Grizzco Break Room


Inkling Cadet
Jun 16, 2018
So what did everyone think of today's (as well as yesterday and tomorrow's) load-out? Personally, I think that it was a pretty average set of weapons-if not a little on the hard side. The .96 gal provides nice killing power, and the splat charger can take down Steel heads and mob lines with ease. The Aerospray, while awful at killing can at least paint so the other weapons can move around the map. The Carbon feels like the worst weapon in this rotation, bad boss and mob killing power+meh painting leaves a bit to be desired from this weapon when it comes to practically any multiplayer mode.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
I don't mind the aerospray. If your crew sets`em up correctly it works pretty well during Griller shifts I think. I would take the carbon over the flingza any shift. I do not work well with that one.


Pro Squid
Jun 6, 2015
The Aerospray was surprisingly good against the Grillers, except every time I got a Griller wave except for one, I kept getting "That's a Wrap!" due to bad teammates, poor plays by myself, or a combination of both.
One time I also got a High Tide Glowflies wave and me and my team were wiped out in only the first 30 seconds. The Carbon Roller can only do so much to wall the Salmonids (and then the darn Goldies shove you off the ledge cause lol no Dynamo Roller).


Inkling Cadet
Jun 16, 2018
This load-out felt pretty nice, all the weapons can paint decently and (in my opinion) the Flingza is a straight upgrade compared to the Carbon. The Squelchies and L3 had some nice mobility to run around the map to take down bosses and collect eggs. And the Tenta can launch it's shield to take down lines of Salmonids. Overall, a pretty easy load-out. The next load-out has Dapplies which is probably the closest thing will get to Grizz co. Dualies.

JayCi F

Mar 31, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Bomb Launcher usage - [50% mass revival, 50% to remind teammates to use THEIR specials]

StingRay usage - [90% Mothership counter, 10% Wave 3 celebration]

Splashdown usage - [30% Egg Basket defense, 70% PANIC]

Inkjet usage - [100% Eh, I'm the only one left alive, might as we- GAME OVER]


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Losing a Mothership round with out seeing a Stingray once is just pure BS. If there are golden rules in Salmon Run I would hope using a Stingray 'if needed' during the Mothership wave is one of them..

Are there any other 'Golden Rules' for Salmon Run?


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I'm convinced Salmon Run likes to make impossible odds happen often, high tide Salmonid Smokeyard with so many Stingers and Flyfish, not to mention Steeleels to get in the way of your ink.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Bomb Launcher usage - [50% mass revival, 50% to remind teammates to use THEIR specials]

StingRay usage - [90% Mothership counter, 10% Wave 3 celebration]

Splashdown usage - [30% Egg Basket defense, 70% PANIC]

Inkjet usage - [100% Eh, I'm the only one left alive, might as we- GAME OVER]
Well that's a gross over simplification of the specials. I get the feeling that you don't know what they can be used for, so let me break it down for you.
  • Bomb Launcher - This special is more so for clearing out a large number of regular mooks while attempting to go for revivals and painting a large amount of ground to allow your team to move around more effectively. It's also a decent way to try to take out Flyfish, a.k.a Public Enemy #1.
  • Splashdown - Clearing space, mostly. Gets rid of normal mooks just fine, but it can also be used to one shot Steel Heads, Steel Eels, Stingers, and stun Scrappers. Also remember that taking down a Steel Head makes it explode in your ink color, doing damage to all the other enemies around it. This makes the Splashdown a nice catalyst to a chain reaction in some situations! I have also heard that you can take out a Flyfish's missile bay by landing on it with a Splashdown, but I have not tried it yet. Seems like a pretty niche scenario, but whatever helps to take down those horrible beasts, right?
  • Inkjet - Good for personal safety as well as pouring out good damage to anything you set your sights on. Can be used for revivals of course, but it can also one shot Stingers. Did you know that a well aimed shot can also destroy a Flyfish's missile bay? This is one of the best defenses against Flyfish out there and should not be overlooked!
  • Stingray - Firing a piercing Ink laser has myriad applications. Obviously it can be used to trample over waves of mooks, useful for Glowflies. Mothership applications are what everyone knows. But that laser does pierce, meaning that it is an effective answer to Scrappers, Drizzlers, Steel Eels, Stingers and most importantly, Flyfish! Aim the laser at the middle part of the Flyfish and watch his hopes and dreams melt away in a beam of technicolor destruction! It is because of this application against these abhorrent monsters that I will tend to save at least one Stingray if I come across an early Mothership round. Mothership waves are annoying at worst. Flyfish can flat out end rounds. Personally, I choose survival over convenience any day.
Now if you already knew all of that, then great! I don't mind saying it all again and preaching to the choir in order to simply have some fun! But if you didn't know these things, then hopefully you found this all rather educational and will put some of it into practice on your next shift. I can think of no world in which it is a bad thing to have well educated squids on your side.

