Fork Vs. Spoon

Which team did you pick?

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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
It's actually pretty hard to tell which one is more popular, I have seen reports of mirror matches on both sides (thankfully, I have only encountered one), this Shifty Station is actually not bad, I would appreciate if Shifty Stations stayed as simple as this one (but please no large un-inkable surface near the spawn ever again, Goby Arena is infamous for that).


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Marina got genuinely upset at Pearl. Gameplay aside, that's the most interesting thing to come out of this particular splatfest.
Didn’t Callie and Marie get particularly snippy at each other right before the final Splatfest? I don’t want to have people jumping to conclusions, but it WOULD coincide with when the developers expected to be finished providing updates. They did say they’d keep cranking them out until December, so who knows - maybe we’ll get Pearl vs. Marina next month and Squid Sisters vs. Off the Hook in a few months as some sort of “bonus round” Splatfest.

As much as I just want the Saltfests to be over and done with.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
It's actually pretty hard to tell which one is more popular, I have seen reports of mirror matches on both sides (thankfully, I have only encountered one), this Shifty Station is actually not bad, I would appreciate if Shifty Stations stayed as simple as this one (but please no large un-inkable surface near the spawn ever again, Goby Arena is infamous for that).
I've actually grown to like the shifty stations and find they are pretty well balanced for all weapons compared to the daily maps. I wouldn't mind seeing them in a real rotations. But with a ton of normal maps and more maps don't make sense since i sometimes wait for weeks for my favorite game type and map to be there to actually play.


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
Didn’t Callie and Marie get particularly snippy at each other right before the final Splatfest? I don’t want to have people jumping to conclusions, but it WOULD coincide with when the developers expected to be finished providing updates. They did say they’d keep cranking them out until December, so who knows - maybe we’ll get Pearl vs. Marina next month and Squid Sisters vs. Off the Hook in a few months as some sort of “bonus round” Splatfest.

As much as I just want the Saltfests to be over and done with.
I haven't seen the text regarding either our Adventure vs Relax holiday Splatfest or your Fork vs Spoon, so I can't tell what's being said. However, Splatfests are set to run for at least 2 years, a fact they said in the Splatoon 2 Direct from before the game launched and they also announced the Splatfest World Premiere demo. Considering this is the 13th Splatfest (15th with the tournament, but 13th in the monthly cycle), we still have at least 11 more Splatfests to go, all the way up to July 2019. Based on the pure fact Nintendo trialled the tournament Splatfest theme with TMNT in the West and Hello Kitty in Japan, I fully expect the 24th Splatfest to be broken down into 3 sub Splatfests, starting with Callie vs Marie, Pearl vs Marina then the winner of both, but this time it'll be a worldwide Splatfest much like Squid vs Octopus. Based on the past stats and whatnot, I'd expect the very last Splatfest to end up as Marie vs Pearl, with Callie and Marina getting popularity and losing. Rest assured, this year isn't the last we'll see of Splatfests in Splatoon 2, so get ready for more even after content updates end, just like the first game.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
Wow, really surprised Forks weren't the most popular. I woulda thought it's the more commonly used utensil by most. Ahwell, 3 extra snails so I ain't complaining!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
...and here I was secretly hoping I'd be proven wrong after all. Although, let's not discount the positives of this:
  • However briefly, we got the old bitchy Marina that nobody liked back
  • Pearl telling "Reena" to Just Don't Lose™ (4Head), a most fitting reaction
Damn, but that team battle winrate was so close. Let it not be said that this was a free win for Team Fork. And hell, if Marina's team puts up the same fight next Splatfest she very well could break her streak.
...not her curse tho. That'll never change.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Ooch. Poor girl but not surprised on the outcome. Guess it's past time for her to go passive aggressive on us all with terrible Shifty Station formats once more?

I kinda managed to enjoy myself between all the speed running, traveling, and dinner parties yesterday. Somehow the weird down times let me manage to find playtime for my main account (spoon), git gud aim account (fork), and brushes only account (fork). Some of the matchups felt lopsided with one team having a combined level of 100+~200, while the other team got two or three players who were 90+~100+ individually. Results weren't often surprising. Weapon-wise, I primarily used Blobblobber (maybe the hate is why we lost?) for my main account and Goo Tuber for my git gud aim account. Both reached mid-2100s but couldn't go higher after a few losses because I could never get enough friggin points back for every win.

Meanwhile, with a free hour left to myself to sober up (before de-sobering again), a free hour before Splatfest was ending, I decided to see what progress I could give my brush only account ↓:



Inkling Cadet
Apr 29, 2018
and once again the team with most popularity loses,juuust like how it always goes in europe,is it a thing in Japan as well? anyone knows? x.x

kunoichi squid

Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
I never asked for this discussion to be stickied, but maybe now that Splatfest is over we can unsticky it?! Really, I don't care either way; just wanted everyone to know that.

Also thanks to everyone who contributed to this poll and thread/discussion. I ended up on the losing end...AGAIN! But I'm not (too) disappointed as I actually made it to Queen this time and before it was over. :D


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Made it to forking Fork Queen with an 8-win streak. I love my bloblobber. Had one glorious kill where someone thought they'd be a hero and dove off a ledge at me, guns blazing--right as I threw up a Splash Wall. They couldn't stop themselves.

Make sure you take a look at the leaderboards, they're hilarious. So many people changed their forking screen names.

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