Callie and Marie Amiibos are a joke.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
That's fair. You're allowed to have your own opinion and not like the Amiibo and nobody has a right to try and convince you to suddenly like them, but the fact remains that the reason people started to argue with you from the looks of it seems to be the fact that you are calling it a scam and most people can't seem to see why? Sure, it has less than the other splatoon amiibo, but it's still good for quite a lot of people on this forum. From my knowledge instantly dubbing something a scam in public when a lot of people enjoy it / think otherwise going to spark some talk.

As Dess said, it costs a lot to make figurines- most figurines (with no content on them) cost a ton more than most amiibo regardless of the quality. I rarely see any figurines that cost less than $20. Then again, for me amiibo are $12, so I don't really know where the "$15" thing came from either. I think that nintendo offering nice quality (in my opinion) figurines with little extras, regardless of what the extras are, is not a scam to me. Then again, i'm more of a collector, so I just get them mostly for the aesthetic. The usefulness in the game for me ends up being kinda secondary or a little bonus for me. This is just my opinion, however!
Scamming has nothing to do with whether you enjoy the product eventually or not. People can be happy to pay any price, but that doesn't mean the price is justified. And it's less about the price, but more about scaling down the quality knowing people will buy it anyway. Apple is a popular example of that. Barely change anything, repackage the old phone and sell it as a new one for a price that is in no way justified. Why do they do that? Because they can. On paper, they are doing nothing but responding to demand. But actually, they exploit customers who fall for this.

15$/€ is the standard retail price for almost every amiibo, including Callie and Marie. You can find offers and deals, but those do not represent retail prices. Hell, I once found the Inkling Girl for 7€ and decided to buy her. Although the scamming is a lot less about the overpricing of the products (but rather about the decreasing quality of the products), it is true that other companies do that as well. But that does not justify overpricing. It's the same with oil. If everyone overprices it, it doesn't mean it's not overpriced, does it?They price it this way because they can. There is production costs, which do of course not just include the actual production but also human resources, delivery etc. and there is the retail price, which is what they gain, and of course not all of the reatail price even gets to Nintendo eventually. But I can guarantee you, non-customized figruines in mass production do not give you a production cost by piece that will go anywhere near the retail price. But like I said in my first post, I'm not blaming Nintendo for that. They do the only rational and smart thing a company can do. Exploit as much as there is to exploit.


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 23, 2015
It's a shame, really. Despite all you're reasoning, you still don't get the bigger picture.

We don't doubt your reasoning when it comes to the subject matter. Overall, it's pretty solid. But you weren't presenting yourself in the most friendly of ways, you know. You didn't consider the emotional impact of what you were saying.

I can't speak for all of us, but the reason I hop onto Squiboards is to talk about Splatoon. It's a game I love, and it's away to escape from the "real world problems." Here, I can let my true colors shine, instead of worrying about managing money or my studies. It was safe-heaven from what I felt like was a cold world.

So when someone with a shoddy attitude starts talking about ideas without considering the emotional impact, it sorta pushed my buttons. How could someone just walk in, with such a destructive attitude, talk business in what I felt like was such a friendly community. Since you seemed determined you were so high and mighty, that you reasoning was "flawless", I tried to appeal to you on emotional level.

So, that's where my "off-topic" attacks came from. I was trying to get you to feel on an emotional level, but it didn't work. Instead of understanding how I felt, you pushed me back. Hard. Ruthless, almost. Realizing I couldn't appeal to someone who had the emotions of a stone cold rock, I backed away. I mean, what's the point? You didn't seem like you would budge. So I gave up.

This is my final message to you. If you still don't get it, well, I can't help you. I'm just gonna walk away.

It's not fun to talk to you. It hurts, more than anything else.


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
15$/€ is the standard retail price for almost every amiibo, including Callie and Marie.
I'm still kind of confused about this? Where I live each amiibo is only $12.99?
Huh. Other than that you made some good points and it's understandable why you think the way you do.


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
I feel a bit terrible for igniting such a heated argument that kind of devolved into miscommunications and namecalling. I hope none of you soured any relations with each other or made your experience on this forum any worse for yourselves as a result of my thread.

Catching up on the thread, there were too many things I wanted to quote and I don't have a lot of time to respond, so I'll do my best to summarize my thoughts up to this point.

  • I did admit before that titling this thread as I did was a bit of an exaggeration.
  • I also did not attack Nintendo in my original post. My expectations were exactly that, mine, and I felt that I conveyed that adequately in my post, but it appears to some that it came off as an attack. That wasn't really my intention. So I'll take the blame for that, too.
  • Though my disappointment was in the end a result of my own expectations (which I never once claimed them not to be), they weren't wild expectations. They were grounded in reason--amiibos tend to do more than this. Splatoon amiibos in particular have all done more than this. To say that they would have shown it in the trailer if they had more functionality is a fair point. I was just hopeful that there was more.
  • Despite all of my expectations and them not being met, I'm not rushing to get my money back for them. Despite feeling as though I paid slightly too much for what I got, I wanted the Callie and Marie figurines. And now I have them.
  • I think @Ulk is correct that Nintendo saw these amiibos as a big moneymaker for a small amount of in-game content. Because the characters are popular, fans want their merch. So what they do in Splatoon is not the top priority. At the same time, that doesn't take away from those of you (myself included) who wanted figurines of them. Ulk claiming it isnt worth the money in their view isn't meant to shame those of you who feel the investment is worth it. If it met or surpassed your expectations, fantastic!

