Grizzco Break Room


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Had some good shifts today at the spawning grounds. I just wish I was better with the bamboozler. I don't suck with it but its better off in most co-workers hands than mine in most cases.

That flyfish during high tide in the back corner at the spawning grounds is the bane of my existence. Seems like no one wants to kill it during my shifts. It just floats back there and rains death from above..


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
Flyfish is just really obnoxious in general because of the time you have to waste if you are trying to kill it alone (unless I am missing something). If its a Drizzler you can flip it up by shooting, if it is a Scrapper you can stun it and attack its tail. If it is a Flyfish, you enter a staring contest until it decides to open its missile launcher again or another boss salmonid kills you in the meantime.

I know it is not ideal to leave it alive, but the time I spend killing it, it is the time two Stingers spawned at the corners of the map.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Staring contest. I love it.

I feel ya. Especially those long distance from the basket flyfish. I almost feel guilty. I am so far from the action and takes forever to solo a flyfish. I really love it when you whiff on one of your throws and you`re out of action for another 10 minutes.

Always seems like those left alone flyfish come back to haunt ya though.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Those flyfish are so annoying. Hightide, in that stupid corner, and steel eels and stuff protecting it. I always get bomb rush during this time, person with the sting ray never deals with it. So it's either I go and try and deal with it and get killed by a stinger that magically spawns around the time I go, or leave it alone and it messes with us the entire game. Really doesn't matter, cuz even if a flyfish spawns near the basket, almost no one deals with it. And it's just chaos.

As well as my past few rotations have been awful. I've been getting very low quotas and teammates that reflect on that. I miss the good ol times where I had high quotas and hard waves that we managed to just barely get through. Now it's failing immediately in wave one or losing by one egg or a stupid wipe in wave 2. Like...the first wave isn't that hard most of the time.


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
As well as my past few rotations have been awful. I've been getting very low quotas and teammates that reflect on that. I miss the good ol times where I had high quotas and hard waves that we managed to just barely get through. Now it's failing immediately in wave one or losing by one egg or a stupid wipe in wave 2. Like...the first wave isn't that hard most of the time.
I've had a similar experience yesterday, I was hoping I could bounce back to Profresh 200, but in reality struggled to even stay at 100. Because for some reason the game insisted on giving me Glowfly events at wave 1 in like half the rounds I played. It got so ridiculous, at the end I said screw it and used both of my Inkjet specials against the horde since I didn't feel like wiping in wave 1 anymore.

Also, shoutout to my teammates who didn't know how to revive someone. A few people just stared at me while I was flopping around, and decided to ignore me. While we already were down one person thanks to a disconnect, I might add.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
I am now more convinced than ever that marooner's bay is by far the best stage in SR. I played on the rotation with this map until I reached 3200 points because I was winning so much and enjoying myself. I was able to win 4 griller waves and won 2 shifts where we had a disconnect; one with the disconnect at the start of wave 2 and one with the disconnect at the very start. The straight path of the ship makes special waves and high tides incredibly easy compared to the other stages, mainly because the egg basket is very protected from salmonids.


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Yeah, that last one...was something else alright.

The loadout looked so enjoyable, but the reality was quite far from that. I don't mind being the medic once in a while, trying to salvage every single run is overkill though.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
The loadout had Hydra and Sloshing and was on Spawning Grounds, so it looked far from enjoyable to me.

I was gonna skip out on it, but ended up playing till 300pts to try and get a good ability on this month's gear.


Full Squid
May 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
This Salmon Run session in a nutshell. Or Salmon Run in general, really.



Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
E3 tomorrow. You think we will get anything for Salmon Run? A new map and or boss(es) would be nifty.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
I didn't even think of SR stuff they could possibly reveal. We never really see anything new with this mode, so it doesn't really cross my mind very often.

I think there should definitely be some new stuff added to it. I mean, I still enjoy playing it very much, but 4 stages isn't a lot, and the bosses have been the same since day one.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
I think that we will see one more Salmon Run map before the wealth of new content comes to a scheduled end in December, but new bosses? I don't know about you, but I am unsure as to what they could do for new bosses. But maybe I am not thinking hard enough about it. So let me break it down and see what I can come up with.

