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it's 3 a.m.
i had classwork that's 2 weeks overdue...
she told me to turn it in tomorrow...
i can't get up and do it or else my siblings will murder me...
My grade in that class is literally a D- it's supposed to be a B or higher if I want to stay in that class.
Hi guys....
I am back :D
I forgot to bring my laptop somewhere AND my phone but somehow remembered to bring my switch (dumb, I know)
Hi again :3
For whatever reason, I have a song stuck in my head that I last listened to years ago.
The Song: "Tasty Carrots" By Shou
Like, I literally haven't listened to it in forever. Why does it come back now, of all times?
When you first started playing Splatoon 3, what catalogue level did you end up on?
I think I only made it to level 40 or something as I had something I don't remember going on at the time.
What about you? :P
Does anyone remember the name of that cake you eat at mardi gras parties?
They have the baby hidden them and whoever gets it has good luck for the rest of the year?
Anyway, I don't remember the name of them, but for some reason at the grocery store, they had one and I got it for some unknown reason.
I found the baby first try.
I named the baby Marty. T^T
Should I decorate it?
I was taking a walk earlier and heard someone scream, "abc for kid"
I still don't know who did it.
Could it have been you?
Dial 123-456-7890 if you have any information that might relate to this peculiar happenstance.
I saw a forum game that was about typing the longest message.
I am not sure if I should type long messages.
Would you type a long message if I asked you to type a long message?
Should I work on typing a long message?
Should you work on typing a long message?
Squidboards forum games are just adding permanently unanswered questions for humanity to only answer 1000 years later.
Goodbye :D
My schedule lines up just right for Grand Festival :D
I am going on vacation the day before it starts!
Now I don't have to worry about optimizing my Grand Fest experience, because I know I will have all the time in the world (72 hours of pure Splatoon, at its absolute fullest)
I should be in school right now, but I was kicked out for unspecified reasons.
I have no idea what I did, they just said "get out of the building, young man"
I am going to think about this "tragic" moment for the rest of my life, wondering why I was sent away that day.
Ummm, guys...
For some reason, I am seeing ads talking about gacha heat TvT
I literally haven't used gacha in years now...
It's making me uncomfortable, please help me.
I can see the ad as I am typing this...
At school, I realized I didn't have my water bottle with me. I considered going to a water fountain, but here, the water it LITERALLY white. You can fill up your bottle there an look inside and see clouds or something. I am worried for my health and others health. Anyway, the point of this was to inform you all of how I died of thirst today and "white water".
In the new challenge, i have discovered a weapon I am surprisingly AMAZING at
I got 13 splats with this thing and 2 deaths!!
Weapon: Sloshing Machine
Idk what happened. Maybe it was beginners luck, or maybe it was because it was fate, or maybe it was because it was my first challenge match of the day. (I tend to win the first match I play every day)
Anyway, I might consider using it more often :D