attack option, but a charger or Hydra activating a Bubbler from a million miles away doesn’t do much good. Chargers and Hydras generally need locator or AOE Specials, imo. Rushdown Specials are just so awkward on them. I get it’s to aim for versatility, but the reality is if you try to rushdown as a Squiffer or Hydra, you’re a giant squatting target the second the Special ends. I actually saw someone retreat to spawn AS a Kraken the other day, because of that fear, I’m sure. But it was hilarious….I’d never seen a Kraken Super Jump animation before. XD
Personally I still think it's too useful to do without on MOST weapons. It's not as good as it was, and it may have been broken before (that's a huge advantage for wearing one of the 5 shoes with it versus anyone that chooses not to) But it's still better than being glued. The weapons that don't need it are the fast firing, great turfing weapons that can ink their own escape well, carbon/splat rollers don't need the maneuverability so much, and chargers shouldn't be in harms way so much. Hydras need it because by the time you have to abandon your post, they've been shooting at you and inking you for a while. Brushes need to cross enemy ink directly sometimes, and dynamos need the movement for a quick retreat if the fling misses and/or to get the jump-fling while they ink under you. Personally I think maybe they should just make ink resistance the NORMAL ink effect and get rid of the ability. It doesn't serve a purpose other than unfair disadvantage if you choose not to use it.Ink Resistance was honestly one of the best abilities in the game before the nerf. Made maneuverability SO much easier. But afterwards, the difference felt minimal to me, too minimal to warrant a main slot. I can try running it again, since I will say with zero resistance enemy ink does feel like freaking hot glue, and that has been a problem for me multiple times. Ah, the days of moving at full speed through enemy ink while Dynamo flinging or even launching my Inkstrike…long gone lol. It also kinda sucks that it’s one of the “exclusive” abilities, so it’s only available on shoes (which I’m currently using for Attack Up) and can’t be stacked…so that one boost is all you get. I get excessive stacking could become a problem quick on that ability, but given what quicksand-tar enemy ink is normally, a tad more of that option could work
That's good to hear! :) Yeah, walk away from a match thinking "I dunno, maybe I should just main shooters..." :) It can be rough...but when it goes well it goes very well! I can usually tell on the first shot. If I get out, get a perch, see an enemy take a shot and nail him, it sets a good mode for a match. Maybe not a win, but I'll do well. If I get to my perch and find a slosher parked under it when I get there, or the first enemy zips by me and every shot misses and they have an n-zap non-stop harassing me, I know this isn't going to go well. Some matches like that one in Ancho-V, 5 minutes, probably 50 shots, maybe 6 hit. or at least hit and killed. Those are frustrating. And yeah, they're the only thing that can reliably touch a dynamo. I'll say that being an eliter first and a dynamo second helps me keep my dynamo out of sniper sight. I'll be one of the more evasive dynamos out there for the snipers to hit ;)I have to admit, after our conversations and hearing your point of view, I’m a little more empathetic towards charger users and have a better comprehension of their real pros and cons. I’ve actually started observing more closely not only when their shots hit, but when they don’t, and I’ve realized how hard they have it in instances of lag, especially against speedy foes. I’ve always had respect for people who can use chargers well (without over-abusing certain mechanics), but I rage against them less following a closer assessment of your explanations, as well as the hard realization that they are just my main’s primary counter, which I suppose makes sense, and that’s just something I’ll have to incorporate into my strategy.
Haha, yeah, fitting a square peg in a round hole is part of it... but it's also the catch that some maps/modes would be impossible for enitre weapon classes. Which is particularly difficult if they're a high skill floor class that you really have to spend a lot of time to learn. Like my stacking for the bombs for eliter in mackerel zones. The nature of the map means you have no choice but to be confronted at CQC. There are no real perches (the trucks and boxes are bad angles for watching the zones) so you have to stare down the aisles. You can ohko someone coming straight down, but only a horrible player would come straight down with a charger there. So you'll get flanked. Alternately you can't help your team push if you stay back where it's safe. And you probably can't deffend one zone all alone either like a hydra can. Splatterscopes get splat bombs to help. They ohko. They're easier to use than burst bombs for zoning/killing. But their shorter range means you can't really ink the zone without putting yourself in prime "flank me now" position :) Funny thing with me is although I've ranged at damaged stacked burst bomb main eliters even when I'm using custom eliter, I can't have sympathy for my burst bomb victims. I'm Custom eliter trained....I use the main gun first. I fall back and try to use the main gun again. If I fail again as I retreat and they try to run me down, they had it coming. I gave them every chance to run away :D And I'm a bad enough burst bomb aim that they really had to be running at me :p Especially don't get a chance to try again if you don't take them out fast. I dislike the playstyle some snipers have that are true "burst bomb mains" and use the burst bombs as their main weapon, right in the fray. In reality they're just bad snipers most of the time. Burst bombs are HORRIBLY ink inefficient, using the same ink as a full charge. Throw 2-3 bombs and you're helpless with no hope to pressure. I still like Custom better for modes that allow it. Burst bombs are crude, and the maneuverability of beacons is amazing for a sniping purist. But zones is zones. It's as close as Splatoon gets to Team Deathmatch. :DMy issue remaining with stacking is that it allows players to fit a circle into a square…essentially, buff a weapon that is/would/should be a very poor fit for a certain rotation to the point that it’s suddenly a huge unexpected threat in nearly all stages. This is frustrating mainly because that option isn’t available to every kit-quite the opposite in fact. Burst Bombs should be for pressure, not devastating damage, point blank. They’re far too fast to inflict the latter. Burst-canceling I have another issue with in and of itself, because again it can open up debatably broken rapid damage output in some scenarios. But again, this is really all debatable and I understand that from the charger perspective there can just be too many unfavorable scenarios without ability buffs to rely on. CQC weapons and snipers may never really fully understand each other’s woes lol, aside from rare players like you who have managed to main a little of both. ;)
Funny thing is, people used to gripe at how useless burst bombs are. And how useless chargers are. And how useless brushes are.