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  • Well, I'm going to try to get every single badge in the game, so out of the limited time ones I have left is one from Big Run and two from Eggstra Work, going to focus on those first.
    Almost to getting my 20 Silver Scales for the day. Funny thing is the Horrorboros is actually easier for me than the Cohozuna, allowing me to farm more Silver Scales from it.
    Up to 170 Silver Scales now. I decided to shoot for 10 Silver Scales per day since they add up to so much by the end of the month. I treat getting Golden Scales as bonuses until their inevitable grind to 333.
    I realized that the Grizzco Splatana is actually really good, but it's also a strictly melee Splatana. The ability to 2-shot Cohocks without consuming heckaton of ink is a great thing to have. Heck a charged swing bypasses Salmonid armor completely, it's awesome!
    Okay, before the Splatfest, I defeated Gnarly Eddy 30 times in Tableturf Battle on level 3. Now for the next character on the list to get a card sleeve from. (Also, the only Jellyfish that have card sleeves are the shop owners.)
    Today is when I'll not play Salmon Run for Silver Scales because of the Snipewriter, it's a good thing that this rotation is shorter.
    So my journey to accumulate 999 silver scales has started. I'm up to 121 right now. If only there was a Salmon Run rotation that I could easily support my teammates in. At this point, once the daily super bonuses are obtained, I focus more on taking down problematic Salmonids so my teammates have an easier time collecting eggs.
    Managed to defeat Sheldon a total of 30 times on level 3. So yes, it's on the 30th win on level 3 that you get each character's card sleeve.
    Oh boy, I'm dreading the idea that I will have to beat each character in Tableturf 30 times on level 3.
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    Reactions: TOD13
    i know, i thought i only had to do it three times to get the special card sleeves. turns out it's a lot more than that. needless to say im going to be grinding matches for a while
    I finally got the banner that I wanted! The best part is, I didn't need to wait for the next seasonal catalog!
    I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a new Sesonal Catalogue since those are the only surefire way to get banners. I'm starting to think that I'm close to getting every banner from the Shell-Out Machine.

    Getting most banners from the Shell-Out Machine was actually very unintentional, since I wanted that one specific banner since I started playing Splatoon 3. No matter, it's only a matter of time now.
    Creating an Octohurler OC without the goggles can be incredibly hard when the model itself doesn't have eyes, so I will need to put together other models to achieve the results that I'm trying to do.
    So, I'm thinking of doing a Pool for Eggstra Work. Just because I hate how tanky Cohoks are, I'm definitely going to choose a Dynamo Roller to just crush them right then and there.
    I don’t know why but I tend to do a great job with chargers on Salmon runs. Especially with E-Liter 4k. Seem to have lost the mojo in multiplayer though.
    I always wanted to do sequences for my SFM projects. I'm not talking about animation, I'm actually referring to putting more than one image with the text color signifying who is talking in what image.
    Seems like the Shell-Out Machine is being stubborn in not giving me a new banner. Looks like I have to wait for a new seasonal catalogue to get at least some of the missing banners.
    I will finally recreate another OC of mine in SFM. He was mentioned through the bio of the four main OCs I use, but he's important enough to keep major stories moving forward, even in the RPs.
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