Yosi Spring
Pro Squid
Base painter because I NEVER paint base. I don't even remember what base looks like on most of the maps
You seem to be under the assumption that rushers will always win fights against painters.yall getting whooped hard by enemy rushers
i went under the assumption that base painters strictly paint as much as they can before moving forward, and enemy rushers strictly move forward and fight all the time, just because it seems more interesting to talk about it that way and more in the spirit of the post, as well as the fact that these are the types of players that just graduated from turf war, and might actually be doing that, even though it isn’t realistic for most players. the original question also specifically describes the base painters asYou seem to be under the assumption that rushers will always win fights against painters.
Painters have specials and area control. What do you have? Aggression? You're just going to feed.
You haven't even considered the idea that people who'd like painters for teammates want to rush mid themselves.
Maybe don't spread negativity for no reason. It's not a great look, and you don't exactly have reputation to spare.
instead of teammates that just paint, allowing them to still be relevant to their teammates and the objective or just the map in general. but yeahteammates who refuse to do anything but paint every square inch of your base (sometimes literally)
if this was players who only excessively paint vs players who excessively dive and flank, it would be a much more even match.
Mostly. I was talking about the extreme versions of these; players who run at enemies no matter what, and players who paint anything they can find, whether it's relevant or not. You could argue for the first one being considered a frontline, since they are technically pushing forward, but it's hard to call the second one a support, since the job of a support (with regard to paint, at least) is to paint relevant parts of the map to secure control of them, after your team has cleared them of enemies. Base painting does not do this.I am very confused by every post in this thread and I feel like replacing "enemy rushers" with "frontline" and "base inker" with "support" has helped