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School starts in three days I really don't wanna go. But this year is kind of important to me considering I will be graduating. I still don't wanna go though.
What kind of laugh do you have?? <------(Most random question I could have asked)
Giggle, Cackle, Chuckle, etc.
Me=Gackle (Giggle+cackle)
I'm sorry for asking this TvT, but it's the most important question of the times.
:Evil laugh: I have enjoyed my first day (its literally the middle of the night here) with everyone on squidboards, but I will combust if I dont sleep. Good night and good morning to everyone!! :Collapses from exhaustion:
Hi everyone!! (Not that I now you) I joined today and I am very happy to meet all of you, I probably won't post way to much, but when I do, I would love it if you responded!!
My friends tried to force me but uh
I tried and nearly broke a violin