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For the past month I have been staying up way later than I should. I fall asleep at 4:00 a.m. every night and wake up unreasonably early. At this point I'm genuinely concerned and I can't even take melatonin because of my allergies.
Any game suggestions? I'm tryna take a short break from Splatoon 3, but idk how that'll go without any recommendations. :D I believe I have around $40-$50 dollars saved for games, so any game within that price range! (❁´◡`❁)
I'm coming up on the one year marker for how long I've had Splat 3 :D
I was gonna do something special, but idk if i care that much anymore, so I'll just announce it in a profile post :3
I saw present win the first two parts then saw the clout count for past and my brain just screamed "FALSE ALARM"
I feel kinda bad for future
especially Frye :(
it's 3 a.m.
i had classwork that's 2 weeks overdue...
she told me to turn it in tomorrow...
i can't get up and do it or else my siblings will murder me...
My grade in that class is literally a D- it's supposed to be a B or higher if I want to stay in that class.
Hi guys....
I am back :D
I forgot to bring my laptop somewhere AND my phone but somehow remembered to bring my switch (dumb, I know)
Hi again :3
For whatever reason, I have a song stuck in my head that I last listened to years ago.
The Song: "Tasty Carrots" By Shou
Like, I literally haven't listened to it in forever. Why does it come back now, of all times?
When you first started playing Splatoon 3, what catalogue level did you end up on?
I think I only made it to level 40 or something as I had something I don't remember going on at the time.
What about you? :P