What is your personal weakness as a player?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I personally feel as if I'm holding myself back from not putting more work into learning about proper positioning, movement, and game awareness.
I already know what I'm supposed to do and I would still say I'm not bad at it but I could be so much better if I just decided to fully commit to the process of improving.
I need to be able to rewatch all my replays regardless of whether or not I lost, check through the resources that I have access to, and overall just spend more time learning about the game and less time playing it which can be hard for me because I just really love playing Splatoon despite the issues I have with the game.

Besides that, I also need to be willing to test out my ideas in Open more often even if they don't end up working out.
I'm not playing Series or X Rank after all so I shouldn't put too much weight on whether or not I lose, my focus should be on how I'm playing and what needs to be changed.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2016
i really like this thread, it's good for ppl to self-reflect like this!
anyways, the first thing that comes to mind is my poor spatial awareness, which makes things especially difficult as an inkbrush enjoyer. it's not bad enough to be debilitating, but i do often find myself not getting close enough to actually hit people reliably. this also affects how i position myself on the map, since this game likes to have few flank routes i sometimes enter feeding spells that i can't get out of. this might be more of a brush problem than a me problem??? maybe????? idk?
i also have a tendency to get too emotionally involved- not in a ragey putz12 way, but in a "WE LOST AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT I LET THESE PEOPLE DOWN" way. i've been working on this and i've gotten WAAAY better with managing stress, but MAN it made certain splatfests actively painful for me. (i had to take a month-long break after the deep cut fest, i was tilted for practically the entire duration and it wore down on me pretty hard...)
i also tend to turn my brain off during matches and go-with-the-flow, which works sometimes but does not help me in situations where i need deductive reasoning and problem solving lmao

Neko :D

Pro Squid
Jul 25, 2024
Outside Your Window :)
Switch Friend Code
Hmmm, my weakness is probably focusing on one small thing and not helping my teammates, which ultimately leads to my team losing in any game mode. But in each separate game mode, it would probably go like this:

- Turf War: I either stay at base for too long, allowing the enemy to block in. OR.... I don't ink base at all and stay at the enemy's instead, which means that we may have gotten far into their base, but overall, they definitely inked more. I also tend to joke around and get distracted. An example would be goofing off in front of an enemy and they do it too, I end up trusting them and then realize that the don't care about friendship :Cries into nearby pillow:

-Splat Zones: I get my special charged up, but never use it until it's too late. I also stray from the zones and sometimes forget that it's splat zones and not turf war TvT

-Rainmaker: I am terrible at controlling the rainmaker. I usually use faster paced weapons, and when it's so slow like that, I get flustered and die early on and take my teammates down with me because they thought they could "protect me"

-Clam Blitz: I personally don't play clam blitz a lot, so that's an obvious reason why I suck. But when I DO play, I act nice to my teammates and let them get the clams I was going to get, and they end up dying and I can't exactly dodge very well, so we always lose. Another problem is that when I have clams and the barrier is broken, I walk right into an enemy and never get the clams to the basket.

-Salmon Run: All I care about are Golden Eggs. I don't care if a swarm of chums are hovering right over them, I just go and grab them. I end up dying and my teammates actually play the game and save me, which causes the salmonid to swarm into a concentrated area. And by the time that happens, I have used up my two special packs, and then we all die. (Yes I am one of those people, unfortunately) In Xtra Wave I get super hyped up and always end up losing because the knowledge that I could get tons of scales overwhelms me and I stray from what I'm actually supposed to be doing, causing us to die in the first few seconds.


Apr 9, 2024
I have 2 real big weaknesses.

#1: I tend to not be the best at restraint. I main mini splatling (Vimi, not Zimi) and I was playing a game on lemuria hub zones. I got a whopping 8 ultra stamps that game. There are a few problems with that.
I got splatted in an ultra stamp 7 times.
only 2 of the 5 splats I got that game were with an ultra stamp.
If I had just thrown my stamp every time, I would've:
Gotten splatted doing it 0 times
probably gotten 3 splats instead of 2.

#2: I am always distracted by the newest thing. I have an extremely diverse weapon pool, and although Vimi is my main, I play everything from Vshot, to E-leiter 3K, to Sblast, to even REEF-LUX deco, and I think that I am suffering because I am trying to split my training between a bajillion different weapons.


Jan 30, 2024
Something I've started to figure out about my playstyle is that I hate to stay patient. I was playing splash in Clams X battle the other day and I was kind of surprised at how much I was struggling.

I just die too much. On a short range shooter you don't have the best fighting capabilities so you really shouldn't initiate that many fights. At least in theory. But to me if the area is painted around me I'm not going to wait for a special or for the enemies to make a mistake, I'll make the mistake. I like moving forward, basically.

I feel like I was doing much better on splash in anarchy where people's mechanics are all over the place, but in X I was getting punished pretty hard on it.

Basically, tent brainrot is real, consult with your doctor before it's too late. It's kind of made me reconsider which weapons I can flex to. Maybe I should focus on dualie over splash? Though even then dualie doesn't have much survivability either.

All this to say I'm considering picking up dualie squelchers. It's the weapon most comparable to tent in terms of role (though it works very differently). It's also another really good teammate for roller, guess being a good roller pair is my niche.


