
Information and tactics for Splatoons wide array of weapons

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A comprehensive guide to the basics of the Splattershot Jr. in Turf War
5.00 star(s) 4 ratings
How to wreck them scrubs
2.25 star(s) 4 ratings
A guide to Ink Brush Tactics and gameplay.
3.00 star(s) 1 ratings
Mastering the Inkstrike Lancelot
A guide on how to properly and efficiently body your opponents with the Instrike Special Weapon
4.80 star(s) 5 ratings
Inkbrush Stats, Usages and General Guide. Master Shuckle
Inkrush Brushers guide to wielding the mighty Inkbrush!
4.67 star(s) 3 ratings
How To Combat ThatsSo
A short guide to not being bad
3.00 star(s) 3 ratings
Wow.. Splattershot Jr. is broken.. Metal Slug
Splattershot Jr. Guide (Pt.1) & (Pt.2)
4.60 star(s) 5 ratings
Your Custom Splattershot Jr. and You FunkyLobster
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings
The Tiny Giant: A Guide to the Splattershot Jr. jp4464
Includes overview of weapon and loadouts, as well as competitive tactics and role designation.
4.33 star(s) 3 ratings
Subs and Specials; When shooting is just not enough Kayeka
An overview of the different Sub and Special weapons available, and how to use them.
4.86 star(s) 7 ratings
The Trailmaker: A guide to the Splat Charger jp4464
Includes overview of weapon and loadouts, as well as potential tactics.
4.67 star(s) 12 ratings
CHARGE!!! A Guide to the Splat Roller jp4464
Includes brief overview of weapon and weapon builds, as well as Team Composition
5.00 star(s) 6 ratings
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