Speaking of salmon run, SALMON RUN. Salmon run should not be splat 4. WAIT. Hold your fire, alright? I love salmon run as much as the next guy, nay, more. I think salmon run actually deserves ITS OWN SPINOFF. YEAH. THATS RIGHT. I SAID IT. 10 years is enough time for a spinoff game. I’m thinking new lobby, spiffy new equipment, more frequent updates… new salmonids! New boss? Maybe? Uh… New modes! Underground mode. What happened to that, huh? And how about a DEFENSE mode that takes place on an extra big map with an extra big timer. New king salmonids? Yes please. One-potted stinger cameo? Yes please. All the grizzco weapons? Yes please! FIX the MATCHMAKING? Yes please, about time. NEW CAMPAIGN WHERE YOU GET STRANDED ON AN ISLAND? YES PLEEEEAAAASE!!! Just saying. It’d be cool.
Also, a chance to separate itself a little from the rules of the main-game. We can have new UI, new exclusive specials, weapons, graphics. Maybe more scary? Cool stuff.