JayCi F

Mar 31, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Well that's a gross over simplification of the specials. I get the feeling that you don't know what they can be used for, so let me break it down for you.
  • Bomb Launcher - This special is more so for clearing out a large number of regular mooks while attempting to go for revivals and painting a large amount of ground to allow your team to move around more effectively. It's also a decent way to try to take out Flyfish, a.k.a Public Enemy #1.
  • Splashdown - Clearing space, mostly. Gets rid of normal mooks just fine, but it can also be used to one shot Steel Heads, Steel Eels, Stingers, and stun Scrappers. Also remember that taking down a Steel Head makes it explode in your ink color, doing damage to all the other enemies around it. This makes the Splashdown a nice catalyst to a chain reaction in some situations! I have also heard that you can take out a Flyfish's missile bay by landing on it with a Splashdown, but I have not tried it yet. Seems like a pretty niche scenario, but whatever helps to take down those horrible beasts, right?
  • Inkjet - Good for personal safety as well as pouring out good damage to anything you set your sights on. Can be used for revivals of course, but it can also one shot Stingers. Did you know that a well aimed shot can also destroy a Flyfish's missile bay? This is one of the best defenses against Flyfish out there and should not be overlooked!
  • Stingray - Firing a piercing Ink laser has myriad applications. Obviously it can be used to trample over waves of mooks, useful for Glowflies. Mothership applications are what everyone knows. But that laser does pierce, meaning that it is an effective answer to Scrappers, Drizzlers, Steel Eels, Stingers and most importantly, Flyfish! Aim the laser at the middle part of the Flyfish and watch his hopes and dreams melt away in a beam of technicolor destruction! It is because of this application against these abhorrent monsters that I will tend to save at least one Stingray if I come across an early Mothership round. Mothership waves are annoying at worst. Flyfish can flat out end rounds. Personally, I choose survival over convenience any day.
Now if you already knew all of that, then great! I don't mind saying it all again and preaching to the choir in order to simply have some fun! But if you didn't know these things, then hopefully you found this all rather educational and will put some of it into practice on your next shift. I can think of no world in which it is a bad thing to have well educated squids on your side.
Nah I know the many uses, but you are right that was a gross oversimplification! Just wanted poke fun at the way I see a lot of Randoms use them (and also me, mainly the Bomb Launcher lol)!


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Gotta love those close calls in Salmon Run, last round was particularly amazing since we already met the quota, but we were overrun by boss Salmonids in that enclosed space of Lost Outpost, the timer went out just when all of us got splatted in the end, still considering a win.


Jun 24, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Who here else had a shift where 3/4 of the team are down and that one survivor, instead of reviving their team, continues to splat enemies, only to get dog piled by a huge crowd and a boss?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Who here else had a shift where 3/4 of the team are down and that one survivor, instead of reviving their team, continues to splat enemies, only to get dog piled by a huge crowd and a boss?
*Raises tentacle* Very frustrating to say the least.

Random question. Who in the heck is eating smoked samonid? That is an awfully big smoke yard..

I tell you what the Dynamo is growing on me big time now that I got some stick time with it. Never used rollers in splat1 or 2 so my exp is very low with`em. Sure it still has it flaws but I think its pros out weight its cons.

JayCi F

Mar 31, 2018
Switch Friend Code
*Raises tentacle* Very frustrating to say the least.

Random question. Who in the heck is eating smoked samonid? That is an awfully big smoke yard..

I tell you what the Dynamo is growing on me big time now that I got some stick time with it. Never used rollers in splat1 or 2 so my exp is very low with`em. Sure it still has it flaws but I think its pros out weight its cons.
Of the four Heavyweight weapons (Dynamo, Hydra, E-Liter and Tentabrella) I'm also starting to get used to the Dynamo. I just have to remind myself to play a more conservative role. Same with the Tentabrella. Both have niche uses (like in Salmonid Rush).
I actually like the E-liter in SR, you can clear chokepoints before they become chokepoints. As long as you keep your distance, mobility won't become an issue.

The only weapon I absolutely DESPISE is the Hydra Splatling. Waaay too slow, and I can never find the right balance between charging and firing. When you have time to charge decently, that just means there's no salmonid around you and you end up overkilling a single chum or two. The situations you NEED a full blast... it's probably already too late and you're surrounded.
And don't forget the times you're being smacked by a single Smallfry that you can't freakin' hit, and you step in a pixel of green Ink...


Jun 27, 2018
Arowana Mall
This rotation has been really great - one of the best I've participated in, coming from someone who got the game for Christmas and didn't really start picking it up past hero mode until, like, the release of the Octo Expansion. I'm loving the all-shooter loadout and Marooner's Bay isn't the worst stage. It's not Lost Outpost, anyway... thank goodness.
Had a really weird (but incredibly lucky) moment while playing earlier where for some reason the timer extended itself by a second at the very tail end of a Mothership phase and just barely gave a teammate and me enough time to get in the last two golden eggs we needed. Odd, but I ain't complaining...
Am I the only one who hates mid-tide, though? Like, make up your mind, stage. High tide or low tide - either or is better than mid-tide...

