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  • Recently came across this forum and NGL it makes me want to get back into animal crossing. Although I did reset my island for some reason. So I’m all the way at square one
    For the past 2 and a half days I been working on creating a neocities site. I can say with great certainty that I have no idea what I’m doing. I only finished two pages. I think I shot myself in the foot when I tried to do something advanced when I barely know the basics.
    Don’t you love it when your next door neighbors blast loud headache inducing music that is close to your bedroom :)
    Yeah, I love it when it keeps me up at night with the type of music I hate due to hearing too much of it in high school.
    My neighbors do that too unfortunately
    Welp another reason to play splatfest
    So during my time away from the game and community I played other games and to make a long story short I'm thinking about changing my go to username from Mr.Jay to Vidknight. I created an avatar in roblox and I loved it the first thing that came to my mind was Vidknight when I saw the avatar and honestly as time goes on I'm loving the username Vidknight more and more.
    I honestly have no idea how to start this post but as a black man I have never been more disappointed and upset at the splatoon community it just ****ing sucks that the top splatoon players is like this. The only person I really forgive here is chara since at least he admitted that he knew what he said was wrong and unacceptable. But everybody else just seemed to ignore what they said.
    I still have no idea what decav is supposed to do. Is it a slayer? Does it shark like roller? Do it support? Should it get in and try to kill with its large hit box? Does it want to spam projectiles? This is the most confused I ever been with a weapon.
    I've been seeing more success with it than any of my actual mains at this point and I play it like a skirmisher. Run a boatload of Quick Respawn as insurance for if/when things go wrong and try to find the most aggressive spots possible to sit in that are still reasonably close to your teammates. Otherwise, go ham with the one-shot and don't be afraid of death as long as it's productive. Sharking is also very nice.
    I think my v-Tri age is over not only does the mint deactivator looks like Tri on crack but it also has inkjet too yes it has wall but considering how powerful this weapon looks it will not matter.
    Not 100% yet because there been times where I thought I will main x weapon only to barely play it example being sorella brella, douser dualies, and wiper.
    bruh, how dare you say that mint deactivator looks like a tri sloshers on crack, it's perfectly a Splatana wiper on crack cocaine
    Alright looks like my pain brush 5-star gride is going to be put in hold as I want to warm up with range haven’t play it in a bit.
    Truth be told I didn’t really start to play and like range until the start of Splatoon 3. Wished I played it earlier because the weapon is pretty fun

    I can't believe it I finally did it!
    Been playing against a lot more 52. Gals lately and yea I’m starting to understand the hate for the weapon. Ironic how 52. Somehow ended up a top tier in both 2 and 3.
    Alright so Nicky is back.
    Some of the replies are already pretty goofy splash revolution. Enchanted sword, and ultimate apocalypse showdown in regards to the splafest.

    Oops I just dropped my painbrush sub and special synergy tierlist how clumsy of me
    What about Autobomb is poor synergy in your opinion? I don't play Painbrush but weapons with bad ink efficiency usually appreciate having such a cheap bomb and the location seems nice too
    I got to be honest I thought autobomb took up 65% of the ink tank not 55% so that's on me. knowing this now I move it up to decent. But my problem with autobomb is that the sub doesn't help with one of the weapons biggest weakness which is the difficulty to move around.
    Started to play vsploosh more recently I’m having so much fun with this weapon it reminds me of dapples but with a special that has a use outside of zones.
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