Black Tar. (RP)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"That-" the pilot coughs "-won't be necessary, I already contacted Coral and Clam to keep me safe while you were fighting the monster."


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug nodded then walked his way to the shop. When he got inside he looked around for the Sardinium that Sheldon was talking about. He looked in the backroom and he saw a box full of them. He picked one up and it was pretty heavy. "Damn. These things are actually heavy to pick up." He said then used two hands to pick them up instead. He walked back outside and said, "Hey guys! I found the box of Sardinium."


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark follows Pug inside the shop.

"The sooner we get these to the neighborhood, the sooner more water weapons can be built." Shark says as he picks up one Sardinium, "Man, thing's heavy."

While everyone started to pick up the Sardinium, there was a sound outside, one that sounded like a big metal sheet landing at the shop's entrance, the shadows that were seen belonged to the many Octocopters who brought a platform.

Shark is the first one to notice.

"Oh good! The shipping crew sent by General Anemone is here to carry all of that Sardinium to the neighborhood." Shark notifies the group as he brings the Sardinium he's carrying to the platform.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug and Brice looked up to see the Octocopters and the platform. "Sweet. I guess all we need to do is make sure that they are safe." Pug said then put the Sardinium he got back into the box. After about 15 minutes nothing happened. He sighed a bit feeling bored.

Brice on the other hand was exploring the area. He went into a alley way that was away from view from the others. In the alley was a dried up Inkling boy that had no ink inside him. He was nothing but a husk. Brice closed his eyes to pray for the fallen. Once he was done he looted the corpse to see what they had. It was a phone and so he took it to use the pictures as a remembrance of him.

Pug looked over at Shark and said, "This area is surprisingly quiet. I thought that we'd be fighting some infected." He said looking around. It was as if no one was here.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
A few more minutes of quiet pass... until a sound of ink being shot is heard, coming from the direction of the helicopter where the pilot is, then silence.

"Oh no..." Shark begins to get worried.

Shark quickly drops the Sardinium onto the platform and hurries to see if the pilot is okay. He's actually fine, although, there seemed to be a clash of yellow and black ink colors on the ground.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug quickly followed Shark and saw the yellow and black ink colors. "What happened here?" He asked aloud for anyone to give him a answer.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"I was repairing the helicopter's blades when some robed figures started shooting at me with their black ink. Coral and Clam were here as well and they fought against the robed figures. When the remaining robed figures started retreating, Coral and Clam started chasing them." the pilot explains.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug began thinking. "Robed figures?" He looked at the black in on the ground. "Are these creatures evolving?" He thought to himself.

Brice came over to what was going on. "Aw...seemed like I missed the fun." He then looked at the crew collecting the Sardinium. "Are these guys ready for us to leave?" He asked.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Those robed figures weren't infected, they looked very normal." the pilot explains.

"It could be possible that those could be the cultists responsible for this infected crisis." Shark says.

"They must have seen you three taking down that monster that would have furthered their possible plan and decided to try to strand you here by getting rid of me." the pilot speculates.

Shark turned around and see the huge pile of Sardinium on the platform, the crew start lifting the platform, heading towards the Octarian neighborhood.

"At least now we can finally start to turn this war in our favor." Shark says.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
"Now we have cultist to deal with. I don't like where this is going." Pug said worried. Seeing the Sardinium get taken away he looked at the pilot. "We better get going as well. Mission completed."

Brice looked at the group and said, "I'll be on my way. Just want to keep exploring for a while to make sure we don't miss any survivors. It'll be quick." He began running off to check different stores and areas in Splatsville.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Just give me a few more minutes, these blades need to be completely unbent so that we don't crash after lifting off." the pilot says as he uses a wrench of sorts to straighten out bent parts.

Before Shark could say anything, his communicator sounded.

"I have got a report that Coral and Clam have captured what they said is someone wearing a robe." General Anemone tells Shark.

"They better be careful, they might have captured a cultist." Shark warns.

"Coral is currently interrogating the captor. If said captor refuses to give the true answer, Clam will punch them until the true answer is given. Coral and Clam consider this move as a 'good cop, bad cop' kind of move." General Anemone explains.

"Okay, thanks for the report. I hope that they will be able to find out the source of this problem and we can put a stop to it for good." Shark replies.

"One more thing, Coral is thinking of going undercover, or in simpler terms, being a spy to infiltrate the cult. This mission may be highly dangerous, but if he gets crucial information, we can be ready to launch an all-out attack on the cult. Clam might even go in disguised as one of those tentacle monsters to help Coral find crucial weaknesses." General Anemone brings up. "Will keep you updated when or if Coral decides to go undercover."

