Burgers vs Pizza for next NA Splatfest

Burgers or Pizza?

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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
Uh... did I miss something here? Why are we talking about Squid name puns in a thread about the past Splatfest? Isn't that better for its own thread?

Heroine of Squids

Inkling Cadet
Aug 30, 2015
I knew that ignore butto was a good investment.

Saves clutter against all those self appointed little policers.
If you feel like this, then why hang around on a forum? Don't come to a forum at all if you get angry over what someone said to you. And don't use the ignore button when somebody's pointing out logic. It makes you look like an ***.

U N Nown

Inkster Jr.
Oct 30, 2015
Perhaps you ought to read the details earlier in the thread
If you feel like this, then why hang around on a forum? Don't come to a forum at all if you get angry over what someone said to you. And don't use the ignore button when somebody's pointing out logic. It makes you look like an ***.
what makes people look like an ***, including present company is the over use of the term 'logic' when they have no clue what they are talking about. If those citing logic, including present company took the time to read back through the entire thread regarding the issues related to a comment made by another instead of honing in on the comment alone, without making sure of the facts, a most illigogical approach to attempting to show their intelligence, rather than their ***, they might be able to actually follow an issue to its "logical" conclusion.

Therefore, if your sole purpose, and that of others, is to sit in judgement on the comments made by others on a forum, then I submit, not only are you, and they, a member of that breed of narrow minded snobs that believe only your comments are worth reading, but that you are superior enough to tell other people what they ought to do.

Grow up.

BTW, learn what logic actually means and how to employ it.

As for you 'advice on visiting forums, well, consider those wasted words.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
Holy fax machine, calm down, squiddos.

Mhh Pizza with red kraut, gravy and apples...

The german names are Aioli and Limone, puns for sauces.

U N Nown

Inkster Jr.
Oct 30, 2015
Dude, why are you getting so offended? You could've just easily just ignored what she said but all you did is prove her right.
'Dude'. BecauseI am opposed to sefl-appointed judges that feel the need to troll. Like a host of others on boards like this, amidst a number of comments created, you may pick up on something and decide you want to join in the fun and make a comment regarding it. It may be something buried within a longer thread, which actually requires the act of reading to be employed. Like a host of others, I also read a number of comments that I may, or may not, agree with. Not surprisingly, I don't feel compelled to single out anothers comment and criticize it.

I am here for one purpose, and one purpose alone, like the majority of others, most likely, and that is to fhave fun commenting on aspects of a kids game that I happen to enjoy. If I were interested in receiving critiques regarding the logic of comments I make about a bunch of people posing as metamorphosing sea life intent on covering the world in their color of paint I would do so within the confines of an academic institution, or Mensa. As it is, I draw the line when those comments are critiqued by trolling pseudo-intellectuals which spend too much time watching 'The Big Bang Theory'. If they do not care for my comment, fine, but save the energy attempting to prove their 'superior' intellect on a forum regarding a game.

As for proving anyone right, if it makes anyone feel better because they can can puff up at their putdown of another and yet again place a new set of fly wings on their trophy wall, have at it.

Besides, 'logic' dictates the creators of the board included the Ignore button for a reason.

I really hope no one is using this stuff on their resume. God help us all.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 25, 2015
As it is, I draw the line when those comments are critiqued by trolling pseudo-intellectuals which spend too much time watching 'The Big Bang Theory'. If they do not care for my comment, fine, but save the energy attempting to prove their 'superior' intellect on a forum regarding a game...
We don't have to prove anything to you. You're coming off as a jerk and you clearly don't see it. You can make long and "intelligent" posts about whatever, but you have no right to be rude to me and my friend. I'm done talking to you now since you have no respect to the people you have insulted and then expect us to respect your posts.

Heroine of Squids

Inkling Cadet
Aug 30, 2015
Perhaps you ought to read the details earlier in the thread

what makes people look like an ***, including present company is the over use of the term 'logic' when they have no clue what they are talking about. If those citing logic, including present company took the time to read back through the entire thread regarding the issues related to a comment made by another instead of honing in on the comment alone, without making sure of the facts, a most illigogical approach to attempting to show their intelligence, rather than their ***, they might be able to actually follow an issue to its "logical" conclusion.

Therefore, if your sole purpose, and that of others, is to sit in judgement on the comments made by others on a forum, then I submit, not only are you, and they, a member of that breed of narrow minded snobs that believe only your comments are worth reading, but that you are superior enough to tell other people what they ought to do.

Grow up.

BTW, learn what logic actually means and how to employ it.

As for you 'advice on visiting forums, well, consider those wasted words.
No offense, but you're the one that needs to grow up. You're getting offended over petty reasons. If you're gonna behave this way, then how about you stop coming here or on any other forum? The way you keep offending people on here, the more ridiculed you'll get.

Anyway, I'm done talking to you. Even though I never use it, looks like I'm gonna be using the ignore button for the first time of my life here.

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