Also, I apologized in my original post in advance, but since some came at me saying "you can only blame yourself" or "I can't sympathize," I'll apologize again if it sounded in any way childish or ignorant. I do not believe I blamed anyone in my post, nor did I say anything along the lines of "please pity me." I wasn't looking for an army of people to go to Nintendo HQ with torches and protest. I was just venting, but I hope I was doing so reasonably. I love Nintendo, the amiibos are so-so, you're all beautiful. Let's be happy!


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
It's a shame, really. Despite all you're reasoning, you still don't get the bigger picture.

We don't doubt your reasoning when it comes to the subject matter. Overall, it's pretty solid. But you weren't presenting yourself in the most friendly of ways, you know. You didn't consider the emotional impact of what you were saying.

I can't speak for all of us, but the reason I hop onto Squiboards is to talk about Splatoon. It's a game I love, and it's away to escape from the "real world problems." Here, I can let my true colors shine, instead of worrying about managing money or my studies. It was safe-heaven from what I felt like was a cold world.

So when someone with a shoddy attitude starts talking about ideas without considering the emotional impact, it sorta pushed my buttons. How could someone just walk in, with such a destructive attitude, talk business in what I felt like was such a friendly community. Since you seemed determined you were so high and mighty, that you reasoning was "flawless", I tried to appeal to you on emotional level.

So, that's where my "off-topic" attacks came from. I was trying to get you to feel on an emotional level, but it didn't work. Instead of understanding how I felt, you pushed me back. Hard. Ruthless, almost. Realizing I couldn't appeal to someone who had the emotions of a stone cold rock, I backed away. I mean, what's the point? You didn't seem like you would budge. So I gave up.

This is my final message to you. If you still don't get it, well, I can't help you. I'm just gonna walk away.

It's not fun to talk to you. It hurts, more than anything else.
This isn't the safe space where every negative view gets filtered. I have not personally criticized, attacked or judged anyone here for buying the amiibo, much less tried to convince anybody not to buy it. It's a purely objective and sadly negative view with just as little emotion involved in it as it should have caused. It is not my responsibility to make sure I don't cause emotions by merely pointing out my view that is not even focused on anybody on a personal level. If someone feels offended by what I say despite there being no personal attacks involved, much less the intention to do so, then I'm sorry, but I'm not taking responsibility for that. I'm criticizing a product and if you disagree, you disagree. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. I don't see how you can involve emotions in something impersonal like that. And yes, I do not feel emotional in a situation about amiibos either, just as little as I understand getting emotional over that. It's entirely impersonal.
I'm still kind of confused about this? Where I live each amiibo is only $12.99?
Huh. Other than that you made some good points and it's understandable why you think the way you do.
Ah, yes. There is a different retail price in the US, you're right. Didn't catch that, sorry. 15€ is the European retail price. The MSRP was indeed 12.99$ and they implemented that.
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Inkling Cadet
Oct 6, 2015
The figures do look very nice and detailed at a reasonable price.
They do have the function they have been announced for.

All I wanted and expected. I'm happy :)


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Now that I have them as well, I'd like to throw in my own two cents. They look great, their outfits are glossy and all the little details are spot-on. I rather enjoy the little show they put on too. These are worth 25 bucks to me.


Inkster Jr.
Mar 27, 2015
I'd be happy if the amiibo let you choose songs for battles.

CS | Soup

Apr 15, 2016
It's honestly not hyperbolical at all. I mean everything exactly how I say it. I see worthless content in those amiibos. I would literally refuse to buy either amiibo purely for their functionality even for a single €/$ (unless I could sell them for a higher price, of course). I honestly think that anybody not buying them for anything but the figurine is a dumb buyer and the reason companies get away with selling crap.
Smash Bros amiibos being more functional than the Callie/Marie amiibo is exactly what I said though. But they are both worthless with regard to functionality. I see in-game content to be half the rent, especially since some actually do have better uses. Wolf Link for example? Fantastic in-game functionality for BotW and even in TPHD, it's not terrible. Chibi-Robo, also great. But Callie/Marie are sold for the exact same price. Sure, they may look nicer to most people, but I do not see that making up for lacking half the rent.
But what about us artists? Those amiibo's aren't useless to us. We get a full body reference of the squid sisters, right at our fingertips instead of having to look online for dumb pictures. Honestly, to me, you're being a sour person to the idea. Some people are collectors. Some people need things like these to make QUALITY WORK. So, instead of saying they're just "useless" why not think about the other people in the world who have more HOBBIES than just playing video games, and just like having things around?

