Black Tar. (RP)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"It can definitely do that." Shark says confidently. "I'll let the pilot know right away."

Shark Super Jumps to the helicopter.

"Hey Shark, how's it going?" the pilot asks.

"I got a favor to ask, I need you to take the survivors that Pug and I found to the Octarian neighborhood, I'll let General Anemone know." Shark requests.

"Roger that, I'll be waiting." the pilot accepts.

Once Shark returns via a Super Jump, he lets everyone know.

"Okay, the pilot's waiting for the survivors." Shark says.

Before they go to the helicopter, Shark contacts General Anemone.

"Sir, we found some survivors and we got a potential helper who can help build water weapons faster." Shark speaks into his communicator.

"That's great news! What about the Sardinium?" General Anemone's voice is heard.

"We didn't find any here, but we know the location where a lot of Sardinium is stored. It's far, but it will surely help." Shark answers.

"That's really good information to find. Now I must tell you something important, two scouts I sent to gather information, whose names are Coral and Clam found out that while the infected melt by water, they are not truly defeated, so we need a way to contain them. Thankfully the Sardinium will help us build a containment tank that cannot be escaped from." General Anemone tells his side.

"That's really good, I'll check back later." Shark says before turning off his communicator.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Hearing that the survivors will be safe, Brice sighed with relief. "Good. Good. I'll go round them up." He said then walked away to get the survivors and tell them the good news.

Pug on the other hand was wondering about the new weapon Sheldon was going to make. "So were you making a weapon to stop the infected?" He asked curiously.

"Oh no. I was making a weapon for a Salmonid that came to my store last week. He wanted to play Turf war but it was impossible for him to play." Sheldon chuckled. "So agreed to make him a weapon."

Pug knew exactly who the Salmonid was and with a smile he said, "Thank you for doing that."

Sheldon nodded. "But now that you mention it. I could try to make something that could stop the infected. But what I've seen Ink don't do jack against them."

"Yeah and so does water. It stops them, but it doesn't kill or cure them." Pug said.

Brice came back with the survivors. "Alright. Lead the way."

Pug nodded then super jumped land by land to the chopper so they could catch up. Brice turned into a octopus then grabbed onto Sheldon. "Hold on tight." He said then super jumped following Pug.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark Super Jumped back to the helicopter as well, taking what Sheldon left behind so weapons can be built later.

"I assume these are the survivors you told me about." the pilot says.

"Yep, now we drop by the Octarian neighborhood, once the survivors are within the safe walls, we go to Splatsville." Shark replies.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Once everyone got onto the chopper they headed straight towards the Octarian neighborhood. Once there the survivors got off and waited to know what they need to do. Brice was surprised to see a neighborhood with nothing but Octarians. Alkali heard the chopper come back and he quickly ran to the the area where he saw Pug, Shark, and the survivors. He hugged Pug and Pug hugged him back. "How was it? Did you fight any of those black goo?"

"Just a bit. It wasn't too bad. I do need a different weapon to be honest. But I'll wait until Sheldon gets his mind going for new weapons." Pug said letting the hug go.

"Sheldon?" Alkali said looking over to see Sheldon. He moved over to him and waved.

"Ah! I'm glad to see you alive. I'm almost done with your weapon. Just need some Sardinium to get it done. Your friend here will help me in a bit." Sheldon said. "In fact..." He began filling Alkali's ear with nonsense about the past.

Pug chuckled then looked over at Shark and Brice. "Y'all ready to get going?"

Brice looked over and nodded. "Yeah. I'm always ready! Can't stop the Brice train!" He said getting back on the chopper then Pug following after.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Ready." Shark says.

Once everyone arrived, Shark stepped out of the helicopter while General Anemone greeted everyone.

"Greetings, I'm General Anemone. I see that you have brought Sheldon with you." General Anemone says. "I have a weapons development team who is eager to work with him."

"About that, are there any more weapons developed while we were away?" Shark asks.

"Well, there is a Dualies-like weapon in development, but the weapons development team is having trouble on the trigger mechanism, it's apparently getting stuck after being pressed." General Anemone gives the update.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug looked at Shark and said, "Come on! Let's kick some black goo butt!"

"Whoooooo!" Brice said getting pumped up as well. "Now it's time for the play-offs!" As they waited for Shark, Alkali looked at them and wished he went with them. He knew that once Sheldon got done with his weapon he would be able to join with them.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark joins Pug and Brice at the helicopter, with the pilot waiting for them.

"Can this helicopter carry all of that Sardinium?" Shark asks.

"This baby may be great for travel, but it's not able to carry heavy things, like a huge pile of Sardinium." the pilot answers as he uses the control to have the helicopter lift off and head toward Sheldon's shop. "Don't worry, Coral and Clam already told General Anemone to send in shipping crews to move all of that Sardinium."

"Wow, those two are quick." Shark reacts.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
//Sorry for the late reply. Busy weekend.

Hearing this Pug began thinking. "So basically our main goal is to defeat the infected that are still in the city. Give the shipping crew a nice welcome party." He said ready for a good fight.

"While we are there we can see if there are more survivors." Brice said. "It's a shame this all happened last week. Did you see the Turf War match when it started all of this?" He asked Pug, Shark, and the pilot. "I heard that it was the work of a underground cult trying to take over the world. But it's weird. I heard that they worshiped someone called, 'Tar Tar'."

