What weapon/s would you play if your current main/favorite was deleted?


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
So here's a fun little thought experiment. Lets say you can't play your favorite weapon anymore, why? IDK you got a rare medical condition where if you play your main your left kidney burst, and you die, or something like that. Either way you can't play your main, and you would need to switch what weapon would you play, and why? Also one more thing no alt kits yeah for s-blast 91, and splat roller I can play s-blast 92, and krak-on splat roller, but that is a boring answer I want to see completely different weapons.
For both of my weapons it's pretty easy choice for me. Mint decav would be my roller substitute, and Luna blaster neo is the substitute for s-blast. Mint decav is the obvious one here the both are pretty close range, one hit ko, bubble weapons. Yea the weapon is a bit slower, but unlike painbrush a weapon I used to play, I can find myself getting used to the speed of mint decav pretty easily. The only jarring thing would be people jumping over my main weapon.

Luna neo on the other hand might be strange since there are some other good close range AOE weapon with better kits, and some long range aoe weapons also with good kits. But the main reason why I chose Luna neo is because of the sub, I find that the sub to synergy incredibly well with luna being good for both movement, and chip damage which is also how s-blast uses its burst. Ultra stamp on the other hand is not a good special, but I can still see myself making it work with stamp. Some weapons struggle dealing with it, and it can also be ended early in case rushing in ain't the play, so the special is nothing I really see myself having problems with.


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
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if vdualies and tetras were both cruelly torn away from me i would enter my (v)dapples era. and @Masked_Katz would just have to put up with it

legitimately i do dream of being a strong enough player to push vdapples as far as i can in a comp setting. i don’t think it’ll ever happen but it’s a dream of mine.

and/or pick gloogas (either/both kits) back up, i do miss them. i liked doing the aggro wall thing without being a 52 player


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
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If sploosh, flingsa, and octobrush Were all somehow removed or something My weapon pool wouldn't really all that much to change. I would switch from Octobrush to ink brush flingsa to krack-on and Finally, a weird choice but from sploosh to edit The first two are self-explanatory because they are just other versions, but the reason why I like sploosh Is the way it feels and I get the same kind of vibe from edit so yeah


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
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So here's a fun little thought experiment. Lets say you can't play your favorite weapon anymore, why? IDK you got a rare medical condition where if you play your main your left kidney burst, and you die, or something like that. Either way you can't play your main, and you would need to switch what weapon would you play, and why? Also one more thing no alt kits yeah for s-blast 91, and splat roller I can play s-blast 92, and krak-on splat roller, but that is a boring answer I want to see completely different weapons.
For both of my weapons it's pretty easy choice for me. Mint decav would be my roller substitute, and Luna blaster neo is the substitute for s-blast. Mint decav is the obvious one here the both are pretty close range, one hit ko, bubble weapons. Yea the weapon is a bit slower, but unlike painbrush a weapon I used to play, I can find myself getting used to the speed of mint decav pretty easily. The only jarring thing would be people jumping over my main weapon.

Luna neo on the other hand might be strange since there are some other good close range AOE weapon with better kits, and some long range aoe weapons also with good kits. But the main reason why I chose Luna neo is because of the sub, I find that the sub to synergy incredibly well with luna being good for both movement, and chip damage which is also how s-blast uses its burst. Ultra stamp on the other hand is not a good special, but I can still see myself making it work with stamp. Some weapons struggle dealing with it, and it can also be ended early in case rushing in ain't the play, so the special is nothing I really see myself having problems with.
I'd stop breathing if goo tuber ceased to be


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
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Assuming Decav didn't exist I'd probably just uh. Go back to Stamper lmao. Like, the answer's so obvious for anyone who's in a case like I am. Even if you discount Stamper then I'd be fine on Wiper's kits too which is a similar idea even if I've never been a vWiper main. Let's ignore the swords for a bit regardless.

I think the Splat Roller would be a good candidate for me. I'd probably hate playing it in solo queue because of how dependent it is on others but it plays to the parts of Decav that I enjoy the most. The vanilla Splash-o-Matic is there if I get sick of it but that weapon doesn't feel like my main as much as a very vanilla way for me to play Splatoon 3. Otherwise Dread Wringer, Dapple Dualies, and Luna Blaster would all be sick for me if not for my general disliking of all six kits they have for one reason or another. If Wave Breaker didn't suck for it I'd love Dread D but alas.


