[Overfishing] Guide to Glowfly Rush waves

[Overfishing] Guide to Glowfly Rush waves

(Originally written by マー (Marty) from the Overfishing Discord server, added here by me for easier access)

This wave has become infamous for its lower potential in Splatoon 3, as well as changes in its transition to Next Wave that make it more difficult to kill Chums and get eggs (due to the loss of “Snatcher injection”).

Weapons can no longer hit two targets at once, making it very hard for even weapons such as Dapple Dualies to keep up with incoming Chums.

Snatcher injection appears not to work in this game. Letting Snatchers spawn on purpose will not speed up the rate at which Goldies appear for players, reducing the potential for egg scores.

Finally, in this game, players can become targeted by Glowflies again immediately after being revived, making escape harder in some cases.

Timer and Spawn Direction Changes
In addition to Chums and Goldies being affected by Spawn Direction changes, Glowflies are also affected by the timer. Glowflies change their targets according to the timer and spawn direction rules, regardless of possible changes in targeting due to deaths or special attributes (ending Inkjet, ending Booyah Bomb, etc.).

Rush Mechanics and Killing Chums Early
Currently, it is unknown whether the mechanics for Rush in Splatoon 2 have carried over to Next Wave.

However, it does appear that players should kill Chums early to prevent Salmonids from reaching a certain limit, which otherwise prevents more Salmonids, including Goldies, from spawning.

Players with weapons suited to killing Chums early (such as Rollers, ink-efficient shooters, long range weapons, Splat Brellas) should move forward and defeat Chums while not killing Goldies too far from the basket. Players who stand at the front with this intent should remember that Glowflies will change targets at specific times. Unless these players have Inkjet or Booyah Bomb, they should retreat to a safer spot shortly before the target change occurs.

Targeted players should stand near the basket so that Goldies can be lured near it.
Players who are not being targeted can focus on collecting eggs while defeating Chums early.
When a direction change occurs (at the same time as a target change), players should look for the next wave of Salmonids while dealing with the rest of the Salmonids from the previous wave (previous direction).
Players with Inkjet, Booyah Bomb and Wave Breaker should use their specials when possible to provide the team with an opportunity to refill their ink tank and collect eggs.

Walls can be used as a last resort for survival when multiple deaths occur, but players are heavily advised not to use walls as their defining strategy for this wave.
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