For me a big shift is I'm REALLY liking the Bamboozler Mk III - I didn't think I'd like it so much, but it's replacing the Mk II for me. Disruptors are better for support but it's hard to overstate the awesomeness of new burst bombs. It's a tough call between Mk III and Mk I though. The splash walls and wails are pretty handy and inkstrike is a little awkward on a bamboozler. It's fast becoming a main main, even replacing eliter. It does everything I use vanilla eliter to do except range - and range is too risky half the time with teammates that don't touch the objective. The hydra buff is pretty darn sweet too - I find I can use it much more offensively now and really contribute.
Don't get me wrong, it's not any worse at killing it's just that it's worse mobility means it can't roam as well as the regular splatterscope. This is esp. bad for the custom which will have a slower kraken on top of it.
The sub/special kits are still really good for it, though.
But the reduced mobility, and inability to roam do make it worse at killing - not in terms of charged shots but if you're less able to be where the action is and due to the range restrictions are more forced to fall back to optimum sniping positions, the total kills racked are going to be reduced for sure.
And yeah, please don't talk about Custom Eliter.....I'm still bitter what they did to my poor Custom :(:p
People who pick weps like Aero RG for modes like Rainmaker. Like, why?
Wow, I was going to try to make the point that there's no such thing as a nonsensical weapon in ranked, just ones that require more skill to pull're right on that one :D
Hmmm~... how much can you abuse burst bombs with a weapon that has burst bombs and burst bomb rush if stacked with Special Gauge Up and/or Special Duration Up?
Anyone tried it yet or encountered such a user?
Burst bomb rushes are scary and powerful. They're LESS of a devastating force than they were before because the wide spread of damage from each impact isn't as big so it's not quite the same as carpet bombing and killing everything in sight anymore, however if you do aim at people you're likely to get splats and more importantly it excells in INSTANTLY turning an entire region, say, mid , including a zone, to your turf and/or driving the entire enemy team into a fall back position. Still very powerful, but not quite as deadly which makes them interesting. Refurb and van. splattershot are very interesting due to these though.
I use the sploosh-o-matic. I see more Hydra's and less burst bombs. My kraken isn't near as good as it was. Now, I saw you guys talking about splash-o-matic. Am I missing out on the splash-o-matic? I have seen it and it has killed me. Is it really that good? Hopefully this isn't the wrong place to ask that.
Yeah the patch really buffed it out, it's a pretty decent weapon now. I love sploosh and will always love sploosh (I think I played my last few A+ to S matches on BOTH my S accounts) but splash is darned good in the now reigning midrange shooter meta. Although I was experimenting with midrange shooters the other day when all else was failing and frustrating me. Splash got me a win on every single game for a full rank. But it wasn't me, the game just matched me to win. But then after that I was having a hard time killing fast enough with it - lag induced missed shots. I switched to van. splattershot for a while for zones. But then RM came up and the splattershot could NOT ink fast enough to be effective. I switched back to the New and Improved splash o matic and I felt like the most amazing RM escort of all time :P
Because suction bombs, ohko close range shots, and long range turf control and pressuring, that's why. ;) (
also masochism)