I understand their functionalities are quite "useless" but, having figurines around aren't so bad. That's like calling people who collect all these figurines for their favorite games and other fandoms such as "Final Fantasy", "Vocaloid", various "Anime's" and all of that. There is nothing useless about someone who like to collect for their favorite things, because it can give them a sense of accomplishment for saving up for all these things, that, quite possibly, and most likely, make them happy.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
But what about us artists? Those amiibo's aren't useless to us. We get a full body reference of the squid sisters, right at our fingertips instead of having to look online for dumb pictures. Honestly, to me, you're being a sour person to the idea. Some people are collectors. Some people need things like these to make QUALITY WORK. So, instead of saying they're just "useless" why not think about the other people in the world who have more HOBBIES than just playing video games, and just like having things around?

I understand their functionalities are quite "useless" but, having figurines around aren't so bad. That's like calling people who collect all these figurines for their favorite games and other fandoms such as "Final Fantasy", "Vocaloid", various "Anime's" and all of that. There is nothing useless about someone who like to collect for their favorite things, because it can give them a sense of accomplishment for saving up for all these things, that, quite possibly, and most likely, make them happy.
You realize this thread hasn't been touched for an entire year, right?
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Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
But what about us artists? Those amiibo's aren't useless to us. We get a full body reference of the squid sisters, right at our fingertips instead of having to look online for dumb pictures. Honestly, to me, you're being a sour person to the idea. Some people are collectors. Some people need things like these to make QUALITY WORK. So, instead of saying they're just "useless" why not think about the other people in the world who have more HOBBIES than just playing video games, and just like having things around?

I understand their functionalities are quite "useless" but, having figurines around aren't so bad. That's like calling people who collect all these figurines for their favorite games and other fandoms such as "Final Fantasy", "Vocaloid", various "Anime's" and all of that. There is nothing useless about someone who like to collect for their favorite things, because it can give them a sense of accomplishment for saving up for all these things, that, quite possibly, and most likely, make them happy.
Next time you consider posting in a dead thread, perhaps you'd be wiser to properly read the comments to see if a reply is necessary before wasting your, and frankly more importantly my time being defensive about your purchases.
Unless you actually collect amiibos or save them to sell them to collectors, this is one of the most useless things I ever saw people buying.
Also by the way "collecting" is not an art. You collect art, you don't make it. It makes you about as much of an artist as the playlist on my smartphone makes me a performer.
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Pro Squid
Aug 20, 2015
Oh-- I was wondering why this dead topic was brought up. Huh.

From readin' from what most people had said, I see there was a heated debate and all. I have no true input to say onto that but I can only agree that the Callie and Marie Amiibo should have more things in Splatoon than just music. Perhaps in Splatoon2 they'll have more things. I'm just glad I was able to use the figures for Animal crossing though. And they do look nice to have around either way.


Sep 28, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Okay. I just joined Squidboards a few weeks ago and encountered this thread about an hour ago. I spent all of my time reading all of the comments. I won't attack anyone or even bring up another person as reference. I also realize that this thread has most likely died out again.

With all that out of the way, I would like to point out the functionality of the Marie and Callie amiibos in Splatoon 2. In addition to whatever content was unlocked in the first game (which I never had the honor of playing) the same amiibos will give you exclusive gear, allow you to save/load gear loadouts to them (useful for if you play competively like I do, as I have started entering tournaments), give you some songs in Squid Beatz 2, and even allow you to take pictures with them with different poses for both you, and each of the Squid Sisters Or whichever amiibo you happened to purchase.

I acknowledge and understand that some people see these amiibos as not worth the price or as a scam, however, I think most people buy them for their love of the Squid Sisters than the functionality aspect. Those people who bought any first game amiibo, not just the Marie and Callie amiibos basically got added functionality in the second game, without having to make another purchase, unless they wanted to buy the second game's amiibos. The second game actually fulfilled a a promise Nintendo had made regarding the amiibos: that they could be "Used across multiple games" ( The way I see purchasing the first generation amiibos including Marie and Callie during the first game's lifespan is that people wanted something. Nintendo saw how popular their characters were and that the game wasn't just a fluke. In keeping with the purpose of amiibos, they offered some kind of in game functionality, even if it was not what some would have desired. They continued to justify the reasonable price of the first generation amiibos by adding more functionality to the second game while still living up to one of the original promises of amiibos in the first place. The same amiibo that didn't offer much in the first game rectified itself by offering more content not the second game, which probably satisfied a lot of people who didn't get the desired amount of functionality in the first game.

I never got the chance to play the first game, and I think I might buy it now. I actually just bought the two pack that contains the Marie and Callie amiibos together for like US$36, but I had a US$10 Amazon gift card, so it wasn't as bad. That's still a pretty good price for amiibos that I couldn't find anywhere else, as I'm pretty sure that they were limited amiibos.

If someone wants to spend their money on something that makes them happy, I have nothing to complain about. It isnt my place. Just like I wouldn't want to be criticized for buying something that brings me happiness. For some people, it was these Amiibos. For other people, it's something else. But I have no right telling someone that their money was wasted or that they bought into a scam.

As far as opinions go and how everyone has the right to their own, all I have to say is this: growing up, my father taught me me that yes I do have rights, but they stop the moment they start to interfere with someone else's rights. That also includes the pursuit of happiness.
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