Agent 3 Apologist
Jan 30, 2024
Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi
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I had to consider this question after playing in some bucket heavy comps yesterday. Another Tri-Slosher main got Tri-Slosher priority and the Dualies player got Splat Dualies priority, so in the modes where I wasn't playing Dread Wringer (which I suppose I would also lose to the conditions of this question), I didn't know what to do.
  • We put me on Blaster for a set, which. :( I think I want to learn it, but I do not like the passivity of Bubble on it. Custom Blaster? Ehh...
  • My Splatoon 2 main was the aforementioned Splat Dualies, but of course that's when it had Burst Bomb combos and the good Missiles. My Crab Tank placement and shots could use improvement. (I do like them! I'm just not enamored with them the way I was before.)
  • I played a lot of the Range Blasters a few seasons ago. Those suckers guzzle ink, which punishes my mediocre aim and uncertain shots. Wave Breaker does nothing for me except refilling my ink tank and I have the sloppiest Kraken.
  • The N-ZAPs are slightly overtuned, but my builds for those are mostly made for cheese (Cooler farming and Zones nonsense respectively). I don't find hanging back and painting for special very fun, even if I'll do it when asked politely.
  • Getting aggressive with Heavy Edit (both kits good!) is awesome until a weapon with more range bullies me into submission.
  • I wish Sploosh and Dapples had real kits.
  • I'm considering commiting to a Splash build, but we return to the problem of mediocre aim. A weapon with perfect accuracy requires an operator with perfect accuracy. That operator is not me.
  • Dynamo is so cool in theory, but painfully slow in practice. How can I get my Coolers if my wind-up could get me splatted by a faster weapon and I run dry in a few seconds if I survive?
You know what, maybe the good people of Squidboards can help me answer this question. In case of another team comp conflict, I want to learn another weapon. My preferred playstyle revolves around getting in and wreaking havoc, consequences be damned. Short to midrange slayer, light or midweight, can't currently commit to a high skill floor (no Stamper or Bamboozler or anything like that). No semi-auto Shooters, brushes, or Screen weapons.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
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Am I really qualified to answer this question...?

Well, if I lost the ability to play brellas, I'd most likely end up switching to the ranged rollers; Swig, Flingza, and Dynamo. Having options to deal with short-range weapons is a major selling point for me, and these rollers exemplify it. Swig is my second favorite weapon by design after Recycled, so it's a great fit.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I wonder what weapon I could possibly switch to if I couldn't play Machine anymore.

That's a boring answer though so I guess if I didn't have Slosher as an option then I would probably play S-Blast.
It has my second favorite kit behind Fizzy/Booyah and I enjoy the faster QR playstyle that the weapon plays towards.
The flexibility of the kit would also help me deal with the absurdity of solo matchmaking and it's not too hard to fit into team comps.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
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I think I would rather let my left kidney explode than live without Hydra.

But for a real answer: if Hydra didn't exist I'd still have vHeavy and crEdit. Edit would really just be the next best thing, having the same gimmick and comparable DPS. It feels powerful just like Hydra. But the lack of range and the extra speed would still feel off. It's like going from playing a tank to playing a glass cannon. I can and have made it work, but it feels too different to ever fully replace Hydra.

Heavy meanwhile would have the range and it does tickle my brain in the same way, but I do still get tricked by it's lack of charge duration sometimes. Also it doesn't have that same feeling of power as Hydra and Edit.

There really isn't anything quite like Hydra, I'd feel so empty without her, waaaaahhh.

If you want a non-splatling answer, well first of all I think I'd rather let both of my kidneys explode.
But secondly: I'd probably pick up Tri-Stringer.
It was already a weapon I pushed a bit in comp back when I first started out. And even now I pick it up for bad splatling maps like Humpback and Flounder. I like the arc shots on it and the versatility of it's arrow spread. And it still has the potential to oneshot like a charger. It has that feeling of power, even if it's not a steady constant like with splatlings.

Definitely the next best thing if splatlings as a whole are barred from me waaahhh


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
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I'd try and force myself back into VDaps probably? I can't play NDaps anymore, I just can not tolerate them anymore, but I want the gold badge on VDaps so that'd be at least SOME motivation to try them out... if I had to choose an ENTIRELY new weapon that I've NEVER mained, probably one of the Naut kits honestly? I've really enjoyed both Hydra and Heavy when I played them (When I first picked up Hydra I literally got 30 wins in a single day, which is both a testament to how much I like playing with it AND how much time I spent grinding then), but Naut fits my already more honed skillset in shorter range weapons. I'm not sure WHICH Naut kit, but I think I could make it work