Most of the Salmonid bosses are a take on a weapon or idea that is essentially expanded upon in some way. So if I look at it like that, I can break down the current bosses and see what hasn't been expanded upon yet. So here goes!
  • Steel Head is essentially a Salmonid Bomber, a take on the idea of Splat Bombs on steroids.
  • Steel Eel is a mobile unit comprised of many Splash Walls put together into one ultra annoying train of disruption.
  • Maws is a shark. This is a take on the practice of Sharking in general. Only a bit more literally.
  • Scrappers are like an armored roller. So, essentially, a car.
  • Drizzlers are the embodiment of the Ink Storm combined with Brella shielding.
  • Grillers are more aggressive, really angry Splash Walls.
  • Goldies are an enhanced version on the idea of being gold.
  • Stingers are Stingrays (duh) from an elevated and semi-protected position.
  • Flyfish are a combination of the Inkjet and Tenta Missiles and single-handedly responsible for every evil known to Inkling kind. The Zapfish for example. You thought that was Octavio's idea? Ha! The Flyfish were the ones using him as a fall guy! But I digress...
So if I take those ideas into account, surely I can think of something to expand upon. Here's a few ideas that I brainstormed just now while I was writing this:
  • An enemy that rolls up to you in an armored ball and tries to blow you up, but is then vulnerable for a while while it tries to reassemble the Baller.
  • A more mobile but less armored flying enemy wielding an Inklet of its own.
  • Silverfish. It's very good at being Silver.
  • A mechanical abomination that has an automated Inkbrush on the front of it that tries to sweep the area clean.
  • A support unit that can enhance other units through the power of Ink Armor technology.
  • A more direct version of Steel Head that fires a big Blaster instead of dropping Giga Splat Bombs.
  • A quick enemy that tries to pop out of the green slime to shoot you with its own version of a Splattershot but wouldn't have much health.
  • Bronzor. It's very good at not being very good at anything.
  • A version of a Flyfish that instead of firing a volley of missiles fires a single rocket that erupts into an Inkstrike.
  • A small, armored, Salmonid manned vehicle that plants itself in one place, lets loose a bomb rush, and then moves on again to find another spot to bomb rush. It's vulnerable after it stops to prepare the bomb rush and during.
  • A really big, meaty guy that carries a big hammer to try to splat you with. He's big. That's it.
  • A Salmonid that dresses like Mario and tries to stomp on you.
  • A Salmonid tank that rolls up and tries to get you with a Splatling styled weapon. Much like a Scrapper, it's vulnerable from behind.
  • An enemy that is like a Stinger but with a Charger styled weapon with much less range.
  • Something pink.
These ideas just came off the top of my head. If you think they sound interesting, let me know! Hopefully Nintendo likes these ideas, assuming that they read this at some point. Would be nice.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Yeah I've kicked around new boss ideas in my head and didn't really come up with much.

Maybe a few more different grunt types could work also? I had an idea of a siege type. They could stack up to help other scale walls or form a 'wall' around the egg basket hampering you from depositing..

Just give me a new map or 2 and a new wave type and I`ll be good. New bosses would just be the cherry on top.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I know of a special wave, the Salmonids would send robots programmed to attack any cephalopod, they would essentially act like Inklings and Octolings. They would be fittingly called Salmonlings, they are not a species or a subspecies, but mechanical hunters built by Salmonids themselves.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Guess what? Aready hate octolings. Too much spamming booya and squidbagging and not enough actually paying attention. Yeah you're an octoling, so is most other people. Stop and pay attention.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
That's how it goes with perstige-like things (not that buying DLC counts as prestige at all, but you know...)
I bet all the people who typically "cool" gear based on aesthetics instead of abilities only, and Sploosh-o-Matic players will soon be 99% Octolings as well.

In other news, I just had the worst Salmon Run experience of my life. A while back I dropped from Profresh 400 to 390, and then my internet **** itself, so I was stuck at 300 next time. BUT, next time, the same happened, so I got down to 200.

Anyway, yesterday I immediately dropped to 190, and then 180. Normally this is fine, since I usually win the majority of SR games. But yesterday it took me until 2500pts to get back to 200. I hit 150 at one point, so I had to crawl my way back 50 points. There wasn't anything wrong with the loadout, there wasn't anything wrong with me either, so I just hit a stroke of bad luck I guess. I mean, I ran into some moronic teammates and disconnects, for sure. Normally I stop at 1200pts, so imagine how much longer I had to play just to make sure I didn't have to start at Profresh 100 next time.

I think I'm just gonna skip out on Spawning Grounds and Marooner's Bay from now on. Those stages just suck. Especially Marooner's Bay. Unless they have a ?/?/?/? layout, of course. It's not like I need that much stuff from SR anyway.


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
This one's for everyone who's having a rough time making progress in Salmon Run: Good rando teammates do exist.


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