Gaijin Gamer

Jun 27, 2018
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Switch Friend Code
This rotation has been really great - one of the best I've participated in, coming from someone who got the game for Christmas and didn't really start picking it up past hero mode until, like, the release of the Octo Expansion. I'm loving the all-shooter loadout and Marooner's Bay isn't the worst stage. It's not Lost Outpost, anyway... thank goodness.
Had a really weird (but incredibly lucky) moment while playing earlier where for some reason the timer extended itself by a second at the very tail end of a Mothership phase and just barely gave a teammate and me enough time to get in the last two golden eggs we needed. Odd, but I ain't complaining...
Am I the only one who hates mid-tide, though? Like, make up your mind, stage. High tide or low tide - either or is better than mid-tide...
I'm quite surprised you're fine with high tide. I can't stand it when that happens, especially when you are given a goo tuber (really bad with chargers in general). Low tide and mid tide is fine by me, even when there is glowflies or a night stage in general.

Regarding the Lost Outpost, I remember one time I was given the Dynamo Roller and it was a glowflies stage. It was so easy. I just had to keep the roller down and move back and forth a step or two maximum, the rabid salmonids just moved straight to their doom while my teammates collected the golden eggs. We had a 48 egg haul that round alone, which was by far the most successful run I've ever had~


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I'm fine with high tides when they are not on Salmonid Smokeyard, I loath the idea of sections of the stage being split off at random, especially considering the other side doesn't have a Golden Egg basket. Not only that, but it makes the three most annoying boss Salmonids even more annoying.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Nah I know the many uses, but you are right that was a gross oversimplification! Just wanted poke fun at the way I see a lot of Randoms use them (and also me, mainly the Bomb Launcher lol)!
Ah, I see. Either way, writing that helped me clear out my head of some of those thoughts and made me a better player in some small capacity so I can't really complain that I took your post out of context. My bad!

This recent rotation made me remember why I love Salmon Run so much! Yes, it is all shooters. But they all have different uses and considerations. Most importantly, they are weapons that most of the player base know how to use in some capacity. Let's be fair though, I was having fun because of being a dominating force! That dog piling scenario that we all hate (yes, I've been there too)? I broke out of that and revived the entire team on this rotation! I tell ya, I felt like a proud and powerful octopus at that moment. :D


Jun 27, 2018
Arowana Mall
I'm quite surprised you're fine with high tide. I can't stand it when that happens, especially when you are given a goo tuber (really bad with chargers in general). Low tide and mid tide is fine by me, even when there is glowflies or a night stage in general.
Yeah, I get where you're coming from and everything. High tide can be a definite pain due to the lack of elbow room, especially with a bad weapon. I just prefer high or low tide since there's not as much space to cover and there's less area you have to focus on; mid-tide just tends to be too much for me to focus on all at once. Too much space to carry the golden eggs around and it takes too long to get them to the basket, too many salmonids spawning on every corner of the map, that kind of thing. At least in high tide you can see where all of them are and don't have to go too far out of your way to put 'em out of commission...
But some of the phases that happen in high tide are like, no thank you. I always get kind of full of myself during glowfly waves and I end up failing to cheese them properly since I can't get to any walls in time... Still better than Goldie hunting.

Gaijin Gamer

Jun 27, 2018
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Switch Friend Code
Yeah, I get where you're coming from and everything. High tide can be a definite pain due to the lack of elbow room, especially with a bad weapon. I just prefer high or low tide since there's not as much space to cover and there's less area you have to focus on; mid-tide just tends to be too much for me to focus on all at once. Too much space to carry the golden eggs around and it takes too long to get them to the basket, too many salmonids spawning on every corner of the map, that kind of thing. At least in high tide you can see where all of them are and don't have to go too far out of your way to put 'em out of commission...
But some of the phases that happen in high tide are like, no thank you. I always get kind of full of myself during glowfly waves and I end up failing to cheese them properly since I can't get to any walls in time... Still better than Goldie hunting.
Speaking of walls, I kinda feel ashamed of myself having played the game this long, only to find out that the salmonids don't climb walls till recently. This makes the outer walls of the Lost Outpost a safe area.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 4, 2016
Tracking and hitting a Steel Eel from halfway across the map with the Jet Squelcher is about as fun as it gets.

High tide at the smoke yard can be fairly easy if everyone starts on the egg basket side before the round starts and stick to that side as much as possible. All hell breaks loose when you have a few co-workers on the opposite side and everything spawns over there.

High tide at the outpost with the Hydra... Unsafe work environment.

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