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Midwestern US
If its just my favorite weapon the Sorella brella that would hurt a lot already but you see if you were to ask me what my "main" is before I knew you would assign a death curse to it (btw rude)
I would tell you I don't have a traditional main rather I "main" the Brella and Splatling class (you might call this "specializing" but as much as I love brellas/splatlings I wouldn't call myself a specialist) so to make this more interesting the death curse for me is laid upon the brella/splatling class and I will chose a new class I would "main" instead (because otherwise I would just play tent or nhedit)

Tbh I think I would either become a Brush or a blaster main
I love inkbrush and painbrush a ton and I could see myself trying to learn octobrush
and blasters are just tons of fun my third most used weapon in this game is Range blaster and if I couldn't play the weapons I do now I would prolly just grind both range kits and sblast while occasionally dabbling in the other blasters

3rd kit

Pro Squid
Dec 21, 2024
not Birmingham :D
He / Him
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I'm so dedicated to get to S+ so I've only really been playing dualies, so I might have to consider losing a kidney.

But tbh I don't think it would be hard for me to learn another dualies like dapple or douser FF and get good. It would just take forever, since I'm not at that kind of skill level.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City
Trick question, I replace my left kidney with a heavy edit splatling...

In all seriousness though I'd probably just pick up ballpoint again since I used it a lot at the start of splatoon 3. It's also a splatling and can achieve a longer range than edit too. Plus, at the very least, I'd still have the insane firepower of edit... with less range and for less than a second each charge, but the midfire charge helps at least.

I mained splat roller in Splatoon 2 so that could also make a comeback, and I find douser dualies and S-Blast pretty fun too. I guess a life without edit wouldn't be that bad, right?
*distant sobs*


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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I consider vdualies to be my mains despite Machine being my favorite weapon, but if vdualies weren't in the game I would like to try vsplash, I think I like the flexibility of the weapon, with burst bombs and crab tank being such a good kit, though I would have to learn a lot more about it.
Besides, the kit and role are kinda similar, even if they do play very differently and splash works more as a support


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
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If both s-blasts were removed because the devs decided they don't like peak game design for some reason, I actually would have an answer. That doesn't mean they can just delete my main though :mad: im watching you nintendo

A few months ago, I would have just been sent back to where I started before s-blast, which went something like this: "maining" a weapon somewhat consistently until I got 4 stars, getting bored of it and playing randomness, finding something that was more fun and playing that until I got 4 stars... it was fun but I'm glad I gave s-blast another shot and found a main for real.

Anyway, the thing that happened a few months ago is that I decided it would be funny if I picked up stamper (maybe the hardest weapon in splatoon) as a secondary alongside s-blast (also very high in terms of mechanical difficulty) and I... really liked it for some reason? Like I only got it to 4 stars, same as everything else, but it took me a week. I got 4 stars on stamper in less than a week. I don't know how much you guys play but I've never 4 starred any other weapon anywhere close to that fast.
my profile post said:
It feels like I've been playing stamper for months, and then I pop zipcaster and get stuck in a wall
this is awesome

The best way to describe it is that it's like s-blast but backwards. Or inside out, or something. Most things that stamper does well at long range, s-blast does well at short range, and vice versa. Like the one-shot, for example; they both have a satisfying one-shot that takes precision to hit, and if you can hit it consistently then the opponents have to respect it at all times. But they use that one-shot at very different ranges, even though they play to the same ranges overall. It's a bit hard to explain further than that and I don't have a thorough understanding of how stamper plays to begin with but hopefully that helps you get the idea of how these two weapons are related.

So yes, I would at least have something to play. But I would not be happy about it. Here's my weapon wheel for recently:

I could play stamper. It probably wouldn't take me long at all to be decent with it if I put in the time to learn it. But I want to play s-blast, not inside-out s-blast. Stamper just doesn't interest me in the same way. Generally when I play other weapons I don't find it as fun, and so I've stopped doing that. except i played nautilus recently but it was just for a game or three and it won't happen again sorryyy

anyway i think i answered the question
Feb 7, 2025
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for the thought experiment I'll consider dtetra and ndapple to be the same weapon

definitely one of the wipers, most likely the vanilla kit. I love frontline skirmishy weapons, and if I wasn't caught in the chokehold that is ndapple I would be one-tricking wiper


Mar 7, 2025
England, UK (GMT)
Depends. If Wiper Deco in specific ceased to exist, then vWiper assuming it still exists? If not, then Mint Decav. If Splatanas were wiped off the face off the earth as a whole I could see myself playing either Wringer or Tri Nouveau. been wanting to try Wringer (not sure which but vanilla will probably come out top) anyway, something about Sloshers keeps catching my eye but I haven't grown to love any...yet
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