Gnarly Eddy's Boyfriend
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I want to say that I believe that there's always a lot of pressure or responsibility put on me, whether it's because of my position or the weapon I'm playing (I main shooters), and while that may make it seem like I'd try to be more careful or calculating, its ironically the opposite usually. In other words, I usually throw myself into needlessly risky fights, make pointless callouts, and waste time preparing for things because I have the irrational fear that a push won't happen if I don't do everything myself. (it's a nasty habit obviously but trying to play anchor for the first time recently has helped a lot with that!)
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Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
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I have an addiction to short range stuff And I cannot aim, so it makes sense, but I always play weapons that Can insta Kill or almost instantly So when I play with a different Weapon like splattershoT Even if I get a lot of kills, I usually will Switch off it because it doesn't feel right


Senior Squid
Jun 4, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I’ve made a lot of progress with my movement tech over the past couple months, so I’m going to demote that and say that Special usage is my major weakness. I didn’t notice it until I had a couple of people point it out.
  1. Because I’m afraid of dying and losing it, I tend to pop my special the instant I have it available, whether or not it’s a good time to use it.
  2. Positioning. I throw my coolers in front of or behind my teammates, I use Zooka in places where I can’t see what I’m doing. The worst is a bad habit I’ve picked up from soloQ: I like to use Booyah Bomb as a vantage point. I’m up high! I can see!


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Well the first one is that I get emotional very quickly. I get angry, I get greedy, I get nervous...whole nine yards, all of that pretty often. When I can't focus on the game my ability to play quickly goes down the gutter. I can technically still hit shots sometimes, but I put myself in way more disadvantageous spots a lot more easily and it's very noticeable.

Less lame answer than that because that one feels like it's less about my ability as a player and more of a personal thing, but for as much as I think my mechanics are solid, and for as much as I think my game sense isn't bad, man I am NOT a team player lmao.

There are some days I'm better at this than others but it's rarely ever good. I normally go on and do my own thing, trying to get kills or at least heavily distract people while vaguely trying to keep track of whether or not I'm immediately next to a teammate. Not much more than that though. You going in at a good time or place? Maybe I'll notice, maybe I won't. I just got two kills at an off angle and am still going...but I didn't realize the rest of my team is still back in spawn, dealing with a Squeezer that's spawn camping them each one by one as they respawn. Oops!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
While my old weaknesses still stand, they have diminished over time. A bigger one I've been noticing lately is that I spend way too much time in my head while playing. More often than not, instead of analyzing what I could have done better when I get splatted or when an enemy gets behind me and disorients my team, I analyze what could be changed about the game to have prevented the splat or flank from being possible. I think from the standpoint of a developer rather than a player, and even then half the time the nerfs aren't really what need to happen to balance out an offender. I can fantasize about reverting Splattershot's range buff, but it really needs worse paint and ink efficiency.

My mechanics and aim are good, and though my positioning can be a bit greedy at times, my biggest weakness is really just struggling to learn from mistakes in any more than the short-term of one match, thanks to thinking on a scale beyond my control.

3rd kit

Senior Squid
Dec 21, 2024
He / Him
Switch Friend Code
My weakness is that I die all the time because I make so many stupid kamikaze attacks by dodge rolling into death get kills. A lot of the time they don't work so I end up with more deaths than kills.

Also my aim goes lousy a lot of the time.

Smash Arena

Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
These days, I tend to play more unsafe than I used to and have a bad tendency of getting punished for it. I also tend to start commentating the game while playing and taking myself out of it, rather than playing "in the zone" like I used to. Definitely need to start playing safer and shutting my mouth while playing so I can get back to my best days during Splatoon 2.


Mar 7, 2023
Switch Friend Code
I always like being on the rooftops a lot leaving me vulnerable to getting destroyed easily. I'm going to refer to this as "smoking" because it's a bad habit.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 27, 2024
Switch Friend Code
running out of ink in the middle of a shootout! also I'm not great at aiming.

I used to be real bad with positioning with teammates but I'm slowly getting more aware. probably thanks to playing dualie squelchers and standing back a bit.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
I thought this was a new thread and then I realized it wasn't and that I had I already posted in it, but this is neat actually. We get to check in and see how things have changed in the last 6 months or so!

My visual processing, while still a problem, has gotten better, or at least I have found a path towards possibly improving it (part of the problem that I didn't realize was how unsteady I keep my controller sometimes-- and of course that's going to make it really hard to visually process things if my camera is all over the place).

It's still a temptation to answer "everything lol :D" to this question, but realistically I think one of the things I am having the hardest time with right now is prioritizing what to work on improving when it still feels like I am doing soo many things wrong. At least one thing I have actually improved at is being able to see/understand what I can do better, but it's really hard to focus on any one aspect of improvement when all I can see is this overwhelming number of things I am still doing poorly. I end up switching focuses or trying to multitask so frequently that it's hard to see any substantial progress in any one area. Like I'm trying to fix everything all at once and it's not working; it's just overwhelming and counterproductive, really. You would think it would be easy, even just to pick something random from the list to focus on and then stay focused on it, but it's so hard. Like I don't think I am capable of watching myself make a mistake and just ignore it. I can't just dismiss things I'm doing poorly because "that's not what I'm focused on right now." It doesn't feel like it should be this hard, but it is.

Oh well. I guess I'll check back in another 6 months or so and see if I've figured anything out, hah.

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