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  • I had to do a double take here, Lio I- I can't even comment on this
    (Just so you know, Lio has been talking about the racism callouts on stream)
    So yesterday I went to vote irl, and then I got so engrossed in the squid game™ that I missed some unhinged political drama happening that same evening.

    I'll spare you the details, but basically wherever you are, don't forget to vote! I hear it's like a splatfest but with real consequences?? Kind of bold of the devs to just ask people to vote, but I guess they're listening to the community at least that sounds nice
    Subs and special tier list for how good they'd be on recycled brella!

    Mist is way better than I initially thought. Not amazing but I see what they were going for

    @isaac4 It'd be really good but I think fizzy would make it sit back a lot more, you'd basically only use uncharged fizzies and at this point I'd rather have a torp or burst. You just don't have the time to charge it, you want to keep moving.

    And recycled doesn't need the paint trail too, so the more I think about it, I don't think fizzy's top tier for it
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    Reactions: isaac4
    I like how recycled already "has" curling bomb but not splashwall
    Says a lot about recycled
    Also I personally would put chumps a tier higher but maybe I am just a weird chump believer
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    Reactions: Grushi
    @Catloafman pshhh true haha.

    Chumps wouldn't be that bad but it doesn't support a hyper aggressive playstyle that well. They takes a while to explode so you're kind of awkwardly sitting there while the opponents get to regroup. It would still work but I prefer the ones a tier higher
    I just watched a Jared livestream and have been informed that enperries do, in fact, go by he/him. Apparently he's (plural???) a dude kind of person.

    So if I see any of y'all misgendering ENPERRIES you will face my pride month wrath or whatever.
    Honestly I think CRB is fair but it sucks that it becomes wayyy better with lag. You should have one full second to dodge the second shot and live but in reality you have like 0.6 seconds just because you haven't moved out of the way on their screen. Same deal with kraken

    That's such a dumb reason but it might have to get nerfed just because of that
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    Reactions: isaac4
    Maybe a smaller hitbox? Honestly I don't think there's any magical fix they could make
    Only thing I can think of is to make the radius slightly smaller but compensate by increasing up the max indirect damage from 70 to 75 or even 80.
    That would probably be an insane buff though, but I don't want to decrease the fire rate for obvious reasons lol
    Yeah that's a really good buff actually, this is basically slosher 2.0 with those bomb combos. But I feel like if you nerf basically any stat other than blast radius it's going to feel horrible to play lol
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    Reactions: isaac4
    So I've been having an issue with my switch for a few months now where it will randomly stop registering that my joy cons are attached (handheld mode yeah yeah I know), so I need to detach and reattach them in a panic mid game 😅
    The tower control lobbies are so funny right now.
    90% of the time, each team is stuck with two blasters, an eliter and a roller or the usual gal and squeezer in my experience, so I'm stuck here playing paint support and taking tower with my awkward bamboo stick lmao

    But it's actually been helpful, I've learned how to paint effectively with recycled thanks to that!
    Screw it, I need to gauge interest™.

    Does anyone here want to play the ultra stamp challenge on the last time slot? (I can't really play another slot and I assume it's more convenient time zone wise)
    I tried it earlier and it's very fun, so I'm down to play it with others!
    I can't voice chat, so just chilling :)
    My weird comp splatoon pet peeve is players using wack names for no good reason.
    Like who. the f*ck. is fartblast2??? NewJeans?? horse??? ------?

    Yeah you're so clever but also WHO EVEN ARE YOU
    how's your day today?
    Pretty good, I'm actually going to the theater later so that's exciting :o
    no fair, I am stuck with my dad doing hard labor all day! (even tho I kinda enjoy the hard labor because he does pay me good money)

    I don't want to do this too often, but this has to be the scrappiest, most nonsensical game of splatoon I have ever played. I was so lost, thinking WHAT IS GOING ON every time a shadow kill happened from nowhere lol.
    Also this game convinced me that decavitator is the funniest weapon they've ever added.

    Try to keep track of what's going on, I promise you, it is impossible.

    please watch/listen to this
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    Reactions: Grushi
    Okay hear me out, maybe crb's only 200p because of all the little blocks they've added (the little structures). That's an indirect kraken nerf if you ask me
    CRB nerf before CRB was even out.
    Crb was so powerful it literally reworked the maps by itself haha
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    Reactions: isaac4
    now they need to put that on a very fast shooter and viola you get a special spam weapon

    Might go with this for recycled 2, I'm using two subs swim speed instead of one sub of qr and special saver right now. I don't know if getting rid of the swim speed is worth it though...

    This weapon should totally be lightweight, it'd be huge for it. Hell, bamboo is lightweight
    Someone help, I don't know which weapon to grind this season.

    Before it came out, I wanted to main foil flingza, zap, or reef-lux, but now I ALSO want to use wellstring, hedit nouveau, bamboo 2, and even recycled 2 of all things.

    So many cool weapons so little time
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