Pug was unsure about the last part with the cult. "I'm sure it's just a rumor or it could be true. We don't know where these things came from. But I did see the match. It was so sad to see. And that black tentacle that came out of no where. It was like in a horror movie."


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"A cult? Sounds like a group to be wiped out if you ask me." Shark says in his most brutally honest words. "I didn't see the match, but I saw a news article about what happened in it."

"I did not see the match." the pilot admits, "However, General Anemone sent some scouts to Splatsville in search of our most wanted criminal: DJ Octavio, who was reported to have fled to after he and his loyalists waged war against us and lost. Some of the scouts reported that they saw the match and decided to tell General Anemone about it and focus on this new, worse threat instead of DJ Octavio."

"If this cult does exist, then we have to storm their place and punish them harshly." Shark says, again not pulling any punches with his words.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
"Oh yeah I heard about DJ Octavio. I thought that guy was just a myth or something, but to know that he is real is just surprising." Brice said looking out the window. "I wish I could have been there to fight him." He said under his breath.

Pug looked over at Shark and said, "It seems you have a hatred towards cults. May I ask why?" He said wanting to know a bit about Shark's past. They were close to Splatsville, but they had enough time to talk.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"You see, there was this cult that some members of DJ Octavio's army had formed that octonapped Octoling children to be included in his army. At the time, the Octarians were originally split into the Crimson Octarians and the Ringed Octarians, but the two actually used to be one, it's only when that criminal who attacked that divided us." Shark begins explaining. "Anyways, the cult devoted to DJ Octavio kidnapped Ringed Octoling children, forcefully taking them away from their parents, I was one of them. This cult harshly punished children for tiny things like not having the same posture as them, or displacing something that can easily have been found in a few minutes. Once I discovered that I was a Ringed Octoling, I started a revolution that overthrew the cult, the children who were now adults joined me in wiping out the cult. I joined General Anemone's army protect innocent Octolings and Octarians, vowing to never let a cult change the way we live ever again."


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Brice looked over at Shark. "Wow that Octavio guy really needs to get his face kicked him really hard." He said hating Octavio already even though he never met him.

"Yeah seriously. Now we have another problem we have to worry about. And if we are lucky we will be able to stop it." Pug said then saw Splatsville under them. "Looks like we are here." He looked at the pilot and said, "Can you send us down in the center of Splatsville?"


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Sure can!" the pilot says as the helicopter descends into the center of Splatsville.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
When they landed on the center of the Splatsville a huge black gooey tentacle came from the ground and attacked the helicopter. "Look out!" Pug said then quickly got off the helicopter then took out his cannon.

Brice super jumped out of the chopper as well and went into the sky. "Let's go babyyyyyyyyyy." He said as he was falling from the sky with his Octo Spear in his hands. He impaled the tentacle monster with his spear as hard as he could with the help of gravity. The tentacle monster let go of the chopper and began moving around crazy.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Shark, get off now!" the pilot commanded as he tries to get the chopper under control.

"I'm not leavin' a fellow Octarian behind!" Shark responds.

"Just go! It's fine, I got this under control!" the pilot replies.

Shark hesitated for a bit before super jumping out of the helicopter.

The helicopter spun until its blades hit the wall. the main body was fine, but with the blades clearly bent, it won't be able to lift off without unbending the blades first. With seemingly no sign of the pilot, Shark cursed under his breath, not even able to hear it himself. Just then, the pilot arose from the helicopter's door, looking a little bit bruised from the crash.

"Ow, I hate it when that happens." the pilot says as he approaches the group.

There seems to only be scratches on the chopper's main body.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug looked over at the pilot and was glad to see them okay. He then turned his attention to the giant tentacle that Brice impaled. He aimed his cannon at the tentacle then fired a water ball at it. The tentacle was obviously injured by the attack, but it wasn't going down that easily.

With Brice still on the monster, it began to move and wiggle back and forth in a violent motion. "Damn it!" He said as he was thrown off the monster then landed on his back. He quickly recovered on his feet then charged at the monster to impale it again. It was like a fantasy game where a group of LV.1's where fighting a Lv.100 monster.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark pulled out his E-Liter, charged it, and waited for the monster to show the wound from the impalement. In the split-second the wound was exposed, Shark shot right at the spot of the wound that would hurt the most.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The monster writhe in pain for a second then looked over at Shark. It began to move violently towards Shark at a quick speed. Once close enough the tentacle raised itself to charge its attack to slam down onto him. Before it could do that Pug shot another round from his cannon and said, "Hey! Over here you big black goo." He shot another shot at the monster.

Brice super jumped high in the air then went down to impale it once more. The impaled hit damaged the monster once more. "Shoot it again!" Brice said then super jumped away from monster for Shark to get a clean shot.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark made a small ink path for him to get a clear shot again, upon charging his E-Liter again, he waited for the perfect opportunity to shoot the monster where it hurts the most, once the wound got exposed again, he lets out a blindingly fast shot at the spot of the wound where it clearly hurts the most.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
With that shot the tentacle arched it's back then went back underground to retreat. The black goo also going away as well. Brice was panting a bit then he smiled. "Easy...peazy." He said then chuckled a bit. He put away his Octo Spear then looked around. "It seems that it's gone now."

"Good. Let's go to Sheldon's shop." Pug said then looked at the pilot. "Will you need someone to stay here with you so you can repair the heli?"

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