How long is it expected to go on tonight? I can be there from 7 to 10 PM EST, but I have no idea if that's reasonable. I don't want to sign up just to have to bail on my team and cause disqualification because I have to go and not enough players have dropped out for us to move to next Saturday. Is there some kind of threshold?
I dont think there is much to worry about. : )I agree, which is why if we get everyone signed up and ready to go earlier, I will start it then. Only if ALL teams are ready though, or it will create an unnecessary backlog of matches. Additionally, if at some point in the tournament, a large number of players feel they need to drop out, we will consider finishing on another date, most likely next Saturday, but none of this is confirmed as of yet and ideally we would prefer to get it all done in one go.
Edit: Also, with the maps and modes already selected, delays in between matches should be minimal. A set should last about 20 minutes.
With the 16 team cap, I feel that it should go smoothly.