Shark turns off his communicator, he hopes that Coral and Clam, whom he doesn't remember at all, don't get caught.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
//Was the communicator just for him to hear or was it out loud for anyone to hear?


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Hearing this Pug was worried about those two Coral and Clam. He never met them, but everyone praises them a lot. It didn't take long until Brice came back with no survivors with him. "Sorry guys. I haven't found anyone .Just a few phones and trinkets that people had before they either turned into those monsters or they ran away scared." The items were in his pocket.

"You just missed it. Coral and Clam caught one of the cultist. They are interrogating the suspect as we speak. Until the chopper gets fixed all we can do is wait." Pug said then sat down onto the ground as he waited.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
After making sure there is not a bend on the blade in sight, the pilot notifies everyone.

"Okay, the chopper's ready for liftoff!" the pilot says.

"Perfect, we need to return to the neighborhood to check in with General Anemone." Shark replies as he gets into the helicopter.

The pilot sits at the seat where the controls are, waiting for everyone to get on board.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Pug and Brice got on board the chopper then looked out to see the destruction Splatville have become. It was a week when everything was normal and now it looks like it's not even habitable. He sighed then the chopper began to fly from the area and head back to the Octarian neighborhood.

Once they got back Alkali heard the chopper and ran outside to greet his brother. When the chopper landed Pug got out to hug his little brother and said, "We found the Sardinium. Looks like you'll be able get that weapon of yours earlier than expected."

"Awesome! I can't wait!" Alkali said happily. He noticed someone else new on the chopper. He walked to Brice and waved at him with a smile. But Brice looked at Alkali in shock and what seemed like anger. Seeing this Alkali lowered his fin in confusion and a little scared.

Brice took out his Octo Spear and said, "Get back! You dirty ocean breather!" Brice raised his spear to strike at Alkali and so he cowered in fear running to Pug for protection.

Pug got in the way and said, "What the hell do you think you're trying to do to my brother?" Pug was pissed and he didn't mind fighting Brice if it meant protecting Alkali.

Brice got confused. "Wh-What?! Your brother is a damn Salmonid? A ocean breather!?" Brice was unsure what to make of this. He never heard or seen a Salmonid and a Inkling become friends, hell even brothers. He put his Octo Spear away and looked Alkali dead in the eyes. He scoffed then walked away from the group to clear his head.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
"Gees, what's his problem?" Shark asks about Brice.

Before anyone could answer, General Anemone came back and greeted everyone.

"Well done on the mission! The helicopter took some damage, but that can be fixed." General Anemone says.

"It's not every day there is a tentacle monster attack on a chopper." Shark admits.

"Great news, Sheldon helped the Octarian engineers solve the trigger problem!" General Anemone states as he brings a newly built set Dualies to Pug, "These Dualies shoot water instead of ink. I thought that building something more of your expertise would help a lot more."

"Anything else to report?" Shark asks again.

"Well, production for a large-scale water weapon has started, and the container to keep the infected from escaping is being developed on as well. Not to worry, there are also personal water weapons also being built." General Anemone gives an update.

"And how are we supposed to capture the infected?" Shark asks a follow-up.

"The new water weapons, including those Dualies, can now suck in the infected into a separate, clear cartridge that can be swapped." General Anemone explains. "Oh and about Coral and Clam, they have brought back the cultist and promptly left to survey areas where the infected took over."

"Oh perfect." Shark says as he clenches one of his fists, putting it into his other hand. " 'cause I have some things to ask that punk. What kind of information that Coral and Clam get?"

"They discovered the general area where the cultists usually converge. That might be where you could find where the origin of the infected, or at least, the monster that started it all." General Anemone replies.
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Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
"If you find anything let me know. I'm about to go back home." Pug said needing some rest so he walked back into the building him and Alkali were staying at the moment. When they bot got back he got into bed then closed his eyes to take a nap. Alkali was confused on why that Octoling hated him so much. He got into his bed then felt a little sad that someone wanted him dead.

The next day Pug was training and Alkali was watching him train. He was a little scared knowing that Brice was in the neighborhood, but he trusted that his brother would keep him safe.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Shark has walked into the interrogation room, an Octocommander guard stand at the door while the cultist is tied to the chair, unable to escape.

"We both know why you're here, so I'm going to ask you a simple question. Where is the headquarter that your group goes to?" Shark asks the cultist, ready to punch him if he refuses to answer.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
The cultist, a male Inkling looked at Shark and scoffed. "You think I'm going to tell you? Do your worst. I'm not talking to none of you heathens." He said looking at Sharks eyes. "Even if I did tell you, you don't have the power to stop our cause." He said laughing hysterically. One the Inklings face was spots of the black ink. It seemed like he was immune to the black substance.

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